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" Rather than solid virtue : all but a rib Crooked by nature, bent, as now appears, More to the part sinister, from me drawn ; Well if thrown out, as supernumerary To my just number found. O ! why did God, Creator wise, that peopled highest heaven With... "
The Poetical Works of John Milton - Seite 227
von John Milton - 1925 - 554 Seiten
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Bell's Edition: The Poets of Great Britain Complete from Chaucer to ...

1776 - 476 Seiten
...did God, ., t Creator wise, that peopled highest Heav'a With spirits masculine, create at last (go This novelty on earth, this fair defect Of Nature,...way to generate Mankind ? this mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befal, innumerable Disturbances en earth through female snares, And strait...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Printed from ...

John Milton - 1795 - 282 Seiten
...AVI thout feminine, Or find some other way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befall, innumerable Disturbances...but such As some misfortune brings him, or mistake ; 90* Or whom he wishes most shall seldom gain Through her perverseness, but shall see her gain'd By...
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Paradise Lost: With Notes, Selected from Newton and Others, to ..., Bände 1-2

John Milton, Samuel Johnson - 1796 - 608 Seiten supernumerary To my just number found. O why did God, Creator wise, that peopl'd highest Heav'n With Spirits masculine, create at last 890 This novelty...way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befall, innum'rable 896 Disturbances on earth, through female snares,...
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Paradise lost, a poem. With the life of the author [by E. Fenton].

John Milton - 1800 - 300 Seiten
...found. O why did God, Creator wise, that peopled highest heav'n With spiritsmasculine, create at last This novelty on earth, this fair defect Of nature...way to generate Mankind? This mischief had not then hefall'n, And more that shall hefal ; innumerahle Disturhances on earth through female snares, And...
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Paradise lost, a poem. Pr. from the text of Tonson's correct ed. of 1711

John Milton - 1801 - 396 Seiten the part sinister, from me drawn, Well if thrown out, as supernumerary To my just number found. O why did God, Creator wise, that peopled highest Heaven...way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, 895 And more that shall befall, innumerable Disturbances on earth through female snares,...
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The British Essayists: The Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - 600 Seiten
...Oh ! why did our Creator wise ! that peopled highest heaven With spirits masculine, create at last This novelty on earth, this fair defect Of nature,...way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befall, innumerable Pisturbances on earth, through female snares, And...
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Paradise Lost, and the Fragment of a Commentary upon it by William Cowper

William Hayley - 1810 - 484 Seiten
...longing to be seen, Or find some other way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befall; innumerable Disturbances...but such As some misfortune brings him, or mistake ; Or whom he wishes most shall seldom gain Through her perverseness, but shall see her gain'd By a...
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The Spectator, Band 6

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 384 Seiten
...Oh ! why did our Creator wise ! that peopled highest heaven With spirits masculine, create at last This novelty on earth, this fair defect Of nature,...way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then bcfall'ii, And more that shall befal, innumerable Disturbances on earth, through female snares, And...
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The British Essayists; with Prefaces, Historical and Biographical,: The ...

1810 - 388 Seiten
...Creator wise ! that peopled highest heaven With spirits masculine, create at last This novelty on earlh, this fair defect Of nature, and not fill the world...way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall befal, innumerable Disturbances on earth, through female snares, And...
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Herodotus, Band 2

Herodotus - 1812 - 468 Seiten
...: Ob, why did God, Creator wise, that peopled highest heaven With spirits masculine, create at last This novelty on earth, this fair defect Of nature,...way to generate Mankind ? This mischief had not then befall'n, And more that shall be%ll, innumerable Disturbances on earth through female snares ! —...
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