1922, 1334.) Rev. by Schick, J., in Shak. Jahrb., 1924, I, 200–5; by R. Ackermann in Literaturblatt, July-Sept. 1924, XLV, 219–21. 936. STOKES, FRANCIS GRIFFIN. A Dictionary of the Characters and proper names in the works of Shakespeare: with notes on the sources and dates of the plays and poems. Harrap, 1924. 9 × 61. pp. 376. 21s. Rev. in Nation-Athen., Aug. 2, 1924, XXXV, 18, 574; by Edward Shanks in Mercury, Sept. 1924, X, 59, 545–6. 937. SYDENHAM OF COMBE, LORD and H. CROUCH BATCHELOR. The 'Shakespeare' Myth. A Challenge. Engl. Rev., Aug. 1924, XXXIX, 221-9. 938. TAYLOR, PAULINE. Birnam Wood: A.D. 700-1600. M.L.N., Apr. 1924, XXXIX, 244-7. 939. TILLEY, M. P. Good Drink Makes Good Blood. M.L.N., Mar. 1924, XXXIX, 153–5. Refers to Much Ado, 1, i, 250. 940. Pun and Proverb as Aids to Unexplained Shakespearean Jests. Studies in Philol., July 1924, XXI, 492–5. 941. TUCKER, T. G. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Edited from the Quarto of 1609. Cambridge: Univ. Press. Roy. 8vo. 8 × 7. PP. 327. 17s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 11, 1924; cf. ib., Charles LlewELLYN DAVIES, Dec. 25, 1924. 942. TURNBULL, Monica PEVERIL. Essays: 'Hamlet,' 'Macbeth,' the Fool in Lear,' 'Iago.' Oxford: Blackwell, 1924. 8 × 5. pp. 38. 2s. and 3s. 6d. 943. VAN DAM, B. A. P. The Text of Shakespeare's Hamlet. London: John Lane, 1924. 11 × 8. pp. vii, 380. 21S. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 25, 1924; cf. B. A. P. Van Dam, ib., Corr., Oct. 9; by A. W. Pollard in E. Studies, Dec. 1924, VI, 221-5. Reply and rejoinder, ib., Feb. 1925, VII, 21-3; by Edward Shanks in Mercury, Sept. 1924, X, 59, 545–6. 944. 'That is, Hot Ice.' T.L.S., July 3, 1924. 945. VENDYŠ, V. Úvodní kapitola ke studii o komice a pathosu ve veselohrách Shakespearových. (Introductory Chapter to a Study of the Comic, and the Pathetic in Shakespeare's Comedies.) Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, 1924, I, 43-57. English Summary, pp. 58-9. 946. VOČADLO, O. Britský, francouzský a némecký podíl na shakespeareské kritice. 1. (British, French and German Share in the Shakesperean Criticism.) Časopis pro moderní filologii, 1924–5, XI, 39-47. An English Summary will be added at the end of the volume. 947. WALES, JULIA GRACE. Character and Action in Shakespeare: a Consideration of Some Skeptical Views. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Lang. and Lit., 1923, XVIII, 118–45. WALLIS, N. HARDY. Some Aspects of Shakespeare. See 461. Two Modern Plays on Shakespeare. See 461. WARD, SIR A. W. Shakespeare and the Makers of Virginia. See 55. 948. WARD, B. R. The Mystery of Mr W. H. (Bibl. 1923, 1311.) Rev. by T. S. Graves in Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 441–2. M H.R.A. 5 949. WIHAN, JOSEF. Die Hamletsage. (Bibl. 1921, 959.) Rev. by Bernhard Fehr in Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1924, XXXV, 1–20. 950. WILSON, J. DOVER. Shakespearian Elisions in Sir Thomas More. T.L.S., Sept. 25, 1924; cf. corr. by C. H. HERFORD, J. A. FORT, J. DOVER WILSON, ib., Oct. 9, 16. See 64. Spellings and Misprints in the Second Quarto of 'Hamlet.' The Task of Heminge and Condell. See 74. 951. WILSON, VIOLET A. Shakespeare and a Yorkshire Quarrel. No. Am. Rev., May 1924, CCXIX, 653-61. 952. WINCHESTER, THE DEAN OF. Fifty Years of Shakespeare on the Stage. Cornhill, Nov. 1924, LVII, 623–38; Dec., 753–66. WINSTANLEY, L. Hamlet and the Essex Conspiracy. See 54. 953. Hamlet and the Scottish Succession. Cambridge, 1921. (Bibl. 1921, 962; 1922, 1359; 1923, 1315.) Rev. by B. Fehr in Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1924, XXXV, 1–20. [Collective review.] 954. 'Othello' as the tragedy of Italy: showing that Shakespeare's Italian contemporaries interpreted the story of the Moor and the Lady of Venice as symbolising the tragedy of their country in the grip of Spain. Unwin, 1924. 63 × 41. pp. 152. 3s. 6d. 955. WOLFF, EMIL. Die sogenannte Shakespeare-Bacon-Frage. Shak. Jahrb., 1924, N.F. I, 130–58. YOUNG, KARL. See 1267. Sidney, Sir Philip. 958. The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia. Now examined and discussed by EDWARD GEORGE HARMAN. With a chapter on Thomas Lodge. Palmer, 1924. 9 × 51. PP. 243. 12s. 6d. 959. CAWLEY, Robert RALSTON. 'Areytos' in Sidney's Defence of Poesy. M.L.N., Feb. 1924, XXXIX, 121-3. 960. HARMAN, EDWARD GEORGE. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia Examined and Discussed. London: Palmer, 1924. 12s. 6d. Rev. by Richard Aldington in New Republic, Sept. 24, 1924, XL, 104-5; in Nation-Athen. by Richard Aldington, Aug. 9, 1924, XXXV, 19, 596-7. Skelton, John. 961. Poems. Heinemann, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. 224. 15s. Southwell, Robert. 962. PRAZ, MARIO. Robert Southwell's 'Saint Peter's Complaint' and its Italian Source. M.L.R., July 1924, XIX, 3, 273-90. Spenser, Edmund. 963. BAUER, R. Die Iren und die irischen Verhältnisse der Elisabethanischen Zeit in der Darstellung von Edm. Spenser und den ‘Calenders of the Carew Papers.' Ein Beitr. zu engl.-irischen Kulturgeschichte. Diss. Halle. pp. 240. 964. CARPENTER, FREDERIC IVES. G. W. Senior and G. W. I. M. Phil., Aug. 1924, XXII, 67–8. 965. XXII, 97-8. 966. The Marriages of Edmund Spenser. M. Phil., Aug. 1924, A Reference Guide to Edmund Spenser. (Bibl. 1923, 1323.) Rev. by Louis S. Friedland in J. E. G. Phil., Apr. 1924, XXIII, 316–22; by Thornton S. Graves in Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 448–9. 967. COVINGTON, F. F., Jr. Biographical Notes on Spenser. M. Phil., Aug. 1924, XXII, 63-6. 968. DRAPER, JOHN W. The Narrative Technique of The Faerie Queene. P. M. L. A. Am., June 1924, XXXIX, 310–24. 969. LEGOUIS, EMILE. Edmund Spenser. (Bibl. 1923, 1329.) Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Anglia Beibl., Dec. 1924, 355-64 [collective review]; by Floris Delattre in Revue de l'Enseign. des Langues Vivantes, 1924, PP. 145–57; by George Saintsbury in Litteris, Sept. 1924, 1, 15-18; in T.L.S. (Leading Art.), Jan. 24, 1924. 970. MCMURPHY, SUSANNAH JANE. Spenser's Use of Ariosto for Allegory. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 1924. 25.4 cm. PP. 54. (Univ. of Washington Publ., Lang. and Lit., II.) 971. MARSH, E. An Emendation in Spenser's 'Prothalamium.' Mercury, Jan. 1924, IX, 300 (corr.). 972. NICOLSON, MARGARET ERSKINE. Realistic Elements in Spenser's Style. Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, xx1, 382–98. 973. PADELFOrd, Frederick MORGAN. The Allegory of Chastity in The Faerie Queene. Studies in Philol., Apr. 1924, XXI, 367–81. 974. PIENAAR, W. J. B. Spenser's 'Complaints.' T.L.S., Dec. 4, 1924. 975. SAURAT, DENIS. Les idées philosophiques de Spenser. Yearbook of the New Soc. of Letters at Lund, Dec. 1924, vol. I. SHIPLEY, JOSEPH T. See 282. 976. TAYLOR, A. E. Spenser's Knowledge of Plato. M.L.R., Apr. 1924, XIX, 208–10. 977. WELPLY, W. H. Edmund Spenser. Some new discoveries, and the correction of some old errors. N.Q., June 21, 1924, CXLVI, 445-7; July 12, CXLVII, 35. Tindale, William. 978. COOPER, W. B. The Life and Work of William Tindale. Longmans, 1924. 71 × 5. pp. xvii, 54. 3s. 6d. Underdowne, Thomas. 979. Heliodorus of Emesa. An Æthiopian history; in the translation of THOMAS UNDERDOWNE (1587). With an introduction by GEORGE SAINTSBURY. Ornamented by Martin Travers. Simpkin, 1924. 71 × 41. PP. 301. 3s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 10, 1924; cf. F. A. WRIGHT, Corr., Jan. 17. Wager, William. The Cruel Debtor. A further Fragment. See Malone Society, 71. Weever, John. 980. 'Faunus and Melliflora.' [A newly discovered copy.] T.L.S. (Notes on Sales), June 12, 1924. XIII. 2. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY XIII. 2 a. GENERAL ADAIR, E. R. The Sources for the History of the Council in the 16th and 17th centuries. See 723. 981. BELL, WALTER G. The Great Plague in London in 1665. With 30 illus., comprising contemporary prints, plans and drawings. John Lane, 1924. 9 × 54. pp. 388. 25s. Rev. in N.Q., Nov. 1, 1924, CXLVII, 327-8. 982. BERESFORD, JOHN. Gossip of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. (Bibl. 1923, 1341.) Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 3, 1924. 983. CHANCELLOR, E. BERESFORD. The Lives of the Rakes. Vol. 1. Old Rowley. Vol. II. The Restoration Rakes. Philip Allen, 1924. 8vo. 9 × 54. pp. 235, 272. Illus. Ios. 6d. each. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 27, 1924. 984. CUMMING, L. D. Anne, Lady Halkett. [Diary of the daughter of Sir Thomas Murray, Provost of Eton, 1622.] Blackwood's, Nov. 1924, CCXVI, 654–76. DOBELL, P. J. and A. E. More Seventeenth Century Allusions to Shakespeare. See 848. 985. DOBRÉE, BONAMY. Restoration Comedy, 1660-1720. Oxford: Clar. Press, 1924. 7 × 51. Pp. 182. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 13, 1924. 986. DRINKWATER, JOHN. Some Contributions to the English Anthology. 1922. (Bibl. 1922, 1392.) Rev. by F. Liebermann in Archiv, 1924, CXLVII, 273. 987. FREEMAN, EDMUND. A Proposal for an English Academy in 1660. M.L.R., July 1924, XIX, 3, 291-300. 988. GRIFFITH, R. H. The Second Newspaper of English News. T.L.S., Dec. 4, 1924. 989. Some Unrecorded Newsbooks. T.L.S., Dec. 11, 1924. 990. HARWOOD, A. C. James Howell. Mercury, June 1924, X, 56, 167-78. 991. JEFFERY, V. M. Italian and English Pastoral Drama of the Renaissance. 1. Source of the 'Complaint of the Satyres against the Nymphes.' M.L.R., Jan. 1924, XIX, 56–62. 2. Source of Peele's 'Arraignment of Paris.' Ib., Apr. 1924, pp. 175-87. 3. Sources of Daniel's 'Queen's Arcadia' and Randolph's 'Amyntas.' Ib., Oct. 1924, XIX, 435-44. 992. Designs by INIGO JONES for Masques and Plays at Court: a Descriptive Catalogue of Drawings for Scenery and Costumes mainly in the Library of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, K.G. With Introduction and Notes by PERCY SIMPSON and C. F. BELL. Milford (for the Walpole and Malone Societies). 12 × 101. pp. xi, 158. 51 plates. 42s. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 25, 1924; see Corr. by W. L. LAWRENCE, W. W. GREG, Enid WelsfoRD, ib., Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6. 993. KOCH, J. Echte und 'Unechte' Masken. E. St., 1924, LVIII, 179-212. 994. LAWRENCE, W. J. Thomas Ravenscroft's Theatrical Associations. M.L.R., Oct. 1924, XIX, 418-34. 995. Was Peter Cunningham a Forger? See also 1060. LILJEGREN, S. B. See 750. 996. MCCUTCHEON, ROGER PHILIP. The Journal des Scavans and the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Studies in Philol., Oct. 1924, XXI, 626–8. 997. NETHERCOT, H. The Reputation of the 'Metaphysical Poets' during the 17th century. J. E. G. Phil., 1924, XXIII, part 2. 998. NICOLL, ALLARDYCE. A History of Restoration Drama, 1660-1700. (Bibl. 1923, 1356.) Rev. in N.Q., Jan. 12, 1924, CXLVI, 37-8; by W. Heldt in Neophilologus, Apr. 1924, IX, 231–2. 999. NOTESTEIN, WALLACE. The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, from the beginning of the Long Parliament to the opening of the trial of the Earl of Strafford. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford, 1924. 101 × 61. Pp. xix, 598. 32s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 13, 1924. 1000. ROLLINS, HYDER E. (ed.). Cavalier and Puritan: Ballads and Broadsides illustrating the Period of the Great Rebellion, 1640– 1660. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1923. 24 cm. pp. xv, 532. Illus., facsims. $6.50. Rev. in Nation-Athen., Feb. 2, 1924, XXXIV, 18, 640; by C. H. Firth in Engl. Hist. Rev., July 1924, xxxix, 155, 437-8; in M.L.R., Oct. 1924, XIX, 4, 484–6. 1001. ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS, THE. Report on the Manuscripts of the Marquess of Devonshire, preserved at Easthampstead Park, Berks. Vol. 1. Papers of Sir William Trumbull. Parts I and II. Ed. by E. K. PURNELL. H.M. Stationery Office, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. xxvii, 498. 10s. 6d. Rev. by A. C. Wood in Engl. Hist. Rev., July 1924, XXXIX, 155, 441-3. 1002. SAVAGE, HENRY. The Harleian Miscellany. An entertaining Selection arranged, commented upon and generally edited by. Palmer, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. viii, 272. 12s. 6d. SCHIRMER, WALTER F. See 753. SCHÜCK, HENRIK. Allmän Litteraturhistoria. See 2269. 1003. SIMPSON, PERCY and C. F. BELL. Designs by Inigo Jones for Masques and Plays at Court. Oxford: Univ. Press (for Walpole and Malone Societies), 1924. Rev. by W. W. Greg in Library, Sept. 1924, V, 280-2. See also 992. 1004. STEVENS, DAVID HARRISON (ed.). Types of English Drama, 1660-1780. (Bibl. 1923, 1366.) Boston: Ginn, 1923. Rev. by Alwin Thaler in M. Phil., Feb. 1924, XXI, 327-8. 1005. Records of the Borough of Leicester: Being a Series of Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Leicester, 16031688. Ed. by HELEN STOCKS, with the assistance of W. H. STEVENSON. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 91 × 61. pp. lvii, 644. 50s. Rev. in N.Q., June 21, 1924, CXLVI, 459–60. 1006. THOMPSON, ELBERT N. S. Literary bypaths of the Renaissance. Yale Univ. Press; London: Milford, 1924. 8vo. pp. vi, 189. 14s. Contents:-1. Character Books, pp. 1-27. II. Emblem Books, Pp. 29–67. 111. War Journalism of the Seventeenth Century, pp. 69– 89. IV. pp. 91-126. v. Books of Courtesy, pp. 127-71. VI. A Repre |