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a clear spot at the bend of the river close to the outskirts of the village, and, having landed the marines as a rear guard, the party took up a defensive position until morning. During the night they were repeatedly attacked by the Dyaks, who came down in large force under shelter of the jungle, when they would have burst suddenly out, uttering their war yells, within pistol shot of the boats, and assail them with stones and spears; but they fortunately did little or no harm to the invading force, while they must have lost numbers from the deadly fire of musketry, as well as grape shot, that was poured upon them. One marine only of the Dido's party was badly wounded by a musket shot; but it was their last hope, our boats then being close to the village containing their goods, wives, and children.

At daylight they came down with a flag of truce, offering to come to any terms, which was accepted, the severe lesson they had received being taken into consideration. The chiefs then came down and agreed to abstain for ever from piracy; but, although they were the principals of the Seribas pirates, still they were forced to admit that they had not sufficient control over the other tribes to become responsible for their good behaviour, so that Lieutenant Horton visited both the settlements of Pekoo and Rembas, inflicting on them the severe lesson which he had bestowed on the pirates at Paddie. Although both these places were larger and equally as well fortified as Paddie, they were so panic struck by the news that had reached them that they made no attempt at defence, but suffered considerably more from the English followers, who had been greatly reinforced by 900 Dyaks from the River Singar, and the consequence was, that many more lives were lost on the part of the natives.

Never had any race of people less excuse for piracy, as it is impossible to imagine a richer or more beautiful country, or one more gifted by nature. The houses were full of grain, the whole country studded with cottages and fruit trees, all of which were destroyed, and their poultry, goats, and bullocks carried off, and upwards of 40 war boats burnt. One new boat measured 92 feet in length. Many iron guns were taken and a few brass lelas, but there must have been many hid, which our people were unable to find. Four prisoners were taken at Rembas, who are to be held as hostages until the chiefs have fulfilled their promise of meeting the Sultan of Borneo at Sarawak, and there entering into solemn compact, after their own fashion, to abstain from piracy, a business, the superintendence of which Mr. Brooke has kindly undertaken.

It appears from the evidence adduced by Captain Keppel before the Court of Judicature on the Admiralty side since he arrived here, with the view of enabling the officers and men belonging to the Dido, who were engaged with the pirates, to claim head money under the act 6 George IV., c. 49, and that on the 22nd of May twenty-three pirates were killed, and the aggregate number of the crews of the two vessels which attacked the Dido's boats on that occasion could not have been less than sixty-seven, and for these the Dido's officers and men are entitled to receive 201. for each head of the killed, and 51. for each of the others, so that they will receive altogether 7951.


Sept. 8th, 1843. MR. EDITOR.-In your number of last month, I see the affecting narrative of the wreck of the Pegasus steam vessel,'accompanied by a letter making some general and suitable observations, with suggestions of plans, good as far as they go, for adoption, in order to lessen the disasters, which, on several occasions have befallen steam vessels. But what to some nautical men seems the main, if not the sole cause of the loss of life, in this and the similar case of the Solway, is, not at all

adverted to; viz.: that steam vessels striking on rocks, when at full speed, in the very nature of things, must, almost inevitably be supposed to sustain such an extent of injury as to make it the imperative duty of every wise and prudent commander, with such examples before him, previously to reversing the engines, to examine the damage inflicted on the bottom of the vessel, as the neglect of this salutary precaution, nine times out of ten, under similar circumstances, it is feared may probably lead to the same awful and sudden disasters by the vessel immediately sinking, on being got afloat.

It has been remarked, by a naval officer, writing on the same subject, in the Times newspaper, of the 1st of August, that "the effort to back off the Columbia at once, providentially failed, aud thereby, her passengers and crew, were afforded the means of saving their lives."

Now, Mr. Editor, as far as I am aware, and I have taken in the Nautical from its commencement, no observations of similar tendency to those above having ever appeared in your useful and widely circulated pages, I am induced to trouble you with them, humbly hoping they may prove useful suggestions, to surviving commanders of steam vessels, who in future, may have committed to their charge, respectable, but helpless and confiding passengers, good officers and crews, and valuable property; but who, possibly are of the same, as some humbly conceive, erroneous judgment, as the one alluded to, and who appear to have been, the undesigned cause of so much disaster, and painful distress. STERATUS.

LOCAL ATTRACTION.-We give the following as we received it, that it may serve as the warning to others, which the writer wished it to convey. The effects might have been anticipated." I sailed from Hull to St. Petersburgh, loaded with goods and machinery, lead, and 12 tons of best steel. In going across the North Sea towards the Scaw, I found the ship 20 miles to the eastward in one day's run, with a S.S.W. wind; ship going 64 knots at the time, and steering very well, I could not account for the reckoning being so far out of the way. When I got in the Cattegat, I was obliged to come to an anchor, being calm and a strong current from the south. The sun set clear I took an amplitude and found the compass to be correct or nearly so; when I got in the Baltic I found the course steered would not take me from one head land to the other. I thought there must be something the matter with the compass, otherwise the binnacle; I got up another compass but found it the same. I then took it on the main deck and found two points difference from the one in the binnacle. I took it on the forcastle, and found one point difference from the one in the binnacle. I took it on the tafrail and found it to be the course I wanted; the ship going at the time along the land about east the direct course, when E.b.S. S. A thought came into my head I had 12 tons of steel, and the most part of it stowed in the after hold. I make this observation, merely to warn my brother seamen when it falls in their way to have a cargo like the one I had on board.

June 6th, 1843.

ROBERT HAIGH, brig Aire of Goole.

THE CYGNET, has been (per lunar months) 3 years in commission; and during her three years on the coast has been actively cruising or blockading the whole of that time, with the exception of a few days at St. Helena and Ascension, during which period she must, having been constantly at sea, have traversed at least 70,000 miles. She has captured some of the fastest slavers on the coast, and chased many others off her station, compelling them, in some instances, to throw everything overboard, even to starting their water to effect their escape. The Cygnet has been remarkably healthy, and not a single death

has occurred from the fever of the country, although exposed to six rainy seasons, in the Bight of Benin, the most unhealthy part of the coast. This may in a great degree be attributed to her roomy and well ventilated lower deck, being, on most occasions, enabled to keep the scuttles out both day and night; whilst the Rolla, Buzzard, Lynx, Forester, and Saracen, suffered dreadfully from want of proper ventilation. Most of these vessels had one or two Commanders, and almost a complete change of their officers and crew during the three years.

The Cygnet has returned to England in consequence of her lower masts and bowsprit (which are too slight, and were originally indifferent spars) being sprung, and lower rigging rotten from constant wet. The topmasts are reefed, supported by a shore under the heel and chain slings through the fid-hole, so that she is enabled to carry all her sails, with the exception of the reefs in the topsails, whilst the sprung masts are of course greatly relieved. The squadron are in general healthy, though some deaths had recently occurred. Since the new Portuguese Treaties have been in force the slave trade is quite at a standstill. We have been cruising for six months at a time, without even seeing a sail, and some of the cruisers have not made a single capture since they have been on the station. On this peculiar service, unless Jack has plenty of chasing to keep the devil out of his mind the Admiralty will do well in ordering cruisers to England every year to refit; the monotony at present is scarcely bearable.


In a manifesto, couched in the high-flown phraseology of their country, the imperial Commissioner Keying, the Governor-General Kekung, and the Governor Ching-yuet-sai, expatiate on the condesending benignity of their "august Sovereign," in deigning to "cherish tenderly men from afar." They also promise that the treaty shall be observed with fidelity, and protected from evasion by the Majesty of the Emperor.

"Henceforth," says the Chinese proclamation, "the weapons of war shall for ever be laid aside, and joy and profit shall be the perpetual lot of all; neither slight nor few will be the advantages reaped by the merchants, alike of China and of foreign countries. From this time forward, all must free themselves from prejudice and suspicions, pursuing each his proper avocation, and careful always to retain no inimical feelings from the recollection of the hostilities that have before taken place; for such feelings and recollections can have no other effect than to hinder the growth of a great understanding between the two people."

With respect to such of the Chinese as had assisted the English, the following passage of the proclamation shows an extraordinary change from the cruel proceedings to which they were formerly subjected. This is another proof of the persuasive power of Sir Henry Pottinger.

As to those natives of China who, in past days, may have served the English soldiery or others with supplies, and may have been apprehended in consequence, the High Commissioner has obtained from the good favour of his august Sovereign, vast and boundless as that of the Heaven itself, the remission of their punishment for all past deeds, and any such who may not yet have been brought to trial are, therefore, no longer to be sought after; while all who may have been seized and brought before Government are granted a free pardon."

The proclamation quaintly concludes :

"From henceforward amity and goodwill shall ever continue, and those from afar and those who are near shall perpetually rejoice together. Such is the fervent hope of the High Commissioner and his colleagues; and in this hope they command implicit obedience to what is now thus specially promulgated."

By the proclamation of the Imperial Commissioner we observe that the trade is to be opened to all nations, but whether other nations are to be permitted to have Consuls at the five ports is not stated.


[From the Naval and Military Gazette.]

The following Officers have been promoted in consequence of the Queen's Maritime


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LIEUTENANTS-W. Mould (1842) to Excellent-G. H. Clarke (1843), E. H. B. Proctor (1841), K. E K. George (1843) to Stromboli-A. C. May (1838), and C. B. Warren (1839) to Star-R. A. Stewart (1839), E. Holmes (1841), and W. C. Chamberlain (1840) to Hyacinth-T. S. Hill (1833) to Inconstant-G. Sprigg to Curlew C. Hadaway (1828) to Penelope A. La Touche (1840) and F G. Leigh (1843) to Illustrious-R. D. White (1840) W. L. Lambert (1842), and W. F. Parkinson (1842) to Cornwallis-H. Bullock (1843) to Madagascar-A. Little (1837), J. G. Bickford (1841), L. Heath (1840), and E. M. Mathews (1840) to Iris-C. J. Postle (1836) to Flamer-J. S. Rundle (1836), T. Tickle (1842), F. A, B, Crawford (1843), and F. P. Warren (1843) to Fox-W. Tringham, 1826) to be first of Victoria and Albert, and to command Nautilus-D. Woodroffe (1828) to command Albert S. Morrish (1841) to Imaum.

MASTERS-W. Parsons to Iris-G. Grant to Fox-W. P. Birdwood to Star.


Com, W. J. T. Hood to be Captain. Lieuts. H. Jauncey and J. H. Weller to be Commanders.

Mates H. T. Veitch, H, Charlton, and S. Pritchard to be Lieutenants.

MATES-M. F. O. Reilly to Excellent -J. Corbet and A. Doyle to Star-J. R. M. Byng to Locust-R. B. Beale and J. Cartwright to Caledonia-J. A. Bridges and J. F. Tottenham to Hyacinth—T. Davis to Flamer.

SECOND-MASTERS-J, T. Sullivan to Iris-G. Williams to Fox-W. Wilkinson to Formidable-G. S. Hall to Flamer SURGEONS-J. C. Folds to Star-E.

Jeffrey to Fox-H. Graham, M.D., to Stromboli-A. Henderson M.D., San Josef -A. M'Kechine, M.D., to Poictiers.

MASTERS-ASSISTANTS-T, Yeatman to Hyacinth-W. G. Aldrick to WarspiteW. May to Star.

ASSISTANT-SURGEONS-J. M'Gregor to Stromboli-A. Graham, M.D., to FoxW. M'Crea and H. M'Farlane to Hyacinth-G. A, Nicholls, M.D. to VictoryH. W. Horsell to Talbot.

MIDSHIPMEN-C. Shipley to Excellent-W. Peel to Camperdown—D. C. O. Slaughter to Caledonia-W. Howard to Hyacinth-G. C. Lloyd to Eurydice.

VOLUNTEERS 1st Class-J. C. Riley, C. D. Robinson, H. Kelham, and H. W. Fenwick to St. Vincent―J. Hobbs to Ceylon-W. Irwin to Hyacinth.

PURSERS-G. Simmonds to Iris-H. Price to Fox-G. S. Bunn to PenelopeF. Siddall to Stromboli.

NAVAL INSTRUCTORS-G. F. Parker to Tyne-A. Gerand to Monarch-W. Johnson to Indus-J. L. Hodgson, B.A., to St. Vincent.

CLERKS-Warwick to Rose-Bowman to Tweed-Biddlecombe to Fair Rosamond-G. S. Singer to Flamer—J. Walker to Hyacinth.

SECRETARIES-H. Hunt, to Commodore A. R. Sharpe, c.B., at Jamaica-F. J. Fergen to Rear Adml. Bowles.


Appointments-Lieut. C. G. Clarke to command Stag-J. S. Godden to station

[blocks in formation]

ACORN, 16, Com. J. Adams, Sept. 28th, arr. at Plymouth, from Coast of Africa, Oct. 5th paid off.

BELLEISLE, 12, Capt. J. Kingcome, Sept. 28th paid off at Plymouth.

CYCLOPS, st. v. Capt. H. T. Austen, Sept 28th paid off at Woolwich.

DEE, st. v. Sept. 25th at Portsmouth. EREBUS, Capt. J. Ross, Sept. 23rd paid off at Chatham.

EURYDICE, 26, Capt. Elliott, Oct. 7th. left Plymouth for Cork, America, and West Indies.

FANTOME, 16, Com. G. P. Haymes, Oct. 8th arr. at Portsmouth from South America, 10th sailed for Chatnam to be paid off.

GRECIAN, 16, Com. W. Smyth, Sept. 25th arr. at Plymouth to be paid off. HYACINTH, 18, commissioned at Sheerness, by Com. F. Scott.

MONARCH, 84, Capt. S. Chambers, Oct. 6th, arr. at Plymouth from Mediterranean, 11th sailed for Sheerness to be paid off.

PENELOPE, st. frigate Sept. 22nd, arr. at Spithead, 25th sailed for Plymouth. RODNEY, 92, Capt. R. Mansell, Oct. 2nd, from Cape of Good Hope, 3rd, sailed for Portsmouth to be paid off.

TALBOT, 26, Capt. Sir T. Thompson, Sept. 20th left Portsmouth, 24th left Plymouth for Rio Janeiro.

TERROR, Com. F. Crozier, Sept. 23rd, paid off at Chatham.

THUNDERER, 84, Capt. Pring, Sept. 25th, arr. at Plymouth from Mauritius. TWEED, 20, Com. H, D. Douglas, Oct. 13th, arr. at Plymouth from W. Indies.

VIRAGO, st. v. Com. G. Otway, Sept. 22nd, left Plymouth for Mediterranean.

PORTSMOUTH,-In Port-St. Vincent, Warspite, Tortoise. In Harbour-Victory, Excellent, Fox, Fearless, Emerald. PLYMOUTH.-In Harbour-San Josef, Endymion, Apollo, Tweed, Star, Linnet, Peterel, Flamer, Echo, Confiance.-In the Sound-Caledonia, Camperdown,


AGINCOURT, 72, Capt. H. W. Bruce, May 28th, arr. at Macao from Manilla. AIGLE, 24, Capt. Lord E. Paget, Oct. 5th at Corfu.

BEACON, sur. v. Com. T. Graves, Oct. 5th, Smyrna.

Beagle, sur. v. Com, J. Stokes, July 29th arr. at St. Helena, 31st sailed for England.

BELVIDERA, 38, Capt. Hon. G. Grey, Oct. 5th, Malta.

CASTOR, 36, Capt. C. Graham, Aug. 16th, arr. at Madeira.

CLEOPATRA, 26, Capt. Wyvill, August 1st, at Algoa Bay, COCKATRICE,

July 3rd, at Monte Video, 5th sailed for Buenos Ayres. CURACOA, 24, Capt. Sir T. Paisly, 16th June at Tenerife.

CURLEW, 10, Lieut.-Com. G. Ross, Aug. 24th at Bahai.

DEVASTATION, st. v. Com. Henry, 5th Oct. at Constantinople.

DIDO, 18, Capt. Hon. H. Keppel, 28th June left Singapore for China.

DUBLIN, 50, Capt. J. Tucker, June 5th at Valparaiso.

ESPOIR, 10, Com. A. Morrell, Sept. 5th, arr. at Seirra Leone, from Ply mouth.

HARLEQUIN, 16, Com. Hon. G. Hastings, July 9th, left Singapore on a


HECLA, st. v. Com. J. Duffil, Oct. 5th at Malta.

HERMES, St.v. Lieut. W. Carr, Sept. 12th, at Bermuda.

HEROINE, 16, Lieut. Stewart, July 20th cruising off Kabendah.

INDUS, 84, Capt. Sir J. Stirling, Oct. 5th at Athens.

LILY, 16, Com. G. Barker, July 9th, at the Mauritius.

JUPITER, tr. ship, Master Com. R. Fulton, July 27th, at Singapore

LOCUST, st. v. Lieut.-Com. J. Lunn, Oct. 5th Constantinople.

MAGICIENNE, 24, Čapt. Warren, Oct. 5th, at Malta.

MAGPIE, st. v. Lieut.-Com. T. Brock, Oct. 5th, Athens.

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