Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST'99: A Selection of Papers from the 7th International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory Vienna, Austria, September 29 - October 2, 1999 ProceedingsSpringer Science & Business Media, 26.07.2000 - 602 Seiten Computer Aided Systems Theory (CAST) deals with the task of contributing to the creation and implementation of tools for the support of usual CAD tools for design and simulation by formal mathematical or logical means in modeling. Naturally,thebasisfortheconstructionandimplementationofCASTsoftwareis provided by the existing current knowledge in modeling and by the experience of practitioners in engineering design. Systems Theory, as seen from the viewpoint of CAST research and CAST tool development, has the role of providing formal frameworks and related theoretical knowledge for model-construction and model analysis. We purposely do not distinguish sharply between systems theory and CAST and other similar ?elds of research and tool development such as for example in applied numerical analysis or other computational sciences. TheheredocumentedEUROCASTconferencewhichtookplaceattheVienna University of Technology re?ects current mainstreams in CAST. As in the p- vious conferences new topics, both theoretical and application oriented, have been addressed. The presented papers show that the ?eld is widespread and that new - velopments in computer science and in information technology are the driving forces. Theeditorswouldliketothanktheauthorsforprovidingtheirmanuscriptsin hardcopyandinelectronicformontime.Thesta?ofSpringer-VerlagHeidelberg gave, as in previous CAST publications, valuable support in editing this volume. |
Experiences and Future Perspectives | 3 |
Conceptual Frameworks Methods and Tools | 21 |
Conceptual Design Functional Decomposition Mathematical Modelling | 38 |
ComputerAided Analysis and Validation of Heterogeneous System | 55 |
Patterns for Embedded Systems Design | 80 |
Representing Petri Nets in an Action Based Formalism | 105 |
Parallel Processor Array for Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithms | 127 |
A Formalized Description Approach to Continuous Time Systems E Jharko | 142 |
An Interactive TeamBuilding Tool ITBT | 295 |
Sociological Aspects of Data Acquisition and Processing | 302 |
Simulation of Gaussian Processes and First Passage Time Densities | 319 |
Distributed Simulation with Multimedia Interface | 334 |
Floating Car Data Analysis of Urban Road Networks | 357 |
Systems Engineering and Software Development | 374 |
A Framework for the Elicitation Evolution and Traceability of System | 394 |
Development of a Precision Assembly System Using Selective Assembly | 407 |
Modeling Complex Systems by Multiagent Holarchies | 154 |
Partition of Systems by General System Logical Theory GSLT G Resconi | 169 |
Multiagent Approach to Intelligent Control of Robot 185 | 183 |
Design of Competence Promoting MultiAgentSystems to Support | 201 |
System Integration Techniques in Robotics | 209 |
Multiprocessor Design of Nonlinear Robust Motion Control for Rigid | 224 |
Mobile Robot Path Planning Among Weighted Regions Using Quadtree | 239 |
Matrix Model of Robot in Matlab Simulink | 250 |
Modeling and Simulation | 256 |
Assembly Reengineering Model | 274 |
Design for Disassembly and Recycling for Small and Medium Sized | 282 |
Modeling the Emergence of Social Entities | 289 |
A Formalisation of the Evolution of Software Systems | 435 |
A System Theory Based Tool to Support Evolutionary Software | 449 |
Vertical Partitioning Algorithms in Distributed Databases | 465 |
A Fractal Software Complexity Metric Analyser | 486 |
On Completness in Early Vision from Systems Theory | 506 |
A Medical Ontology for Integrating CaseBased Reasoning RuleBased | 521 |
VariableStructure Learning Controllers A Sala P Albertos M Olivares | 543 |
Non Selective Gas Sensors and Artificial Neural Networks Determination | 565 |
Automatic Players for Computer Games | 588 |
Author Index | 601 |
Andere Ausgaben - Alle anzeigen
Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast'99: A Selection of Papers from the ... Franz Pichler,Roberto Moreno-Diaz,Peter Kopacek Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2014 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Abstract action activity adaptive ADLs agent algorithm analysis approach architecture Artificial Intelligence assembly automation behavior case-based reasoning complex components concept control system corresponding database decision defined described DEVS distance transform distribution dynamic environment equations evaluation evolution example execution floating car data function GMs formalism Heidelberg Heidelberg 2000 holarchy holons identifiers IEEE implementation input instrumental variable integration intelligent interaction interface knowledge Kopacek Eds language layer LNCS logic machine matrix Metasystem methods micro machining module Moreno-Díaz multi-agent system neural node object Ontology OOPNs operations optimal output parameters path performed Petri Nets Pichler planning possible problem processor production properties quadtree receptive fields representation represented requirements robot sensors simulation Software Engineering Software System space specific Springer-Verlag structure subsystem switch Systems Theory task transform transition variables vector