Abbildungen der Seite



by the full current of the machine commutated so that it flows in one direction between D and E. The excitement given to the magnets is thus increased with the load, the difference of potentials therefore rising to make up for the additional E.M.F. absorbed in the mains. s is a shunt by which adjustment can be effected if something less than the full current is required for compensation. Once adjusted for the particular circuit on which the machine is to be worked it requires no further attention. The current is delivered by this machine at a difference of potentials of 300 volts, and is distributed to lamps of 75 volts by a double three-wire system. A "compensator" is fixed at the central station from which the distributing mains start, the function of which is to maintain the difference of potentials constant when the balance on the distribution mains is disturbed by turning out lamps.

The Sperry Electric Company exhibits their dynamo for arc lighting, which is illustrated in fig. 4. The machine, which is series wound, gives, at its normal speed of 1,150 revolutions per minute, a

current of 10 ampères at a difference of potentials which varies from 0 to 750 volts, according to the requirements of the circuit. It can support, therefore, a maximum of 15 arc lamps in series. The armature is Gramme wound in 72 sections, being connected up to a commutator of ordinary pattern with its adjacent segments separated by mica insulation. The armature is 14 inches in diameter by 9 inches long. the radial depth of the iron core being 2 inches. This core is built up of thin washers, inch thick well insulated from each other by asbestos. The armature is carried by six insulated bolts passing through the centre of the core, and connected at one end to a gun-metal wheel keyed on the shaft, the whole of the armature being thus overhung. The object in supporting the armature at one end only is to leave a clear space inside for pole pieces to project internally. The form of the poles is more clearly seen in fig. 5, each piece dividing so as to form a pair of jaws between which lies the armature

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It will be observed that this, though a two-pole machine, has four magnet limbs and four pole pieces, i.e., a pair of magnets and a pair of pole pieces for each pole. It is well known that so far as the mere production of a magnetic field is concerned the employment of multiple magnets is wasteful; but here, where there has to be produced a particular distribution, the wastefulness becomes of secondary importance. Owing to the lines of force entering the pole pieces in the positions shown, and due to the particular shape given to them, the E.M.F. furnished by each armature section is when running, nearly uniform. The ratio of the inductive effect of field and armature is said to be the result of very careful experiments, and the brushes can be rotated through 90° to vary the E.M.F. of the dynamo without causing prejudicial sparking. The magnet cores are of cast-iron, and have wound on them about 200 lbs. of wire, the armature being wound with 36 lbs. of 058 inch diameter.

To the left of fig. 4 will be seen part of the automatic regulator which is driven from the dynamo shaft. It is the function of this apparatus to rotate the brushes on the commutator in accordance with the E.M.F. requirements of the circuit. On the regulator spindle is an eccentric which gives reciprocating motion to a bar

[SEPTEMBER 6, 1889.

carrying two pawls, pivotted on opposite sides and connected by a cross link, so that both move together. Between these pawls is a bar with teeth cut in opposite directions on its opposite edges, and placed so that either of the pawls may engage with it as the link connecting them is raised or lowered. On one end of this bar is cut a rack gearing into a toothed wheel on the brush-holder, consequently the raising or lowering of the link causes the brush-holder to be rotated in one or other direction. If the link remains in mid position, neither of the reciprocating pawls engage the rack bar, the brush-holder consequently remaining at rest. This mechanism is electrically controlled in the following manner :-Pivotted near one of the poles is a piece of iron on which the field magnet produces a certain pull, which is counteracted by a spring. If the current increases, this piece of iron approaches the magnet, and in so doing moves by suitable levers the link connecting the pawls, thus causing one or other of them to gear into the rack bar, and so move the brush-holder. If the current diminishes, the iron piece recedes from the magnet, and the brush-holder is moved in the opposite direction. If the normal current flows neither pawl gears into the bar, the link being in mid position. The pull of the magnet depends not only on the current flowing, but on the position of the brushes on the commutator, the inductive effect of the armature on the field being determined by this. It is found that as the brushes are rotated the pull of the magnet for the normal current diminishes, and accordingly there is fixed on the brush-holder a cam which, as it moves round, reduces the pull of the counteracting spring by a corresponding amount. Thus the piece of iron is maintained in the same position for the normal current, whatever the lead of the brushes.

(To be continued.)




First Section.-Units, Measures.

M. VAN AUBEL laid before the Congress the bismuth spirals of MM. Lenard and Howard, and Prof. K. Angström's apparatus for measuring the intensity of magnetic fields. He showed that the relation between the intensity of the magnetic field and the increase of the electric resistance is unknown, since we can employ neither the formula of Leduc nor the laws of Righi and Goldhanmer. A calibration of each spiral is therefore necessary. M. Van Aubel demonstrated that the spirals of Lenard and Howard can nevertheless be employed for industrial trials, and especially in the case of narrow and limited magnetic fields.

He then described the apparatus of Angström, and recommended the methods of Profs Stenger and Angström, which give a much greater precision than any others.

M. Szarvady said that the Congress of 1881, whilst adopting practical units, did not concern itself about a practical unit of the magnetic field. This was probably because the consideration of a magnetic field had not yet entered into the sphere of practice. This is now no longer the same, and it would be desirable to select a practical unit for the magnetic field, and to give it a

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We propose the names-Gauss, for the unit of the intensity of the field; Weber, for the unit of the flow of force.

M. Curie considered that the system was not coherent.

M. Guillaume spoke on the necessity of adopting a practical C.G.S. of pressure.

The theoretic unit is the dyne, cm, for which we substitute the megadyne, c m2. The pressure exerted by a column of mercury of 1 cm. at 0°, situate at 45° (lat. ?) and at the level of the sea is, according to the best determinations :

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A megadyne, c m2, is therefore given, under the same conditions by a column of mercury of 75.006 cm. The uncertainty of this number being about Too, we do not deviate from permissible conditions if we adopt as a practical unit the pressure exerted by a column of mercury of 75 cm. in height. M. Guillaume proposes for this unit the name of barie.

M. Guillaume further made a communication on the unification of notations. He referred to the decisions taken by the International Committee of Weights and Measures, and proposed the adoption of an analogous system for mechanical and electrical units.

This system would consist in designating each of the units: dyne, erg, barie, watt, volt, ampère, farad,coulomb, joule, by two initials in small Roman type; the ohm would be designated by w, the customary multiples and sub-multiples would be the following: mega, M; kilo, k; milli, m, and micro, μ.

M. Moser proposed to adopt under the name of trop, or some other, a unit of entropy defined by the formula:

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M. Violle proposed that the candle employed in electric measurements as the usual photometric standard, should be taken equal to th of the absolute unit of light adopted by the International Conference of 1884. This candle, approximately equal to th carcel, should be called the decimal candle. The proposal was unanimously adopted.

M. Hospitalier proposed to add to the electric units already adopted, independently of the watt and the joule, a unit of specific resistance and a unit of coefficient of self-induction. Referred to the Commission of Units.

M. Zeuger made a communication on bipolar induction in a revolving sphere, and described an apparatus to imitate the movements of the planets and the units of their orbits.

Second Section.-Industrial Applications.

The President announced that the special commission chosen to examine the communication of M. Orava, on the photometry of incandescence lamps, has concluded that:-The degree of incandescence of a lamp is the quotient of the intensities (in carcels) of the radiations of the wave length 582, and of radiations of the wave length 657. The wish was expressed that the indication of the luminous power of a lamp should be accompanied by that of the degree of incandescence to which this power corresponds.

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It was also wished that if this power is given in

candles it should be in decimal bougies, in value th of the absolute standard of light defined by the Congress of 1881.

M. Orava summed up the chief points of the method which he proposed. He described especially the composition of the wave length 582. He takes 22-321 grms. ferric chloride, and 27-191 grms. pure crystallised nickel chloride. The whole is dissolved in distilled water at 15° C. The liquid must not be filtered, and it must be saturated with chlorine. The second experiment, intended to give the tint, is made with a red glass transmitting the wave length 657.

M. Macé de Lépinay finds a relation between the total intensity of a luminous source and the photometric comparisons between the red and the green radiations. This relation is the following:

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If we neglect the phenomena of hysteresis, Foucault's currents, &c., we have approximately


and finally


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[R2+R - [R2 R2 + R1 (1 + 12)] ip.

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P1 being the electric power furnished at the primary circuit.

Prof. Silvanus Thompson mentioned that continuous current transformers are in use at Ipswich; the difference of potential at the extremities of the primary circuit is 1,500 volts and at the secondary 100 volts. Everything indicates that they will quickly receive a great industrial development.

M. Maurice Leblanc spoke about motors with alternating currents. The ordinary dynamos with alternating currents used as recipients require to be primed and to turn synchronically. If they are over-loaded they give dangerous currents. The Elihu Thomson and Tesla motors give a small yield in consequence of selfinduction.

The speaker reduces these injurious effects in his motor, which is composed of a fixed annular armature, in the inside of which there revolves a Gramme ring forming the inductor.

M. Gisbert Kapp, on the contrary, considers that the ordinary alternating dynamos are satisfactory motors,

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which only take a dangerous speed if loaded triple their normal charge.

Third Section.-Telegraphy, Telephony, Signals. M. Chaye gave a communication on the utility of an alarm-relay for submarine applications.

Mr. Preece gave a communication in English, which will appear on a future occasion.

M. Merczyng read a paper on a new system of telephony for great distances. The distance traversed was 300 kilometres of iron wire of 5 millimetres in thickness. The transmitters are those of Blake and Berliner, and the recipients those of Ochorowicz and Siemens. The transmitters and recipients are separated from the line by condensers of different capacities which is the essential point of the system. The capacity of the recipient condenser must always be less than that of the transmitting condenser. The line had a resistance of 2,000 ohms and a capacity of 3 microfarads.

M. Pierre Picard discussed the application of dynamo-electric machines in telegraphy. The author has developed a new system in which the use of a single dynamo may be combined with currents taken at variable potentials. He connects one pole of the dynamo with the earth directly, and the other through a resistance called a scale of potentials. Very satisfactory trials had been made at Paris for 12 to 15 months. The scale of potentials was from 5 to 6 ohms, and the current was from 15 to 20 ampères. The economy is indisputable.

The same system is in use in America by the Western Union Telegraph Company, but nothing has been published concerning it.

Mr. Aylmer continued the discussion on behalf of Mr. Preece. The latter made experiments at the General Post Office with a Gramme dynamo. The current was too variable for the Wheatstone instrument. He resumed these trials in 1883 with the intervention of accumulators. At present 220 circuits are supplied by 29 accumulators, which are charged once monthly by the dynamos.

M. Paul Samuel described the new telephonic post of M. Van Rysselberghe for lines with numerous offices. The system is to be seen in the Belgian section of the Exhibition.

M. Maurice Kohn described a new constant battery. The element is composed of a conical zinc pole placed in a caoutchouc cone. The other pole surrounds the caoutchouc, and the whole is kept insulated by a plate kept in its place by a screw. By means of a second caoutchouc case the whole is placed in a glass vessel containing the liquid.

Mr. d'Infreville pronounced the Callaud battery the best. The glass vessel must be very high; the copper low and vertical, plunging into a strong solution of copper sulphate. No more crystals must be added so long as there are any at the bottom at the vessel. The battery may serve for three years if the sulphate of zinc solution is kept covered with a layer of oil.

First Section.-Units and Measures.

M. Wuilleumier gave an account of the determination of the ohm, which he has effected by means of Lippmann's electro-dynamometric method.

The conductor in question was a plate of German silver of 34.72 metres in length, 1 centimetre in breadth, and 3 millimetres in thickness. Its resistance at 19° C. was found equal to 0-301889 x 109 units C.G.S.

It has then been measured in legal ohms at the International Office of Weights and Measures, by means of three specimens of the standard ohm, grouped in quantity, and found equal to 0-302650 ohm.

Hence was deduced the value of the true ohm, which is represented by the resistance at 0° of a column of mercury of 1 mm2. in section, and 106-27 centimetres in height.

The sensitiveness of this method may easily reach 30000. Its accuracy is limited only by the perfection

[SEPTEMBER 6, 1889.

with which the bobbins are constructed, each of which has only a single layer of wire. It may be estimated as 7500.

Mr. Preece proposed that the watt or power exerted by a current of 1 ampère in a conductor, between the ends of which there is a difference of potential of 1 volt, should be adopted as the practical unit of power. The kilowatt is then the ergdix per second which he had proposed in 1881.

He also proposed to take as the unit of illumination, under the name of lux, the illumination produced by a carcel at the distance of 1 metre, which is practically the same as that furnished by an English candle at the distance of 1 foot.

M. Piltschikoff admitted that neither the consideration of chemical work, nor the theory of a double electric stratum, suffices to explain electrolysis, but that we must take into account the difference between the potential energies of the molecules of the metal before and after transportation.

M. Reignier demanded a distinct definition of magnetic magnitudes.

M. Lauriel returned to the question of notations and symbols.

Second Session.-Industrial Applications.

Mr. Crompton read a memoir on the general rules to be followed in the establishment of batteries of accumulators destined to supply a central station in the case when the accumulators are placed in series on the line, and where the current is distributed at low tension. These rules are:

1. A battery of 54 elements should have a capacity sufficient to yield 100 ampères for 10 hours, without the electromotive force falling below 100 volts.

2. This battery should be charged by a current of 200 ampères, and have its charge complete in five hours.

3. In cases of emergency the battery should be able to furnish for half an hour a constant current of 500 ampères without becoming deteriorated, and maintaining at its terminals a difference of potential of 100 volts.

4. The yield should be normal when the charging current is 200 ampères and the discharging current 100 ampères.

5. The connections ought to be made with simplicity, and require but little attention.

6. The battery should be fitted with regulators, so that the electromotive force necessary for charging should never be more than 5 per cent. above the battery E.M.F. 7. The connections between the batteries should be such that a part of plates and even of the elements may be removed for repair, without interruption in working.

8. The insulation of the battery and its connections should be perfect enough to secure a minimum insulation resistance of 10,000 ohms, even in the dampest weather.

9. Each element should be covered so as to prevent the escape of acid vapours whilst charging.

10. The containing vessels should be absolutely unattackable.

With reference to electric lighting, Major-General Webber mentioned that the Electric Power Storage Company, of London, furnishes about 600 ampères with an electromotive force of 100 volts, and feeds 2,000 lamps of 30 volts. The installation comprises eight batteries of 51 accumulators. An experience of five months has shown that the consumption of coal is 5 to 7 kilos. per 1,000 watts-hour.

M. Drzewiecki explained a new chemical theory of leaden accumulators. He declares himself opposed to the theory of double sulphatation.

M. E. Reynier gave a communication on the activity and the work of voltaic elements. M. Reynier showed in figures the relative values of primary and secondary batteries, and indicated a graphic method for representing these values.

M. Arnoux proposed to define the merit of an accu

SEPTEMBER 6, 1889.]


mulator as the product of the yield and the specific power.

M. Polak proposed to indicate the constants of an accumulator as follows:

1. Initial electromotive force and minimum limit to which it can descend at the end of the discharge. 2. Initial and final conventional capacity.

3. Duration of the accumulator not in time, but in ampère hours.

Mr. Crompton observed that the capacity of the positive plate increases with time, whilst that of the negative plate remains the same.

The President suggested that names should be given to the different plates of the accumulator, but no definite conclusion was reached.

M. F. G. Worth handed in a memoir on the electric process for purifying sewage and drinking water, on behalf of the inventor, Mr. Webster.

M. G. Trouvé exhibited a universal dynamoter giving direct readings.


THE scope of this paper (says the Electrical World) may be inferred from the following extracts: "This question, so far as it has to do with the Edison lamp, is one which has already received such exhaustive treatment by Mr. John W. Howell in his paper before the Institute of Electrical Engineers, April 14th, 1888, and later by the Edison Lamp Company in a paper over Mr. Edison's signature read at the last meeting of this Association, that there would seem to be little left to discuss. An interested listener to Mr. Edison's paper at the last convention and to the discussion that followed it, my attention was particularly called to the apparent unwillingness of the convention to accept the results reached by Mr. Howell and Mr. Edison, though the experimental and theoretical determinations of Mr. Howell were substantiated by the mathematical determinations of Mr. F. E. Jackson, and these same results were found by Mr. Edison's investigation to be reached in practice. Those who are familiar with Mr. Howell's paper will recollect the law as stated by him to be as follows: "The point of maximum efficiency is reached when the lamp bills are about 15 per cent. of the total operating expenses of the station." It is the correctness of this law as applied to central stations that we propose now to consider.

Following out Mr. Howell's line of thought, we find the total cost of operating lamps to be made up of two parts: 1. The cost of current.

2. The cost of the lamps.

This current cost is made up of every expense incurred in producing the current, and properly includes material and supplies consumed, labour, taxes, insurance, salaries, rent, interest, and all fixed charges of every description.

If, however, we examine these items, we shall find that they consist of two distinct classes:

1. Those that vary with the amount of current produced.

2. Those that do not, but are practically constant without regard to the current output.

Thus among those expenses that are practically constant we will find all fixed charges, such as interest, rent, insurance, taxes; also nearly, if not quite, all the labour and salaries, since a station must always be ready to handle business.

The variable items are supplies such as coal, water, oils, &c., and minor expenses. This latter class varies in practically a direct proportion to the current output. The lamp breakage varies in conformity with the law obtained by Mr. Howell, that the life of the lamp in hours is equal to the sixth power of its efficiency ex

* Read before the Annual Convention of Edison Illuminating Companies.


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Also, T

C = c + c"

current cost, lamp cost,

ck constant current expenses

C variable current expenses.


T = C* + C + L.

CL, or total variable cost variable current cost + lamp cost.

To illustrate how the ratio between the constant and variable parts of the current cost will affect the total current cost under varying current output, we will take two cases of opposite character :

1. A.-Constant expenses large;
B. Variable expenses small.
2. A.-Constant expenses small;
B. Variable expenses large.

A central station belonging to the first class will be one where power is very cheap, or costs nothing at all -owns its water power, for instance-whose plant is well managed, which uses but little oil, &c., and has but few repairs. Under these conditions the total cost will vary but slightly, whether there is one lamp in a circuit or a thousand. But while the total current cost varies but little, the cost per lamp, or per horsepower per hour, will vary largely with the current output. Thus, suppose 2,000 H.P. hours per month cost $400, of which $360 are for constant expenses and $40 are for variable expenses. Here the current cost per horsepower hour is 20 cents. If, however, we increase the output to 4,000 H.P. hours, the expense becomes $440, of which $360 are for constant expenses, and $80 for variable. Our current now costs only 11 cents per horse-power hour.

A station in the second of the above classes will be one where the fixed charges are small, salaries low, and labour cheap. But fuel and water are high, or perhaps power is rented at a fixed price per horse-power hour, so that the cost increases directly with the output.

Thus reversing our figures about, suppose 2,000 H.P. hours per month to cost $400, of which $40 are for labour, salaries, taxes, &c., while $360 goes to pay for fuel, water, &c., the cost would be as before, 20 cents per horse-power hour.

Increasing the output now to 4,000 H.P. hours, we would have total cost $760, of which $40 would be for constant expenses, while $720 would go to variable expenses. In this case the cost per horse-power hour would be 19 cents, as against 11 cents above, a widely different result.

Hence care must be taken in dealing with the question of cost per horse-power hour under varying output of current, to examine and to divide it into its component, constant and variable elements, and base our determination upon the relative value of each.

This paper was also long and exhaustive. A spirited discussion, participated in by Messrs. Howell, Jackson, McClement, Wirt, Beggs and Smith followed the reading, illustrating the difficulties found in the arrangement of an equitable basis for the calculation of conditions which should govern in central station practice. It was desired that Mr. John W. Howell should take time to consider the subject carefully, and if necessary, formulate a modification of his original paper, which would reduce it to a practical rule for the use of managers of central stations.


THE overcrowded state of the recognised professions has given rise to considerable anxiety on the part of those who find it necessary to choose some way of making a living. The legal profession is suffering greatly owing to the present congested state, and the same may be said,



though in a lesser degree, of the medical. By the rapid development of electricity, however, we have a wide field thrown open, and though some attention has been paid to this, as will be shown by the numbers of students at work in various colleges and workshops, in view of the immediate extension which is sure to take place, we scarcely think it is receiving the attention it deserves. Presumably most of the large towns in England will be lighted shortly by electricity, and after the installation work has been completed there will be required fully competent resident men to take charge of the work and keep the lighting in a satisfactory condition; the expected demand in this direction for men being therefore considerable. The selection of candidates will devolve upon Town Councils and local bodies, who cannot be expected to know much about the needful qualifications, with the result that incompetence may do a great deal to discredit electricity. Such drawbacks will, however, be but temporary, and eventually men with sound practical knowledge will have the best posts with the largest emoluments offered to them. The work of the inspector may not require an abstruse knowledge of the higher technicalities, he will not be expected to advance new theories, and may, like the local practitioner of medicine, rarely travel beyond his own sphere, settling down into a quiet and respectable member of society. Electricity has great and varied branches, and the lighting of England will act as an invigorating stimulant to the various industries in connection with electricity. The use of the motor for workshops appears to be little understood and consequently is rarely adopted. In this branch of electrical power alone there are many opportunities, while another distinct branch will be the application of electricity to purposes of locomotion. In fact, there will be no limit to the application of electricity. But only good men will get good places, and only hard study in both school and workshop will produce good men.

Some may be inclined to ask whether it is worth the while of young men to spend the necessary time in acquiring a thorough knowledge and undergoing training, which must necessarily take up a considerable time, seeing that the Liverpool Corporation have recently appointed an electric lighting inspector at the small salary of £150 per annum. Whatever this may be at present, it certainly will not be deemed a sufficient inducement in the near future, and as the demand for men increases a higher wage must be paid. In a large town lighted by electricity, the work and responsibility will be very heavy, and the inspector would require able assistants. Therefore, to ensure good work, a remuneration in accordance must be paid. It is not, however, in inspecting that laurels and emoluments will be earned, but in the higher class of work. The advice we offer to young men who are hesitating about taking up a profession, is by all means take up electricity, but to do so earnestly and with the fixed determination of doing good and conscientious work.


[From "Le Soleil," September 1st.]

THIS (Sunday) morning, at 10 o'clock, the Direction of Posts and Telegraphs, acting in the name of the Government, which wants very much to know what goes over the telephone wires during the period of the elections, will take possession of the twelve agencies created at Paris by the General Telephone Company, and of the nine agencies established at Lyons, Marseilles, Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes, St. Etienne, Rouen, &c., by the same company. The General Telephone Company, no article of its contract with the State obliging it to cede the premises occupied by it, will energetically protest against a violation of domicile


ill be made in this way. Further on will be

[SEPTEMBER 6, 1889.

found a notice of the company informing its subscribers "That it will do all it can in order that they shall not suffer in consequence of the difficulties existing between it and the Administration." With much correction, the company declares that it does not believe it necessary to enter into an exposé of these difficulties. We have not the same reasons for keeping silent, and we believe it will be interesting to show with what lightness the State overrides its contracts, and in what an unceremonious manner it breaks them.

In 1884, the Minister of Posts and Telegraphs authorised the telephone company to establish lines in Paris and certain towns of France. This authority, granted for five years, should expire on September 8th instant. The agreement to which the telephone company entered into contained an article worded as follows:-" The Government may, at any time, purchase the rights resulting for the authority granted and the matériel of the undertaking at a price which shall be fixed by a common agreement, and, in default of that, on the valuation of experts."

When the taking-over project came before the Chamber it was thought that a credit of ten millions would be amply sufficient. Out of that sum five millions should be devoted to the purchase of the matériel, and the other five millions to the improvement of the telephone lines. When the five millions voted was proposed to the General Telephone Company it was refused. It told the State that its annual revenue, thanks to 6,500 subscribers in Paris, and the 2,500 in the departments, which it now possessed, reached a total of four millions; that, on the other hand, the proposed price only represented a third of the expenses of the installation of the telephonic matériel.

The General Telephone Company demanded the nomination of arbitrators: an expert to be named by the State, another by the company, who would be charged to estimate the amount of an equitable indemnity. In case of disagreement, a third expert, chosen by the first two, should be called in to give his opinion. This proposition was reasonable; it is enough to say it was not agreed to by the Administration of Posts and Telegraphs, who, on its side, proposed the arbitration of the Council of the Prefecture, and, in case of need, that of the Council of State. No arrangement being come to, the President of Council, Minister of Commerce and Industry, found it necessary to put his hand on the administration of telephones without further form; and by a warrant, dated August 23rd, enjoined the company to be ready to deliver its telephone lines, from the 1st of September, to the Administration of Posts and Telegraphs.

As will be seen, from the article of the contract cited above, that if the State had reserved to itself the right of purchasing the privileges resulting from the authorisation given and the matériel of the undertaking, it had completely omitted to mention the company's premises. So that when the agents of the Government present themselves this morning at the different agencies to take possession of the apparatus, the representatives of the Telephone Company, relying on the text of the concession, will be able to answer: "The materiel belongs to you under reserve of a price to be discussed; take it, but go and use it elsewhere. We are here in our own place; by installing yourselves in our offices in despite of us, you commit a violation of domicile foreseen and punishable by law." The Government will have nothing to answer; but they will instal themselves nevertheless in the Telephone Company's offices in contempt of every law. If, by these numerous violations of domicile, the State is condemned to pay heavy fines to the dispossessed company, what matters? It is the taxpayer who pays.

[September 2nd.]

The taking possession of the Parisian and departmental telephone lines is an accomplished fact since yesterday morning. We have said that the State was

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