Abbildungen der Seite

CERTIFICATES: continued.

Such new Certificate to be entered, in both cases, in Register of Share-
holders (see Registry),

Fee for such new Certificate,
Certificate of Ownership to Purchaser of Forfeited Shares (see Forfeiture),
Certificate of Board of Trade authorizing modification in mode of con-
structing Works,

vi. 13

vi. 13

vi. 33

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vii. 14, 66
vii. 63

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Requiring Company to construct Screens to Turnpike Roads,
To Attorney-General in case of Company not complying with Acts, or not
affording proper facilities for forwarding Traffic, &c.,
(See Board of Trade, and under respective heads of subjects.)


v. 17, xv. 3, 6

Proceedings not to be quashed for informality or removed by certiorari
into Superior Courts, .
iii. 17, vi. 158, vii. 156, xix. 145, xx. 29



vi. 73, 76

Of General Meeting of Company, (see Meetings),
Appointment of Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of Board of Directors, vi. 93, 94

And of Committees (see under Directors),


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To have a second or casting vote, in case of equality,
Chairman of Clearing House (see Clearing House),
CHEAP TRAINS for poorer classes, (see Parliamentary Trains), v. 6-10, xvi. 1,
CHIEF RENTS, see Rents.


Charges for Conveyance of, by Parliamentary Trains, or accompanying
Troops, &c., (and see under respective heads),

CHINA, &c., carriage of; see Losses.



. v, 6, 10, 12.

Act of 1850 for regulating Clearing House, and legal Proceedings by or
against Companies associated in Railway Clearing System,

Companies parties to Clearing House, to be subject to this Act,


xxxi. 1

List of Companies associated in Clearing House, Introd., p. xxxvi et seq.
Other Companies may be admitted by Committee of Clearing House, . xxxi. 2
Companies may withdraw on giving Notice of one month or more,
xxxi. 3

Secretary; appointment and removal,

But acts of Committee valid, although any Company may be unrepre-

Meetings of Committee, quarterly and special,

Notice of business to be considered at any Meeting, to be given 6 days
before Meeting,.

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And Committee may cause Companies to retire, on one month's notice, xxxi. 4
Each Company to appoint a Member of the Committee,

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Treasurer; appointment, removal, duties, security,
Moneys received by Committee: trust and liability,

xxxi. 9

xxxi. 10

Also contributions by the associated Companies, for expenses, .
Expenses to be paid out of funds of Clearing System,

Accounts to be settled and adjusted by Secretary, (see also under Pas-
senger Tax),

xxxi. 11

xxxi. 12

xxxi. 12

xxxi. 13

[CLEARING HOUSE,-continued.

CLEARING HOUSE: continued.

In case of dispute, Balances, &c. to be declared by Committee; con-

[blocks in formation]

Committee may sue for Balances or Sums due,

xxxi. 12

xxxi. 14

xxxi. 15-17

xxxi. 20

Form of action for same; declaration, plea, and evidence,
May sue and be sued in name of Secretary,
Criminal Proceedings; mode of proceeding, in name of Secretary, xxxi. 20-22
Description of Property, Companies, Secretary, &c.,
Minutes, and Books, &c., to be kept: Appointments, Contracts, Orders,

and Proceedings, &c., to be entered, .

xxxi. 21, 24, 25

xxxi. 18

xxxi. 18, 19
xxxi. 28

Books signed by Chairman, to be evidence; and Secretary and Members
of Committee competent Witnesses,
Notices or Requisitions; form and service,
CLERK; included in definition of Secretary in Companies Clauses Act,
CLERKS, PAROCHIAL; custody of documents, &c. : see under Deposit.
CLERKS OF PEACE: custody of documents, &c. : see under Deposit.
CLERKS OF UNIONS in Ireland; see under Deposit.

CLOCKS, &c., carriage of; see Losses.

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vi. 3

COAST LINES of Railway: see Lights.

COIN, &c., carriage of; see Losses.

COLLECTORS of Tolls and other officers, on termination of employment,

to deliver up property of Company, &c.,

vii. 106

Proceedings on failure to do so, (see Accountability,)

vii. 106

COMBUSTIBLES or dangerous goods, not to be sent by Railway without

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COMMISSIONERS of Public Works in Ireland: see Board of Works.

Act of 1846, for constituting Commissioners of Railways, xxxii.; re-
pealed by Act of 1851,

Power to the Queen to appoint not more than Five Commissioners;
one of whom to be President; and two competent to act,
Office; Secretary and other officers; Salaries,
President and unpaid Commissioners not disqualified from sitting in

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Commissioners to inquire and report to Her Majesty and Parliament
on matters specified,

xxxii. 10

xxxii. 11

xxxii. 4

Appointment of Inspectors, and power to inspect and survey pro-
posed Railways,

To have a Seal; and documents sealed therewith, evidence,
Powers of Board of Trade in regard to Railways under various Acts,
transferred to Commissioners,

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Act repealed by Act of 1851; and Powers, &c., vested by other Acts in
Commissioners of Railways transferred to Board of Trade,
Officers, &c., of Commissioners continued by Board of Trade,
Notices, Orders, &c., of Board of Trade, how to be given,

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Consent of, and of Admiralty, to construction of Works on Sea-shore,
Creeks, Bay, or Tidal Rivers, &c.,

May abate and remove Railway where guage illegally constructed or


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Managing Body or Committee of Undertaking; (see Directors),
Directors may appoint Committees of their own body, .

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Powers of such Committees; to do any act which the Directors may do,
if so authorized by them, .

Meetings of Committees ; Quorum ; Chairman,

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vi. 95

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vi. 96

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xix. 7, 71, 72

Majority binding; second or casting vote to Chairman,
See further, under Directors.

Committee of Clearing House, (see Clearing House),

Of Lunatics; votes of, (see Voting),

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Empowered to sell and convey Lands, (see Lands),

Of Parties entitled to commonable or other rights in Lands,
See under respective heads of subjects.

COMMON CARRIERS; see Carriers.


xix. 103 et seq.

Provisions of Lands Clauses Act, as to Common or Waste Lands,
Compensation for Common Lands to be paid to Lord of Manor, where
held from him, or to party entitled to the right in the soil,
And on such payment or deposit in Bank, commonable rights, &c.,
extinguished and cease,

xix. 99 et seq.

xix. 99

xix. 99

Lord of the Manor or party entitled, on such payment or deposit, to
convey Lands to Company,

xix. 100

And conveyance to have same effect as conveyance of Fee-simple,
In default of conveyance, Company may execute Deed Poll, and Lands
thereupon vest in them,

xix. 100

xix. 100

Compensation for Common Lands belonging to the Commoners or not

held of a Manor; how to be ascertained,

xix. 101

Meeting of parties interested to be convened; Notice and mode of

xix. 102

Meeting to appoint Committee, and majority binding,

xix. 103

Committee may enter into agreement with Company, and agreement

binding on all parties,

xix. 104


xix. 104

Committee may receive Compensation, and give discharge for same, xix. 104
Apportionment of Compensation by Committee,
Disputes to be settled by Arbitration or Jury, (see Arbitrators, Jury), xix. 105
If no Committee appointed, amount to be determined by a Surveyor
appointed by Justices, (see Surveyor),

[blocks in formation]

On payment of compensation to commoners or lodgment in Bank, Com-
pany may execute a Deed Poll, and Lands vest in them,
And Court may order application of money,
COMMUNICATION, &c.: Works of, for accommodation of Lands adjoining
Railway, (see Accommodation Works),

vii. 68

"COMPANY" meaning of word, as defined in respective Acts, iii. 21, iv. 21, v. 25

Compensation to Company for discontinuance of services required by

Post Office, (see Mails),

i. 7, 9, 16

XV. 3

Compensation by Company to Owners of Animals and Goods by a Com-

pany not affording proper facilities for forwarding Traffic, &c.,

For Injury to Animals or Goods, (see Carriers),

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XV. 7

To Families of persons killed by Accidents: Act of 1846, (see Accidents), xxx.
Compensation or Purchase Money for Lands, &c.; see under Lands, &c.
[COMPENSATION, - continued.

COMPENSATION: continued.

Payment or deposit of, previous to entry upon Lands,

Compensation to Lessees for Damage by reason of severance of Lands or


Compensation to Tenants for value of their unexpired term, &c.,
Compensation to Lords of Manors for enfranchisement of Copyhold

xix. 84 et seq.

xix. 120

xix. 121

xix. 96

In respect of right in Soil of Common or Waste Lands,
Compensation to Mortgagees, if Mortgages paid off before stipulated

xix. 99


xix. 114

xix. 81, 82

Compensation to Owners of Mines, for loss by interruption of working of
Mines, &c.,
Compensation to Owners and Occupiers of Lands for loss by reason of
Works necessary to repair or prevent Accidents, (see Accidents), iv. 14
For Damage sustained by the exercise of the powers of the Company, xix. 16
For temporary use of Roads,

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xix. 43, 44
xix. 9

For temporary occupation of Lands,
In case of parties under disability, (see Lands,)
Deposit and application of, coming to persons having limited interests
or prevented from treating, or not making Title, xix. 69 et seq.; xx. 18, 19
In respect of Lands the interests in which have, by mistake, been
omitted to be purchased,

[ocr errors]

Manner of settling disputes as to, (see Arbitration, Jury, &c.),

xix. 124 et seq.

xix. 21 et seq.

Manner of settling disputes as to, in Ireland, (see Lands, Ireland,) xx. 4 et seq.
Payment of compensation in lieu of making accommodation works, (see

Accommodation Works),

vii. 68, 74

Tender of amends for damages or injury, and recovery of damages, &c.,

where not specially provided for; provisions in
Companies Clauses Act,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Compensation for Loss or Injury to Goods, or Cattle, &c., carried by

Railway, &c.; see under Carriers.

COMPULSORY taking of Lands :

Provisions in Lands Clauses Act as to purchase and taking of Lands
otherwise than by agreement, (see under Lande),

xix. 16 et seq.

xx. 3 et seq.


And as to Ireland, in Irish Railways Act, (see Lands, Ireland),
Municipal Corporations not to sell by agreement without consent


Exception as to Lands taken compulsorily,

See under respective heads; as Arbitration, Jury, Leases, Mortgage, &c.

CONSOLIDATION or Conversion of Shares into Stock (see Shares,


xix. 15
xix. 15

vi. 61 et seq.

Of Money authorized to be borrowed, into Capital or Shares, &c., (see
Borrowing Powers, Capital, &c.,).


vi. 56 et seq.

May arrest and detain Railway servants guilty of misconduct, iii. 13, 14, iv. 17
Any person may detain offenders, in certain cases, and deliver them to, xii. 10
May, under order of a Justice, take and give possession of Books, &c., in
possession of Toll Collectors, or other servants of Company, vii. 106
Acts for Payment of Constables and additional Constables for keeping the
Peace near and during construction of public works, xxvii, xxviii. xxix.


CONSTABLES: continued.

In England and Wales, expense of Special Constables appointed on account of misbehaviour of persons employed upon Railway or

other such works, to be paid by Companies,

xxvii. 1

Under orders of Justices, on oath of three or more credible witnesses, xxvii. 1
And subject to approval by Secretary of State,

xxvii. 1

Recoverable by distress against Company under order of Justices,
Secretary of State may disallow orders, or reduce amounts,
Payment of whole or part, in such cases, out of local rates,
In Ireland, additional Constables may be appointed by Lord Lieutenant

xxvii. 3

xxvii. 2

xxvii. 2

to keep the peace near Railway Works, &c.,

xxviii. 1

On application of Company or of two Justices, on oath of two or more
credible witnesses,

xxviii. 1

Number and term of service, &c., of such extra Constables as may be
directed by Lord Lieutenant,

xxviii. 1

Expense of the additional Constables to be paid by Company,
Mode of ascertaining and certifying same,

xxviii. 2

xxviii. 2

Proceedings for enforcing payment, in case of refusal or neglect of
Company for 14 days; by action of debt in Superior Courts; or be-
fore two Justices; Distress on Company's goods,

xxviii. 3

xxix. 4

xxix. 7

Rate of charge for Constabulary in Ireland,

And scale of charge where Constables are chargeable to Railway
Companies, &c.,

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vii. 6 et seq,

vii. 46 et seq.

vii. 30 et seq.

Provisions as to temporary occupation or use of Lands during construc-
tion of Railway, &c.,

Companies to be subject to provisions of Lands Clauses Act; and Com-
pensation for Damage to owners, occupiers, &c., to be ascertained
as provided therein, .

vii. 6, xix.

See under respective heads, as Accommodation Works, Bridges, Lands,
Roads, &c.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Contracts by Directors or Committees, how to be entered into,
Special Contracts for forwarding of Animals or Goods, &c. to be in
writing and signed (see under Carriers),
Contracts in conformity with Act, binding on Company and parties, vi. 97, xv. 7
And actions or suits maintainable thereon as between private persons, vi. 97
Contractors and officers of Company disqualified for Directors of

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And a Director not to become contractor or officer of Company while a Director, Disqualification of Director on becoming an officer or contractor, or ceasing to hold requisite shares; thereby vacates office and incapable of acting as a Director,

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But a Shareholder in a Joint-stock Company not disqualified by his
interest in a contract between the Companies,.
But not to vote on questions relating to such contract,

vi. 87

vi. 87

CONTRACTORS; see Contracts.

CONVERSION or Consolidation of Shares into Stock (see Shares, Stock), vi. 61 et seq. Of Money authorized to be borrowed, into Capital or Shares, (see Borrowing Powers, Capital, &c ),

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