Abbildungen der Seite

every expenfe incurred in the tranfport of these feveral articles to the troops, and alfo of every thing they may ftand in need of. It being well understood that the aforefaid articles fhall be delivered to the English commissary at the fame time as the recruits of the year, in order that the fame velfel may convey both.

XIV. In cafe an officer fhould lofe his equipage, either on his route or by fome accident of war, his Majefty fhall grant him the fame indemnification as the English officers are allowed in fimilar cafes.

XV. As foon as his Serene Highnefs fhall have put the corps in a state to march, within the term agreed upon, he shall be confidered as having fulfilled his preliminary engagements; so that the payment of the levy money, fubfidy, and pay, fhall take place according to the aforefaid determination, even in cafe his Majesty,. on account of fome unforeseen event, should not think proper to have the corps reviewed, or to cause it to march or embark.

XVI. If before the period of the review his Britannic Majesty shall find himself difpofed to renounce this treaty entirely, his Serene Highness thall receive, under the title of indemnification, ift. The levy money.

2d. The equipage money allowed to the officers.

3d. Three months pay for the whole of the troops, according to the table annexed to the fecond article, &c.

4th. One year's fubfidy.

XVII. At the end of fix years, his Britannic Majesty shall fend back the corps, at the difpofal of his Highness, in the fame ftate in which it was taken into his fervice, and being at the entire expense of transport until their arrival at Darmstadt. It being understood that his Majefty fhall not pay the levy money for the men who may be wanting at that time, except in the cafe where he fhall have failed to inform the Serene Landgrave of it fix months beforehand, in order to fave his Highness the expenfe of a new completion. If by accident the return fhould be retarded, the treaty fhall be tacitly prolonged for one year, in every respect, and a certain fum fhall be agreed upon as an equivalent for levy money, in proportion to the prefent arrangement.

XVIII. If his Majefty fhould think proper, after the expiration of the fix years fixed for the duration of this treaty, to keep the faid corps for fome years longer, his Highness consents to it beforehand; and it will be then only neceffary to make an arrangement refpecting the levy and equipage money for the officers, which will be calculated according to the proportions of the prefent treaty.

XIX. His Serene Highness reserves to himself the jurifdiction over his troops, as well as all difpofitions refpecting promotion, difcipline, and interior administration.

XX. His




WAR against FRANCE

Now carrying on by GREAT BRITAIN and the
feveral other EUROPEAN POWERS:

[blocks in formation]

ནམ བ ད གཡས Fletched 9-15-47



IE Sixth Volume of this Collection is now offered to the


Public. The termination of hoftilities upon the C tinent, the conclufion of peace between the Emperor and the French Republic, the republicanifing of Italy, and the negotiation at Lifle, render the present at least equal in interest and importance to any of the preceding Volumes. All the official documents relative to those events will be found in this Volume, together with fome very important, and hitherto unpublished papers, refpecting the United States of America. The Editor must exprefs his hope, that the fame affiduity and care will be recognised in this, as have been acknowledged in the former parts of this Collection.

January 1, 1798.

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