sentative Man of Letters, pp. 173-83 [Thomas Fuller]. Rev. in T.L.S., June 5, 1924. WEISS, Adolf. Die Mundart im englischen Drama von 1642-1800. See 261. 1007. WELSFORD, ENID. Italian Influence on the English CourtMasque. (Bibl. 1923, 1372.) See Communication by W. W. Greg in M.L.R., Jan. 1924, XIX, 130. 1008. WESTERFRÖLKE, HERMANN. Englische Kaffeehäuser als Sammelpunkte der liter. Welt im Zeitalter von Dryden und Addison. (Jena. Germ. Forsch., 5.) Jena: Frommann, 1924. 8vo. pp. x, 90. XIII. 2 b. AUTHORS Andrews, Richard. 1011. BENSLY, EDWARD. Dr Andrews and Bacon's Apophthegms. N.Q., Feb. 2, 1924, CXlvi, 85–6. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam. 1012. Essayes, religious meditations, places of perswasion and disswasion. From the first edition of 1597. (Haslewood Books.) Etchells and Macdonald, 1924. 63 × 41. PP. 47. 7s. 6d. 1013. BARNES, H. E. The Historical Background and Setting of the Philosophy of Francis Bacon. Scientific Mo., May 1924, XVIII, 475–95. BENSLY, EDWARD. Dr Andrews and Bacon's Apophthegms. See 1011. 1014. EAGLE, R. L. Nation-Athen., Corr., Sept. 6, 1924, XXXIX, 23, 689. HARMAN, EDWARD GEORGE. See 960. 1015. MOORE, MARIANNE. Sir Francis Bacon. Dial, Apr. 1924, LXXVI, 343-6. 1016. TAFFE, VALENTINE. Bacon et Montaigne essayistes. Rev. Anglo-Amér., août 1924, pp. 505-16. Ballads and Broadsides. 1017. FLOOD, W. H. GRATTAN. 'The Royal Blackbird.' (Comments on Professor Hyder Rollins' 'Cavalier and Puritan.') T.L.S., July 3, 1924; cf. DAVISON COOK, H. HALIDAY SPARLING, ib., Corr., July 10. Rollins, HYDER E. An Analytical Index to The Ballad Entries (1557-1709). See 33. 1018. A Pepysian Garland. (Bibl. 1922, 1413.) Rev. by H. M. Belden in J. E. G. Phil., Jan. 1924, XXIII, 137-41. Cavalier and Puritan. See 1000. Baxter, Richard. 1019. PowWICKE, FREDERICK J. A Life of the Rev. Richard Baxter, 1615–1691. Cape, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. 326. 15s. Beaumont, Francis. 1020. BALDWIN, T. W. The Three Francis Beaumonts. M.L.N., Dec. 1924, XXXIX, 505-7. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. See 389. 1021. WITHINGTON, ROBert. 'F. S.' in 'The Knight of the Burning Pestle.' N.Q., May 24, 1924, CXLVI, 379; cf. June 7, 419; June 28, 474. Beaumont and Fletcher. 1022. SCHUTT, J. H. Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster, considered as a work of literary art. E. Studies, June-Aug. 1924, VI, 80-7. 1023. The Knight of the Burning Pestle, ed. by W. T. WILLIAMS. London: Methuen. pp. 132. 2s. Beggar's Bush, The. 1024. BRIGGS, WILLIAM DINSMORE. First Song in The Beggar's Bush. M.L.N., June 1924, XXXIX, 379–80. Bible. 1025. MIMS, EDWIN. The Bible Once More. So. Atlantic Quart., Apr. 1924, XXIII, 97–112. 1026. SYPHERD, Wilbur OWEN (ed.). The English Bible. Being a Book of Selections from the King James Version, with Introductory and Explanatory Notes. 2nd ed. rev. Newark, Del.: Univ. of Delaware Press, 1923. 8vo. pp. 587. $4. Brewer, Anthony. DODDS, M. HOPE. See 1057. Browne, Sir Thomas. 1027. Letter to a Friend 1609. The Haslewood Reprints, No. 1. [A line-for-line reproduction of the 1st ed.] London: Etchells and Macdonald, 1924. 14 × 81. Pp. 12. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., June 5, 1924. 1028. KEYNES, GEOFFREY. A Bibliography of Sir Thomas Browne, Knight, Doctor of Physick. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 101 × 81. pp. xii, 255. 42s. Rev. by Francis Birrell in Nation-Athen., Aug. 23, 1924, XXXV, 21, 650; in T.L.S., Aug. 21, 1924; by A. W. P. in Library, Sept. 1924, V, 184–9. Bunyan, John. 1029. BEET, W. ERNEST. 'Pilgrim's Progress' as a Source Book of English History. Quart. Rev., Apr. 1924, CXLI, 167–76. 1030. MACKAIL, J. W. The Pilgrim's Progress. A lecture delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, March 14, 1924. Longmans, 1924. 71 × 51. PP. 47. 3s. Burthogge, Richard. 1031. LANDES, MARGARET W. The Philosophical Writings of Richard Burthogge. Open Court Publishing Co., 1924. 9 × 6. pp. xxiv, 244. Ios. Contents:-Organum Vetus et Novum, 1678. An Essay upon Reason and the Nature of Spirits, 1694. Of the Soul of the World and of Particular Souls, 1699. Burton, Robert. 1032. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Chatto and Windus, 1924. 9 × 5. pp. 768. 8s. 6d. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. See 389. Butler, Samuel. 1033. Lamar, RENÉ. Du nouveau sur l'auteur d'Hudibras,' Samuel Butler en Worcestershire. Rev. Anglo-Amér., févr. 1924, pp. 213–27. 1034. VELDKAMP, J. Samuel Butler, the Author of Hudibras. Hilversum: B. C. Rozenbeek, 1924. 8vo. pp. 247. 7s. 6d. Campion, Thomas. BULLEN, A. H. Campion. See 730, also 767. "The Careless Shepherdess.' 1035. LAWRENCE, W. J. The Authorship of 'The Careless Shepherdess.' T.L.S., July 24, 1924. Chapman, George. 1036. The Iliad and the Odyssey. Translated by George Chapman. Ed., with notes, by RICHARD HERNE SHEPHERD. Chatto and Windus, 1924. 7 × 5. pp. 566. 5s. BULLEN, A. H. Chapman. See 730. 'Characters.' 1037. ALDINGTON, RICHARD (comp. and transl.). A Book of Characters,' with an introduction and notes. (Broadway Translations.) London: Routledge; New York: Dutton, 1924. pp. xvi, 559. 1038. MURPHY, GWENDOLEN. Corr., June 19, 1924. Renaissance Bypaths. T.L.S., THOMPSON, ELBERT N. S. Character Books. See 1006. 1039. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, THE. Characters and Portraits. Leading Art., Feb. 7, 1924. 'Christmas Prince, The.' 1040. Boas, F. S. and W. W. Greg (eds.). The Christmas Prince. (Malone Society.) Milford, 1923. 4to. pp. xxviii, 280. Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 31, 1924. Congreve, William. 1041. The Way of the World: a comedy. Secker, 1924. 71 × 5. pp. 116. 2s. 6d. FALLS, CYRIL. Congreve. See 412. 1042. GOSSE, EDMUND. The Life of William Congreve: a revised and enlarged ed. Heinemann, 1924. 74 × 5. pp. 193. 7s. 6d. 1043.. Life of William Congreve. Rev. and enl. ed. Heinemann, 1924. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 5. pp. 193. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 13, 1924. 1044. PROTOPESCO, D. Un classique moderne: W. Congreve; sa vie, son œuvre. La Vie Universitaire, Paris, 1924. 8vo. pp. 436. Corbett, Richard. CROFTS, J. E. V. A Life of Bishop Corbett. See 64. Cotton, Charles. 1045. The Poems of Charles Cotton, 1630–1687. Ed. by JOHN Beresford. (Bibl. 1923, 1405.) Rev. by Ben C. Clough in M.L.N., Apr. 1924, XXXIX, 241–4; by R. S. H. in Freeman, Jan. 23, 1924, VIII, 478-9. Cowley, Abraham. ALDINGTON, R. Cowley and the French Epicureans. See 378. Crane, Ralph. 1046. GRAVES, THORNTON S. Ralph Crane and the King's Players. Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 362–6. Crashaw, Richard. CHALMERS, LORD. Richard Crashaw, Poet and Saint. See 69. FALLS, CYRIL. The Divine Poet. See 412. D'Avenant, Sir William. THALER, ALWIN. See 1079. 1047. EDMONSTON, C. M. (ed.). The Shoemakers' Holiday. Darton, Gardner. 7 × 5. pp. 120. 25. 1048. The Wonderfull Yeare, 1603. Ed. by G. B. HARRISON. (Bodley Head Quartos.) Lane, 1924. 7 × 5. pp. 90. 3s. 1049. LAW, Robert Adger. The Shoemakers' Holiday and Romeo and Juliet. Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 356–61. Donne, John. 1050. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions: edited by JOHN SPARROW. (Bibl. 1923, 1420.) Rev. in N.Q., Mar. 22, 1924, CXLVI, 221–2; by George Saintsbury in Nation-Athen., Jan. 12, 1924, XXXIV, 15, 547. 1051. Ten Sermons of John Donne. Chosen by GEOFFREY KEYNES. (Bibl. 1923, 1423.) Rev. by George Saintsbury in Nation-Athen., Jan. 12, 1924, XXXIV, 15, 547. Bradford, GAMALIEL. See 389. 1052. BREDVOLD, LOUIS I. Sir T. Egerton and Donne. T.L.S., Corr., Mar. 13, 1924. 1053. FAUSSET, Hugh I’AnSON. John Donne: A Study in Discord. Cape, 1924. 81 × 6. pp. 318. 12s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 16, 1924; in Nation-Athen., Nov. 8, 1924, xxxv1, 6, 236. 1054. RAMSAY, MARY PATON. Les Doctrines Médiévales chez Donne. (Bibl. 1922, 1442.) Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 25, 1924. 1055. SIMPSON, EVELYN M. A Study of the Prose Works of John Donne. Oxford: Clar. Press. 9 x 6. pp. viii, 368. 15s. Rev. in N.Q., Dec. 27, 1924, CXLVII, 471-2; in T.L.S., Dec. 25, 1924; by George Saintsbury in Nation-Athen., Dec. 27, 1924, XXXVI, 13, 473. 1056. SPARROW, JOHN. On the Date of Donne's 'Hymne to God my God, in my Sicknesse.' M.L.R., Oct. 1924, XIX, 4, 462–6. Drama. 1057. DODDS, M. HOPE. 'Edmond Ironside' and 'The Lovesick King.' M.L.R., Apr. 1924, XIX, 158–68. 1058. FRIJLINCK, WILHELMINA P. The Tragedy of Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt. (Bibl. 1922, 1463; 1923, 1430.) Rev. by Alexander C. Judson in J. E. G. Phil., Jan. 1924, XXIII, 150-2; by Philip Aronstein in Anglia Beibl., Mar. 1924, xxxv, 67–9. JEFFERY, V. M. See 991. 1059. LAWRENCE, W. J. Was Peter Cunningham a Forger? [i.e. in The Revels Books, 1605 etc.]. M.L.R., Jan. 1924, XIX, 25-34. 1060. SYKES, H. DUGDALE. John Ford, the Author of 'The Spanish Gipsy.' M.L.R., Jan. 1924, 11-24. 'Drinking Academy, The.' 1061. ROLLINS, HYDER E. (ed.). The Drinking Academy or The Cheaters' Holiday. P. M. L. A. Am., Dec. 1924, XXXIX, 837-71. Dryden, John. 1062. ELIOT, T. S. Homage to John Dryden: three essays on the Poetry of the Seventeenth Century. Hogarth Press, 1924. 81 × 51. pp. 46. 3s. 6d. 1063. MCCUTCHEON, R. P. Dryden's Prologue to the Prophetess. M.L.N., Feb. 1924, XXXIX, 123–4. 1064. MUNDY, P. D. Dryden and Swift: Their Relationship. N.Q., Oct. 4, 1924, CXLVII, 243-4; Oct. 18, 279–80; Nov. 8, 334. Eccles, Salomon. 1065. Dottin, Paul. Salomon Eagle, le quaker nu de la Peste de Londres (= Solomon Eccles 1618-1683). Rev. AngloAmér., août 1914, PP. 532-4. 'Edmond Ironside.' DODDS, M. HOPE. See 1057. Evelyn, John. 1066. SQUIRE, W. Barclay. Evelyn and Music, 1641. T.L.S., Apr. 17, Oct. 16, 1924. Fanshawe, Sir Richard. 1067. The Fourth Book of the Æneid, on the loves of Dido and Æneas, done into English by the RT. HON. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE. Ed., with critical remarks, by A. L. IRVINE. Oxford: Blackwell, 1924. 8 × 51. PP. 131. 6s. Fletcher, John. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. See 389. 1068. LINDSEY, EDWIN S. The Music of the Songs in Fletcher's Plays. Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 325-55. 1069. LOANE, G. G. 'Nick' and 'Fall.' [‘A Wife for a Month,' III, 3.] T.L.S., Corr., May 29, 1924. Fletcher, Phineas. 1070. WAIBEL, KARL. Phineas Fletchers 'Purple Island' in ihrer Abhängigkeit von Spensers Faerie Queene. E. St., 1924, LVIII, 321-67. Ford, John. SYKES, H. DUGDALE. See 1060. Fox, George. 1071. The Journal of George Fox. A revised text prepared and ed. by NORMAN PENNEY. With an introduction by RUFUS M. JONES. With reproductions from etchings by ROBERT SPENCE. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1924. 7 × 5. PP. xxii, 359. 5s. Rev. in Spectator, Aug. 16, 1924, no. 5016, 227–8. 1072. JONES, RUFUS M. The Life and Message of George Fox. A Tercentenary Address. Macmillan, 1924. 7 × 51. PP. 31. 2s. 6d. Fuller, Thomas. THOMPSON, ELBERT N. S. A Representative Man of Letters. See 1006. Hakewill, George. BULLEN, A. H. Hakewill's 'Apologie.' See 730. Harrington, James. 1073. James Harrington's Oceana, ed. with notes by S. B. LILJEGREN. Lund: Gleerup; Heidelberg: Winter, 1924. (Skrifter utg. av Vetenskaps-Societeten i Lund, Iv.) 8vo. pp. xxiii, 372. Swed. cr. 10. Rev. by W. Fischer in Anglia Beibl., June 1924, XXXV, 169–71; by Elbert N. S. Thompson in Philol. Quart., July 1924, III, 238; by H. Morgan Ayres in M. Phil., Aug. 1924, XXII, 110-11; by F. Liebermann in Archiv, CXLVIII, 116–18. Hemminge, William. 1074. William Hemminge's Elegy on Randolph's Finger Containing the Well-Known Lines On the Time-Poets. (Bibl. 1923, 1452.) Rev. by Thornton S. Graves in Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 447-8. Herbert of Cherbury, Edward, Lord. 1075. MOORE SMITH, G. C. (ed.). The Poems English and Latin of. (Bibl. 1923, 1454.) Clar. Press, 1923. Rev. by Pierre Legouis in Litteris, Sept. 1924, 1, 67–71; in Nation-Athen., Jan. 19, 1924, xxxIV, 16, 584; in T.L.S., Jan. 10, 1924; by J. C. S[quire] in Mercury, Jan. 1924, IX, 318. Heywood, Thomas. 1076. The Conspiracy of Catiline and the War of Jugurtha. By Sallust. Translated by Thomas Heywood. Ed. by CHARLES WHIBLEY. Constable, 1924. 25s. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 20, 1924. 1077. LOANE, GEORGE G. Sarsaparilla (emendation for 'The Captives,' III, 2, 70). T.L.S., Corr., Apr. 17, 1924. 1078. MARTIN, ROBERT GRANT. The Sources of Heywood's If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody, Part 1. M.L.N., Apr. 1924, XXXIX, 220-2. 1079. THALER, ALWIN. Thomas Heywood, D'Avenant, and The Siege of Rhodes. P. M. L. A. Am., Sept. 1924, XXXIX, 624-41. |