Abbildungen der Seite

2175. GILLIS, JAMES M. George Bernard Shaw. Cath. World,

Jan. 1924, CXVIII, 525-33.

2176. GOLDING, HENRY J. Bernard Shaw and His Saint Joan. The Standard, Nov. 1924, XI, 83–7.

2177. HAMMOND, JOSEPHINE. The Quillurgence of Shaw. (Bibl. 1923, 2929.) Continued in Personalist, Jan., Apr. 1924.

2178. HENDErson, ArchibALD. Bernard Shaw Talks of His Saint Joan. Internat. Book Rev., Mar. 1924, 11, 286–7, 289. Illus.

2179. Das grosse und das kleine Welttheater. Ein Gespräch mit G. B. Shaw. (Transl. by Kurt Busse.) Preussische Jahrb., May 1924, CXCVI, 2, 115–32.

2180. JONES, HENRY ARTHUR. Bernard Shaw as a Thinker. Engl. Rev., 1924, XXXVIII, 345-50.

2181. RASCOE, BURTON. Shaw, the Maid, and American Folk Drama. Arts and Dec., Feb. 1924, XX, 17.

2182. SHANKS, EDWARD. Bernard Shaw. Nisbet, 1924. 63 × 41. pp. 132. 25.

2183. TITTLE, WALTER. Mr Bernard Shaw talks about 'Saint Joan.' Bookman (Lond.), Dec. 1924, LXVII, 143–4.

2184. WILSON, EDMUND. Bernard Shaw Since the War. New Republic, Aug. 27, 1924, XL, 380-1.

Shaw, G. B. and Archibald Henderson. 2185. Dialogue about Things in General. Fortn. Rev., 1924, CXV, part i, pp. 619–27; part ii, PP. 764-76.

2186. Das Drama, das Theater, der Film. Neue Rundschau, Nov. 1924, XXXV, 1115-28.

Sinclair, May. 2187. A Cure of Souls. New York: Macmillan ; London: Hutchinson, 1924. 19.5 cm. pp. iv, 324. $2.50; 7s. 6d. Rev. by Geo. B. Dutton in Atlantic Mo., Nov. 1924, CXXXIV; by Louise Maunsell Field in Internat. Book Rev., Mar. 1924, II, 329.

2188. Arnold Waterlow: a Life. New York: Macmillan; London: Hutchinson, 1924. 19.5 cm. pp. vi, 446. $2.50; 7s. 6d. Rev. by Lee Wilson Dodd in Sat. Rev. of Lit., Oct. 11, 1924, 1, 179; by Angus Burrell in Nation, Nov. 19, 1924, CXIX, 548; in T.L.S., Sept. 4, 1924.

2189. The Dark Night: a poem. Jonathan Cape, 1924. 81 × 51. pp. 121. 7s. 6d. and 15s. Rev. in T.L.S., July 17, 1924; by V. Sackville-West in Nation-Athen., July 12, 1924, XXxv, 2, 484.

2190. The Grandmother. [A Poem.] Criterion, Feb. 1924, II, 167– 70.

2191. BOSSCHÈRE, JEAN DE. Charity in the Work of May Sinclair. Yale Rev., Oct. 1924, XIV, 82–94.

2192. STEELL, WILLIS. May Sinclair Tells Why She Isn't a Poet. Internat. Book Rev., June 1924, II, 513, 559. Port.

Sitwell, Edith. 2193. The Sleeping Beauty. Duckworth. 71 × 5. pp. 96. 5s. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 3, 1924; by Robert Graves in NationAthen., Apr. 19, 1924, XXXV, 3, 88; by F. L. Lucas in New Statesman, June 14, 1924, XXIII, 582, 288.



Sitwell, Osbert. 2194. Die Maschine versagt. Die Neue Rundschau, Nov. 1924, XXXV, 1104-14.

2195. Triple Fugue. Richards, 1924. 7 × 51. PP. 327. 7s. 6d. Sitwell, Sacheverell. 2196. Southern Baroque Art: a study of painting, architecture and music in Italy and Spain of the 17th and 18th centuries. With 16 illus. Richards, 1924. 9 × 51. PP. 322. 205. 2197. The Thirteenth Caesar. And other poems. Grant Richards, 1924. 81 × 51. pp. 112. 6s. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 6, 1924. 2198. Three Variations. [Three Poems.] Criterion, Apr. 1924, II, 296-9.

Squire, J. C. Essays on Poetry. See 372.

2199. The Grub Street Nights: II. The Golden Scilens. Mercury, Jan. 1924, IX, 240–8.

2200. The Grub Street Nights Entertainments. Hodder and Stoughton, 1924. 73 × 5. pp. 229. 7s. 6d. Rev. by R. E. Roberts in Bookman (Lond.), Nov. 1924, LXVII, 105–6.

2201. A New Song of the Bishop of London and the City Churches. Decorated by Christopher Draper. London: M. Pike, 1924. Imp. 8vo. pp. 12. Boards, 4s. 6d.

2202. FREEMAN, JOHN. The Poetry of J. C. Squire. Bookman (Lond.), Nov. 1924, LXVII, 108–9.

MAYNARD, THEODORE. Our Best Poets. See 1898.

PRIESTLEY, J. B. Figures in Modern Literature. See 1864.

Stephens, James. 2203. In the Land of Youth. Macmillan, 1924. 71 × 5. pp. 304. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 30, 1924; in Spectator (Lit. Suppl.), Nov. 8, 1924, 5028, 704.

2204. BRULÉ, A. James Stephens. Rev. Anglo-Amér., juin 1924, pp. 403-10.

Swinnerton, Frank. 2205. Young Felix. (Bibl. 1923, 2965.) Rev. by R. M. Gay in Atlantic Mo., Mar. 1924, CXXXIII; in Dial, Jan. 1924, LXXVI, 92; by H. W. Boynton in Independent, Jan. 5, 1924, CXII, 23; by Edwin Bjorkman in Internat. Book Rev., Jan. 1924, 11, 138–40; in New Republic, May 26, 1924, XXXVIII, 346; in No. Am. Rev., Jan. 1924, CCXIX, 137-9.

Synge, John Millington. 2206. Letters. From Material Supplied by Max Meyerfeld. Yale Rev., July 1924, XIII, 690–709.

2207. FAUSSET, HUGH I'A. Synge and Tragedy. Fortn. Rev., 1924, CXV, 258-73.

2208. THORNING, JUST. J. M. Synge, en modern irsk Dramatiker. (Bibl. 1921, 2076.) Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in E. St., 1924, LVIII, 294–6. Tagore, Sir Rabindranath. 2209. Gora. London: Macmillan, 1924. 8 × 51. pp. 408. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 28, 1924; by Leonard Woolf in Nation-Athen., Feb. 9, 1924, XXXIV, 19, 669.

2210. LÉVI, MME D. SYLVAIN. Rabindranath Tagore à Santiniketan. Europe, déc. 15, 1923.

Tarkington, Booth. 2211. The Midlander. Garden City: Doubleday, 1923; London: Heinemann, 1924. 19.5 cm. pp. viii, 493. $2.

Rev. by Arthur Stanwood Pier in Atlantic Mo., Apr. 1924, CXXXIII; by Louise Maunsell Field in Internat. Book Rev., Feb. 1924, II, 237.

2212. DOUBLEday, Russell. Booth Tarkington of the Midlands. Internat. Book Rev., Feb. 1924, II, 224-5.

Trench, Frederick Herbert. 2213. Collected Works in three vols. Cape, 1924. 81 × 51. 25s. Vol. 1. Poems, with Fables in Prose. pp. 219. Vol. II. Poems, with Fables in Prose. pp. 218. Vol. III. Napoleon: a play. pp. 152. Rev. in Spectator (Lit. Suppl.), Nov. 8, 1924, 5028, 692; in New Statesman, Oct. 18, 1924, XXIV, 600, 50.

2214. Selected Poems. Ed. with an Introduction by HAROLD WILLIAMS. Cape, 1924. 7 × 54. pp. xii, 156. 4s. 6d. Rev. in Spectator (Lit. Suppl.), Nov. 8, 1924, 5028, 692.

2215. CLARKE, AUSTIN. The Poetry of Herbert Trench. Mercury, June 1924, X, 56, 157–66.

2216. GEORGE, R. E. GORDON. The Poetry of Mr Herbert Trench. Contemp. Rev., July 1924, cxxvi, 76–83.

Van Vechten, Carl. CUNNINGHAM, SCOTT. See 15.

Walpole, Hugh. 2217. The Old Ladies. Macmillan, 1924. 8 × 51. pp. ix, 304. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Oct. 9, 1924; in Spectator, Oct. 25, 1924, 5026, 612; in New Statesman, Oct. 25, 1924, XXIV, 601, 81.

Wells, Herbert George. 2218. The Dream. London: Cape, 1924. 7 × 51. PP. 320. 7s. 6d. New York: Macmillan. pp. vi, 318. $2.50. Rev. in T.L.S., Apr. 10, 1924; by Rose Macaulay in Nation-Athen., Apr. 12, 1924, XXXV, 2, 55-6; by J. B. Priestley in Mercury, May 1924, X, 55, 101; by Rose Macaulay in New Republic, May 7, 1924, XXXVIII, 292; by Louise M. Field in Internat. Book Rev., June 1924, II, 552.

2219. Men like Gods. (Bibl. 1923, 2985.) Rev. by A. G. van Kranendonk in E. Studies, Feb. 1924, VI, 39-45.

2220. The Story of a Great Schoolmaster. Being a Plain Account of the Life and Ideas of Sanderson of Oundle. London: Chatto and Windus, 1924. Cr. 8vo. pp. 152. Illus. 4s. 6d. Rev. in NationAthen., Mar. 1, 1924, XXXIV, 22, 770.

2221. A Year of Prophesying. Fisher Unwin, 1924. 8vo. 9 × 52. pp. 272. 10s. Rev. in T.L.S., Dec. 25, 1924.

2222. CONNES, G. La première forme de la Machine à explorer le temps. Rev. Anglo-Amér., avril 1924, PP. 339-44.

2223. SOUČEK, F. Náboženská zkušenost v díle H. G. Wellse. (Religious Experience in the Works of H. G. Wells.) Studies in English by Members of the English Seminar of the Charles University, 1924, 1, 83-120. English Summary, pp. 121–4.

Weyman, Stanley. 2224. The Traveller in the Fur Cloak. Hutchinson, 1924. 7 × 5. PP. 292. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S. (Fiction), Apr. 24, 1924; cf. ib., Corr., Hugh Walpole, May 8.

Wharton, Edith. 2225. Ethan Frome. First ed., printed in

England. Nash and Grayson, 1924. Cr. 8vo. 71 × 5. 3s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Sept. 11, 1924.

2226. Old New York: False Dawn, The Old Maid, The Spark, New Year's Day. New York: Appleton, 1924. 8vo. 7 × 5. 4 vols. 4s. 6d. each; $5. Rev. by John Jay Chapman in Atlantic Mo., Aug. 1924, CXXXIV; by Edmund Wilson in New Republic, June 11, 1924, XXXIX, 77; by Louise M. Field in Internat. Book Rev., June 1924, II, 538-9; in T.L.S., Sept. 11, 1924.

Whitham, J. Mills. 2227. The Windlestraw. Allen and Unwin, 1924. 7 × 54. pp. 384. 7s. 6d. Rev., with earlier novels, in T.L.S., July 10, 1924.

Wiggin, Kate Douglas. 2228. My Garden of Memory. (Bibl. 1923, 3000.) Rev. in T.L.S., Feb. 28, 1924.

2229. STEBBIns, Roderick. Kate Douglas Wiggin as I Knew Her. Bookman (N.Y.), June 1924, LIX, 405-12. Ports.

Williams, Charles. MAYNARD, THEODORE. Our Best Poets. See 1898.

Yeats, William Butler. 2230. Essays. [Re-issue of: 1. ‘Ideas of Good and Evil' (1896–1903). 2. 'The Cutting of an Agate' (1903– 1915). 3. 'Per Amica Silentia Lunæ' (1916–1917).] Macmillan, 1924. 7 × 5. pp. viii, 538. 10s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., May 22, 1924; by J. Hoops in E. St., 1924, PP. 454–5; in New Statesman, July 12, 1924, XXIII, 586, 414; by George Sampson in Bookman (Lond.), July 1924, LXVI, 201-2.

2231. The Cat and the Moon. A Play for Dancers. Criterion, July 1924, II, 395-408.

2232. Later Poems. (Bibl. 1922, 2030; 1923, 3005.) Rev. by Joseph Auslander in Atlantic Mo., Aug. 1924, CXXXIV.

2233. Plays and Controversies. (Bibl. 1923, 3007.) Rev. in T.L.S., Jan. 10, 1924.

2234. AYNARD, JOSEPH. W. B. Yeats, lauréat du prix Nobel. Rev. de Paris, janv. 1, 1924.

2235. CAZAMIAN, MADELEINE L. W. B. Yeats, poète de l'Irlande. La Vie des Peuples, janv. 1924.

2236. JONES, LLEWELLYN.. The Later Poetry of W. B. Yeats. No. Am. Rev., Apr. 1924, CCXIX, 499–506.

2237. LICHNEROWICZ, JEANNE. W. B. Yeats. Europe, juin 15, 1924. MAYNARD, THEODORE. Our Best Poets. See 1898.

2238. POURRAT, HENRI. W. B. Yeats. Nouv. Rev. Française, janv. 1, 1924, pp. 124–8.

2239. STARKIE, W. W. B. Yeats. Premio Nobel 1924. Nuova Antologia, fas. 1249, Apr. 1, 1924, pp. 238–45.

2240. SYMONS, A. J. A. A Bibliography of the First Editions of Books by William Butler Yeats. First Edition Club, 1924. 81 × 51. PP. 54. 7s. 6d.

Young, Francis Brett. 2241. Cold Harbour. Collins, 1924. 71 × 51. pp. vii, 286. 7s. 6d. Rev. in T.L.S., Nov. 27, 1924.

2242. TWITCHETT, E. G. Mr Francis Brett Young. Mercury, Aug. 1924, X, 58, 396–408.

Zangwill, Edith Ayrton. 2243. The Call. London: Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. Rev. in Nation-Athen., May 17, 1924, XXXV, 7, 214.


2244. ARVIN, NEIL COLE. Eugene Scribe, and the French Theatre, 1815-60. Milford, 1924. 8vo. pp. 268. 12s. 6d.

BENSE, J. F. See 104.

2245. CARRÉ, J. M. Michelet et l'Angleterre. Rev. de littérature comparée, avril 1924, pp. 270–322.

2246. CARTER, HUNTLY. The New Theatre and Cinema of Soviet Russia. Being an analysis and synthesis of the Unified Theatre produced in Russia by the 1917 Revolution, and an account of its growth and development from 1917 to the present day. Chapman and Dodd, 1924. 82 × 61. pp. xxi, 277. 25s. Rev. in T.L.S., June 26, 1924.

2247. CHUDOBA, F. The Influence of English Literature on Czechoslovak Literature in the XIX. Century. (Especially the Influence of Byron on Czech Poetry.) President Masaryk in Paris, Brussels and London in October, 1923. Prague, 1924. pp. 124-37. CONNELY, WILLARD. See 621.

2248. COOPER, LANE. The Poetics of Aristotle: Its Meaning and Influence. Our Debt to Greece and Rome. (Bibl. 1923, 3023.) Rev. by Clark S. Northup in Cornell Alumni News, Jan. 17, 1924, XXVI, 191. 2249. DIEBOLD, BERNHARD. Anarchie im Drama. FrankfurterVerlags-Anstalt. Rev. in T.L.S., June 26, 1924.

2250. DODDS, E. R. (ed.). Select Passages illustrative of Neoplatonism. S.P.C.K., 1924. Cr. 8vo. pp. 91. 4s. 6d.

2251. The Epic of the Beast: consisting of English translations of the History of Reynard the Fox, by W. S. STALLYBRASS, and of Physiologus, by James Carlill. With an introduction by WILLIAM ROSE. (Broadway Translations.) Routledge, 1924. 71 × 4. pp. xxxviii, 277. 7s. 6d.

2252. ERRANTE, VINCENZO. Il mito di Faust. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1924. 16mo.

2253. FARNHAM, WILLARD. England's Discovery of the Decameron. P. M. L. A. Am., Mar. 1924, XXXIX, 123-39.

2254. GREENLAW, EDWIN. The Return to the Classics. Studies in Philol., Oct. 1924, XXI, 649–61.

2255. GULICK, CHARLES BURTON. The Origin of the Novel. Harvard Graduates' Mag., Dec. 1924, XXXIII, 203–16.

2256. HUIZINGA, J. The Waning of the Middle Ages: a Study of the forms of life, thought and art in France and the Netherlands in the 14th and 15th centuries. Arnold, 1924. 9 × 51. PP. 336. Illus. 16s.

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