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by the plaintiff might reflect many elements not pertinent to an inquiry as to the interest it should be allowed on its claim, and would lead us far afield from the subject under discussion. In the absence of a universal rule upon the subject, we hold that the rate adopted by the Mixed Claims Commission, and by that commission made applicable to a great number of claims, varying widely in their nature, that is five per centum per annum, rather than the slightly higher rate (5.088 per centum per annum), should be allowed, and, also in accordance with the rule adopted by that commission, that the interest should begin to run from the date of the injury, which in this case we hold to be the date upon which the injury became complete and the damages became possible of computation, March 20, 1918. Interest should run from that date to the date of the entry of judgment herein.

Judgment will therefore be entered in favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $446,826.22, with interest thereon to be computed from March 20, 1918, to the date hereof, at the rate of five per centum per annum. It is so ordered.

WHALEY, Judge; LITTLETON, Judge; GREEN, Judge; and Воoгн, Chief Justice, concur.


Special Agreement Of December 17, 1930 For The Submission To Arbitration Of Certain Claims Of Swedish Subjects




MAY 5, 1932

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