2257. JOURDAIN, E. F. The Drama in Europe: in Theory and Practice. Methuen, 1924. 72 × 5. pp. xix, 179. 5s. 2258. KELSO, RUTH. Saviolo and His Practice. M.L.N., Jan. 1924, XXXIX, 33-5. 2259. KENT, Roland GRUBB. Language and Philology. Boston: Marshall Jones, 1923. 19 cm. pp. vii, 174. $1.50. [Our Debt to Greece and Rome.] 2260. KNOWLTON, E. C. Genius as an Allegorical Figure. M.L.N., Feb. 1924, XXXIX, 89-95. KRAPPE, ALEXANDER HAGGERTY. See 882. 2261. LAUMONIER, P. Ronsard et l'Ecosse. Rev. de litt. comparée, juillet 1924, pp. 408-28. LIPTZIN, SOLOMON. See 1706. 2262. LUCAS, FRANK LAURENCE. Euripides and His Influence. Boston: Marshall Jones, 1924. 19 cm. pp. xv, 188. $1.50. [Our Debt to Greece and Rome.] Rev. by H. L. Pangborn in Bookman (N.Y.), July 1924, LIX, 602; in Cath. World, June 1924, cxix, 418; by Paul Shorey in Classical Philol., Jan. 1924, XIX, 94; in Nation, Mar. 26, 1924, CXVIII, 351; by Emily J. Putnam in Classical Weekly, Oct. 6, 1924, XVIII, 6–7. See 751. MURRAY, KATHLEEN. See 1331. 2263. NOBLET, ALBERT. La Poésie Lyrique en France des origines à 1914: avec un Essai de Bibliographie. Dent, 1924. Cr. 8vo. pp. 496. 7s. 6d. 2264. PARTRIDGE, ERIC. The French Romantics' Knowledge of English Literature (1820-1848): According to Contemporary French Memoirs, Letters and Periodicals. Paris: Champion, 1924. 10 × 63. PP. 370. Fr. 40. 2265. RÉBELLIAU, ALFRED. Bossuet et sa renommée en Angleterre. Rev. Anglo-Amér., juin 1924, pp. 383–8. 2266. ROE, FREDERICK-CHARLES. Taine et l'Angleterre. Paris: Champion, 1923. 8vo. pp. 209. Rev. by L. Cazamian in Rev. AngloAmér., avril 1924, pp. 357-61. 2267. ROSE, WILLIAM. From Goethe to Byron. The Development of 'Weltschmerz' in German Literature. Routledge, 1924. 7 × 51. pp. vii, 210. 7s. 6d. 2268. SAYLER, OLIVER M. (ed.). Max Reinhardt and His Theatre. Brentano, 1924. 9 × 6. pp. xxiii, 381. 42s. Rev. in T.L.S., May 15, 1924. 2269. SCHÜCK, HENRIK. Allmän Litteraturhistoria. Stockholm: Hugo Geber, 1919–. In progress. 23.5 cm. Vol. 1. De Antika Folkens Historia. pp. viii, 360. 1919. Vol. 11. Medeltiden. pp. x, 335. 1920. [1. Byzantine Literature; 2. The Middle Ages. Incl. the secular and Christian Liter. of England and the Continent; Popular Tale and Saga; Chanson de Geste; Provençal Lyrics and Roman de la Rose; Dante; Saga of Iceland; Drama.] Vol. 111. Renässansen. pp. xiii, 640. 1922. [Incl. Italian Renaissance; Humanism; Renaissance Literature outside Italy; Elizabethan Literature; Shakespeare; Milton.] Vol. iv. Den franska Klassiciteten. pp. xii, 384. [Incl. Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Pascal, Bossuet, etc.; Malherbe, Balzac, La Fontaine, La Bruyère, Fénelon, etc.; Corneille, Racine, Molière, Dryden, Wycherley, etc.] Vol. v. Upplysningen och Förromantiken. Pp. xiii, 787. 1924. [Incl. English Restoration Period; French, German, Italian, Spanish 18th cent. Liter.; English early Romantics.] SNYDER, Edward DOUGLAS. See 1178. 2270. SÖDERHJELM, WERNER. Henrik Schück und seine allgemeine Literaturgeschichte. Neuphil. Mittheil., 1924, xxv, parts 4-8. 2271. THIBAUdet, Albert. Anatole France en Angleterre. Nouv. Revue Française, juin 1924, PP. 734–40. TREVELYAN, G. M. Englishmen and Italians, Some Aspects of their Relations, Past and Present. See 55. 2272. WHITING, MARY BRADFORD. The Spell of Florence. Sewanee Rev., Jan. 1924, XXXII, 2-14. 2273. WITHERSPOON, ALEXANDER MACLAREN. The Influence of Robert Garnier on Elizabethan Drama. (Yale Studies in English, LXV.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1924. 23 cm. pp. vi, 197. 2274. WOLLSTEIN, ROSE H. English Opinions of French Poetry, 1660-1750. Milford, 1924. 8vo. pp. 103. 95. INDEX The numbers refer to the entries in the Bibliography Bancroft, S., 1407 - W. E., 69 Barnett, D., 1736 Barrett, W. F., 1806 Bateman, M. G. F., 1677 Bathurst, Earl, 35 Battle of Maldon, 551 Baudelaire, 1756 Baudouin, C., 384 Bauer, R., 963 Becker, Mrs M. L., 10 Beerbohm, M., 1921 Baldensperger, F., 1310, 1409, Bede, 552 1470, 2124 Baldwin, P. W., 823 - T. W., 1020 Ballads, 33, 63, 1367 Ballads and Broadsides, 1000 1017-18 Ballentine, J. A., 103 Archer, W., 468, 725, 1407, 2171 | Bamford, A. B., 1253 Beggar's Bush, The, 1024 C. F., 992, 1003 E. G., 1477 Bellamy, R. L., 1404 Belloc, H., 1898, 1922-4 Benedetti, A., 581-2, 824-5 Benson, A. C., 1311, 1931-2 Berdan, J. M., 797 Beresford, J., 982, 1045, 1150-1, Bianchi, M. G. D., 1527, 1531-2 Bible, 562, 616-17, 1025-6 Bidwell, A. T., 292 Bierce, A., 1371 Biggane, C., 2119 Binns, L. E., 775 Binyon, L., 1826, 1898, 1934 Birrell, A., 385, 1255, 1372, 1551 Blackie, E. M., 727, 752 Blackwood, A., 1935 Blair,' 1905 Blair, R., 1185 Bloom, J. H., II Blum, A., 1152 Blümel, R., 266–7 Blunden, E., 1288, 1487 Boas, F. S., 17, 18, 828, 1040 Bodenheim, M., 386, 510 Bok, E. W., 245 Boniface, Saint, 563 Botsford, Jay B., 1153 Bourchier, John, second Baron Boutet de Nouvel, R., 1406 Boynton, P. H., 1848, 1949 Bruce, H., 1186 J. D., 608 Buchan, J., 65 Buermeyer, L., 393 Bullen, A. H., 392, 730 Bradford, G., 49, 293, 389, 1128- Bunyan, J., 1029-30 Burchard, L., 583 Burchardt, C., 1154 Burt, Emma I., 1383 - R., 1032 - Chambers, E. K., 56, 64, 71, Collingwood, R. G., 404 735 R. W., 63 Collins, J. P., 405, 1575, 1852 Chancellor, E. B., 983, 1411, Colum, M. M., 406, 1891 1511 Padraic, 1959-60 Colvin, Sir S., 1599, 1738-9 Dakers, A., 1204 Damon, S. F., 624, 1187 Congreve, W., 412, 1041-4, 1214 Dane, C., 1853 Conkle, E. P., 246 Connely, W., 621 Connes, G., 835, 2222 Conrad, J., 1504, 1961-93 Conway, A., 1144 Danz, K., 1202 Cook, A. S., 549-50, 552, 554-5, Davies, John, of Hereford, 768 622 Cooke, E. A., 1238 Cooksey, C. F., 609 - - B., 2125 J. F., 1503 L., 407, 473, 2248 |