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this by the agency of pure water only. He had also conceived, that it being by long continued processes that nature produced most of the effects which we observe, it might be possible to form substances similar to what she affords, by adopting a mode like hers. His attention had been directed to a cavern in the Quantock Hills, in which he had observed calcareous spar incrusted on limestone, and arragonite on clay slate: these minerals had evidently been formed by the water which percolated the rocks. Some of this water he brought to his house, and presented it to the action of his Voltaic apparatus; for nine days he anxiously watched for a result, but no visible one offering, he had almost given up the experiment, when on the tenth day, to his great delight, he succeeded in procuring minerals the same as in the cavern. He was thus encouraged to prosecute further experiments; and, in the course of his investigations, he found that light was unfavourable to the perfection of crystals, he being enabled, in a much shorter period, and with much weaker electric power, to produce them in the dark. He formed several crystals of metallic minerals, but his most successful experiment was the production of quartz from fluo-silicic acid, and his inspection of what has been perhaps never before observed by mortal eye, the process of crystalline developement from the beginning. He had traced a quartz crystal, first, as a hexagon marked upon the matrix-then lines radiated from its centre then parallel lines were formed parallel to its sides-it increased in thickness, but, owing to some disturbance of the operation, the, process of forming a single perfect crystal was not completed, for a second crystal grew up and intersected it, offering an additional confirmation of the resemblance of Mr. Cross's process to that of nature, where this penetration of crystals into each other is every where to be observed.

It would be extending this report too far to relate all that Mr. Cross communicated to the Section regarding the details of his experiments; but it is impossible to convey an idea of the enthusiasm with which his statement was received by the crowded assembly present. There appeared to be a real electrical effect produced upon them; they seemed as if the interior recesses of Nature had been of a sudden laid open to them, and her processes, which had been conceived as past all mortal ken, submitted to their inspection. Mr. Cross was often interrupted during his address with loud peals of applause, which lasted for several minutes after he sat down.Mr. Conybeare said, that he found himself so excited with the intelligence, that he should not submit his observations on the South Wales Coal Basin; he considered any communication he could bring forward totally eclipsed in interest by the overpowering intelligence brought by Mr. Cross. Upon that gentleman Mr. Sedgwick passed also a highly eloquent eulogium. Professor Phillips stated, that he had now hopes of realizing his fondest dreams of geology. He had long conceived that Nature must have some means of conveying solid matter through solid matter, and that this was now proved by Mr. Cross, whose discoveries were of such importance, that had the British Association been of no other service than in bringing them to light, they alone were worth all the pains it had taken for the advancement of science, and it was its particular business to have experiments like his set on foot, and prosecuted for many years to come.

It was mentioned to the Section on the following day, that although no doubt could be entertained of the independence and originality of Mr. Cross's experiments, yet that he had been anticipated in the artificial production of many of the crystalized bodies which he had formed, by M. Becquerel and some other French Chemists.

VOL. XVIII.-No. 5.-NOVEMBER, 1836.


Improvements on the Electrical Apparatus for Dancing-Images. When the plates are not of considerable size the images leap off, and if very large the view is obstructed. To obviate these difficulties, plates of glass are recommended by W. Ettrick, with bands of tin foil pasted in corresponding positions on each side. In fig. 1, a' b' c', and xyz, and a' a, represent Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

pieces of tinfoil pasted on each side of the glass; a hole P being cut in the centre of the glass to pass the tinfoil a a' through, and thereby connect the metallic circular slips. In fig. 2, the rod and crook S H represents the suspending wire, which is screwed into a circular flat piece of brass, upon which the glass plate lies. The slips or rings of tinfoil do not come close to the edge of the glass, which greatly assists in keeping the figures upon the plates, because they will generally touch the tinfoil, as being more charged than the glass. If a similar glass plate be used for the lower plate, it would be a further improvement. Lond. Mech. Mag.

Progress of Practical and Theoretical Mechanics and Chemistry.

Method of separating small quantities of Arsenic from substances with which it may have been mixed. By MR. JAMES MARSH, of the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.*

Notwithstanding the improved methods that have of late been invented of detecting the presence of small quantities of arsenic in the food, in the contents of the stomach, and mixed with various other animal and vegetable matters, a process was still wanting for separating it expeditiously and commodiously, and presenting it in a pure unequivocal form for examination by the appropriate tests. Such a process should be capable of detecting arsenic not only in its usual state of white arsenic or arsenious acid, but likewise that of arsenic acid, and of all the compound salts formed by the union of either of these acids with alkaline substances. It ought, also, to exhibit the arsenic in its reguline or metallic state, free from the ambiguity which is sometimes caused by the use of carbonaceous reducing fluxes. It appeared to me, that these objects might be attained by presenting to the arsenic hydrogen gas in its nascent state: the first action of which would be to deoxygenate the arsenic; and the next, to combine with the arsenic, thus deoxygenated, into the well known gas called arsenuretted hydrogen. Being thus brought to the gaseous state, the arsenic would spontaneously (so to speak) separate itself from the liquor in which it was before dissolved, • Received by the Franklin Institute in a pamphlet from London,

and might be collected for examination by means of any common gas apparatus; thus avoiding the trouble, difficulty, and ambiguity of clarification and other processes whereby liquors, suspected of containing arsenic, are prepared for the exhibition of the usual tests, or of evaporation and deflagration which are sometimes had recourse to, in order to separate the arsenic from the organic substances with which it may have been mixed.

I had the satisfaction of finding, on trial, that my anticipations were realized; and that I was thus able, not only to separate very minute quantities of arsenic from gruel, soup, porter, coffee, and other alimentary liquors, but that, by continuing the process a sufficient length of time, I could eliminate the whole of the arsenic in the state of arsenuretted hydrogen, either pure, or at most, only mixed with an excess of hydrogen.

If this gas be set fire to as it issues from the end of a jet of fine bore into the common air, the hydrogen, as the more combustible ingredient, will burn first, and will produce aqueous vapour, while the arsenic will be deposited either in the metallic state, or in that of arsenious acid, according as it is exposed partially or freely to the air. The former condition is brought about by holding a piece of cold window glass opposite to and in contact with the flame, when a thin metallic film will be immediately deposited on its surface; and the latter, by receiving the flame within a glass tube open at both ends, which, in half a minute, will be found to be dimmed by a white pulverulent sublimate of arsenious acid. By directing the flame obliquely within side of the tube, it strikes against the glass and deposites the arsenic partly in the metallic state. In this case, if the tube, while still warm, be held to the nose, that peculiar odour, somewhat resembling garlic, which is one of the characteristic tests of arsenic, will be perceived. Arsenuretted hydrogen itself has precisely the same odour, but considerable caution should be used in smelling to it, as every cubic inch contains about a quarter of a grain of arsenic.

Fig. 2.

The requisite apparatus is as simple as possible, being a glass tube open at both ends, and about three quarters of an inch in its internal diameter. It is bent into the form of a syphon (aja, fig. 1), the shorter leg being about five inches, and the longer about eight inches in length. A stop-cock b, ending in a jet of fine bore, passes tightly through a hole made in the axis of a soft and sound cork, which fits air-tight into the opening of the lower bend of the tube, and may be further secured, if requisite, by a little common turpentine lute. To fix the apparatus, when in use, in an upright position, a hole is made in the wooden block c, for the reception of the lower part of the pillar d, and a groove is cut in the top of the same block to receive the bend of the tube a a. Two elastic slips e e, cut from the neck of a common bottle of India rubber, keep the tube firm in its place.

The matter to be submitted to examination, and supposed to contain arsenic, if not in the fluid state, such as pastry, pudding, or bread, &c., must be boiled with two or



three fluid ounces of clean water, for a sufficient length of time.

The mixture so obtained must then be thrown on a filter to separate the more solid parts: thick soup, or the contents of the stomach, may be diluted with water and also filtered; but water-gruel, wine, spirits, or any kind of malt liquor and such like, or tea, coffee, cocoa, &c., can be operated on without any previous process.

When the apparatus is to be used, a bit of glass rod, about an inch long, is to be dropped into the shorter leg, and this is to be followed by a piece of clean sheet zinc, about an inch and a half long and half an inch wide, bent double, so that it will run down the tube till it is stopped by the piece of glass rod first put in. The stop-cock and jet are now to be inserted, and the handle is to be turned so as to leave the cock open. The fluid to be examined, having been previously mixed with from a drachm and a half to three drachms of dilute sulphuric acid (1 acid and 7 water,) is to be poured into the long leg, till it stands in the short one about a quarter of an inch below the bottom of the cork. Bubbles of gas will soon be seen to rise from the zinc, which are pure hydrogen if no arsenic be present; but, if the liquor holds arsenic in any form of solution, the gas will be arsenuretted hydrogen. The first portions are to be allowed to escape, in order that they may carry with them the small quantity of common air left in the apparatus; after which the cock is to be closed, and the gas will be found to accumulate in the shorter leg, driving the fluid up the longer one, till the liquor has descended in the short leg below the piece of zinc, when all further production of gas will cease. There is thus obtained a portion of gas subject to the pressure of a column of fluid of from seven to eight inches high: when, therefore, the stop-cock is opened, the gas will be propelled with some force through the jet, and, on igniting it as it issues (which must be done quickly by an assistant,) and then holding horizontally a piece of crown or window class (f, fig. 1) over it, in such a manner as to retard slightly the combustion, the arsenic (if any be present) will be found deposited in the metallic state on the glass; the oxygen of the atmosphere being employed in oxydizing the hydrogen only during the process. If ne arsenic be present, then the jet of the flame as it issues has a very different appearance; and, although the glass becomes dulled in the first instance by the deposition of the newly formed water, yet such is the heat produced, that in a few seconds it becomes perfectly clear, and frequently flies to pieces.

If the object be to obtain the arsenic in the form of arsenious acid, or white arsenic, then a glass tube, from a quarter to half an inch in diameter (or according to the size of the jet of flame,) and eight or ten inches in length, is to be held vertically over the burning jet of gas, in such a manner that the gas may undergo perfect combustion, and that the arsenic combined with it may become sufficiently oxydized; the tube will thus, with proper care, become lined with arsenious acid in proportion to the quantity originally contained in the mixture.

When the glass tube is held at an angle of about forty-five degrees over the jet of flame, three very good indications of the presence of arsenic may be obtained at one operation; viz. metallic arsenic will be found deposited in the tube at the part nearest where the flame impinges,-white arsenic or arsenious acid at a short distance from it,-and the garlic smell can be readily detected at either end of the tube in which the experiment has been made.

As the gas produced during the operation is consumed, the acid mixture falls into the short limb of the tube, and is thus again brought into contact with the

zinc, in consequence of which a fresh supply is soon obtained. This gas, if submitted to either of the processes before described, will give fresh indications of the presence of the arsenic which the mixture may have originally contained; and it may be easily perceived that the process will be repeated as often as may be required, at the will of the operator, till no further proofs can be obtained.


When certain mixed or compound liquors are operated on in this apparatus, a great quantity of froth is thrown up into the tube, which may cause a little embarrassment by choking the jet. I have found this effect to take place most with the contents of the stomach, with wine, porter, tea, coffee, or soup, and, indeed, with all mucilaginous and albuminous mixtures. means I adopt to prevent this effect from taking place, or, at least, for checking it in a great measure, is to grease or oil the interior of the short limb of the apparatus before introducing the substance to be examined, or to put a few drops of alcohol or sweet oil on its surface previously to introducing the stop-cock and its appendages. I have, however, found, if the tube be ever so full of froth in the first instance, that, in an hour or two, if left to itself, the bubbles burst, and the interior of the tube becomes clear without at all effecting the results.

In cases where only a small quantity of the matter to be examined can be obtained, I have found a great convenience in using the small glass bucket, (g, fig. 2). Under such circumstances, the bent glass tube may be filled up to within an inch of the short end with common water, so as to allow room for the glass bucket, which must be attached to the cork, &c. by means of a little platina wire; a bit or two of zinc is to be dropped into the bucket, with a small portion of the matter to be examined, and three or four drops of diluted sulphuric acid; (acid 2, water 14,) and the whole is then to be introduced into the mouth of the short limb of the tube. The production of gas under this arrangement is much slower, and, of course, requires more time to fill the tube, than in the former case, but the mode of operating is precisely the same. Indeed, it is of great advantage, when the quantity of arsenic present is very minute, not to allow the hydrogen to be evolved too quickly, in order to give it time to take up the arsenic.

A slender glass funnel will be found of service when as much as a tablespoonful, or even a tea-spoonful of matter, can be obtained for examination. In this case, the tube is to be partly filled with common water, leaving a sufficient space for the substance to be examined; a piece of zinc is to be suspended from the cork by a thread or wire, so as hang in the axis of the tube; and the fluid to be operated on, having previously been mixed with dilute sulphuric acid, is then to be poured through the funnel carefully, so as to surround the zinc, avoiding, as far as possible, to mix it with the water below, and the stop-cock and its appendages are to be replaced in the mouth of the tube; the production of the gas then goes on as before stated, and the mode of manipulating with it, is exactly the same as described in the foregoing part of this paper.

It will be necessary for me, in this place, to explain the methods I employ after each operation, to determine the integrity of the instrument, so as to satisfy myself that no arsenic remains adhering to the inside of the tube, or to the cork and its appendages, before I employ it for another operation.

After washing the apparatus with clean water, a piece of zinc may be dropped in, and the tube filled to within half an inch of the top of the short limb; two drachms of diluted sulphuric acid are then to be poured in, and the stop-cock and cork secured in its place; bydrogen gas will in this case,

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