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Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea!

Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee,
Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,
Our faith triumphant o'er our fears,

5 Are all with thee-are all with thee!


For Biography see page 136.

Discussion. 1. What two stories run side by side in this poem? 2. Who is represented as speaking lines 1 to 4 on page 504? To whom are these words addressed? 3. What is the story of the "Great Harry"? 4. What trees are mentioned as furnishing timber for the vessel? 5. What comparison do the long level shadows of the early morning bring to the mind of the poet? 6. What is the significance of having Maine cedar and Georgia pine help to build a vessel that is to be called the Union? 7. Find the lines in which the poet first compares the master's daughter to a ship. 8. To what does the poet compare the rudder of the ship? To what does he compare the anchor? To what does he compare the pines that were felled to make the masts? 9. Find lines that describe the flag at the mast-head. 10. What two brides does the poet show us? 11. Find lines in which he addresses the ship that has been launched. 12. Find lines addressed to the girl who has become the wife of the shipbuilder. 13. Find the lines addressed to the "Ship of State." 14. What lines on page 506 suggest the need of coöperation? Compare the thought in lines 20 to 22, page 515, with what Webster says in the last paragraph of "The American Experiment." 15. How many of the terms used by the poet in describing the building of the ship are familiar to you? 16. Where or how did you learn the ones you know? How did Longfellow learn so much about ships? 17. Perhaps these lines from his poem, "My Lost Youth," will help you to understand how it was possible for Longfellow to write so understandingly and lovingly about a ship:

"I remember the black wharves and the slips.

And the sea-tides tossing free,

And Spanish sailors with bearded lips,
And the beauty and mystery of the ships,
And the magic of the sea."

18. Point out lines in the poem that express some of the same ideas about work that you read in the Introduction on page 336. 19. A cantata for this poem, prepared by Henry C. Lahee, is published by Oliver Ditson Company, Boston. 20. Find in the Glossary the meaning of: argosy; behest; Naiad; sark. 21. Pronounce: stanch; miniature.

Suggestions for Theme Topics. 1. What I know about ship-building in America during the World War. 2. Some advantages that come to a country that has a large fleet of merchant ships.

Library Reading. Our Industrial Victory, Schwab; "Ships for the Seven Seas," Graves (in the National Geographic Magazine, September, 1918); "Cargoes," Masefield (in Collected Poems).

Phrases for Study

giveth grace unto every Art, 504, 8
answer to his inward thought, 504, 25
docile to the helm, 505, 20
parted seas, 505, 21

heir of his dexterity 506, 30

scarfed and bolted, 508, 10
Spanish Main, 508, 24

shaped in a classic mold, 510, 17
shorn of their streaming hair, 511, 12
Ship of State, 515, 17

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Literature and Life in the Homeland is the general subject of Part IV; under what three headings is the subject treated? How do the selections in the group called "American Scenes and Legends" help you to understand what America means and how her present grows out of the past? In the Introduction, page 333, you read that in one sense literature knows no time or place, yet in another sense it reflects the life and ideals of a particular time and a definite race. Does the poem "Snow-Bound" picture scenes of pioneer America merely or has it also qualities that belong to all time? What quality in Evangeline makes her a heroine not merely of Colonial time but of all time? What is there in "The Gray Champion" that belongs to all time? In what sense is this story a part of American history? What quality do we recognize in Rip Van Winkle that we find also in ourselves in a greater or less degree? How does this recognition affect our sympathy for Rip? How do the descriptions of American scenes by Lanier, Whittier, Irving, Longfellow, and Hawthorne differ from those found in your geography?

Humor is said to be one of our American characteristics; name some well-known humorists of our national literature. Which of these names are represented in the group called "American Literature of Lighter Vein"? Bring to class some interesting bits of humor from Life or from other magazines devoted to humor. In Irving's time, and even in that of Holmes, pictures were not widely used to furnish humor for the readers of newspapers and magazines; name some present-day cartoonists and the well-known characters they have created. Discuss in class different kinds of cartoons: (a) those that drive home a truth

in the form of a joke; (b) those that are clever; (c) those that are merely silly. Bring to class illustrations of these kinds of cartoons. Make a collection for "Cartoon Day" in your school.

Which of the selections that picture America at work did you find most interesting? Which selection in this group made you feel the joy of work? Which selection emphasized the importance of efficiency in work? Which selection shows the relation of the worker to the planner? What different kinds of workers did you learn about in your library reading suggested in Part IV? What occupations particularly interest you? What selections broadened your sympathies for the worker? How has The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature helped you to find magazine articles describing different kinds of industries?

What quotations from memory can you make from this year's reading? Compare your list of quotations with those of your classmates; what quotations do you find oftenest on these lists? What is your method of memorizing? Tell briefly some interesting facts that you learned about forms of literature-the lyric, the ballad, and the short story. What short story writers have you become acquainted with in this book? What contemporary poets? What book-reviews given during the year interested you most? What discussions growing out of "Suggestions for Theme Topics" were most profitable? What "Suggested Problems" were most interesting? What progress in silent reading-speed and comprehension-have you made?

And now that you have come to the end of your book you may well ask yourself, "What are the benefits I have gained from my reading?" It is the earnest hope of the authors that you have been helped to observe Nature; to delight in noble literature; to appreciate the highest forms of wit and humor; to have sympathy for all sorts and conditions of men; to take satisfaction in work well done; to be kind to all; and to love home and country. For these are the things that this book and others of the series have aimed to foster in you for your individual happiness and for the well-being of all with whom you associate.

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a-bate'ment (a-bãt'ment), decrease

ab'by (ab'l), monastery; castie

ab'di-cat'ed (ab'di-kāt'ěd), given up the throne

ab-hor' (ǎb-hôr'), hate

ab-ject' (ab-jěkt'), humble

ab'ne-ga'tion (ăb'nê-gã'shŭn), giving up all thought

aboard, laid, went onto

Abraham... Ishmael... Hagar (Ish'mâ-el; ha'gar), see Genesis XXI, 9-20; Abrahams, pictures of Abraham a-breast' (a-brěst'), side by side abstinence (ab ́stl-něns), going without abstracting, sneaking A-by'dos (a-bi'dos)

a-byss' (a-bis'), immeasurable space; deep gulf; sea

A-ca'di-a (à-ka'dĭ-á), former name of Nova Scotia

A'ca'die' (a'ka'de'), see Acadia ac-ced'ed (Ak-sëd'ěd), agreed accordant (-kôr'dănt), harmonious ac-count'ant (ǎ-koun'tănt), one who makes financial statements ac'me (ǎk'mê), perfection ac'qui-es'cence (ǎk'wi-čs'ens), agreement

ad'a-mant (ăd'à-mănt), hardest stone A-day'es (ä-dā'ēz) ad'dled (d'ld), confused

ad-dress' (ă-dres'), formal speech ad-her'ent (nd-her'ent), supporter Ad'ju-tant (j'oo-tănt), officer through whom the Commander receives communications and gives orders admirable (ăd'mi-rà-b'l), praiseworthy A-don'is (à-dōn'Is), dandy. Adonis, in mythology, was a beautiful youth beloved by the goddess Venus ad'vent (ăd'vent), beginning

adversity (ăd-vûr'sĭ-tî), misfortune
advo-ca-cy (ăd vô-ka-sĩ), behalf
a-ë'ri-al (ã-ë'rĭ-ăl), airy

Aer'shot (är'skot), town in Belgium af'fa-bil'i-ty (ǎf'à-bíl'î-tî), friendliness af-front' (ă-frunt'), insult

affronted, offended

aft (åft), toward the stern
ag-gres'sor (ǎ-grěs'ēr), enemy
a-ghast' (à-gast'), horrified

ag'i-tat'ed (ǎj'í-tāt'ěd), blown; excited a-gog' (ȧ-gog'), eager

Ai'denn (a'děn), paradise
Aix (āks), city in France

alacrity (ă-lăkʼri-ti), willingness

al'der (ôl'der), tree which grows in moist ground

Ali Baba (ä lề bả’bả)

al'ien (āl'yen), foreigner al'ien-ate (al'yen-ât), separate Al'la-hu (ǎl'à-hoo), Allah al-le'giance (ǎ-lē'jăns), loyalty al-lit'er-a'tion (ă-lĭt'ĕr-a'shun), repeti

tion of the same letter or sound at the beginning of successive words al-loys' (ǎ-loiz), combinations of metals all-per-va'sive (pĕr-vā ́sĭv), universal al-lu'sion (ă-lū'zhůn), reference al-ly' (ă-lï'), friend; aid

al'mond (ä'mund)

alms'house' (ämz'hous'), poorhouse

al'oe (ǎl'ō), plant which blossoms when it is one hundred years old Alp, mountains in general

al-ter'na-tive (ăl-tûr'nå-tĭv), choice a-lu'mi-num (ȧ-lū ́mĭ-nům), very light weight metal, silver-colored a-main' (à-man'), at full speed

am'a-ranth (ăm'-à-rănth), an imaginary flower which never fades

am-bro'si-al (ăm-brō'zhĭ-ăl), beautiful a'mi-a-ble (a'mi-à-b'l), lovely

adversary (d'vĕr-sâ-ri), foe; opponent adverse currents, streams that flow different ways





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