Hookes, Nicholas. 1080. Amanda. A Sacrifice to an Unknowne Goddesse. (1653.) (Bibl. 1923, 1457.) Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 24, 1924. Howell, James. BENSLY, E. James Howell Once More. See 54, also 990. James I. 1081. Dæmonologie (1597): Newes from Scotland declaring the damnable life and death of Dr Fian, a notable sorcerer who was burned at Edenbrough in January last (1591). Ed. by G. В. HARRISON. (Bodley Head Quartos.) Lane, 1924. 7 × 5. pp. 45. 3s. and 2s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., July 3, 1924. Kirke, John. 1082. LAWRENCE, W. J. John Kirke, the Caroline Actor-Dramatist. Studies in Philol., Oct. 1924, XXI, 586-93. Locke, John. 1083. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Abridged and ed. by A. S. PRINGLE-PATTISON. Oxford: Clar. Press; London: Milford, 1924.7 × 51. pp. xlviii, 380. 8s. 6d. 'The Lovesick King. DODDS, M. HOPE. See 1057. Mabbe, James. 1084. Celestina or the Tragi-Comedy of Calisto and Melibœa. Ed. by H. WARNER ALLEN. (Bibl. 1923, 1465.) Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 7, 1924; in Nation-Athen., Mar. 1, 1924, XXXIV, 23, 774. 1085. The Rogue; or The Life of Guzman de Alfarache, by Matheo Aleman. Done into English by James Mabbe, anno 1623. With an introduction by JAMES FITZMAURICE-KELLY. 4 vols. (Tudor Translations, second series.) Constable, 1924. 81 × 6. pp. 305, 295, 362, 357. 105s. Marvell, Andrew. FALLS, CYRIL. Andrew Marvell. See 412. 1086. LEGOUIS, PIERRE. Marvell et Swift. Note sur un passage du 'Conte du Tonneau.' Rev. Anglo-Amér., févr. 1924, pp. 240-2. 1087. MARGOLIOUTH, H. M. Marvell in Rome. T.L.S., Corr., June 5, 1924. 'Masque of the Twelve Months. See 992. Massinger, Philip. 1088. CHELLI, MAURICE. Le drame de Massinger. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1924. 4to. pp. 399. Fr. 25. Rev. in T.L.S., May 29, 1924; cf. Corr., June 5. 1089. DE PEROTT, JOSEPH. The Mirror of Knighthood. M.L.N., Nov. 1924, XXXIX, 441-2. 1090. GREG, W. W. More Massinger Corrections. Library, June 1924, V, 59-91. Middleton and Rowley. 1091. LLOYD, BERTRAM. A Minor Source of 'The Changeling.' M.L.R., Jan. 1924, XIX, 101-2. Milton, John. 1092. BREDVOLD, LOUIS I. Milton and Bodin's Heptaplomeres. Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 399-402. 1093. BRODRIBB, C. W. Ovid, Sandys and Milton. (Bibl. 1923, 1471.) N.Q., Aug. 2, 1924, CXLVII, 77–8; cf. H. C. H. CANDY, Aug. 16, 122-4. 1094. CANDY, HUGH C. H. Some newly-discovered Stanzas written by JOHN MILTON on engraved scenes illustrating Ovid's Metamorphoses. Revised with additional notes. Nisbet, 1924. 9 × 51. pp. 192. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Aug. 14, 1924; by Edward Shanks in Mercury, Sept. 1924, X, 59, 545-7. 1095. CLARENDON PRESS, THE. Milton's Poems, 1645. Typefacsimile of 'Poems of Mr John Milton, both English and Latin, Compos'd at several Times.' Oxford, 1924. Cr. 8vo. pp. xvi, 220. 2 illus. Ios. 6d. 1000 copies. 1096. CONACHER, W. M. The Puritanism of Milton. Queen's Quart., July-Aug.-Sept. 1924, XXXII, 69–80. 1097. COTTERILL, H. B. Mistranslations of English. T.L.S., Corr., Feb. 14, 1924. 1098. CURRY, Walter Clyde. Samson Agonistes Yet Again. Sewanee Rev., July 1924, XXXII, 336-52. 1099. DOUADY, Jules. La Création et le Fruit Défendu selon Milton. Paris: Hachette, 1923. Rev. by P. Chauvet, Les Langues Modernes, 1924, pp. 322-6; C. Chemin, Rev. Anglo-Amér., avril 1924, pp. 353-7; S. B. Liljegren in Anglia Beibl., Dec. 1924, XXXV, 355-64. 1100. FICKE, ARTHUR DAVISON. Mr Milton's Paradise Lost. Bookman (N.Y.), June 1924, LIX, 420-2. FISCHER, WALTHER. See 1222. 1101. FLETCHER, HARRIS. Milton and Yosippon. Studies in Philol., July 1924, XXI, 496–501. 1102. GARDINER, DOROTHY. Third and Best and Her Uncle Thomas. No. Am. Rev., Mar. 1924, CCXIX, 372-83. 1103. HARDER, J. H. Milton, Puritan or Calvinist? Neophilologus, Apr. 1924, IX, 199-203. 1104. HERFORD, C. H. Dante and Milton. John Rylands Libr. Bull., Jan. 1924, VIII, 191-235. 64. HOLMES, ELIZABETH. Some Notes on Milton's Use of Words. See 1105. LANGDON, IDA. Milton's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art: an Essay, with a Collection of Illustrative Passages from His Works. (Cornell Studies in English, VIII.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; Milford, 1924. 22.5 cm. pp. xi, 342. Rev. by Clark S. Northup in Cornell Alumni News, June 19, 1924, XXVI, 472; in T.L.S., Nov. 20, 1924. LARSON, MARTIN A. See 1228. 1106. LILJEGREN, S. B. La Pensée de Milton et Giordano Bruno. (Bibl. 1923, 1484.) Rev. by W. Fischer in Anglia Beibl., Mar. 1924, xxxv, 76–8. 1107. 119-21. Milton's Personality. Neophilologus, Jan. 1924, IX, 1108. Miltons Wahl des Berufs. Anglia Beibl., May 1924, xxxv, 158–60. [Against H. Schöffler, Protestantismus und Literatur, Bibl. 1922, 1566; 1923, 1553.] 1109. MCGOVERN, J. B. A Milton Monument. N.Q., Apr. 19, 1924, CXLVI, 287; May 3, 329; May 31, 405. 1110. MACHAR, J. S. Galileo with Milton at Torre del Gallo. (Translated from J. S. Machar's The Apostles.) By Paul Selver. Sewanee Rev., Jan. 1924, XXXII, 30-1. 1111. MACKAIL, J. W. Bentley's Milton. Oxford: Univ. Press, 1924 (for the British Academy). 9 × 61. pp. 21. Is. 1112. MONAGHAN, JOHN. Two Poets Went Over to Bethlehem. Cath. World, Dec. 1923, CXVIII, 381-3. 1113. MUTSCHMANN, H. Milton's Eyesight and the Chronology of his Works. Dorpat, 1924. pp. 50. Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Anglia Beibl., Dec. 1924, XXXV, 355-64. 1114. Studies concerning the Origin of 'Paradise Lost.' Dorpat, 1924. 6 × 9. pp. 72. 1115. NATION-ATHENÆUM, THE. Corr., Sept. 6, 1924, XXXV, 23, 689. 1116. RAISIN, MAX (MORDACHAI ZEEB). John Milton. The man, the poet, the prophet. (Written in Hebrew.) Berlin: Rimon, 1924. 8vo. pp. 222. SAURAT, DENIS. See 1192. 1117. and CAMILLE CABANNES. Milton devant la médecine. Journ. de Méd. de Bordeaux, jan. 10, 1924. Rev. by W. Fischer in Literaturblatt, Oct.-Dec. 1924, XLV, 306-7; by H. Mutschmann in Anglia Beibl., Sept. 1924, XXXV, 272–6. 1118. SMART, JOHN S. The Sonnets of Milton. 1921. (Bibl. 1921, 1127; 1922, 1516; 1923, 1496.) Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 432-4. 1119. (ed.). The Sonnets of John Milton. (Bibl. 1921, 1127; 1922, 1516.) Rev. by Ernest P. Kuhl in M.L.N., Jan. 1924, XXXIX, 45-50. 1120. THOMAS, WALTER. Les sonnets de Milton et sa vie intime. Rev. de l'Ens. des Langues Vivantes, 1924, pp. 252-8, 289-96. 1121. TILLYARD, E. M. W. Paragraphing in 'Lycidas.' T.L.S., Nov. 13, 1924. 1122. VELDKAMP, J. Calvinism and Pride. Neophilologus, July 1924, IX, 281-3. (Against Liljegren's article, ib., Jan. 1924.) Nabbes, Thomas. 1123. КосH, J. Thomas Nabbes, ein zu wenig beachteter Dichter. Anglia, 1924, XXXV, 332-82. Otway, Thomas. 1124. GHOSH, J. C. New Light on some Episodes in the Life of Thomas Otway. N.Q., Dec. 13, 1924, CXLVII, 421-4; Dec, 20, 439-42; 459-63. 1125. SCHUMACHER, EDGAR. Thomas Otway. Bern: DürrenmattEgger, 1924. 8vo. pp. 175. Bern Diss. Pepys, Samuel. 1126. The Diary. Deciphered by the Rev. J. SMITH from the original shorthand Ms. in the Pepysian Library, Cambridge. With notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke, and introduction by Guy N. Pocock. 2 vols. Dent, 1924. 81 × 51⁄2. pp. 682, 731. 15s. 1127. Diary. Transcribed by the Late Rev. Mynors Bright. Ed. with Adds. by HENRY B. WHEATLEY. New York: Harcourt, 1924. 19 cm. 3 vols. Front. (port.). $15. Rev. by Mark Van Doren in Nation, June 4, 1924, CXVIII, 654-5; by Robert Morss Lovett in New Republic, July 9, 1924, XXXIX, 189–90; by Richard Le Gallienne in Internat. Book Rev., Apr. 1924, II, 347-9. 1128. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Samuel Pepys. London: Jonathan Cape, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. 262. 12s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 25, 1924; in Nation-Athen., Oct. 11, 1924, XXXVI, 2, 62. 1129. CCXIX, 507-18. 1130. 1131. Pepys and Humanity. No. Am. Rev., Apr. 1924, Pepys and His Wife. Forum, Apr. 1924, LXXI, 516-22. The Soul of Samuel Pepys. Boston: Houghton, 1924. 22.5 cm. pp. xvi, 262. Ports. $3.50. Rev. by M. A. De Wolfe Howe in Atlantic Mo., July 1924, cxxxIv; by Sanford Salyer in So. Atlantic Quart., Oct. 1924, XXIII, 389–90; by Raymond M. Weaver in Bookman (N.Y.), Sept. 1924, LX, 93-4; by Mark Van Doren in Nation, June 4, 1924, CXVIII, 654-5; by Robert M. Lovett in New Republic, July 9, 1924, XXXIX, 189–90; by Wm Lyon Phelps in Internat. Book Rev., June 1924, II, 522-3; in Harvard Graduates' Mag., June 1924, XXXII, 697-8. JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Library of Samuel Pepys. Part III. See 27. 1132. LUCAS-DUBRETON, J. Samuel Pepys: a portrait in miniature. Translated from the French by H. F. Stenning. Philpot, 1924. 7×5. pp. 280. 7s. 6d. 1133. NIGOT, G. Samuel Pepys et son journal. Rev. Anglo-Amér., avril 1924, pp. 323-38. 1134. PAILLERON, M. L. Samuel Pepys intime. Rev. de Paris, juillet 15, 1924, pp. 314-39. 1135. PITOLLET, C. Samuel Pepys, hispanophile. Rev. de l'Ens. des Langues Vivantes, déc. 1923, pp. 456-9. 1136. WHITEAR, W. H. Samuel Pepys and his Birthplace. Trans. Lond. and Middlesex Archæol. Soc., 1923, v, 1, 56. Randolph, Thomas. JEFFERY, V. M. See 991. Ravenscroft, Thomas. LAWRENCE, W. J. See 994. Robinson, Richard. 1137. VOGT, GEORGE MCGILL (ed.). Richard Robinson's Eupolemia (1603). Studies in Philol., Oct. 1924, XXI, 629-48. Sandys, George. BRODRIBB, C. W. Ovid, Sandys, and Milton. See 1093. Shelton, Thomas. 1138. BAKER, R. E. ‘Don Quichote.' T.L.S., Corr., Apr. 24, 1924; cf. May 1, 15, June 26. Tompson, Benjamin. 1139. Benjamin Tompson, 1642-1714, First Native-Born Poet of America: His Poems Collected with an Introd. by Howard Judson Hall. Limited ed. Boston: Houghton, 1924. 23 cm. pp. x, 168. Illus. $5. Townsend, Aurelian. 1140. MOORE SMITH, G. C. Aurelian Townsend. T.L.S., Oct. 23, 1924. Vaughan, Henry. 1141. Henry Vaughan, Silurist. Poems, with An Essay from the Mount of Olives, and two letters from Mss. in the Bodleian Library. Nonesuch Press, 1924. 10 × 74. pp. 164. 15s. Rev. by F. L. Lucas in New Statesman, July 12, 1924, XXIII, 586, 413-14. MORRIS, MURIEL. See 1819. Walton, Brian. BARNES, W. Emery. Brian Walton. See 69. Walton, Izaak. 1142. FORMAN, W. C. and H. J. B. CLEMENTS. Walton's 'Lives': Matthew Kenrick. N.Q., Aug. 30, 1924, CXLVII, 157-8; Sept. 13, 200; Sept. 27, 230-1. Wilkins, George. 1143. Greene, Guy Shepard. A New Date for George Wilkins's Three Miseries of Barbary. M.L.N., May 1924, XXXIX, 285-91. Wotton, Sir Henry. 1144. CONWAY, AGNES. 'You Meaner Beauties of the Night.' T.L.S., Sept. 4, 1924. Corr. continued in T.L.S. by G. E. MANWARING, MABEL E. Wotton, A. E. H. SWAEN, AGNES CONWAY, Sept. 25, Oct. 9, 30, Nov. 6. Wycherley, William. 1145. The Country Wife and The PlainDealer, by William Wycherley. Ed. by GEO. B. CHURCHILL. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1924. 15.5 cm. pp. lxviii, 456. Rev. by J. W. Tupper in M.L.N., Nov. 1924, XXXIX, 445-6. 1146. Complete Works. Ed. by MONTAGUE SUMMERS. 4 vols. Nonesuch Press, 1924. 10 × 7. 126s. and 63s. XIII. 3. EIGHTEENTH CENTURY XIII. 3 a. GENERAL Anthologies. 1147. DOUGHTY, OSWALD. Forgotten Lyrics of the Eighteenth Century. Witherby, 1924. 9 × 51. pp. 212. 10s. 6d. 1148. WILLIAMS, IOLO A. The Shorter Poems of the Eighteenth Century. (Bibl. 1923, 1533.) Rev. in N.Q., Jan. 5, 1924, CXLVII, 18-19; in T.L.S. (Leading Art.), Jan. 17, 1924; cf. I. A. WILLIAMS, ib., Corr., Feb. 7; by Johannes Hoops in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 259–62. Miscellaneous. 1149. ALLEN, B. SPRAGUE. Minor Disciples of Radicalism in the Revolutionary Era. M. Phil., Feb. 1924, XXI, 277302. ASHLEY LIBRARY, THE. Vols. Iv and v. Pope to Sterne. See 7. 1150. BERESFORD, JOHN. Gossip of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. (Bibl. 1923, 1341.) Rev. in N.Q., Jan. 5, 1924, CXLVI, 19. 1151. - (ed.). The Diary of a Country Parson: the Reverend James Woodforde, 1758–1781. Oxford: Univ. Press; London: Milford. 91 × 61. pp. xi, 364. 12s. 6d. Rev. in N.Q., May 10, 1924, CXLVI, 350-1; in T.L.S., May 1, 1924; in Mercury, Aug. 1924, X, 58, 436-8. 1152. BLUM, A. La société anglaise au XVIIe siècle et Hogarth. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Moderne, May 1923. 1153. BOTSFORD, JAY B. English Society in the Eighteenth Century. Macmillan, 1924. 8vo. pp. 388. 125.; $2.50. |