NAME STUDY. SEMANTICS. HIST. GRAMMARS 15 Soc., 1924, XVII, 149–52. [On Kedington, locally 'Ketton,' and the Bumpsteads.] 183. The Goshalms of East Tilbury. [Evidence for true form of name.] Trans. Essex Archæol. Soc., 1924, XVII, 115-17.] 184. The Making of Brentwood. Trans. Essex Archæol. Soc., 1924, XVII, 69-74. [Tothsted.] 185. Navestock. [Mainly historical.] Trans. Essex Archæol. Soc., 1924, XVII, 194–7. 186. J. H. R. River Names in Cornwall. Devon and Cornw. Notes and Queries, July 1924, XIII, 114. 187. Rock Names, Landewednack Parish. Devon and Cornw. Notes and Queries, July 1924, XIII, 114–15. 188. SEYLER, Clarence A. The Early Charters of Swansea and Gower. Part 1. Arch. Cambr., June 1924, LXXIX, 59–79. Part II. Ib., Dec. 1924, LXXIX, 299-325. 189. SMITH, A. H. The Place-names Jervaulx, Ure and York. Anglia, 1924, XXXVI, 3, 291-6. 190. von Engeln, Oscar DIEDRICH and MRS JANE MCKELWAY URQUHART. The Story Key to Geographic Names. New York: Appleton, 1924. 19.5 cm. pp. xviii, 279. $2. Rev. by Clark S. Northup in Cornell Alumni News, Nov. 27, 1924, XXVII, 133. 191. WATKIN, HUGH R. 'Tuval.' N.Q., Jan. 12, 1924, CXLVI, 30. Some English Place-name Etymologies. (Studier i Mod. Språkvetenskap utg. av Nyfilologiska Sälskapet i Stockholm, Ix.) Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksell, 1924. 192. ZACHRISSON, R. E. VI (d). SEMANTICS GLOGAUER, ERNST. See 541. 193. HAMILTON, A. P. Compounds of the word 'cow.' A Study of Semantics. Univ. of Pennsylv. Diss. Philadelphia. 8vo. pp. 59. VII. HISTORY OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR VII (a). HISTORICAL GRAMMARS 194. EKWALL, EILERT. Historische neuenglische Laut- und Formenlehre. 2nd ed. (Bibl. 1922, 242.) Rev. by H. J. van der Meer in Museum, Apr. 1924, 31, 176–7. 195. FRANZ, W. Shakespeare-Grammatik. Heidelberg: Winter, 1924. pp. xxxiv, 640. 3rd rev. ed. M. 14.50. First publ. 1900. Rev. by G. C. Moore Smith in Litteris, Dec. 1924, 109–12. JESPERSEN, OTтo. The Philosophy of Grammar. See 93. 196. LUICK, KARL. Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Rev. by Fritz Karpf in N. Sprachen, Jan.-Mar. 1924, XXXII, part 1. 197. PALMER, HAROLD E. A Grammar of Spoken English: on a strictly phonetic basis. Cambridge: Heffer; New York: Appleton, 1924.8 × 5. Pp. xxxvi, 293. 12s. 6d.; $3.50. 198. Report of the American Joint Committee on Grammatical Nomenclature. Published by the Nat. Ed. Assn., Washington, D.C. Rev. by E. A. Sonnenschein in Class. Rev., Aug.-Sept. 1924, XXXVIII, 5, 6, 126-7. 199. SIEVERS, EDUARD. Abriss der angelsächsischen Grammatik. Sechste Auflage. Halle: Niemeyer, 1924. 8vo. pp. iii, 66. 2 plates. (Reprint of 1915 edition.) 200. SWEET, HENRY. A Short Historical Grammar. New and corrected impression. Clar. Press, 1924. Cr. 8vo. pp. xii, 264. 4s. 6d. 201. WENDT, G. Grammatik des Heutigen Englisch. (Bibl. 1923, 237.) Rev. by Clark S. Northup in J. E. G. Phil., Jan. 1924, XXIII, 148-9; by Aug. Western in Anglia Beibl., May 1924, XXXV, 150–8; by J. van der Laan in Neophilologus, Apr. 1924, IX, 229–30. 202. WRIGHT, JOSEPH and ELIZABETH MARY. An Elementary Historical New English Grammar. Milford, 1924. 8vo. pp. xi, 224. 203. An Elementary Middle English Grammar. Milford, 1923. 75. Pp. xii, 214. 7s. Rev. by Eilert Ekwall in Anglia Beibl., Aug. 1924, xxxv, 226–8 [Important]; by F. Holthausen in Literaturblatt, Oct.-Dec. 1924, XLV, 302-5; by E. Kruisinga in E. Studies, VI, 162 f. 204. An Elementary Old English Grammar. (Bibl. 1923, 238.) Rev. by Alois Brandl in D. Literaturz., 1924, part 8. VII (b). ORTHOGRAPHY 205. BYRNE, M. ST CLARE. Thomas Churchyard's Spelling. Library, Sept. 1924, V, 243–8. 206. English Spelling: (1) by BISHOP WELLDON; (2) by CAPTAIN C. E. Cox. Nineteenth Cent., Oct. 1924, XCVI, 544-53. VII (c). PHONOLOGY (INCL. PHONETICS) .. 207. ALEXANDER, HENRY. Pronunciation without Tears. Queen's Quarterly, July-Aug.-Sept. 1924, XXXII, 43-6. [On Donald Fraser's 'The Columbian Monitor,' New York, 1794, giving account of contemp. pron.] 208. ARMFIELD, G. NOËL. General Phonetics. Third ed. revised. Cambridge: Heffer, 1924. Cr. 8vo. 5s. 209. BARKER, MARIE L. Joshua Steele on Speech-Melody (1779). M.L.R., Apr. 1924, XIX, 169–74. 210. BOROWSKI, BRUNO. Lautdubletten im Altenglischen. Halle: Niemeyer, 1924. 8vo. pp. vii, 84. (Sächs. Forschungsinstitute in Leipzig.) 211. FORCHHAMMER, JÖRGEN. Die Grundlage der Phonetik. Ein Versuch, die phonet. Wissenschaft auf fester sprach-physiolog. Grundlage aufzubauen. Heidelberg: Winter, 1924. 8vo. pp. viii, 212. M. 6. Bound, M. 7.50. 212. GRAMMONT, MAURICE. L'assimilation. Notes de phonétique PHONOLOGY. INFLECTION. WORD-FORMATION 17 générale. (Bulletin de la Soc. de linguistique.) Paris: Champion, 1923. 8vo. pp. 112. 213. KENYON, JOHN SAMUEL. American Pronunciation: a Text Book of Phonetics for Students of English. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Geo. Wahr, 1924. 19.5 cm. pp. vii, 200. $1.50. Rev. by Miles L. Stanley in Dialect Notes, v, 7, 292-5. LEWIS, CHARLES LEE. See 236. '214. MALONE, KEMP. Granville Sharp (1767) on English Pronunciation. Philol. Quart., July 1924, III, 208-27. 215. Notes on the Writing Scholar's Companion (1695). M.L.N., Dec. 1924, XXXIX, 502-4. 216. MARQUARDT, RUDOLF. Experimentalphonetische Untersuchungen der Intonation im englischen Fragesatz. Archiv, 1924, CXLVII, 47-54. 217. PALMER, H. E. English Intonation, with systematic exercises. (Bibl. 1922, 274.) Rev. by L. J. Guittart in Neophilologus, Apr. 1924, IX, 230-I. 218. PARLIN, FRANK EDSON. English Phonetics: a Manual for Teachers of Reading and for Teachers of Non-English-Speaking Pupils. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1923. 19.5 cm. pp. ix, 77. 80 cents. 219. SIEVERS, EDUARD. Ziele und Wege der Schallanalyse, zwei Vorträge. (Streitberg-Festschrift, pp. 67-111.) Heidelberg: Winter, 1924. 220. TAYLOR, A. B. On the History of Old English ēā, eo in Middle Kentish. M.L.R., Jan. 1924, XIX, I-10. 221. VIGNERON, MARCEL. Recherches sur l'R anglo-américain d'après les procédés de la phonétique expérimentale. Limoges: Perrette, 1924. 8vo. pp. 87. 222. WYLD, HENRY CECIL. Studies in English Rhymes from Surrey to Pope. A Chapter in the History of English. (Bibl. 1923, 273.) Rev. by Allan L. Carter in J. E. G. Phil., July 1924, XXIII, 456–8. VII (d). INFLECTION AND WORD-FORMATION GRATTAN, J. H. G. On the Teaching of Case. See 63. 223. HEIDEMANN, GERHARD. Die Flexion des Verb. Subst. im Ags. Archiv, 1924, CXLVII, 30-46. KERN, J. H. See 651. 224. KRUISINGA, E. A Note on the Comparison of Adjectives. E. Studies, Oct. 1924, VI, 153. 225. ÖFVERBERG, WILLIAM. The Inflections of the East Midland Dialects in Early Middle English. (Substantives, Adjectives, Numerals and Pronouns.) Lund Diss. Lund: Gleerup, 1924. 8vo. pp. xii, 179. 226. The Verbal Inflections of the East Midland Dialects in Early Middle English. Lund: Gleerup, 1924. 8vo. pp. iv, 83. (Bilaga till Skara H. Allm. Läroverks Årsredogörelse, 1823-4.) M.H.R.A. 2 227. SCHULZE, W. Die reduplizierten Præterita des Tocharischen und des Germanischen. Sitzungsber. der Preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaften, 1924, XXIV. 228. VAN DER LAAN, JACOPUS. An Enquiry on a Psychological Basis into the Use of the Progressive Form in Late Modern English. Rev. by R. B. McKerrow in M.L.R., Oct. 1924, XIX, 4, 488–9. See 242. 229. WESTERGAARD, ELISABETH. Studies in Prefixes and Suffixes in Middle Scottish. Milford, 1924. 8 × 5. pp. 135. 12s. 6d. VII (e). SYNTAX 230. ANGER, ROBERT. Aktionsarten des Verbums in Aelfrics Homilien. Diss. Deutsche Universität Prag. Summary im Jahrbuch der philos. Fakultät (1924). 231. DEUTSCHBEIN, MAX. Das Resultativum im Neuenglischen. In 'Streitberg-Festgabe,' Leipzig, 1924, PP. 36–40. 232. DE VOCHT, HENRY. A Handbook of English Grammar for Belgian Students. Louvain, 1923. Criticised by R. W. Zandvoort in E. Studies, Oct. 1924, VI, 168–70. 233. KRUISINGA, E. An English Grammar for Dutch Students. Vol. 1: A Shorter Accidence and Syntax. 3rd edition. Utrecht: Kemink, 1924. Pp. xiv, 240. F. 3.50. 234. Contributions to English Syntax, xIII: Aspect. E. Studies, June–Aug. 1924, vi, 87–91. xiv: On the origin of the anaphoric relative that. Ib., Oct. 1924, VI, 141-4. 235. Points of Modern English Syntax. E. Studies, Feb. 1924, VI, 27–8; June-Aug. 1924, VI, 104–6; Oct. 1924, VI, 160–2. 236. LEWIS, CHARLES LEE. Phonetics and Syntax. Engl. Jour., Jan. 1924, XIII, 22–8. 237. MATHESIUS, V. Několik poznámek o funkci podmětu v moderní angličtině. (Some Notes on the Function of the Subject in Modern English.) Časopis pro moderní filologii, x, 1923–4, 244–8. An English summary added at the end of the volume. 238. PRICK VAN WELY, F. P. H. Kantteekeningen bij H. Poutsma's Grammar of Late Modern English, II. Section i, A: Nouns, Adjectives and Articles. Neophilologus, Oct. 1924, X, 31–6. 239. ROTHSTEIN, EWALD. Die Wortstellung in der Peterborough Chronik. (Bibl. 1922, 327.) Rev. by Eilert Ekwall in Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1924, XXXV, 29–30. 240. TRNKA, B. Příspěvky k syntaktickému a fraseologickému vývuji slovesa 'to have.' (Studies in the syntactical and phraseological History of the Verb 'to have.') Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, Prague, 1924, 1, 1-32. English Summary, pp. 33-5. 241. VAN DER GAAF, W. Three remarkable Infinitives. Neophilologus, Apr. 1924, IX, 190–4. (On the origin of to blame in 'he is to blame,' and on to say and to wit in similar constructions.) 242. VAN DER LAAN, J. An Enquiry on a Psychological Basis into the Use of the Progressive Form in Late Modern English, 1922. (Bibl. 1922, 333.) Rev. by A. Bosker in E. Studies, June-Aug. 1924, 107-13. See 228. VII (ƒ). VULGAR ENGLISH, SLANG, CANT 243. ALBERT, HERMANN. Mittelalterlicher englisch-franz. Jargon. (Bibl. 1922, 335; 1923, 305.) Rev. by Eilert Ekwall in Anglia Beibl., Jan. 1924, Xxxv, 30-2; by F. Wild in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 94–9. 244. BONNER, G. H. Slang; Its Use and Misuse. Nineteenth Cent., Dec. 1924, xcvi, 833-42. VII (g). SUBSIDIARY FORMS OF ENGLISH; DIALECT 245. Bok, EDWARD W. The Lip-Lazy American. Century, Aug. 1924, CVIII, 513-16. 246. Conkle, E. P. Interjections from South-east Nebraska. Dialect Notes, 1924, V, 7, 285. 247. DEVON And Cornwall Notes and QUERIES. 'Evil' [='threepronged fork'] in Morebath Warden's Accounts. 1924, XIII, 12, 163. 248. ENGLAND, GEORGE A. Items from South Weare, N.H. Dialect Notes, 1924, V, 7, 295. 249. GREGORY, R. R. Poems in Dialect [Somersetshire]. Somerset Folk Press, 1924. 71 × 4. PP. 136. 25. 250. HILLS, ELIJAH CLARENCE. Exclamations in American English. Dialect Notes, 1924, V, 7, 253-84. 251. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Studien zu den neuenglischen Mundarten. I: Yorkshire. E. Studies, Oct. 1924, VI, 145–52. 252. JAMES, HENRY J. Notes on Cape Cod Dialect. Dialect Notes, 1924, V, 7, 286–8. 253. MENCKEN, HENRY LOUIS. The American Language. (Bibl. 1922, 358; 1923, 331.) Rev. by Enrique Blanco in Internat. Book Rev., Apr. 1924, 11, 341–3; by Arthur G. Kennedy in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 1, 115–19; by W. Franz in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 248–50 [on third stereotyped ed. 1923]. 254. MOORE, A. W. A Vocabulary of the Anglo-Manx Dialect. Milford, 1924. 8vo. pp. 206. 25s. 255. MORGAN, BAYARD QUINCY. Simile and Metaphor: Addenda. Dialect Notes, 1924, V, 7, 289–91. 256. NORTHERN REVIEW. Little Scots Theatre. 1. The Purple Patch (A Cross-Talk Comedy in One Act). By HUGH M'DIARMID, May 1924, pp. 16–21. 2. Pardon in the Morning. By ALexander MACGILL, June-July 1924, PP. 110-15. 3. The Dawn. By NAOMI JACOB. 257. RAINE, James Watt. The Speech of the Land of Saddle-Bags. Quart. Jour. Speech Ed., June 1924, X, 230-7. SERJEANTSON, MARY S. See 617. |