Reminiscences of Sport in IndiaW.H. Allen & Company, 1885 - 419 Seiten |
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Seite 42
... Classical and Modern Arabic ; Reading Lessons and Exercises , with Analyses and a Vocabulary of Useful Words . Fcap . 7s . 6d . PINCOTT , FREDERIC , M.R.A.S. , Corresponding Member of the Anjuman - i - Panjab , Editor and Annotator of ...
... Classical and Modern Arabic ; Reading Lessons and Exercises , with Analyses and a Vocabulary of Useful Words . Fcap . 7s . 6d . PINCOTT , FREDERIC , M.R.A.S. , Corresponding Member of the Anjuman - i - Panjab , Editor and Annotator of ...
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13 WATERLOO PLACE afterwards animals arrived bank bear beast beat beaters Bellary Berar blue bull British Bruin bullet bullocks bushes camp cantonment cave Chicacole Chindwarra cholera close colour Copra cover cubs Cuddapah Cumbum dead Demy 8vo dogs Edition elephant encamped English Fcap feet fired grass grove head heard herd hill Hindoo horse howdah hyæna Hyderabad Illustrations India jungle Kamptee killed leopard looking lying Madras Mahomedan mahout man-eater miles Moothoor morning moved mowah Nagpore native neilghye night nullah officers panther passed plain ravine regiment returned rifle river road roar rocks round rupees rushed sambur Secunderabad seen sepoys shikarry shooting shot side snake snipe sport sportsman spotted deer station stones tank tent thick thicket tiger tigress took trees Trichinopoly turned valley Vellore village shikarry vols W. H. ALLEN walking wild wounded
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Seite 41 - ... Reports of all important Occurrences in the Countries to which it is devoted, compiled chiefly from private and exclusive sources. It has been pronounced by the Press in general to be indispensable to all who have Friends or Relatives in the East, as affording the only correct information regarding the Services, Movements of Troops, Shipping, and all events of Domestic and individual interest.
Seite 30 - Hindustani-English Dictionary in the Persian Character, with the Hindi words in Nagari also ; and an English Hindustani Dictionary in the English Character ; both in one volume. By DUNCAN FORBES, LL.D.
Seite 26 - Trotter (LJ) History of India. The History of the British Empire in India, from the Appointment of Lord Hardinge to the Death of Lord Canning (1844 to 1862). By Captain LIONEL JAMES TROTTER, late Bengal Fusiliers.
Seite 41 - Works on the East.— And Notices of all affairs connected with India and the Services. Throughout the Paper one uniform system of arrangement prevails, and at the conclusion of each year an INDEX is furnished, to enable Subscribers to bind up the Volume, which forms a complete ASIATIC ANNUAL REGISTER AND LIBRARY OF REFERENCE. LONDON: WM.
Seite 25 - Thomson's Lunar and Horary Tables. For New and Concise Methods of Performing the Calculations necessary for ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations, or Chronometers ; with directions for acquiring a knowledge of the Principal Fixed Stars and finding the Latitude of them.
Seite 39 - In Three Parts, 12s. 6d. each. Part I. Introduction — Grammatical Lessons — General Index. Part II. Appendices — Notes on the Study of the " Kurral " — Key to the Exercises. Part III. Dictionaries : I.
Seite 7 - Geography of India. Comprising an account of British India, and the various states enclosed and adjoining. Fcap. pp. 250. 2s. Geological Papers on Western India. Including Cutch, Scinde, and the south-east coast of Arabia. To which is added a Summary of the Geology of India generally. Edited for the Government by HENRY J. CARTER, Assistant Surgeon, Bombay Army. Royal 8vo. with folio Atlas of maps and plates; half-bound. .£2 2s Glyn (AC) History of Civilization in the Fifth Century.
Seite 40 - MILITARY.— Gradation List of the General and Field Officers (British and Local) of the three Presidencies, Staff Corps, Adjutants.General's and Quartermasters.General's Offices, Army Commissariat Departments, British Troops Serving in India (including Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, Cavalry...
Seite 419 - The World We Live In. Or First Lessons in Physical Geography. For the use of Schools and Students. By DT ANSTED, MA, FRS, &c.
Seite 23 - Riding of Yorkshire. Being an attempt to delineate its Past and Present Associations, Archaeological, Topographical, and Scriptural. By HENRY TRAILL SIMPSON, MA, late Rector of Adel.