Abbildungen der Seite

entire Confidence in the Fidelity and Abilities of the Sieur John Cafimir de Frifchman de Rofenberg, Chevalier Baron de Ranfonier, Lord of Changeau, formerly the King's Envoy Extraordinary in Germany, We have nominated and conftituted him, and by these Prefents do nominate and conftitute him our Procurator General and Special, to repair to the Town of Utrecht, there to reprefent, pursuant to our particular Inftructions and Memorial we have given him, our Rights to the Sovereign County of Neufchatel and Valengin, to demand of the Lords Ambaffadors. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiaries affembled at Utrecht, to treat of a Peace, that by their Mediation we may be put into the full and peaceable Poffeffion of the Sovereign County of Neufchatel and VaLengin. And in cafe of Refufal to take Cognizance of the Juftice of our Claim, we charge and authorize the Sieur de Frischman de Rofenberg, to make in our Name the Proteftations neceffary for the Prefervation of our Rights, Pretenfions, Dignities and Prerogatives, depending on the fame, and to extract all the Inftruments, that fhall be made, relating to them, in the beft Form he can; That no Treaty of Peace, General or Particular, concluded or to be concluded, may in any wife whatfoever be prejudicial to us and our Heirs, prefent or future, directly or indirectly; promifing to give our Confent to all he fhall do in that Affair. In Witness whereof, we have fign'd these Presents with our Hand, caused them to be counter-fign'd by one of our Secretaries, and our Coat of Arms to be affix'd to the fame. Given at Paris, in our Palace, January 5. 1712.



By Monfeigneur,


To the faid Power, written on Parchment in Form of Letters-Patent, is affix'd the Coat of Arms of the Count de Matignon, imprinted on Red Wax.



E whofe Names are fubfcrib'd, having in the Month of January, in the Year 1712. repaired to the Town of Utrecht, there to act for the Ends abovemention'd, by Vertue of the Power given us by the most High and moft Mighty Lord, James de Matignon, Sovereign Count of Neufchatel and Valengin, in Swifferland, &c. on the 5th of January, in the faid Year; and finding, that the Congress was not manag'd in the ufual manner, by the Intervention of a Mediator, to whom we might have Recourfe, we could not take a better Method for preferving and declaring the Rights committed to our Care, than to acquaint the Principal Minifters of the Parties in War, of whom the Congrefs confifts, and to publish in the very Place of the Affembly, a Writing containing the Reafons upon which the faid Rights are founded; which Writing may inform this or any future Congrefs. This Proceeding, not having hinder'd the moft Serene King of Pruffia from being confirm'd in the Poffeffion of the Principality of Neufchatel and Valengin, by the Treaty of Peace, fign'd the 11th of April, this prefent Year, between the moft. High, moft Excellent, and moft Mighty Prince, Louis XIV. by the Grace of God, most Chriftian King of France and Navarre, our Sovereign Lord and Mafter, and the moft High, moft Excellent, and most Mighty Prince, Frederic William, King of Pruffia, &c. and by feveral other Deeds, in Prejudice of the Rights of the faid Lord, Count de Matignon, our Principal: We have by Vertue of the faid Power protefted, and do proteft against the faid Difpofal before the venerable Magiftracy and Regency of the faid Town of Utrecht, declaring, That we do in no wife acquiefce therein, but that we Appeal from the fame to Times more favourable to Justice, that the Rights of the Lord, our Principal, may not, upon Account thereof, be deem'd the lefs Juft. And that this our Proteftation may be the more publick,. we depofite the Original thereof, together with our Full Power, in the Archieves, in the Town-Houfe of Utrecht, requesting the venerable Magiftracy and Regency to grant to us an Inftrument, relating to


the faid Depofitum and Proteftations, which we have fign'd with our own Hand, and feal'd with our Coat of Arms. Done at Utrecht, April 15, 1713.

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WE Burgo-Mafters and Counsellors, Members of the Regency of the Town of Utrecht, declare, That the Sieur Frischman de Rosemberg has depofited in our Archives, the Full Powers and Proteftation, the collated Copies whereof are above-written; and that he has reiterated his Proteftation before us, of which we have granted him an Inftrument, under the Seal of our Town, and Signature of our Secretary. April 16. 1713.



A MEMORIAL concerning the Rights of the Count of Matignon, to the Sovereignty of Neufchatel and Valengin, as Grandson of Leonora d'Orleans Longueville, and, as fuch, Heir and nearest Relation, by the Father's Side, to her most Serene Highness, the Duchefs of Nemours, Sovereign Princefs of Neufchatel and Valengin, in Swifferland, defcended, as was her Highness, in a direct Line from Rodolphe, Marquis de Hochberg, Sovereign Count of Neufchatel.



INCE the 19th of February, 1457. when Rodolphe Marquis de Hochberg, fucceeded to the County of Neufchatel by Deceafe of John de Friburg,


Count of Neufchatel, his Uncle, the Sovereign County of Neufchatel continu'd, without Interruption, in the Houfe of Hochberg, and pafs'd from the Houfe of Hochberg, into that of Longueville, and remain'd in the fame till the Deceafe of Madam the Duchefs of Nemours, which happen'd the 16th of June, 1707.

The Claim which Louis de Chalons put in against that Prince, in the Year 1457. upon a Pretenfion of Reversion, was condemn'd the fame Year by a Sentence, publifh'd by the Official of Befancon, to whom the Cognizance of that Affair was referr'd, and confirm'd the Year following by the Pope, to whom an Appeal had been brought by Louis de Chalons; notwithstanding which, 'tis from Louis de Chalons, that his Electoral Highness of Brandenburg renew'd, in the Year 1707, this Pretenfion, which was condemn'd 250 Years before.

During all that Tract of Time, from 1457. to 1707. the Rights and Poffeffion of the House of Hockberg, and of the Houfe of Longueville, were acknowledg'd, not only in the County of Neufchatel, and by the Four Cantons allied to the faid County, but alfo by all the Laudable Cantons, by the Emperor and Empire, and throughout all Europe; and in all the Treaties of Peace, wherein Mention was made of the Houfe of Chalons, and the County of Neufchatel, the Houfe of Chalons made no Prote ftation against the Poffeffion and publick Acknowledgment of the Rights of the Counts of Neufchatel, whether of the Houfe of Hochberg, or that of Longueville.

Rodolphe of Hochberg, Sovereign Count of Neufchatel, made a perpetual Alliance and Co-Burgherfhip with the Canton of Bern, the 6th of April, 1458. and with the Canton of Soleure, the 23d of April, that fame Year.

He was included in the Number of the Allies of the Canton of Bern, in the Treaty of Truce for Nine Years, concluded at Soleure the 13th of September, 1475. between Louis XI. and Charles Duke of Bur gundy.


That Prince being dead the 10th of April, 1487. Philippes, Marquis of Hochberg, his only Son, fucceeded him in the Sovereign County of Neufchatel.

John of Chalons, who was made Governor of the Duchy and County of Burgundy, by Charles VIII. in the Year 1492. and who was given for Guarantee of the Peace, by Charles VIII. in the Treaty of Peace between him and Maximilian, King of the Romans, the 23d of May, 1493. made neither any Complaint nor Proteftation, with Relation to the Pretenfion upon Neufchatel, which was condemn'd in the Year 1457.

Philippes de Hochberg, Sovereign of Neufchatel, had by his Marriage with Mary of Savoy, Daughter of Amedée of Savoy, and of Yolande of France, Jeanne de Hochberg, his only Daughter, who fucceeded him in the Year 1503. in the forefaid Sovereignty.

She was married to Louis d'Orleans, Duke of Longueville, in the Year 1504.

In the Treaty of Peace concluded at Cambray, the 10th of December, 1508. between the Emperor Maximilian I. Charles, Prince of Spain, his Grandfon, and Louis XII. no mention was made of the Pretenfions of the House of Chalons, to the County of Neufchatel, though there are Articles in the fame touching the Rights of particular Perfons; and though Philibert of Chalons was then educating with Charles, Prince of Spain.

In the Year 1512. the Cantons at War with Louis XII. having feiz'd the County of Neufchatel from Louis de Orleans and Jeanne de Hochberg, poffeffed the fame in Sovereignty as Louis d'Orleans had done, and before him Philippes and Rodolphe de Hochberg.

They made Laws and Ordinances in the fame, in the Years 1513, 1522, and 1536.

They did not reftore the faid Sovereignty to Jeanne de Hochberg, when they concluded a Treaty of Peace with Francis I. at Frybug, the 29th of November 1516.

They remain'd in Poffeffion thereof, by Title of Conqueft; and 'twas not till the Year 1529. on the Wednesday preceding Whitfunday, that they reinftated


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