To excuse their after wrath: Husband, I come : [Kisses them. IRAS falls and dies. Have I the aspick in my lips? Dost fall? It is not worth leave-taking. Char. Dissolve, thick cloud, and rain; that I may This proves me base: If she first meet the curled Antony, wretch, [To the Asp, which she applies to her Breast. With thy sharp teeth this knot intrinsicate * Have I the aspick in my lips?] Are my lips poison'd by the aspick, that my kiss has destroyed thee? Dost fall?] Iras must be supposed to have applied an asp to her arm while her mistress was settling her dress, or I know not why she should fall so soon. STEEVENS. * He'll make demand of her;] He will enquire of her concerning me, and kiss her for giving him intelligence. Unpolicied!] i. e. an ass without more policy than to leave the means of death within my reach, and thereby deprive his triumph of its noblest decoration. Act V.Sc.II.(a room in the Monument, enter guards, rushing in: 1. Guard. Where is the Queen ? Charmian. Speak softly, wake her not. Published by C&F Rivington. London. May 1. 1304. Peace, peace! Dost thou not see my baby at my breast, That sucks the nurse asleep ? Char. O, break! O, break! Cleo. As sweet as balm, as soft as air, as gen tle, O Antony! Nay, I will take thee too : [Applying another Asp to her Arm. What should I stay- [Falls on a Bed, and dies. Now boast thee, death! in thy possession lies Of eyes again so royal! Your crown's awry; Enter the Guard, rushing in. 1 Guard. Where is the queen ? Char. 1 Guard. Cæsar hath sentChar. Speak softly, wake her not. Too slow a messenger. [Applies the Asp. O, come; apace, despatch: I partly feel thee. 6 1 Guard. Approach, ho! All's not well: Cæsar's beguil'd. 2 Guard. There's Dolabella sent from Cæsar ;call him. - Downy windows, close ;] Charmian, in saying this must be conceived to close Cleopatra's eyes; one of the first ceremonies performed toward a dead body. 7 and then play.] i. e. play her part in this tragick scene by destroying herself: or she may mean, that having performed her last office for her mistress, she will accept the permission given her before, to "play till doomsday." 1 Guard. What work is here? -Charmian, is this well done? Char. It is well done, and fitting for a princess Descended of so many royal kings. [Dies. Cæsar, thy thoughts Touch their effects in this: Thyself art coming To see perform'd the dreaded act, which thou So sought'st to hinder. Within. A way there, way for Cæsar! Enter CÆSAR, and Attendants. Dol. O, sir, you are too sure an augurer; That you did fear, is done. Cæs. Bravest at the last: She levell'd at our purposes, and, being royal, Took her own way. -The manner of their deaths? I do not see them bleed. Dol. Who was last with them? 1 Guard. A simple countryman, that brought her figs; This was his basket. Cæs. 1 Guard. Poison'd then. O Cæsar, This Charmian lived but now; she stood, and spake: I found her trimming up the diadem On her dead mistress; tremblingly she stood, And on the sudden dropp'd. Cæs. O noble weakness! If they had swallow'd poison, 'twould appear |