Abbildungen der Seite

MARK-LANE.-Friday, Oct. 26.

5. The ENGLISH GARDENER; or, a Treatise on the situation, soil, enclosing and The arrivals this week are moderate; the laying out, of Kitchen Gardens; on the mak market dull, but not lower prices.

[blocks in formation]

ing and managing of Hot-beds and Green- `
houses; and on the propagation and cultiva-
tion of all sorts of Kitchen Garden Plants, and
of Fruit Trees, whether of the Garden or the
Orchard. And also, on the formation of
Shrubberies and Flower Gardens. Price 6s.

6. THE WOODLANDS; or, a Trea-
234tise on the preparing of the ground for plant-
ing; on the planting, on the cultivating, on
the pruning, and on the cutting down, of Fo.
rest Trees and Underwoods. Price 14s. bound
in boards.

COBBETT'S Spelling-Book;

(Price 2s.)

Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise


This I have written by way of
A Stepping Stone to my own

such a thing having been frequently sug-
gested to me by Teachers as necessary.

1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.—Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been published. This is a duodecimo volume, and the price is 3s. bound in boards.

2. An ITALIAN GRAMMAR, by Mr. JAMES PAUL COBBETT.-Being a Plain and Compendious Introduction to the Study of Italian. Price 6s.

7. YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN AMERICA. The Price of this book, in good print and on fine paper, is 5s.

8. FRENCH GRAMMAR; or, Plain Instructions for the Learning of French. Price bound in boards, 5s.

9. TULL'S HORSE-HOEING HUSBANDRY; or, a Treatise on the Principles of Tillage and Vegetation. With an Introduction, by WM. COBBETT. 8vo. Price 15s.

10. POOR MAN'S FRIEND. A new edition. Price 8d.

11. THE LAW OF TURNPIKES. By William Cobbett, Jun., Student of Lincoln's Inn. Price 3s. 6d. boards.


13. SERMONS.-There are twelve of these, in one volume, on the following subjects: 1. Hypocrisy and Cruelty; 2. Drunkenness; 3. Bribery; 4. Oppression; 5. Uujust Judges; 6. The Sluggard; 7. The Murderer; 8. The Gamester; 9. Public Robbery; 10. The Unnatural Mother; 11. The Sin of Forbidding Marriage; 12. On the Duties of Parsons, and on the Institution and Object of Tithes. Price 3s. 6d. bound in boards.

3. COTTAGE ECONOMY.-I wrote this Work professedly for the use of the labouring and middling classes of the English nation. I made myself acquainted with the best and simplest modes of making beer and bread, and these I made it as plain as, I believe, words could make it. Also of the keeping of by the Jews." Price 6d. Cows, Pigs, Bees, and Poultry, matters which I understood as well as any body could, and in all their details. It includes my writings also on the Straw Plait. A Duodecimo Volume. Price 2s. 6d.

A Thirteenth Sermon, entitled "GOOD FRIDAY; or, The Murder of Jesus Christ

4. THE EMIGRANT'S GUIDE. Just now Published, under this Title, a little Volume, containing Ten Letters, addressed to English Tax-payers. A new edition, with a Postscript, containing an account of the Prices of Houses and Land, recently obtained from America by Mr. Cobbett. Price 2s. 6d. in bds.

14. MARTENS'S LAW OF NATIONS.-This is the Book which was the foundation of all the knowledge that I have ever possessed relative to public law. The Price is 17s., and the manner of its execution is, I think, such as to make it fit for the Library of any Gentleman.

15. ROMAN HISTORY, French and English, intended, not only as a History for Young People to read, but as a Book of Exercises to accompany my French Grammar, Two Volumes. Price 13s. in boards.

16. PAPER AGAINST GOLD; or, the History and Mystery of the National Debt, the Bank of England, the Funds, and all the Trickery of Paper Money. The Price of thi book, very nicely printed, is 5s.

17. LETTERS FROM FRANCE: containing Observations made in that Country during a Residence, of Two Months in the South, and Three Months at Paris. By JOHN M. COBBETT. Price 4s. in boards.

18. A TREATISE ON COBBETT'S CORN; containing Instructions for Propagating and Cultivating the Plant, and for Harvesting and Preserving the Crop; and also an account of the several uses to which the Produce is applied. Price 2s. 6d.

19. PROTESTANT REFORMATION" in England and Ireland, showing how that event has impoverished and degraded the main body of the people in those countries. Two volumes, bound in boards. The Price of the first volume is 4s. 6d. The Price of the second volume 3s. 6d.

Lately published, Price 4s. 6d., extra boards, JOURNAL





The route being

From Paris, through Lyous, to Marseilles, and, thence, to Nice, Genoa, Pisa, Florence, Rome, Naples, and Mount Vesuvius ;


By Rome, Terni, Perugia, Arezzo, Florence,
Bologna, Ferrara, Padua, Venice, Verona,
Milan, over the Alps by Mount St. Ber-
nard, Geneva, and the Jura, back into

The space of time being,
From October 1828, to September 1829.


[blocks in formation]

Just published, price 12s.


The names, in Alphabetical Order, of all the
Counties, with their several Subdivisions,
into Hundreds, Lathes, Rapes, Wapeu-
takes, Wards, or Divisions; and an Ac-
count of the Distribution of the Counties
into Circuits, Dioceses, and Parliamentary


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The names (under that of each County re spectively), in Alphabetical Order, of ail the Cities, Boroughs, Market Towns, Villages, Hamlets, aud Tithings, with the Distance of each from London, or from the nearest Market Town, and with the Poplat on, and other interesting particulars relating to each; besides which there are MAPS;

First, one of the whole country, showing the local situation of the Counties relatively to each other; and, then, each County is also preceded by a Map, showing, in the same mauner, the local situation of the Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns.

[blocks in formation]

A Suit of Superfine Clothes
Ditto, of Black or Blue
Ditto, Best Saxony
Plain Silk Waistcoats
Figured ditto ditto
Valencia ditto




Barogan Shooting Jackets A Plain Suit of Livery

£ s. d.

4 14 6


5 15 6

16 0

18 0

12 0

180 40

LADIES' HABITS AND PELISSES, and CHILDREN'S DRESSES, equally cheap; in the manufacture of which they are not surpassed at the West-end of the Town.

I recommend Messrs. Swain and Co. as very good and punctual tradesmen, whom I have long employed with great satisfaction. WM. COBBETT.

Printed by William Cobbett, Johnson's-court: and published by him, at 11, Bolt-court, Fleet-street.

VOL. 78.-No. 5.] LONDON, SATURDAY, November 3rd, 1832.


No. III.

[Price Is. 2d.

himself to be precisely the contrary of the infamous wretches, whom those two impudent women, ANNA BRODIE and FANNY WRAIGHT, hire to write in the bloody old Times; precisely the contrary of what was that JACK WALTER whom SCOTT ELDON made a justice of the peace, and who is now (monstrous impudence!) a Whig candidate for the county of Berks; precisely the contrary. of what this fellow was when he was the manager of the bloody old Times.

ters of a mile out of the town, situated close on the bank of the Frith of CLYDE, with the little village of HELLENSBURGH on the other bank, and the Highlands rising up behind that.

As I mentioned before, Messrs. BELL, DOUGLAS of BARLOCH, and Mr. GRAY, accompanied us to GREENOCK, where Paisley, 26. October, 1832. we were received by the two Messrs. In my last I had not time to say any. BAINE, who are great merchants there, thing about my passage down the and by my excellent and stanch old CLYDE, from GLASGOW to GREENOCK; friends and adherents, Messrs. CAMERON, and for the reasons there stated I spoke CAMPBELL, and others, respectable in a general manner, only, of my treat-tradesmen in that town. Agreeably to ment at GLASGOW. I must now say appointment we were lodged at Mr. apon that subject, that I was at the BAINE's country house, about three quarhouse of Mr. BELL, received as if I had been a father or a brother; that I dined there, and also at Mr. GRAY'S, (writer,) with many of the first merchants of GLASGOW; that Mr. BELL'S elegant and very pleasantly-situated house was at The whole of the way down the my service, for the receiving of friends, CLYDE is interesting beyond description. deputations from the towns and villages It is a fine wide river at GLASGOW; gets around; and that, in short, if I had wider and wider of course; but for gone to that fine city; that beautiful several miles down it is walled on each' scene of commerce and of manufac-side in the most complete manner. All tures at the same time; if I had gone the way down to our left we have Renthither with power to add to the riches frewshire, very soon after we leave of the place, and to dispense honours GLASGOW, which is in the county of and favours around me in all directions, Lanark. The land to our right is, first, I could not have been received or a strip of levelish ground, with little treated with greater favour and kind- country seats, with here and there a ness. Mr. PRENTICE, the very respecta- manufactory of some sort. To our left ble and able editor of the Glasgow it is an extended flat of very fine land. Chronicle, was the only person con- There are several considerable country nected with the press with whom I came seats, those of Lord BLANTYRE and of in immediate contact. I should want Mr. SPIERS OF ELDERSLIE, in particular. words to describe the extent of his good At about half the way down the town of offices, had not experience furnished me with the means of adequately describing it by a contrast. I say then (and that will do justice even to him), that, in character and in conduct, he showed

DUMBARTON, lies, on our right, the Castle of DUMBARTON, on a round and almost perpendicular rock standing out in the water; an object worth travelling from the Isle of Wight to this spot barely to F


The town of DUMBARTON lies and everything wearing the appearance down between two hills. The ground of ease, competence, and great solidity. now becomes very hilly on our right, The house of Mr. BAINE, in which I though it is generally cultivated for was lodged, was, in every respect, as some distance back; and, behind these nice an affair of the kind as I ever set high grounds, the Highlands tower up; my eyes on; outside, inside, and all and this is the sort of coast which con- about it, as complete as anything of the tinues on to GREENOCK, and then con- sort that I ever beheld. But, the great tinues all the way round to the corner curiosity here, and the thing upon which of the main land opposite the ISLE of the people pride themselves, and most BUTE. About half way between Dux- justly, is what they call the "SHAWSBARTON and GREENOCK is the little sea- WATER," of which I must speak a little, port, called PORT-GLASGOW; and here though my account must be very the ground from being flat as before, inadequate. For a good while I becomes rocky and lofty very near the declined going to see this affair ; but, shore, and thus continues all the way to GREENOCK.

at last, I did go, and I rejoice that I did, for I have seldom seen anything in my At about seven miles from GLASGOW life that afforded me more pleasure. we pass the mouth of the famous canal, GREENOCK lies in a little flat, to the which goes close by GLASGOW, close by north of very high rocky hills, which FALKIRK, and which connects the Frith stretch round behind it nearly from of CLYDE with the Frith of FORTH; water to water. No fresh water stream. and thus connects the waters of the or river came near it; and though it ATLANTIC with those of the German had public pumps or wells, it often exOcean. Near DUMBARTON we passed perienced very great inconvenience from the spot where they say are the remains the want of fresh water. On the high of the old Roman wall, which went land about six miles to the south of it, from the Frith of CLYDE to the Frith of there was a little stream or bourne (as FORTH; and by the means of which we call those runs of water which are those gentlemen thought proper to di- occasionally dry), and which came out vide the Highlands from the Lowlands of one of the still loftier hills to the of Scotland. I may as well observe south. After going in a northerly dihere, that the river CLYDE rises in the rection for some distance, it took a turn mountains which divide the county of to the west, and went down a deep EDINBURGH from the county of LA- ravine into the Frith of CLYDE, not MARK, and that other branches of it rise approaching anywhere to within six out of mountains that divide the counties of PEEBLES and DUMFRIES and AYR from the county of LANARK. The river FORTH rises at the foot of the famous mountain called BEN-LOMOND, and runs down through the country dividing PERTHSHIRE from STIRLINGSHIRE, and Stirlingshire from the county of CLACK-NOCK, was a chain of lofty hills, beginMANNAN. All to the north of the canal which joins these two Friths, is called the North of Scotland: the other is, of course, called the South.

The harbour and bay of GREENOCK are very fine. The town, which consists of thirty thousand people, is built in a little flat, the high land beginning to rise up immediately behind it to the south; the streets are regular, conveniently wide; the houses built of stone;

miles of GREENOCK. In finding its way to the ravine, it passed along a flat at the back of the GREENOCK hills. By the means of dams, the water proceed ing from this bourne, was formed into a lake; at six miles, observe, from GREE NOCK, but between the lake and GREE

ning at the east and terminating towards the west. Here was the water, but the difficulty was to get it to GREENOCK After various schemes about tunnels to go under the hills, and steam-pumping, and God knows what besides, Mr. THORN, a native I believe of the Isle of BUTE, made a proposition for carrying the water to Greenock by an aqueduct, which he finally accomplished, at a comparatively trifling expense, and in a

manner so clever, as to be worthy of the gust with which men now view that admiration of every beholder; and there | hackneyed hereditary honour.

After going to the Scotch church, on Sunday the 21st, and there beholding a very decent service, and hearing, from three verses of St. PAUL'S 2nd epistle to TIMOTHY, beginning at the 14th, a very able sermon in defence of the doctrine of the Trinity; after dining, on the Monday with Mr. BAINE, the chief magistrate, in company with his colleague, and several other gentlemen of the place; I set off (after another lecture that evening) the next day for this place. I cannot, however, take leave of GREENOCK, without observing on the contrast which it formed with all the other sea-ports that I had ever seen in my life. Captain COBB, with whom I crossed the Atlantic the last time, used to be everlastingly pestering me with his praises of GREENOCK; about its sor lidity, cleanliness, and the good manners of the people. As I was going to the church, the sight brought COBB to my mind. All the people seemed to be in the streets; all going away to their dif ferent churches; no noise of any sort; no dirtily-dressed person; and not a soul to be seen who did not seem seriously engaged in the business for which the day was set apart. CоBB used to say, that it was like a Connecticut sea-port; and I dare say it is for the religion is the same, and I dare say that the manners of the people are very much alike.

are now two hundred and sixty acres of water in the grand reservoir, with three other subsidizing reservoirs of greater or less extent; the whole amounting to 396 acres; and there is all this water brought to the side of the high hills behind GREENOCK; and there it comes tumbling down in various aqueducts; not only supplying the town with water amply at all times, but furnishing the means of turning flour-mills, cottonmills, or anything of the sort, at the cheapest possible rate. Four large mills for corn, or flax, or both, are already put in motion by this water; they are building now, and they say that here are the means of working forty of the largest mills that can exist. The reservoir or lake, is six hundred feet above the level of the sea: the aqueduct takes the water from the tail of the ravine, which is very deep, and carries it along around the end of the high hills at the back of GREENOCK; gets it, creeping about, in all directions, till it finally brings it to its destined spot, always by a fall of six feet in the space of a mile. To guard against the consequences of melted snow, or torrents of rain, there are self-opening and self-shutting sluices; and, therefore, though the aqueduct is only six feet wide at the bottom and twelve feet wide at the top, its banks are never disturbed. They say, that the people were wholly incredulous as to Sir MICHAEL SHAW STEWART is the the practicability of effecting this thing; landowner in and around GREENOCK; that scarcely anybody believed that the he has a very beautiful place a little way water could ever be brought to GREE- from the town, and down by the side of NOCK; and that, on the day on which the Frith; there are many farms in a the aqueduct was opened for the water little valley going from his house round to proceed, not less than ten thousand to GREENOCK; these farms are small, persons were assembled to witness the but the people appear to be very comresult of this brilliant experiment. Mr. fortably off, and, though living amongst THORN, who did me the honour to ac- these rocky hills, twenty times as nume, company me and Mr. BAINE, in riding rous as in the fine fat lands in the round the lake, is a man of too much Lothians. The deciduous trees do not sense and too much merit to set any va- grow large; I saw no oaks at all; but lue upon an empty title; but if George Sir MICHAEL STEWART has some very the Fourth bad made him a baronet in fine woods. of fir and larch upon the stead of COUTTS TROTTER, WALTER hills round about his house; the everSCOTT, or Parson BATE DUDLEY, he greens flourish here surprisingly, I would, at any rate, have, in some de- never saw the Portugal laurel and the gree, diminished the contempt and dis-arbutus in greater perfection. The


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