Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Main, the province of, fettled, vol. i. p. 38-the inhabitants fubmit to the Massachusetts, and have greater privileges granted them than what the Maffachufetts people enjoy, p. 39. Manifefto a, prefented to the Britifh minifter by the Spanish ambaffador, vol. iii. p. 289. Manley, captain, takes British veffels, vol. ii. p. 144-is taken, vol. iii. p. 53. Marion, general, exerts himself on the fide of congrefs, vol. iii. P. 454 vol. iv. p. 46-aided by lieut. col. Lee's partizan legion, reduces fort Watfon, p. 81-fort Motte, p. 89-fort Granby, p. 90.

Maryland fettled, vol. i. p. 65

the convention refolve on an affociation, and on meafures for fecuring the province, and providing for its defence, vol. ii. p. 92-fettles its independent conflitution, p. 368-accedes to the confederation, vol. iv. p. 65. Majachusetts Company formed, vol. i. p. 16-begin a plantation at Salem, p. 17-cbtain a royal charter, p. 18.

Bay, the governor and company of, in New England, begin their plantation government in the Mafiachusetts, vol. i. p. 20-conclude on removing with their charter to the Mafachusetts, p. 22—arrive at Salem, p. 24-aflume the form of a commonwealth, p. 27-admit none to freedom but memhers of their churches, p. 29their general court affume pi

ritual jurifdiction, p. 30-their government in divers refpects abfolute, p. 31-their charter annihilated, P. 42- -a new charter given them, p. 98-they declare what are their privileges, p. 99-their exertions in the war of 1744, p. 110-of 1755, P. 137-their general court addrefs the British parliament on the fubject of duties and taxes, p. 154-the house of affembly propofe a congrefs, P. 172-leave out of the council the crown officers and juftices of the fuperior court, p. 208-at length agree to make compenfation to the fufferers by the riots, p. 211-propose a circular letter to the other colonies, p. 223-their new affembly are required to refcind the refolution which gave birth to the circular letter, p. 226they vote not to refcind, and are diffolved, p. 227-a new af fembly pafs a number of refolves, evidencing their difregard to the refolutions of the lords and commons, p. 260refufe making provifion for the troops, p. 261-difagreements between them and lieut. governor Hatchinfan, p. 304-declare against his receiving his fupport from the crown, p. 310

their proceedings refpecting the judges, and the fupport intended them by the crown, p. 344-their petition to the king for the removal of the governor difmiffed, p. 350-choose delegates to meet in congress at Philadelphia, p. 366-the people prepare to defend their rights by the point of the fword, p. 380-the reprefentatives meet, and refolve themfelves into a provincial congress, p. 411the provincial congrefs appoint a committee to draw up a plan


for the immediate defence of the colony, p. 412-pufh their preparations for hoftile oppofition, p. 416-fend a circular letter to the minifters of the gofpel, p. 417-a picture of the Mafiachufetts colony, p. 427-a new provincial congress meet, p. 469-their proceedings, p. 472-the inhabitants in arme, p. 486-their unpreparedness for an hoftile contest with Great Britain, p. 492the provincial congrefs write a circular letter to the feveral towns of the colony, vol. ii. p. 17-borrow money, and forward difpatches to the general congrefs, p. 19-apply to Connecticut and Rhode Island for affiftance, p. 20-order the militia to Roxbury, p. 21-refolve upon writing to the eaftern tribe of Indians, p. 22—iffue notes, p. 27-the Maffachusetts reprefentatives meet, and take up their old form of government, p. 96-the public schools of the colony, p. 125-the af fembly refolve to fit out armed veffels, p. 144-the Maffachufetts delegates at congrefs conducted with great policy, p. 296-the ftate agrees upon a conftitution for the commonwealth, vol. iii. p. 396-incorporates The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, p. 398the last act before entering on the new conftitution, p. 497– the first general court upon the new conftitution, p. 498-the conftitution violated by the general court, vol. iv. p. 398. Maffacre of the Moravian Indians, vol. iv. p. 308. Matthew, general, makes a defcent on Virginia, vol. iii. p.


Marwhood, lieut. colonel, attacked at Princeton, vol. ii. p. 401.

Mayhew, Dr. his letter to judge Hutchinfon, vol. i. p. 178. Measures taken at Philadelphia for relieving the army under general Washington, vol. iii. p.


Medical department, defects in the American, occafion the lofs of many fick, vol. iii. p. 70. Meeting houfe, the old fouth, turned into a riding-school for the British dragoons, vol. ii. p. 139Meigs, colonel, his expedition to Sagg harbour, vol. ii. p. 468. Mercenaries, foreign, fail for America, vol. ii. p. 245. Militia, American, complained of, vol. ii. p. 317, 323, 333. Minorca attacked by the Spaniards, aided by the French, vol. iv. P. 157-the garrifon at fort St. Philip clofely invested, and at length obliged to furrender, P. 226.

Minute-men inftituted, vol. i. p.


Mobs at Bofton, vol. i. p. 175attack judge Hutchinson's houfe, P. 177 at Rhode Island, p. 183-at New York, p. 185at Bofton, on account of the feizure of Mr. Hancock's floop Liberty, p. 231. Monmouth court-house action, vol. iii. p. 141. Montgomery, general, is fent on with troops to Canada, and befieges St. John's, vol. ii. p. 157-the place furrenders, p. 162-he takes Montreal, p. 163

appears before Quebec, p. 167 his whole force little more than half the garrifon, p. 181

he attempts carrying the city by a coup de main, and is killed, p. 183. Montreal taken, vol. ii. p. 163. Montferrat furrenders, vol. iv.



Morgan, general, attacked by a fuperior force under col. TarleHh 2 ton,

[blocks in formation]

Natches, the British fettlements there reduced by captain Willing, vol. iii. p. 8. New-England, the people there are alarmed with the reports of an American epifcopacy, vol. i. P. 117-with the apprehenfion of defigns on the part of the British miniftry against their forms of government, p. 142the fuppofed plan of ministry, P. 144.

New Hampshire colony fettled, vol. i. p. 38-the people make their firit hoftile movement, p. 421

-their delegates receive inftructions which they lay before congrefs, vol. ii. p. 149-the provincial congrefs proceed to take up civil government, p. 168-feveral of the reprefentatives proteft against it, p. 169 -feveral of the towns petition (against it, p. 170-a return of the inhabitants, p. 263. New-Haven colony fettled, vol. i. .P. 33-made a part of Connecticut, p. 34.

town attacked by genéral Tryon, vol. iii. p. 265. New-Jerfey fettled, vol. i. p. 46 -the quaker inhabitants complain of the duties impofed upon

them by the governor of New York, p. 48-the affembly declare against independency, vol. ii. p. 117-the provincial congrefs much influenced by the plot to destroy general Washington's army at New York, P. 277-they form their conftitution, p. 299-cruelties practifed in that ftate by the royal troops, p. 414-the people exafperated and fly to arms, p. 416.

New York fettled, vol. i. p. 44— the affembly pafs an act declaring the rights of the people, p. 97-the powers of legislation taken from the province, till there is a compliance with a British act of parliament, p. 216 -the New Yorkers the firit who adopted the non-importation agreement, p. 194—they defift from the fame, p. 278-a quarrel between them and the foldiers, p. 300-they agree upon a new congrefs, p. 362-the affembly renounce all concern with the preceding congrefs, p. 471-a battle between the whigs and tories, on the points, congrefs, or no congress, p. 472— the New Yorkers ftop the veffels bound to Quebec and elsewhere, vol. ii. p. 3-the measures of the citizens on hearing of hoftilities in the Massachusetts, p. 4-the cannon removed from the battery, and the Afia man of war fires on the city, p. 117 -the New Yorkers fufpected, p. 120-the city evacuated by the Americans, p. 328-a terrible fire there, p. 330-the New York ftate eftablish their independent conftitution, p. 528-the city evacuated by the British, vol. iv. p. 382. Nevis furrenders, vol. iv. p. 239. Neutrality, the armed, vol. iii. p.



Newfoundland, the ftorm on the coafts of it, vol. ii. p. 222. Newport, poffeffed by the British, vol. ii. p. 359- -an expedition againit it, P. 583-evacuated by the British, vol. iii. p. 333. Non-importation agreement adopted first by the New York merchants, and then by others, vol. i. p. 194-a fresh non-importation agreement begun at Boston, and afterward adopted elsewhere, p. 218-declined for the prefent by the Pennfylvania merchants, p. 241-adopted by them, and notice thereof fent to the committee of merchants at London, P. 250-given up by the New Yorkers, p. 278. Norfolk action, in which captain Fordyce fell, vol. ii. P. 112-the town is fired by parties of failors and marines from lord Dunmore's fleet, and deftroyed, p. 206. North Carolina, general affembly

meet and refolve to unite with the other colonies, vol. ii. p. I -the movements of the inhabitants occafion the governor's quitting the colony, p. 84the convention folemnly declare it to be their wish, that they may be restored to the state in which they were before 1763, p. 107-establish their independent form of government, p. 390.

Norwalk burnt by the British, vol. iii. p. 267.

Nova Scotia, the reprefentatives thereof, present an addrefs, petition and memorial to the king and parliament, vol. ii. p. 234. 0.

Obfervations on the Bofton port-bill, vol. i. p. 375. Officers, the American, petition congrefs, vol. iv. p. 353. Ohio company, vol. i. p. 119

the French build a fort on the Ohio, p. 121.

Omoa, fort, taken by the British, vol. iii. p. 401. Operations of the troops under generals Phillips and Arnold in Virginia, vol. iv. p. 107. Order of the British king in council for fufpending provifionally all the particular itipulations refpecting the fubjects of the States General, contained in the feveral treaties, vol. iii. p. 404. Ordnance fhip from Woolwich taken by captain Manley, vol. ii. p. 144.

Orvilliers, count de, fails from Breft to join the Spanish fleet, vol. iii. p. 288-fails with the combined fleet for Plymouth,

p. 291.

[blocks in formation]

Painter, John the, alias James
Aitken, vol. ii. p. 445.
Pallifer, Sir Hugh, tried, vol. iii.
P. 241.
Paper-money first emitted by con-
grefs, vol. ii. p. 60--the par-

ticular mifchievous effects of
it, vol. iv. p. 144-its ceafing
to circulate, occafions no con-
vulfion, p. 145.

Papifts relieved by act of parliament, vol. iii. p. 113. Parker, admiral Hyde, engages admiral Zoutman on Dogger Bank, vol. iv. p. 152.

Sir Peter, and lord Cornwallis, fail from Portsmouth to Cork, vol. ii. p. 239-from Cork for America with troops, p. 240-arrive at Cape Fear, and meet with general Clinton, Hh 3 P. 279

P., 279 proceed to attack
Charlestown in South Carolina,
P. 280.
Parliament, the feffion of it opened
in 1775, vol. ii, p. 224-the
debates, p. 225-a motion re-
lative to the employing of
Hanoverian troops without the
confent of parliament, p. 228
-the houfes informed of the
French refcript, notifying the
treaty with America, vol. iii.
p. 108-the parliament unex-
pectedly diffolved, vol. iv. p. 4

-the new parliament meets, p.
10-the king's fpeech and de-
bates on the addrefs, p. 11.
Peace neceffary for the United

States, vol. iv. p. 291-nego-
tiations between the American
and British commiffioners, p.
332-340 provifional arti-
cles, p. 360-definitive treaty,
P. 391.

Pearson, captain, engages Paul
Jones, vol. iii. p. 297.
Peek's-kill, ftores there deftroyed,
vol. ii. p. 423.
Pendleton, juftice, his reafons for
leaving Charlestown, vol. iii.
P. 393.

Penn, governor, an account of his
having delivered the fecond pe-
tition of congrefs to the king,
vol. ii. p. 152-examined be-
fore the houfe of lords, p. 231.
Pennfylvania fettled, vol. i. p. 81

a charter of privileges grant-
ed to the inhabitants, p. 8--
the refolutions of the affembly
againft taxation, except by the
reprefentatives of the people,
p. 193-they ratify the acts of
congrefs, p. 421- -decline
adopting the conciliatory plan,
vol. ii. p. 6inftruct their de-
legates to reject any propofition
in congrefs that may lead to a
feparation from the mother
country, p. 116-fettle their
independent conftitution, p. 368

-numbers diffatisfed, p. 369
-the Pennfylvania act relating
to flavery, vol. iii. p. 377.

line of troops revolt,
vol. iv. P. 16-fee Revolt.
Penobscot, expedition against it,
by the Maffachusetts, vol. iii.
P. 305.

Petersham, in the county of War-
cefter, Maffachusetts Bay, the
refolutions of the town, vol. i.
p. 316.
Petitions to the houfe of commons
on American affairs, vol. i. p.
450-petitions and counter-
petitions, p. 496 to both
houfes from the British inhabi-
tants in the province of Quebec,
p. 5co-petitions and counter-
petitions, vol. ii. p. 223-peti-
tions from the counties for a
public reform, vol. iii. p. 413
-confidered by the house of
commons, and the refolutions
of the house in favor of them,
p. 415-all hopes of obtaining
redrefs from that houfe at an
end, p. 416-a fresh petition
prefented, vol. iv. p. 151.
Philadelphia merchants exprefs
their minds fully to the com-
mittee in London on the reve-
nue acts and grievances, vol. i.
p. 266-the committee ftop the
failing of veffels to Quebec and
elsewhere, vol. ii. p. 4-the
zeal of the citizens in hoftile
preparations, p. 61-they pro-
vide for the fafety of the city, p.
93-it is poffeffed by the royal
army, p. 518-it is evacuated
by the British, vol. iii. p. 131.
Pickens, colonel, defeats the South

Carolina tories, vol. iii. p. 231
-enters the Indian country,
and destroys their corn, p. 313
-aided by Lee's legion, re-
duces the fort at Augufta, vol.
iv. p. 91-chaftifes the Chero-
kees for breaking their engage-
ments, p. 177.


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