Abbildungen der Seite

bours, against all lawless and rebellious invaders; and accordingly, at nine o'clock the fame evening, every man mounted guard to the number of five hundred, each at his own door, till four yesterday morning; and have refolved to purfue the fame plan, till the prefent troubles have fubfided.

A meeting was held at the Half-moon, Cheap. fide, of the inhabitants of Farringdon Ward Within, to confider of proper means for fupporting the civil and military power in his tumultuous time, and preferving the peace of the faid Ward. After many proposals from feveral refpectable inhabitants, it was at laft Refolved; That the Alderman, Deputy, and Common Council, fhould affemble at the Half-moon for the evening, or as late as neceffary, in order to give proper information of any tumult or attack in the Ward, to the military, who were ftationed in St. Paul's Church-yard, for the purpose of keeping the peace of the city; and at the fame time, several of the inhabitants agreed to go round with the conftables, either with or without the military, to difperfe the Rioters, in cafe they attempted an attack on any part of the Ward.

After this it was Refolved, That the military have not only every affiftance and information in the power of the inhabitants, for preferving the peace, but that they fhould be properly accommodated


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modated and entertained, at the expence of the Ward, and the following Refolutions were immediately agreed on, viz.

Ift. "That a table be ordered for the officers attending the military forces, now lodged in St. Paul's Church-yard, for preferving the peace of this city, at a tavern contiguous to the faid church, and the expences defrayed by the inhabitants of the Ward of Farringdon Within."

2d. "That a pound of meat and a pound of bread, with two pints of porter, be given every day to each private man in the faid corps, under the direction of their officers."

3d. "That the faid allowance, both as to officers and men, be continued as long as the military remain in the faid ward; and as St. Paul's Church, where the foldiers lay in and about, is fituated in two Wards, viz. Farringdon Within and Castle Baynard, it was Refolved, That if the other Ward, Caftle Baynard, does not agree (of which there was little doubt) to make the expence a joint concern, it was unanimoufly agreed, that the Ward of Farringdon Within, fhould be at the whole expence."

The meeting broke up at fix o'clock, when bread, cheese, and porter, were ordered them by the worthy Deputy that evening."


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At eight o'clock, the Reverend Dr. Douglas,. one of the Refidentiaries of St. Paul's, waited upon the officers, and fhewed them into feveral apartments of the church, which were allotted them for their accommodation and entertainment; and by way of welcoming fuch agreeable company, as the military has really proved to be to this tumultuous city, the Doctor ordered a handsome fupper from an adjoining tavern, which the officers, fome of the principal inhabitants, and the Rev. Doctor fat down to, under the great weftern portico. The light horfe were affembled within the rails in the front of the church, and every man had fome cold meat and porter given him.

At eleven o'clock two rockets were let off, which were conftrued to be fignals of all being quiet.

The remains of feveral of the incendiaries were found in the ruins of Mr. Langdale's house on Holborn Bridge, and warehouses in Holborn. It is supposed that the parties being intoxicated, and not being able to get out, were fuffocated by the fmoke.

Many of the rioters of Long-Lane, Southwark, were killed by the military, and numbers taken and put into the New Gaol.

It is computed, that the total amount of the debts of the prisoners illegally fet at liberty from

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the Flect Prifon, fomething exceeds the fum of two hundred thousand pounds; and thofe from the King's Bench, about five hundred thousand : and feveral perfons to the number of about fifty, late prifoners in the former place, refigned themfelves to the Warden. And it is farther faid, that all the prifoners in general, as well thofe late within as without, will be indulged with therules of both places; or be allowed to follow their feveral occupations and employments, only appearing once a day, at places to be appointed near to the late aforefaid prifons.

This evening a body of the Rioters broke into the house of an eminent filk-dyer in Pearl-Street, Spital-Fields, and carried off upwards of four hundred pounds worth of filk.

Six regiments of militia are this day encamped on Hyde-Park: they are to be joined by several other regiments, which will make their number ten thousand men.

A circumftance which tended much to the reftoration of public peace, was the positive inftructions the military had, to oblige every person to defift from wearing a cockade. Two perfons refifting the military in the execution of this order, were actually fhot dead at noon, day, in Leadenhall-Street: and fuch was the terror of this inftance of the fpirit of Government, that in

a few

a few hours afterwards, not a cockade was to be feen, though near forty thousand perfons, diftinguished by them, had, in the morning, paraded the public streets, with an infolence as unexampled as it was alarming.

Notwithstanding the military arrangements, twenty fpunging houfes were burnt down in the Borough by one o'clock. Even fo foon as about eleven o'clock, a great number of people went to the Marshalfea, and began to pull it down; but before they could fet fire to it, a military force arrived, and prevented their effecting their purpose. It is faid that near thirty perfons were killed on this occafion.

All public bufinefs was over in the city of London by three o'clock, and all the shops fhut up by that time.

A detachment of horfe and foot, took fifteeen of the Rioters in the Fleet Prifon ruins, put them into three coaches, and conducted them to the Savoy Prifon,

Another party surprised a great number of the Rioters in the fame place, fome of whom they wounded, and took them all into custody.

The military then proceeded up Holborn, and treated all they found offending in the ruins there in the fame manner.


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