A Sentimental Journey Through France and ItalyCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014 - 104 Seiten "[...]ransom of the unfortunate. - The monk made me a bow. - But of all others, resumed I, the unfortunate of our own country, surely, have the first rights; and I have left thousands in distress upon our own shore. - The monk gave a cordial wave with his head, - as much as to say, No doubt there is misery enough in every corner of the world, as well as within our convent - But we distinguish, said I, laying my hand upon the sleeve of his tunic, in return for his appeal - we distinguish, my good father! betwixt those who wish only to eat the bread of their own labour - and those who eat the bread of other people's, and have no other plan in life, but to get through it in sloth and ignorance, for the love of God. The poor Franciscan made no reply: a hectic of a moment pass'd across his cheek, but could not tarry - Nature seemed to have done with her resentments in him; - he showed none: - but letting his staff fall within his arms, he pressed both his hands with resignation upon his breast, and retired. THE MONK. CALAIS. [...]". |