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Association, as contained in the report, to the General Assembly and of procuring the appointment of the Commission referred to, with the power in said Committee to lay the matter before the Governor and ask for a special message from him to the General Assembly relating to the appointment of such commission.

The resolution received a second and was adopted.

The Secretary: Now, Mr. Chairman, I think there is one other matter that ought to be done at this time. We have appointed this committee, and under the resolution passed yester day we have raised a committee to go before the General Assembly and urge a passage of a bill establishing the court of appeals. It seems to me if we expect any work from these two committees, the expenses of the committees should be paid. We are deeply indebted to the Committee on Relief of the Supreme Court for the work already done, and I doubt if we could have secured anything like the consideration of the subject and the time from them had their expenses not been paid by the Association. I move that the expenses of these two committees in their work before the Legislature be paid by the Treasurer, the accounts to be approved by the Chairmen of the


The motion received a second and was carried.

The President: The Chair will make the appointments made by the retiring President.

Delegates to the American Bar Association:

W. C. Bunn,

D. G. Fogarty,
H. C. Peeples.

John W. Bennett,
S. H. Sibley,

A. F. Daley.

The next thing on the program is the paper by Mr. L. F.

Garrard of Columbus, on "The Evolution of the Fourteenth Amendment."

(For Mr. Gerrard's paper see Appendix M.)

The President: The next is an address, "Trial by Jury," by Judge George F. Gober.

(For Mr. Gober's paper see Appendix N.)

Mr. Leakin: I ask to introduce a resolution appropriate to this day.

The President: Is there objection? There being none the Chair will hear the resolution.

Mr. Leakin: We have heard a great deal about the Fourteenth Amendment, and we have had a real treat from the worthy representative of the State of New York and our friend from the city of Columbus. I feel that we have learned a great deal, and this being the day, the birthday which made the Fourteenth Amendment possible, whether it was passed legally or illegally, I think it would be proper for us to pass some resolution, and therefore, Mr. President, I offer this:

Resolved, That as this Convention of the Georgia Bar Association is in session on this the fourth of July, 1903, and as, one hundred and twenty-seven years ago this day, was the birth of the charter of the liberties of this American Republic, and as the names of Gwinnett, Walton and Hall appear upon the great document of Independence as the representatives of Georgia, this Association rise, and standing pay tribute to the men of '76, and the birthday of these United States-the land of the free, the home of the brave.

The resolution received a second and was adopted, the Association standing.

Mr. J. B. Park: I have a resolution.

The President: Is there any objection to a temporary suspension of the rules to consider the resolution. The Chair hears none.

Mr. Park: I offer the following:

Be it Resolved, By the Georgia Bar Association in convention assembled, First. That the sincere thanks of the Association are hereby tendered to Judge Alton B. Parker, of the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, for his able, interesting and instructive address delivered during the present session on the subject of "Due Process of Law."

Second. That the Association is more than delighted to have him as its guest, and we, its members, extend to him and Mrs. Parker our most cordial greeting and assure them that they will always be welcomed by each member of this Association on Georgia soil.

Third. That the Secretary of this Association furnish a copy of these resolutions to Judge Parker.

The resolutions were seconded numerously, and unanimously adopted.

[In reply to his letter forwarding a copy of these resolutions, the Secretary received the following:


ROSEMOUNT, ESOPUS, N. Y., July 14, 1903.

The Honorable Orville A. Park:

MY DEAR SIR:- I beg to acknowledge receipt from you of a copy of the resolutions kindly passed by the Georgia Bar Association at its recent meeting, and ask you to accept assurance of appreciation of this as well as the many other courtesies extended by the Association and the individual members thereof to Mrs. Parker and myself on the occasion of our ever-to-be-remembered-and-treasured visit to Georgia. For your personal contribution toward making our visit the most delightful one in our experience, allow me, please, to again thank you.

Very sincerely yours,

The President: The report of the Committee on Judicial Administration and Remedial Procedure.

Mr. Yeomans: I will state that Judge Griffin, the Chairman of this committee, has found it impossible to secure a meeting of the committee. He wrote to the individual members of the committee, several of whom offered him suggestions. He has embodied these suggestions in a report which he asks me to present to this body.

(For report see Appendix O.)

The President: Is there any discussion?
The Secretary: I move its adoption.

The motion was seconded and adopted.

The Secretary: I make one other suggestion. This report is on the same line as the report submitted by Mr. Peeples on yesterday, and I move that both be referred to the Committee on Legislation with authority to act in the premises.

The motion received a second and was adopted.

The President: The Chair will appoint that committee now-Judge George Hillyer, Washington Dessau and A. G. Powell.

Mr. Ellis: I have a report from the Grievance Committee. It is, as you will see, mainly a statement of the reasons why the committee has no report.

(For report, see Appendix P.)

Mr. Fogarty: I move its adoption.

The motion received a second and was adopted.

The President: The Committee on Federal Legislation. The Secretary: Capt. Hammond of Thomasville has this report. I don't think that there is a formal report, but one member of the committee, Mr. Bishop, has written a paper on "Government by Injunction," which he asked me to refer to the Chairman of that committee. I have done so and the Chair man has sent it back to me. As the gentleman is not present, I presume it will take the usual course and be published without reading.

The President: If there is no objection it will take that


(For Mr. Bishop's paper, "Government by Injunction," see Appendix Q.)

The President: Committee on Legal Ethics.

No response.

The President: Committee on Interstate Law.

No response.

The President: An address by Mr. Charles J. Swift, on "Jefferson and the Contributions of His Genius to the Genesis and Growth of American Institutions."

(See Appendix R for address of Mr. Swift.)

Mr. Russell: I offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That the thanks of this body be extended to the Tallulah Falls Railway Company and the management of the Tallulah Lodge for the many courtesies extended to us during our present session.

The resolution received a second and was adopted.

Mr. Harrison: I offer the following:

Resolved, That the sincere thanks of the Georgia Bar Association be extended to Mrs. M. A. Lipscomb for her kind hospitality enjoyed by the members of this body in the Al Fresco entertainment at Lucy Cobb Cottage on the evening of July 3d.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to Mrs. Lipscomb by the Secretary of the Association.

The resolutions received a second and were adopted.

The President: Is there any further business? If not a motion to adjourn is in order.


On motion the Association adjourned sine die.

The afternoon of the "Glorious Fourth" was spent at the Falls, viewing that marvelous gorge between whose granite walls there rushes and leaps and roars Tallulah the terrible, and enjoying as the guests of the Tallulah Falls Railway Company that crowning glory of the culinary art-a Georgia barbecue.

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