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She kept her word in-violet,

And vowed, ere she was wed,

Although when Brown she had Be(e)n Green, When Green she'd be well read.

But, ah! her young affections changed
To Gray, a Southern fellow;

And Green turned white the news to hear,
Though first it made him yell, oh!

Says he, "How can you lilac this,
When you vowed to be true?
I'll take your fine young lover, Gray,
And beat him till he's blue."

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THE bood is beabig brighdly, love
The sdars are shidig too;
While I ab gazig dreabily,

Add thigkig, love, of you.

You caddot, oh! you caddot kdow
My darlig, how I biss you—
(Oh, whadt a fearful cold I've got !—
Ck-tish-u! Ck-ck-tish-u !)

I'b sittig in the arbor, love,
Where you sat by by side,
Whed od that calb, autubdal dight
You said you'd be by bride.
Oh! for wud bobedt to caress;
Add tederly to kiss you;

Budt do! we're beddy biles apart— (Ho-rash-o! Ck-ck-tish-u!)

This charbig evedig brigs to bide
The tibe whed first we bet;
It seebs but odly yesterday;

I thig I see you yet.

Oh! tell be, ab I sdill your owd?

By hopes-oh, do dot dash theb! (Codfoud by cold, 'tis gettig worseCk-tish-u! Ck-ck-thrash-eb !)

Good-by, by darlig Bary Jade!
The bid-dight hour is dear;
Add it is hardly wise, by love,
For be to ligger here.

The heavy dews are fallig fast:

A fod good-dight I wish you. (Ho-rash-o-there it is agaid

Ck-thrash-ub! Ck-ck-tish-u!)

Josh Billings.

[This is the nom de plume of Mr. A. W. Shaw, who has made it famous as that of the most philosophical of all the American humourists. His "Book of Sayings" was published in 1866, and he has printed several "Almanacks" since.]


Kontentment is the gift ov God, as it kan be cultivated a little, but it is hard tew acquire. Kontentment is sed to be the same az happiness, this ackounts for the small amount ov happiness laying around loose, without enny owner. I don't beleave that man was made tew be kontented, nor happy in this world, for if he had bin, he wouldn't hav hankered enuff for the other world.

When a man gits perfektly kontented, he and a clam are fust couzins.

Contentment is a kind ov moral laziness; if thare want ennything but kontentment in this world, man wouldn't be any more of a suckcess than an angleworm iz.

When a man gits so he don't want ennything more, he iz like a rackcoon with his intestines full ov green corn.

Contentment iz one ov the instinkts, i admit it tew be happiness, but it iz kind ov spruce gum chawing happiness.

We all find fault with Adam and Eve, for not being kontented, but if they had bin satisfied with the gardin ov Eden, and themselfs, they would hav been living thare now, the only two human beings on the face ov the arth, az innocent as a couple of vegetable oysters.

They would hav bin two splendid specimens ov the handy work ov God, elegant portraits in the vestibule ov heaven, but they would not hav developed reazon, the only God-like attribute in man.

When a man iz thoroly kontented, he iz either too lazy to want ennything, or too big a phool tew enjoy it.

I hav lived in naberhoods whare everyboddy seemed to be kontented, but if the itch had ever broke out in them naberhoods, the people would have skratched to this day.


I am in favor of all the vanitys, and petty ambishuns, all the jealousys and backbitings in the world, not bekauze i think they am hansome, but bekauze I think they stir up men, and wimmin, git them onto their muscle, cultivating their venom and reazon at the same time, and proving what a brilliant cuss man may be, at the same time that it proves what a miserable cuss he iz.

I had rather see two wimmin pull hair, than tew see them set down, thoroughly satisfied with an aimless life, and never suffer eney excitement, greater than bleeding tears together, through their noze, for a parcel of shirtless heathen on the coast ov Madagaskar, or, once in a while, open their eyes, from a dream ov young hyson contentment tea, tew sarch the allmiknak, for the next change in the moon.

Contentment, in this age of the world, either means death, or dekay; in the days ov Abraham, contentment was simply ignorance.

The world iz now full of larning, the arts, and sciences, and all the thousand appliances of reazon, these things make ignorance the exception, and no man haz a right tew cultivate contentment, enny more than he haz tew cut oph hiz thum, and set quietly down, and nuss the stub.

Show me a thoroughly contented person, and i will show yu an useless one.

What we want iz folks who won't be kontented, who kant be kontented, who git up in the morning, not simply to hav their bed made, but for the sake ov gitting tired; not for the sake ov nourishing kontentment, but for the sake ov putting turpentine in sum ded place, and stiring up the animals.

Contentment was born with Adam, and died when Adam ceased tew be an angel, and bekum a man.

I don't say that a man couldn't be hatched out, and, like a young owl, set on a dri limb, awl hiz days, with hiz branes az fasst asleep az a mudturkles, and at last sneak into heaven, under the guize of kontentment, but i do say, that 10 generashuns ov sich men would run most of the human race into the ground, and leave the ballance az lifeless, and az base, as a currency made out ov puter ten cent pieces.

I would like, jist az well az the next man, tew crawl into a hole, that jist fitted me, hed fust, and thus shutting out all

the light, be contented, for i know how awfully unsothening the aims and ambishuns ov life are, but this would only be burying mi few tallents, and sacrificing on the ded alter ov kontentment, what war given me to make a fire or a smudge with.

Thare aint no sich thing as contentment and reazon existing together; thoze who slip out ov the crowd, into sum alley, and pretend they are chawing the cud of sweet kontentment, the verry best specimens ov them, are no better than pin cushions, stuck full.

They have jist az menny longings az ennybody, they have jist az menny vices, their virtews are too often simply a mixtur ov jealousy and cowardice.

Contentment is not desighned, as a stiddy bizziness, for the sons ov man, while on this arth.

A yeller dogg, with a tin kittle tew his tale, climbing a hill, at a three minit gate, iz a more reazonable spektacle for me than a slimy snail, contented and happy.


MARRIAGE iz a fair transaction on the face ov it.

But thare iz quite too often put up jobs in it.

It iz an old institushun, older than the pyramids, and az phull ov hyrogliphicks that noboddy kan parse.

History holds its tounge who the pair waz who fust put on the silken harness, and promised tew work kind in it, thru thick and thin, up hill and down, and on the level, rain or shine, survive or perish, sink or swim, drown or flote.

But whoever they waz they must hav made a good thing out ov it, or so menny ov their posterity would not hav harnessed up since and drov out.

Thare iz a grate moral grip in marriage; it iz the mortar that holds the soshull bricks together.

But there ain't but darn few pholks who put their money in matrimony who could set down and giv a good written opinyun whi on arth they cum to did it.

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