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The mixture so obtained must then be thrown on a filter to separate the more solid parts: thick soup, or the contents of the stomach, may be diluted with water and also filtered; but water-gruel, wine, spirits, or any kind of malt liquor and such like, or tea, coffee, cocoa, &c., can be operated on without any previous process.

When the apparatus is to be used, a bit of glass rod, about an inch long, is to be dropped into the shorter leg, and this is to be followed by a piece of clean sheet zinc, about an inch and a half long and half an inch wide, bent double, so that it will run down the tube till it is stopped by the piece of glass rod first put in. The stop-cock and jet are now to be inserted, and the handle is to be turned so as to leave the cock open. The fluid to be examined, having been previously mixed with from a drachm and a half to three drachms of dilute sulphuric acid (1 acid and 7 water,) is to be poured into the long leg, till it stands in the short one about a quarter of an inch below the bottom of the cork. Bubbles of gas will soon be seen to rise from the zinc, which are pure hydrogen if no arsenic be present; but, if the liquor holds arsenic in any form of solution, the gas will be arsenuretted hydrogen. The first portions are to be allowed to escape, in order that they may carry with them the small quantity of common air left in the apparatus; after which the cock is to be closed, and the gas will be found to accumulate in the shorter leg, driving the fluid up the longer one, till the liquor has descended in the short leg below the piece of zinc, when all further production of gas will cease. There is thus obtained a portion of gas subject to the pressure of a column of fluid of from seven to eight inches high: when, therefore, the stop-cock is opened, the gas will be propelled with some force through the jet, and, on igniting it as it issues (which must be done quickly by an assistant,) and then holding horizontally a piece of crown or window class (f, fig. 1) over it, in such a manner as to retard slightly the combustion, the arsenic (if any be present) will be found deposited in the metallic state on the glass; the oxygen of the atmosphere being employed in oxydizing the hydrogen only during the process. If ne arsenic be present, then the jet of the flame as it issues has a very differ ent appearance; and, although the glass becomes dulled in the first instance by the deposition of the newly formed water, yet such is the heat produced, that in a few seconds it becomes perfectly clear, and frequently flies to pieces.

If the object be to obtain the arsenic in the form of arsenious acid, or white arsenic, then a glass tube, from a quarter to half an inch in diameter (or according to the size of the jet of flame,) and eight or ten inches in length, is to be held vertically over the burning jet of gas, in such a manner that the gas may undergo perfect combustion, and that the arsenic combined with it may become sufficiently oxydized; the tube will thus, with proper care, become lined with arsenious acid in proportion to the quantity originally contained in the mixture.

When the glass tube is held at an angle of about forty-five degrees over the jet of flame, three very good indications of the presence of arsenic may be obtained at one operation; viz. metallic arsenic will be found deposited in the tube at the part nearest where the flame impinges,-white arsenic or arsenious acid at a short distance from it,-and the garlic smell can be readily detected at either end of the tube in which the experiment has been made.

As the gas produced during the operation is consumed, the acid mixture falls into the short limb of the tube, and is thus again brought into contact with the

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zinc, in consequence of which a fresh supply is soon obtained. This gas, if submitted to either of the processes before described, will give fresh indications of the presence of the arsenic which the mixture may have originally contained; and it may be easily perceived that the process will be repeated as often as may be required, at the will of the operator, till no further proofs can be obtained.

When certain mixed or compound liquors are operated on in this apparatus, a great quantity of froth is thrown up into the tube, which may cause a little embarrassment by choking the jet. I have found this effect to take place most with the contents of the stomach, with wine, porter, tea, coffee, or soup, and, indeed, with all mucilaginous and albuminous mixtures. The means I adopt to prevent this effect from taking place, or, at least, for checking it in a great measure, is to grease or oil the interior of the short limb of the apparatus before introducing the substance to be examined, or to put a few drops of alcohol or sweet oil on its surface previously to introducing the stop-cock and its appendages. I have, however, found, if the tube be ever so full of froth in the first instance, that, in an hour or two, if left to itself, the bubbles burst, and the interior of the tube becomes clear without at all effecting the results.

In cases where only a small quantity of the matter to be examined can be obtained, I have found a great convenience in using the small glass bucket, (g, fig. 2). Under such circumstances, the bent glass tube may be filled up to within an inch of the short end with common water, so as to allow room for the glass bucket, which must be attached to the cork, &c. by means of a little platina wire; a bit or two of zinc is to be dropped into the bucket, with a small portion of the matter to be examined, and three or four drops of diluted sulphuric acid; (acid 2, water 14,) and the whole is then to be introduced into the mouth of the short limb of the tube. The production of gas under this arrangement is much slower, and, of course, requires more time to fill the tube, than in the former case, but the mode of operating is precisely the same. Indeed, it is of great advantage, when the quantity of arsenic present is very minute, not to allow the hydrogen to be evolved too quickly, in order to give it time to take up the arsenic.

A slender glass funnel will be found of service when as much as a table. spoonful, or even a tea-spoonful of matter, can be obtained for examination. In this case, the tube is to be partly filled with common water, leaving a sufficient space for the substance to be examined; a piece of zinc is to be suspended from the cork by a thread or wire, so as hang in the axis of the tube; and the fluid to be operated on, having previously been mixed with dilute sulphuric acid, is then to be poured through the funnel carefully, so as to surround the zinc, avoiding, as far as possible, to mix it with the water below, and the stop-cock and its appendages are to be replaced in the mouth of the tube; the production of the gas then goes on as before stated, and the mode of manipulating with it, is exactly the same as described in the foregoing part of this paper.

It will be necessary for me, in this place, to explain the methods I employ after each operation, to determine the integrity of the instrument, so as to satisfy myself that no arsenic remains adhering to the inside of the tube, or to the cork and its appendages, before I employ it for another operation.

After washing the apparatus with clean water, a piece of zinc may be dropped in, and the tube filled to within half an inch of the top of the short limb; two drachms of diluted sulphuric acid are then to be poured in, and the stop-cock and cork secured in its place; bydrogen gas will in this cas

as before, be liberated, and fill the tube. If the gas as it issues from the jet be then inflamed, and a piece of window glass held over it as before described, and any arsenic remains, it will be rendered evident by being deposited on the glass; if so, this operation must be repeated till the glass remains perfectly clean, after having been exposed to the action of the gas. When I have had an opportunity of working with so large a quantity of mixture as from two to four pints, (imperial measure) I have employed the instrument (fig. 3), which is, indeed, but a slight modification of one of the instantaneous light apparatuses, now so well known and used for obtaining fire by the aid of a stream of hydrogen gas thrown on spongy platinum. It will, therefore, be of importance only for me to describe the alteration which I make when I employ it for the purpose of detecting arsenic. In the first place, I must observe, that the outer vessel a, which I use, holds full four pints, and that the jet of the stop-cock is vertical, and its orifice is twice or three times larger than in the instrument as generally made for sale, and also that there is a thread or wire attached to the cork of the stop-cock b, for suspending a piece of zinc c,

within the bell glass.

With an intrument of this description, I have operated on one grain of arsenic in twentyeight thousand grains of water (or four imperial pints), and have obtained therefrom, upwards of one hundred distinct metallic arsenical crusts.

Similar results have been obtained with perfect success from three pints of very thick soup, the same quantity of port wine, porter, gruel, tea, coffee, &c. &c.

It must, however, be understood, that the process, was allowed to proceed but slowly, and that it required several days before the mixture used ceased to give indication of the presence of arsenic, and also, a much larger portion of


Fig. 3.

zinc and sulphuric acid was employed from time to time, than when working with the small bent tube apparatus, in consequence of the large quantity of matter operated on under this arrangement.

With the small apparatus, I have obtained distinct metallic crusts, when operating on so small a quantity as one drop of Fowler's solution of arsenic, which only contains one-120th part of a grain.

The presence of arsenic in artificial orpiment and realgar, in Scheele's green, and in the sulphuret of antimony, may be readily shown by this process, when not more than half a grain of any of those compounds is employed.

In conclusion, I beg to remark, that although the instruments I have now finished describing, are the form I prefer to all that I have employed, yet it must be perfectly evident to any one, that many very simple arrangements might be contrived. Indeed, I may say unequivocally, that there is no town or village in which sulphuric acid and zinc can be obtained, but every house would furnish to the ingenious experimentalist ample means for his purpose; for, a two-ounce phial, with a cork and piece of tobaccopipe, or a bladder, with the same arrangement fixed to its mouth, might, in cases of extreme necessity, be employed with success, as I have repeatedly done for this purpose.

The only ambiguity that can possibly arise in the mode of operating above described, arises from the circumstance, that some samples of the zinc of commerce themselves contain arsenic; and such, when acted on by dilate sulphuric acid gave out arsenuretted hydrogen. It is, therefore, necessary for the operator to be certain of the purity of the zinc which he employs, and this is easily done by putting a bit of it into the apparatus, with only some dilute sulpuric acid; the gas thus obtained is to be set fire to as it issues from the jet; and if no metallic film is deposited on the bit of flat glass, and no white sublimate within the open tube, the zinc may be regarded as in a fit state for use.

Method of determining the value of Black Oxide of Manganese for manufacturing purposes. By THOMAS THOMSON, M. D., F. R. S., L. and E. Regius Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow.

The manganese to be tested must be reduced to a fine powder, or brought into the state in which it is used by the manufacturers of bleaching-powder. To determine its value, proceed in the following manner:

Into a balanced Florence flask put 600 grains of water, and 75 grains of crystals of oxalic acid. Then add 50 grains of the manganese to be tested; and, as quickly as possible, pour into the flask from 150 to 200 grains of concentrated sulphuric acid. This is best done by having a given weight of sulphuric acid, say 210 grains, previously weighed out in a glass measure, counterpoised on one of the scales of a balance. You pour into the flask as much of the sulphuric acid as you can conveniently. Then, putting the measure again into the scale, you determine exactly how much has been put in.

A lively effervescence takes place, and carbonic acid gas is disengaged in abundance. Cover the mouth of the flask with paper, and leave it for twenty-four hours; then weigh it again. The loss of weight which the flask has sustained is exactly equal to the quantity of binoxide of manganese in the powder examined. Thus, let the loss of weight be 34 grains; the quantity of binoxide of manganese in the 50 grains of the powder which was tested will be 34 grains; or it will contain 68 per cent. of pure binoxide of manganese, and 52 per cent. of impurity.

To understand what takes place, it is necessary to recollect that oxalic acid is composed of

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The oxalic acid acts on the binoxide by abstracting one-half of its oxygen, which converts it into carbonic acid; hence the effervescence. 55 grains of pure binoxide of manganese would give out 10 grains of oxygen, which would convert 45 grains of oxalic acid into 55 grains of carbonic acid; which escaping, indicate, by the loss of weight, the quantity of carbonic acid formed. Now, it happens that the weight of the carbonic acid formed is exactly equal to the quantity of binoxide of manganese which

Hence the reason of the accuracy

gives out its oxygen to the oxalic acid.

of the test.

In other words, an integral particle of binoxide of manganese, which weighs 5.5, gives out 1 atom of oxygen. This atom of oxygen combines with an integrant particle of oxalic acid, weighing 4.5, and converts it into two integrant particles of carbonic acid, which both together weigh 5.5. As this carbonic acid escapes, the loss of weight must be just equal to the quantity of binoxide of manganese in the powder subjected to experiment. In practice, I find that a small quantity of the bínoxide of manganese sometimes escapes the action of the oxalic acid, being probably screened by the great quantity of impurity with which it is mixed. But the deficiency of carbonic acid occasioned by this, is about made up by the moisture which the carbonic acid gas carries off along with it. This renders the error, in general, trifling.

It will be proper to subjoin an example or two of the method of proceed. ing, to enable the reader to judge of the goodness of this test, and its value to the manufacturer.

The black oxide of manganese employed was subjected to analysis, and found composed of

Binoxide of manganese

Peroxide of iron


Earthy matter






[blocks in formation]

Loss of weight 32.5 grains. It ought to have been $4.245 grains. Error 1.745 grains.

Put into the flask-Water


Experiment 2.

Oxalic acid

Black oxide

Sulphuric acid

600 grains.





Loss of weight 34.5 grains. It ought to have been $4.245 grains. Here the error is in excess, and amounts 0.255 grains.

[blocks in formation]

Loss of weight 35 grains. Here also the error was in excess, and

amounted to 0.755 grains.

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