Abbildungen der Seite

FIRTH, C. H. The Political Significance of Gulliver's Travels. See 55.

1294. GOULDING, SYBIL. Swift en France. Essai sur la fortune et l'influence de Swift en France au XVIIIe siècle, suivi d'un aperçu sur la fortune de Swift en France au cours du XIXe siècle. Paris: Champion, 1924. 8vo. pp. 213. Rev. by F. Baldensperger in Rev. de litt. comparée, 1924, PP. 702-4; by E. Pons in Rev. Anglo-Amér., 1924, pp. 348-50; in Nation-Athen., Oct. 11, 1924, xxxvI, 66. LEGOUIS, PIERRE. See 1086.

Thomson, James. 1295. MARCUS, HANS. Die Entstehung von 'Rule Britannia.' Ein Beitrag zur Psychologie der Engländer. Anglia Beibl., 1924, XXXV, 306–19, 337-52, 372-84. In progress.

NOYES, ALFRED. The Nature Poet of the 18th Century. See 522. Tone, Wolfe. 1296. MALYE, JEAN. Les mémoires de Wolfe Tone. Rev. Anglo-Amér., août 1924, PP. 517–26; Oct. 1924, pp. 39–50.

Walpole, Horace. 1297. The Castle of Otranto and the Mysterious Mother. Ed. with an Introduction and Notes by MONTAGue Summers. Constable, 1924. 101 × 63. pp. lvii, 306. 42s.

1298. Journal of the Printing Press at Strawberry Hill. Ed. by PAGET TOYNBEE. (Bibl. 1923, 1730.) Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 10, 1924. 1299. TOYNBEE, PAGET. Horace Walpole's Niece and the Duke of Gloucester. [Reference to 'Memoirs of...George III,' s.d. 1769.] T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 24, 1924.

1300. 1924.


Letters of Horace Walpole. T.L.S., Corr., June 19,

Reminiscences Written by Mr Horace Walpole in 1788 For the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes Berry Now first printed in full from the original мs. With Notes and Index. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1924. 4to. pp. 174. Lim. ed., 42s.

1302. YVON, PAUL. La Vie d'un Dilettante: Horace Walpole 1717-1797: essai de biographie psychologique et littéraire. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires; London: Milford, 1924. Roy. 8vo. pp. xv, 873. 21s. Rev. by R. Huchon in Rev. Anglo-Amér., févr. 1925, pp. 248-52.


Horace Walpole as a Poet: The poetical ideals of a Gentleman-Author in the 18th Century. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France. 8vo. pp. xv, 217. Rev. by E. Legouis in Rev. Anglo-Amér., déc. 1924, pp. 165–7.

Ward, Edward. 1304. The London-Spy Compleat. In 18 parts. With an introduction by RALPH STRAUSS. Casanova Soc., 1924. 9 × 6. pp. 470. 25s.

Warton, Joseph. MORLEY, EDITH J. Warton on Pope. See 63. White, Gilbert. 1305. The Natural History of Selborne. With notes by RICHARD KEARTON. Arrowsmith, 1924. 10 × 7. Pp. 248. 21s. 1306. BROOKE, CHARLES STEPHEN. A Thread of English Road, with Pictures by Julia McCune Flory. New York: Harcourt, 1924. 8vo. pp. 303. $3.

Wollstonecraft, Mary. 1307. LINFORD, MADELINE. Mary Wollstonecraft, 1759-1797. Parsons, 1924. 7× 5. pp. 192. 4s. 6d. Rev. in Nation-Athen., Oct. 11, 1924, XXXVI, 2, 62.

Young, Edward. 1308. CLARK, HARRY H. A Study of Melancholy in Edward Young. M.L.N., Mar.-Apr., 1924, XXXIX, 129–36, 193–202.



ALLEN, B. SPRAGUE. See 1149.

1309. A. Y. An English Traveller in North Germany, 1817. N.Q., Nov. 15, 1924, CXLVII, 353 ff.; Nov. 22, 369–71; Nov. 29, 387-9;

Dec. 6, 404-5.

1310. BALDensperger, FERNAND. Le mouvement des idées dans l'émigration française (1789-1815). [English influence, passim.] Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1924. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xv, 339, 333. Fr. 30.

1311. BENSON, A. C. Memories and Friends. Murray, 1924. 8 × 5. pp. xiv, 338. 16s. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 24, 1924.

BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE. The 'Quarterly Review' and Literature. The 'Edinburgh Review' and Religion. See 385.

1312. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. American Portraits, 1875-1900. (Bibl. 1922, 1738; 1923, 1752.) Rev. by Geo. H. Clarke in Sewanee Rev., Apr. 1924, XXXII, 243-9.

1313. BREMOND, HENRI. Pour le Romantisme [...Walter Scott...]. Paris: Blond and Gay, 1923. 8vo. pp. xv, 252.

1314. BRIE, FR. Die ästhetische Weltanschauung in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. (Bibl. 1921, 1322; 1922, 1739.) Rev. by R. Petsch in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 149–53.


1315. CAZAMIAN, MADELEINE L. Le Roman et les Idées en Angleterre. L'Influence de la Science (1860–1890). (Bibl. 1923, 718.) Rev. by C. H. Herford in M.L.R., Oct. 1924, XIX, 486–7.

1316. Letters and Journals of ANNE CHALMERS. Ed. by her Daughter. The Chelsea Publishing Company, 1924. 91 × 61. pp. 209. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 7, 1924.

CHARLES, C. H. Love Letters of Great Men and Women, etc. See 1155.

1317. CHISLETT, WILLIAM. The Classical Influence in English Literature in the Nineteenth Century and other Essays and Notes. Boston: Stratford Co.

1318. CŒUROY, ANDRÉ. Musique et Littérature [...Shelley-La littérature anglaise au XIXe siècle-Edgar Poe...]. Paris: Blond and Gay, 1923. 8vo. pp. vii, 263.


Musical Inspiration in English Literature of the 19th Century. Mus. Quart., July 1924, X, 305–25.

1320. Cox, HAROLD. The House of Longman (1724-1924). Edin. Rev., Oct. 1924, CCXL, 209–42.

1321. EGGAR, J. ALFRED. Remembrances of Life and Customs in Gilbert White's, Cobbett's, and Charles Kingsley's Country. Simpkin, Marshall, 1924. 7 × 51. pp. viii, 198. 12s. 6d.

1322. ESCOTT, T. H. S. Westmorland to Wimbledon. Quart. Rev., Jan. 1924, CXLI, 35–46.

1323. FOSTER, WILLIAM. The East India House, its History and Associations. London: John Lane. 12s. 6d. Rev. in N.Q., Mar. 29, 1924, CXLVI, 241–2; in T.L.S., Feb. 28, 1924.

1324. The Journal of the HON. HENRY EDWARD Fox, afterwards fourth and last Lord Holland, 1818-1830. Ed. by the EARL OF ILCHESTER. Thornton Butterworth, 1924. 91 × 61. pp. 384. 255. Rev. in Blackwood's, Apr. 1924, CCXV, 583–91; in T.L.S., Mar. 6, 1924. 1325. GINGERICH, SOLOMON FRANCIS. Essays in the Romantic Poets. New York: Macmillan, 1924. 22.3 cm. pp. viii, 276. GUTERMUTH, ELSE. See 1161.

1326. KELMAN, JOHN. Prophets of Yesterday and Their Message for Today. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1924. 19.5 cm. pp. viii, 190. $1.50. [On Carlyle, Arnold, Browning.] Rev. in Harvard Graduates' Mag., June 1924, XXXII, 696–7.

KEYNES, GEOFFREY. William Pickering, publisher. See 28.
KILLEN, ALICE M. See 1163.

1327. KING, A. W. An Aubrey Beardsley lecture. With Introduction and Notes by R. A. WALKER, and some unpublished letters and drawings. Bedford Park: R. A. Walker, 1924. 10 × 71. pp. 103.

18s. 6d.

1328. LYND, ROBERT. Humour. Quart. Rev., Jan. 1924, CCXLI, 43-57.

1329. MACCARTHY, MARY. A Nineteenth Century Childhood. (Reminiscences of the Victorians.) London: Heinemann, 1924. 7×5. PP. 114. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 2, 1924; by A. C. Benson in Nation-Athen., Sept. 27, 1924, xxxv, 26, 774-5.

1330. MARTIN, ALFRED VON. Das Wesen der romantischen Religiosität. D. Vierteljahrsschrift f. Literaturwiss. und Geisteskunde, II, part 3.

1331. MURRAY, KATHLEEN. Taine und die englische Romantik. Leipzig and München: Duncker and Humblot, 1924. 8vo. pp. vii, 78. (Cf. Bibl. 1922, 1761.)

MURRY, J. MIDDLETON. English Prose in the 19th Century. See 436. 1332. NEUBURGER, P. Die Verseinlage in der Prosadichtung der Romantik. (Palæstra 145.) 1924.

1333. NICHOLSON, E. M. The Victorians in Perspective. Edin. Rev., Oct. 1924, CCXL, 361–76.

1334. O'HIGGINS, HARVEY and EDWARD HIRAM REEDE. The American Mind in Action. New York: Harper, 1924. 21.5 cm. pp. viii, 336. $3. Rev. by Ralph Barton Perry in Atlantic Mo., July 1924, CXXXIV; by Morris Fishbein in Bookman (N.Y.), June 1924, LIX, 471-2.


1335. PHELPS, WILLIAM LYON. Howells, James, Bryant and Other Essays. New York: Macmillan, 1924. Cr. 8vo. pp. xii, 206. Illus. $2; 9s. Contents:-1. Bryant, pp. 1-30. 2. Whitman, pp. 31–65. 3. Thoreau in 1854, pp. 66–95. 4. Lowell, pp. 96-122. 5. Henry James, pp. 123-55. 6. Howells, pp. 156–80. 7. Harriet Beecher Stowe, pp. 181-206.

1336. RAYMOND, T. E. The Victorian Humorist. Mercury, Aug. 1924, X, 58, 374-86.


1337. SCHULTZ, FRANZ. Romantik und Romantisch. D. Vierteljahrsschrift f. Literaturwissenschaft u. Geisteskunde, 11, part 3.

1338. SEDLÁČEK, F. Tainova kritika anglického romantismu. (H. Taine's Criticism of the English Romantic Movement.) Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, 1924, pp. 63-77. English Summary, pp. 78–9.

1339. STRICH. Die Romantik als europäische Bewegung. In 'Festschrift Heinrich Wölfin.' München: H. Schmidt.

1340. THOMPSON, ELBERT N. S. The Interest of English Poets in Italian Freedom. Philol. Quart., July 1924, III, 172-91.

1341. VAN KRANENDONK, A. G. De Engelsche Literatuur Sinds 1880. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1924. 18 × 12 cm. pp. 143. F. 1.40; Cloth, F. 1.90. Rev. by J. Kooistra in E. Studies, Dec. 1924, VI, 225-7.

1342. VILLARD, LÉONIE. La vie américaine d'après le conte et la nouvelle. [Irving et Poe; Bret Harte, H. James, Mark Twain; O. Henry, Dreiser et Sherwood Anderson.] Mercure de France, déc. 1, 1923, pp. 289-331.

1343. WADE, JOHN DONALD. Augustus Baldwin Longstreet. A Study of the Development of Culture in the South. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1924. 24.5 cm. pp. x, 392. Front. (port.). Diss., Columbia University.

1344. WARD, MRS E. M. Memories of Ninety Years. Ed. by ISABEL G. MCALLISTER. Hutchinson, 1924.9 × 6. pp. 356. Illus. 215. 1345. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. The National Literary Scene (1870– 1900). Yale Rev., Oct. 1924, XIV, 172–6.

WILSON, MONA. These were Muses. See 1180.


Arnold, Matthew. 1347. GEROULD, GORDON HALL. Matthew Arnold's Complete Works. Bookman (N.Y.), June 1924, LIX, 460-2. GRIERSON, H. J. C. Lord Byron: Arnold and Swinburne. See 55. 1348. GUMMERE, RICHARD M. Matthew Arnold. Quart. Rev., Jan. 1924, CCXLI, 142-55.

1349. HOUGHTON, R. E. C. (ed.). Selections from Matthew Arnold's Poetry. Rev. by J. St Loe Strachey in Spectator, Oct. 25, 1924, 5026, 605-6.

KELMAN, JOHN. See 1326.

1350. LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD. Matthew Arnold Escapes the Guillotine. Internat. Book Rev., May 1924, II, 439–40, 492-4. Port. 1351. LOVETT, ROBERT MORSS. Matthew Arnold Today. Forum, May 1924, LXXI, 666–9.

MURRY, J. MIDDLETON. Matthew Arnold the Poet. See 436.

1352. RAWLINSON, H. G. Selected Essays. Ed., with an introduction and critical annotations. Macmillan, 1924. 71 × 5. PP. 252. 3s. 6d.

1353. REUSCHEL, KARL. Matthew Arnolds 'The Forsaken Merman' und sein deutsches Vorbild. G.-R. Mon., Jan.-Feb., 1924, XII. 1354. SCHONBERGER, E. D. Matthew Arnold-the Apostle of Light. Quart. Jour. Univ. No. Dakota, Nov. 1924, XV, 27-34.

1355. SOMERVELL, D. C. (ed.). Selections from Matthew Arnold's Prose. Methuen. 7 × 4. Pp. xxiii, 197. 3s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Aug. 21, 1924.

1356. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, THE. Culture and Democracy. Leading Art., Aug. 21, 1924.

1357. WHITRidge, ArnolD. Critic and Poet. Sat. Rev. of Lit., Aug. 16, 1924, I, 45. Port.

1358. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. Matthew Arnold as a Critic of Literature. Univ. of California Chronicle, Apr. 1924, XXVI, 183–208. Austen, Jane. 1359. Novels. Ed. by R. W. CHAPMAN. (Bibl. 1923, 1809.) Rev. in Nation, Apr. 16, 1924, CXVIII, 453; by E. M. Forster in New Republic, Jan. 30, 1924, XXXVII, 260-1; by Virginia Woolf in same, p. 261.

BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE. 'Elementary Jane.' See 385.

1360. BYRDE, MARGARETTA. Jane Austen. Sewanee Rev., JulyOct. 1924, XXXII, 280-94, 420-33.

1361. CLARENDON PRESS, THE. Five Letters from Jane Austen to her Niece Fanny Knight. Printed in Facsimile. Oxford, 1924. 4to. 10 x 81. 250 copies. 21s.

1362. LONDON MERCURY. Some Notes on Miss Austen's Novels. Corr., June 1924, X, 56, 189–93.

1363. RADCLIFFE, G. R. Y. and M. H. DODDS. The Law of Entail [in 'Pride and Prejudice']. N.Q., July 19, 1924, CXLVII, 48–9. 1364. VILLARD, LEONIE. Jane Austen: a French Appreciation. Trans. by Veronica Lucas. With a New Study of Jane Austen by R. Brimley Johnson. New York: Dutton; London: Routledge, 1924. 23 cm. pp. vi, 248. $4.25; 10s. 6d. Rev. in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Aug. 2, 1924, I, 10; by R. M. Lovett in New Republic, July 23, 1924, XXXIX, 250-I.

1365. WALKLEY, A. B. The Novels of Jane Austen. Edin. Rev., Jan. 1924, CCXXXIX, 27-40.

Baillie, Joannna. 1366. CARHART, MARGARET SPRAGUE. The Life and Work of Joanna Baillie. (Bibl. 1923, 1818.) Rev. by J. Mellin in Anglia Beibl., Nov. 1924, XXXV, 332-4.

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