Elegant extracts: a copious selection of passages from the most eminent prose writers, Band 5


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Seite 214 - Pyrrhus, the knight told me that he did not believe the king of France himself had a better strut. I was indeed very attentive to my old friend's remarks, because I looked upon them as a piece of natural criticism, and was well pleased to hear him, at the conclusion of almost every scene, telling me that he could not imagine how the play would end. One while he appeared much concerned for Andromache ; and, a little while after, as much for Hermione ; and was extremely puzzled to think what would...
Seite 9 - In these amusements the hours passed away uncounted, his deviations had perplexed his memory, and he knew not towards what point to travel. He stood pensive and confused, afraid to go forward lest he should go wrong, yet conscious that the time of loitering was now past.
Seite 114 - em, which I had just purchased, and gave him one ; and, at this moment that I am telling it, my heart smites me that there was more of pleasantry in the conceit of seeing how an ass would eat a macaroon, than of benevolence in giving him one, which presided in the act. When the ass had eaten his macaroon, I pressed him to come in.
Seite 105 - ... was something in his looks, and voice, and manner, superadded, which eternally beckoned to the unfortunate to come and take shelter under him : so that before...
Seite 106 - The blood and spirits of Le Fevre, which were waxing cold and slow within him, and were retreating to their last citadel, the heart, — rallied back, — the film forsook his eyes for a moment ; — he looked up wishfully in my uncle Toby's face ; — then cast a look upon his boy ; — and that ligament, fine as it was — was never broken ! Nature instantly ebb'd again; — the film returned to its place ; — the pulse fluttered ; — stopped ; — went on,— throbbed, — stopped again; —...
Seite 172 - We were to drag up oceans of gold from the bottom of the sea ; we were to supply all Europe with herrings upon our own terms. At present we hear no more of all this. We have fished up very little gold that I can learn ; nor do we furnish the world with herrings as was expected.
Seite 102 - I wish, said my uncle Toby, with a deep sigh, — I wish, Trim, I was asleep. Your honour, replied the corporal, is too much concerned; — shall I pour your honour out a glass of sack to your pipe? Do, Trim, said my uncle Toby.
Seite 99 - I heard the poor gentleman say his prayers last night,' said the landlady, ' very devoutly, and with my own ears, or I could not have believed it.' 'Are you sure of it 3 ' replied the curate. 'A soldier, an
Seite 216 - Roger hearing a cluster of them praise Orestes, struck in with them, and told them, that he thought his friend Pylades was a very sensible man. As they were afterwards applauding Pyrrh'us, Sir Roger put in a second time, "And let me tell you, (says he,) though he speaks but little, I like the old fellow in whiskers as well as any of them.
Seite 8 - Having thus calmed his solicitude, he renewed his pace, though he suspected that he was not gaining ground. This uneasiness of his mind inclined him to lay hold on every new object, and give way to every sensation that might soothe or divert him. ' He listened to every echo, he mounted every hill for a fresh prospect, he turned aside to every cascade...

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