Abbildungen der Seite

258. THE SOMERSET FOLK SERIES. [Not listed.] The Somerset Folk Press.

TAYLOR, A. B. See 220.

259. TUCKER, GILBERT MILLIGAN. American English. (Bibl. 1921, 255; 1922, 365; 1923, 345.) Rev. by T. A. K[nott] in Philol. Quart., Oct. 1924, III, 318.

260. WATSON, GEORGE. The Roxburghshire Word-Book. (Bibl. 1923, 347.) Rev. in T.L.S., May 8, 1924.

261. WEISS, ADOLF. Die Mundart im englischen Drama von 1642-1800. Giessen: Selbstverlag d. Engl. Seminars d. Univers., 1924. 8vo. pp. 85.

262. WILKINSON, JOHN H. Leeds Dialect Glossary and Lore. Leeds: James Miles, 1924. 71 × 51. Pp. xxi, 234.

263. XANDRY, GEORG. Das skandinavische Element in den neuenglischen Dialekten. Münster Diss. 8vo. pp. 65.


264. ABERCROMBIE, LASCELLES. Principles of English Prosody. Part 1. The Elements. (Bibl. 1923, 350.) Rev. in T.L.S. (Leading Art.), May 1, 1924; in M.L.R., July 1924, XIX, 3, 364–7.

265. ARONSTEIN, PHILIPP. Englische Stilistik. Leipzig: Teubner, 1924. 8vo. pp. viii, 194. M. 4.60. Rev. by Joh. Ellinger in Anglia Beibl., Sept. 1924, XXXV, 278–81.


266. BLÜMEL, RUDOLF. Bedingungen für den Reim. Beitr. 1924, XLVIII, 315-18. 267. Die Rhytmusarten. Beitr. 1924, XLVIII, 310-15. 268. BROWNELL, WILLIAM CRARY. The Genius of Style. NewYork: Scribner, 1924. 21 cm. pp. viii, 226. $2; 1OS.

269. 270.

Prose Style. No. Am. Rev., Sept. 1924, CCXX, 98–133. Style. Scribner's, May-July 1924, LXXV, 506–16, 61424, LXXVI, 68–78.

DRAPER, JOHN W. See 968.

271. ENOCH, HELEN M. The Magic of Words. Contemp. Rev., Sept. 1924, cxxvi, 366–72.

272. GREW, SYDNEY, A Book of English Prosody. Grant Richards, 1924. 7 × 5. pp. xii, 238. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 20, 1924; in Nation-Athen., Feb. 16, 1924, XXXIV, 20, 712.

273. HILLS, ELIJAH CLARENCE. Meter in Anglo-American Verse. Univ. of California Chronicle, July 1924, XXVI, 299–310.

274. HOLLOWELL, B. M. The Elizabethan Hexametrists. Philol. Quart., Jan. 1924, III, 51-7.

KEITH, ARTHUR L. See 1703.

275. LORD, Walter FrewEN. Style. Nineteenth Cent., Oct. 1924, XCVI, 519-30.

276. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. In Defense of the Simple and Homely Word. Internat. Book Rev., June 1924, II, 520–I.

277. MAYNARD, THEODORE. The Reason for Rhyme. Freeman, Jan. 23, 1924, VIII, 469–70.

278. MURRY, J. MIDDLETON. The Problem of Style. (Bibl. 1922, 388.) Rev. by H. V. Routh in M.L.R., July 1924, XIX, 3, 363-4. NICOLSON, MARGARET ERSKINE. See 972.

279. ROBERTSON, J. M. The Evolution of English Blank verse. Criterion, Feb. 1924, II, 171-87.

ROUTH, J. Anglo-Saxon Meter. See 545.

SAINTSBURY, GEORGE. Some Recent Studies in English Prosody. See 55.

280. SCHLICHER, JOHN JACOB. Prospective Sentences. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Lang. and Lit., 1923, XVIII, 71-99.

281. SHEWAN, A. Sibilation in Poetry. T.L.S., Corr., Jan. 10, 1924; Paget Toynbee, ib., Jan. 17; H. Broadbent, ib., Jan. 31; cf. ib., Feb. 7.

282. SHIPLEY, JOSEPH T. Spenserian Prosody: the Couplet Forms. Studies in Philol., Oct. 1924, XXI, 594–615.

283. SMITH, EGERTON. The Principles of English Metre. (Bibl. 1923, 372.) Rev. in T.L.S., Mar. 20, 1924; cf. Corr., May 22, 29. 284. SONNENSCHEIN, E. A. What is Blank Verse? Contemp. Rev., Dec. 1924, CXxvi, 756–60.


285. STEWART, GEORGE R. A Method toward the Study of Dipodic Verse. P. M. L. A. Am., Dec. 1924, XXXIX, 979-89.

286. STEWART, GEORGE R., Jr. Modern Metrical Technique as Illustrated by Ballad Meter (1700-1920). New York, 1922. pp. 120. Rev. by H. M. Belden in J. E. G. Phil., Apr. 1924, XXIII, 308-16.

287. THOMSON, WILLIAM. The Rhythm of Speech. Glasgow: Maclehose. £5. 5s. Rev. by J. M. Dixon in Personalist, Jan. 1924, V, 72-3.





General. Drama. Fiction. Poetry. Prose

General. 288. ABBOTT, WILLIAM (comp.). The Colloquial Who's Who. 1. The United States and Canada. Tarrytown, N.Y.: The Author, 28 W. Elizabeth St., 1924. 23.5 cm. pp. 109. $5.50.

289. ANTCLIFFE, HERBERT. Prometheus in Literature. Nineteenth Cent., Dec. 1924, XCV1, 815–24.

290. ARNS, KARL. Der katholische Geist im neuen englischen Schrifttum. Der Gral, Mar. 1924, XVIII, 301-4. (See Bibl. 1922, 1766.) 291. Ein Streifzug durch das neueste englische Schrifttum. Literarischer Handweiser, July 1924, LX, 322–6.

292. BIDWELL, ALICE TOWNSEND and Isabella DenISON ROSENSTIEL. The Places of English Literature: a Literary Guide to the British Isles. Boston: Strafford, 1924. 19 cm. pp. iv, 228. $2. 293. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Bare Souls. New York: Harper, 1924. 22.5 cm. pp. xiii, 340. Ports. $3.50. Rev. by Richard C. Cabot in Atlantic Mo., Dec. 1924, CXXXIV; by Roy F. Dibble in The Nation, Nov. 5, 1924, CXIX, 500; by A. W. Vernon in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Dec. 6, 1924, 1, 345–6; by Stanton A. Coblentz in Internat. Book Rev., Dec. 1924, III, II, 14 (port.).

294. BROWNELL, WILLIAM C. American Prose Masters. (Bibl. 1923, 781.) Rev. by Geo. H. Clarke in Sewanee Rev., Apr. 1924, XXXII, 243-9.

295. CAIRNS, WILLIAM B. British Criticisms of American Writings, 1815-1833. A Contribution to the Study of Anglo-American Literary Relationships. (Bibl. 1922, 1742.) Rev. by B. A. Uhlendorf in J. E. G. Phil., Jan. 1924, XXIII, 130–2.

296. CAMP, CHARLES WELLNER. The Artisan in Elizabethan Literature. (Columbia University Studies in English and Comparative Literature.) New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1923. 22 cm. pp. x, 171.

297. DE MAAR, HARKO G. A History of Modern English Romanticism. Vol. 1. Elizabethan and Modern Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century. Diss. Amsterdam (also Milford), 1924. 91 × 61. pp. vii, 246. 10s. 6d. net.

298. DRINKWATER, JOHN. Patriotism in Literature. (Home University Library.) New York: Holt, 1924. 17 cm. pp. 256. $1. Rev. in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Aug. 30, 1924, 1, 83.


and SIR WILLIAM ORPEN (eds.). The Outlines of Literature and Art. 3 vols. Illus. Newnes, 1924. II X 8. pp. 1066. 52s. 6d.

300. ELTON, OLIVER. A Survey of English Literature, 1780-1880. (Bibl. 1920, x, 5, 390; 1921, 299; 1922, 504.) Rev. by Clark S. Northup in J. E. G. Phil., Jan. 1924, XXIII, 152-5.

301. FEHR, BERNARD. Die englische Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. In 'Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft,' ed. by O. WALZEL. In progress. Rev. by Karl Arns in Der Gral, Oct. 1924, XIX, 35-7.

302. FINCH, ROBERT. The Approach to English Literature. Evans, 1924. 7 × 5. pp. 152. 3s. 6d.

303. FOERSTER, NORMAN. Nature in American Literature: Studies in the Modern View of Nature. (Bibl. 1923, 467.) Rev. by Allan H. Gilbert in So. Atlantic Quart., July 1924, XXIII, 290-1; by Geo. H. Clarke in Sewanee Rev., Apr. 1924, XXXII, 243-9.

304. GORKI, MAXIM. Observations on the Theatre. Engl. Rev., 1924, XXXVIII, 494-8.

305. GOSSE, EDMUND. A Short History of Modern English Literature. [Two new chapters; first ed., 1897.] Heinemann, '1924. 8 × 51. pp. ix, 455. 8s. 6d.

306. GRIERSON, H. J. C. Classical and Romantic. (Bibl. 1923, 472.) Rev. by Karl Arns in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 263–6.

307. HERTZLER, Joyce OramEL. The History of Utopian Thought. (Bibl. 1923, 476.) Rev. by J. B. Edwards in Sewanee Rev., Jan. 1924, XXXII, 114-15.

308. HIBBARD, LAURA A. Medieval Romance in England. London and New York: Milford, 1924. pp. viii, 342.

309. HORN, WILHELM. Über das Komische im Schauer-roman: E. T. A. Hoffmanns Elexiere des Teufels und ihre Beziehungen zur englischen Literatur. Archiv, 1924, CXLVI, 153–63.

310. HUGHES, W. J. Wales and the Welsh in English literature from Shakespeare to Scott. Simpkin, 1924. 7 × 5. Pp. 215. 5s.

311. Kalff, G. Westeuropeesche Letterkunde. Part 1. (Bibl. 1923, 478.) Rev. by R. W. Zandvoort in E. Studies, Feb. 1924, VI, 36-8.

312. LEE, JAMES MELVIN. Some Newspapers in General and One in Particular. Yale Rev., Oct. 1924, XIV, 199–201.

313. LEGOUIS, E. and L. CAZAMIAN. Histoire de la littérature anglaise. Paris: Hachette, 1924. 16m0. pp. xiii, 1312. Fr. 25. Rev. by A. Koszul in Rev. Anglo-Amér., avril 1925, pp. 358–62; by Danchin and Rivvallan, Les Langues Modernes, 1925, pp. 53-72; by P. Berger in Rev. de l'ens. des langues vivantes, 1925, pp. 208-16.

314. MAURICE, ARTHUR BARTLETT. Six Immortals and How They Grew into Books. Mentor, Dec. 1923, XI, 1-16. Illus.

315. MAXWELL, GORDON S. The Authors' Thames: a literary ramble through the Thames Valley. Illus. by Lucilla Maxwell. Palmer, 1924. 9 × 51. pp. xiv, 324. 12s. 6d.

316. MEISSNER, P. Der Bauer in der englischen Literatur. (Bibl. 1922, 568.) Rev. by A. C. E. Vechtman-Veth in Museum, Mar. 1924, 31, 157-9.

317. NEVINS, ALLAN. American Social History as Recorded by British Travellers. New York: Holt, 1923. 23 cm. pp. x, 577. $4. Rev. by John Brooks Wheelwright in Altantic Mo., July 1924, CXXXIV; by M. L. Bonham, Jr., in Am. Hist. Rev., July 1924, XXIX, 778; by Frank Swinnerton in Bookman (N.Y.), July 1924, LIX, 592; by C. T. Crowell in Internat. Book Rev., May 1924, P. 421.

318. PHELPS, WILLIAM LYON. Some Makers of American Literature. (Bibl. 1923, 497.) Rev. by Fred Lewis Pattee in Yale Rev., Apr. 1924, XIII, 616–19; by Robert P. Utter in Univ. of California Chronicle, Apr. 1924, XXVI, 216–17.

319. RADIN, MAX. Mediæval Latin Literature. Classical Weekly, Apr. 21, 1924, XVII, 179–81.

320. RICHARDSON, CAROLINE FRANCIS. Story Animals. Yale Rev., Jan. 1924, XIII, 365-74.

321. RILEY, ISAAC WOODBRIDGE. American Thought from Puritanism to Pragmatism and Beyond. 2nd ed. New York: Holt, 1923. 19.5 cm. pp. x, 438. Rev. by Leo Jacobs in Standard, Feb. 1924, X, 190.

322. ROEDER, FRITZ (ed.). Englischer Kulturunterricht. Leitgedanken für seine Gestaltung. Vorträge. Leipzig: Teubner, 1924. Includes:-Hecht, Hans: Periodenbildung in der neueren englischen Literaturgeschichte. pp. 46-55.

ROSE, J. HOLLAND. Chivalry and the Sea. See 72.

323. SALMON, EDWARD and MAJOR A. A. LONGDEN. The Literature and Art of the Empire. Collins, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. 311. Illus. 16s. 324. SCHÖFFLer, Herbert. Protestantismus und Literatur. (Bibl. 1922, 1566.) Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Neophilologus, July 1924, IX, 304-8.

SCHÜCK, HENRIK. Allmän Litteraturhistoria. See 2269.

325. STEVENSON, LIONEL. Overseas Literature. From a Canadian Point of View. Engl. Rev., 1924, XXXIX, 876–86.

326. STOLL, E. E. Literature no 'Document.' M.L.R., Apr. 1924, XIX, 141-57.

327. TAYLOR, ARCHER. Proverbia Britannica. Washington Univ. Studies, Apr. 1924, Humanistic Ser. XI, 409–23.

THOMAS, P. G. English Literature before Chaucer. See 601.

328. THOMÉSE, IKA A. Romantik und Neuromantik. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Hugo von Hofmannsthals. Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1923. 8vo. pp. 197. Rev. by Josef Wiehr in J. E. G. Phil., July 1924, XXIII, 434-41.

329. THOMPSOn, Elbert NeVINS SEBRING. Literary Bypaths of the Renaissance. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1924. 23 cm. pp. viii, 189. $3.

330. TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, THE. The Literature of Landscape Gardening. Leading Art., May 22, 1924.

331. TRENT, WILLIAM PETERFIELD, JOHN ERSKINE, Stuart P. SHERMAN and CARL VAN DOREN. A Short History of American Literature. (Bibl. 1922, 520.) Rev. by Geo. H. Clarke in Sewanee Rev., Apr. 1924, XXXII, 243–9. See also 332.

332. TRENT, WILLIAM PETERFIELD, JOHN ERSKINE, Stuart P. SHERMAN and CARL VAN DOREN. A Short History of American Literature. With an Introduction by CARL VAN DOREN. [An abridgment of the Camb. Hist. of American Literature.] Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1924. 9 × 5. pp. xii, 428. 15s. Rev. in Nation-Athen., Mar. 22, 1924, XXXIV, 25, 891.

VOIGT, M. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Visionsliteratur im Mittelalter, 1-2. See 699.

333. WAUGH, ALEC. The Neo-Georgians. Fortn. Rev., 1924, CXV, 126-37.

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