6/9 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Volume V 1924 EDITED FOR THE MODERN HUMANITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION BY A. C. PAUES Ph.D. (Upsala), Fellow and Lecturer BOWES & BOWES CAMBRIDGE : 1925 SS I T is with pleasure that we report to members of the Association that last year's issue of the Bibliography was again cordially received by the public and press. We would express our gratitude for the friendly spirit shewn by critics and reviewers, and hope year by year to add new improve ments. As stated in former issues, the Bibliography tries to give as complete a list as possible of all books and articles of value dealing with English language and literature that have appeared in the previous year. The present issue contains 2274 entries. In addition references are included to all the important reviews in British, American and foreign periodicals so as to enable students to obtain varied and expert criticism on any given book. The gratitude of the Association is due to the following contributors for their arduous and unselfish work : Prof. C. S. Northup of Cornell, assisted by Prof. L. N. Broughton of Cornell and Prof. Ross Steves of Columbia University (America); Miss E. Seaton, M.A., assisted by Miss D. Everett, M.A., Miss Horner, and Miss Killby, M.A. (Britain and Ireland); Dr L. Grootaers, Leuven (Belgium); Prof. Otto Funke and Prof. V. Mathesius, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia); Prof. A. Koszul, Strasbourg (France); Mr R. W. Zandvoort, Nijmegen (Holland); Prof. Anna Benedetti, Palermo (Italy); Dr Egon Mühlbach, Leipzig, for part of the German entries. In conclusion I should like to record the warm gratitude of the Association to Mr and Mrs Yates Thompson, generous friends of learning and research, for a donation towards expenses, to Miss Killby, M.A. of Cambridge, for help with proof-reading and index, and to the staff of the University Press for the excellent way in which they have carried out printing and corrections. PAGE (a) LITERARY HISTORY (288-377) (b) LITERARY CRITICISM (378-532). (b) OLD ENGLISH WRITINGS (548-574) (b) MIDDLE ENGLISH WRITINGS (603-675) (c) MIDDLE SCOTTISH WRITINGS (676-680) XII. OLD AND MIDDLE ENGLISH: SUBSIDIARY (681-722) XIII. MODERN ENGLISH (723-2243) I. SIXTEENTH CENTURY (723-980) 2. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (981-1146) |