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indulgence in a spirit of impatience. He smote the rock, instead of merely speaking to it, and said, "Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch water out of this rock?" as though he shared the power with God, instead of being a mere instrument. This was the only time he was betrayed into anger, so that, as the Psalmist spake unadvisedly with his lips." For this offence God determined that he should not lead the people into the promised land; he was allowed only to see it, as you will afterwards learn. The water that flowed from this rock accompanied them through all their wanderings; so that they were always supplied both with it and the manna, until they crossed the Jordan. But for all this they murmured at times against what God was pleased to give them; and he sent them quails, but at the same time he did it in wrath; for, as the Psalmist says, "While the meat was yet in their mouths, the wrath of God came upon them, and slew the wealthiest of them."

Very soon after the entrance into the wilderness, Moses sent twelve spies, being one from each tribe, to go into the promised land, and bring a report of it. They found it fruitful,


The Return of the Spies from the Promised Land.

P. 71.

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