Abbildungen der Seite




AMBERT (Sir George T.), The
Scandal of University Educa-
tion in Ireland, 912-918

Last Month, 164-180, 344-360, 514-

Moslems under Russian rule, 217-227
Musical Hours, 548-565

Lathbury (D. C.), Henry Parry Liddon, NAPIER of Magdala (Lady), Then


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Maitland (J. A. Fuller), A Waning

Glory of England: the Madrigal,

Malcolm (Ian), Thibet and the India
Office: A Blazing Indiscretion,'

Meath (Earl of), Universal Military
Training for Lads, 734-744
Medieval Feast of Fools, 1000-1008
Mercantile marine, Our, and its
foreign competitors, 615-626
Methuen (Lord), Training the Youth
of England, 238-243
Mikado, The Heart of the, 566-572
Military Training for Lads, Uni-
versal, 734-744

Military training for our lads, 238-243
Monet, Manet, Mauclair, Degas,
Renoir, Pissarro, and Impressionism,

Moral Teaching in Japan, 198-206
Morality of Nature, The, 407-426
Morley (John), Democracy and Re-
action, 361-372, 529-547

and Now, 849-852

National Nurseries, The Need for,

National Revenue, The Drink Mono-
poly and the, 1034-1044
Nature, The Morality of, 407-426
Naval Power, The, Balance of, 228-

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Dinners and

Museums, 324-330
Parliament and politics, 170–174, 349-
353, 356-860, 514-516, 525-528,
869-876, 877-897, 1045-1056
Parliament, Is it a Mere Crowd?

Paul (Herbert), The Political Situa-
tion, 869-876, 1045-1056
Phrenology, Revival of, The Ethologi-
cal Society and the, 958-970
Pictures, What is the 'Raison d'être'
of? 828-837

Political Situation, The, 869-876,

Pollock (Lieut.-Colonel Alsager), Com-
mon-sense Training for Recruits,

Poor Relief, Official, in Russia, 1020–

Poor, Society for Bettering the Con-
dition of the, 657-670

Port Arthur, Capitulation of, 344–346
Postprandial eloquence of America,

Priestley (Lady), An Artist's Love
Story, 642-654

Prisoners, ex-prisoners, and the Church
Army, 285-298

Public Schoolmasters, Ought they to
be taught to teach? 919-927
Public-house licenses and State mono-
poly, 1034-1044

Public, The, as seen from the Stage,



DAYMOND (Walter), At the Rose Shronicle of, 1009-1019

ALIMBENE, the wandering friar,

Rin June, 129-136'

Recruits, Common-sense Training
for, 751-759

Reformation Settlement, The Bishops
and the, 276-284

Reid (Sir Wemyss), Last Month, 164–
174, 344-354, 514-524
Renwick (W. H.), Reserves of Welsh
Smokeless Steam Coal for the
British Navy, 154-163
Representative government in Russia,
The struggle for, 27-45

Reserve of ships, its value in war, 701-

Richardson (Major E. Hautonville),
War Dogs, 472-480

Richmond (Sir William B.), George
Frederick Watts- From the Ut-
most to the Highest,' 427-439
Rifle-shooting, Need for training our
boys in, 734-744

Ritualism, the Mass, and the Church
of England, 68-77

Roberts (Earl), The Army: as it was
and as it is, 1-26
Robertson (Edmund), Some Naval

Questions, 140-153; The Drink Mo-
nopoly and the National Revenue,

Rome or the Reformation,' a Reply
to Lady Wimborne, 68-77

Rome or the Reformation: a Re-
joinder, 390-406

'Rose in June,' At the, 129-136
Roumania (The Queen of), Musical
Hours, 548-565

Royal Academy exhibition of Watts's
works, 427-439

Royal Love-letters, Some, 971-983
Russell (Major-General Frank S.), Is
not Invasion Possible? 725-733
Russia, Official Poor Relief in, 1020-

Russia, Our relations with, 167-170
Russia, Political unrest in, 170-172,
348, 349, 517-519

Russia, The Constitutional Agitation
in, 27-45

Russian defeats and Moslem rejoicings,

Russian Finances, The Breakdown
of, 373-389

Russian Fleet, The lessons from its
failures, 231-237

Russian intrigues in Thibet and
Colonel Younghusband's mission,

Russian Mahometans, their religious

and political aspirations, 217-227
Russia's View of her Mission, 181--197
Russo-Japanese War, 170, 192-197,
844-347, 354, 520-521, 526-527,
787-804, 956, 1045

Schooling (William), The Story of the
Golden Mist, 464-471

Schoolmasters, Public, The training of,

Scotland, The Church Crisis in, 61–67
Scottish crofts and Highland shooting-
boxes, 849-852

Scouting and messenger service by
dogs, 475-477

Sea pictures of Eugène Boudin, 101–

Sellers (Miss Edith), Official Poor
Relief in Russia, 1020-1030

Sergius, Grand Duke, Murder of the,

Shakespeare, The Commemoration of,

Shaw (G. B.), his Man and Superman
reviewed, 845-848

Siddons (Mrs.), her daughters, and Sir
Thomas Lawrence, 642-654
Small-Sword, The Revival of the, 110–


Smokeless Steam Coal, Welsh, for the

British Navy, Reserves of, 154-163
Social instinct, Evolution of the, 407-

Soldiers and their weapons, progress
since the Crimean war, 1-26
Soldiers, The proper method of train-
ing, 751-759

Sorabji (Cornelia), Portraits of some
Indian Women, 481-489

South Africa, The Black Problem in,

Spencer (Herbert) on animal ethics,

Stage, The Public as seen from the,

Statham (H. Heathcote), What is the
'Raison d'être' of Pictures? 828-

Stratford-on-Avon and Shakespeare
memorials, 582-591

Subalterns in our Army, their griev
ances and prospects, 745-750
Sun, Evolution of the, 464-471
Suyematsu (Baron), Moral Teaching
in Japan, 198-206; The Heart of
the Mikado, 566-572

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