Abbildungen der Seite

its destruction in 1452 by the Tatars. From 1672 to 1699 it remained in possession of the Turks. In 1678 a conspiracy of the Polish nobles, Pulaski, Krasinski, and others, against the Russians was formed in the town, which was shortly after taken by storm, but did not become finally united to Russia till the partition of 1793. Eleven fairs are held every year, but the trade of the place is not very great. Population, 8077.

activity of the present century. As early as the year 1784, | of Sigismund I. of Poland, who had rebuilt the town after the Northamptonshire Association of Baptist churches resolved to recommend that the first Monday of every month should be set apart for prayer for the spread of the gospel, a practice which has since, as a German writer remarks, extended over all Protestant Christendom, and we may add over all Protestant Missions. Six years later, in 1792, the Baptist Missionary Society was formed at Kettering in Northamptonshire, after a sermon on Isaiah lii. 2, 3, preached by the afterwards celebrated William Carey, the prime mover in the work, in which he urged two points: "Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God." In the course of the following year Carey sailed for India, where he was joined a few years later by Marshman and Ward, and the mission was established at Serampore. The great work of Dr. Carey's life was the translation of the Bible into the various languages and dialects of India. The society's operations are now carried on, not only in the East, but in the West Indies, Africa, and Europe. In 1873 there were employed 87 European missionaries and 229 native pastors and evangelists, at 423 stations, the total number of members of churches being 32,444. The funds of the society amounted to upwards of £40,000, exclusive of the amount raised at mission stations. In 1816 the General Baptists established a missionary society, the operations of which are confined to India. It employs 16 missionaries, male and female, and 16 native preachers, and has an annual income of £14,000.

In regard to church government, the Baptists agree with the Independents that each separate church is complete in itself, and has, therefore, power to choose its own ministers, and to make such regulations as it deems to be most in accordance with the purpose of its existence, that is, the advancement of the religion of Christ. A comparatively small section of the denomination maintain that a "plurality of elders" or pastors is required for the complete organization of every separate church. This is the distinctive peculiarity of those churches in Scotland and the north of England which are known as Scotch Baptists. The largest church of this section, consisting at present of 484 members, originated in Edinburgh in 1765, before which date only one Baptist church-that of Keiss in Caithness, formed about 1750-appears to have existed in Scotland. The greater number of the churches are united in associations voluntarily formed, all of them determined by geographical limits except the General Baptist Association, which includes all the churches connected with that body. The associations, as well as the churches not in connection with them, are united together in the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, formed in 1813. This union, however, exerts no authoritative action over the separate churches. One important part of the work of the union is the collection of information in which all the churches are interested. According to the Baptist Handbook for the present year (1875), there are in the United KingdomBaptist churches, 2612; places of worship, 3321; pastors, 1916; members, 254,998.

BAR-HEBRÆUS. See ABULFARAGIUS, vol. i. p. 60. BAR-LE-DUC, or BAR-SUR-ORNAIN, the chief town of the department of Meuse in France. It occupies the declivity and base of a hill, in lat. 48° 46' 8'' N., long. 5° 9' 47 E., on the River Ornain, a tributary of the Marne, 125 miles E. of Paris, and consists of an upper and lower town, the latter being the more modern and respectable of the two. It is a railway station on the Paris-and-Strasburg line, and the Marne-and-Rhine canal passes in the immediate vicinity. A college, a normal school, a society of agriculture and arts, and a public library, are among its educational institutions. The only building of mark is the church of St. Pierre, which contains a curious figure of a half decayed body in white marble, originally forming part of the mausoleum of Réné of Châlons, Prince of Orange. The castle, which formed the nucleus of the upper town, was built by Frederic I., duke of Lorraine, în the 10th century. Louis XI. got possession of the place and caused it to be fortified in 1474. It was dismantled under Louis XIV. in 1670, but retains a few relics of the ancient works. An extensive traffic is maintained in wood, wine, and wool; and the manufactures of cotton stuffs, hats, hosiery, leather, and confections, are considerable, the lastmentioned article being especially celebrated. Population in 1872, 15,175. The district of Bar was governed by a series of counts from 959 to 1354, when it was raised to a duchy, which in 1419 was ceded to Réné of Anjou, and henceforward followed the fortunes of Lorraine. The motto of the dukes, which has been adopted by the town, was Plus penser que dire. Their coins were usually distinguished by two barbels.

BAR-SUR-AUBE, the chief town of an arrondissement in the department of Aube, in France. It is a station on the Paris-and-Mulhouse line, and is situated on the right Bank of the River Aube, at the foot of Sainte-Germaine, in a picturesque district, the wine of which is much esteemed. It is a pretty little town, with a few remains of its ancient fortifications. There are several churches of considerable antiquity-the most remarkable being Saint Maclou. In 1814 Bar-sur-Aube was the scene of several conflicts between Oudinot and the Allied Army, in which the latter ultimately gained the victory. Population in 1872, 4453. Long. 4° 44′ E., lat. 48° 13' N.

BAR-SUR-SEINE, the chief town of an arrondissement in the department of the Aube, in France. In the Middle Ages Bar-sur-Seine was a place of considerable importance, and, according to Froissart, contained no fewer than 900 "hôtels" or mansions. It was devastated in 1359 by marauders from Lorraine, and suffered greatly in the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries. A battle was fought here in 1814 between the French and the Allies. Long. 4° 24′ E., lat. 48° 5' N. Population in 1872, 2798.

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Some of the English settlers in all parts of the world have carried with them the principles and practice of the Baptists. The introduction of Baptist views in America was due to Roger Williams, who emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1630. Driven from Massachusetts on account BARA BANKI, a district of British India under the of his denying the power of the civil magistrate in matters jurisdiction of the Chief Commissioner of Oudh, lies between of religion, he formed a settlement and founded a state in 26° and 28° of N. lat. and 81° and 82° of E. long. Rhode Island, and having become a Baptist he formed, in bounded on the N.W. by the district of Sítápur; on the 1639,'the first Baptist church in America, of which he was N. by Bharáich; on the N.E. by Gondá; on the E. by also for a short time the pastor. It is impossible here to Faizábád; on the S. by Sultánpur and Rai Barelí; and on trace the history of the Baptists in the United States. In the W. by Lucknow. The district stretches out in a level 1873 there are reported-churches, 20,520; ministers, 12,589; plain interspersed with numerous jhils or marshes. In the members, 1,633,939. The great majority of the churches upper part of the district the soil is sandy, while in the lower practice "strict" communion. Their missionary society is part it is clayey, and produces finer crops. The principal large and successful, and perhaps is best known in this coun- rivers are the Ghagrá ( Gogra), forming the northern boundtry through the life of devoted labor of Dr. Judson in Bur- ary, and the Gúmtí, flowing through the middle of the mah. There are many Baptist churches also throughout Brit- district. Both are navigable by country cargo boats. ish America. In the more recent colonies of Australia and Area, 1735 square miles, of which 1244 are classified as New Zealand a large number of Baptist churches have been follows:-821 cultivated, 172 culturable but not cultivated, formed during the last twenty-five years, and have been prin- and 251 unculturable waste. Estimated population in cipally supplied with ministers from England. (F. W. G.) 1869, 875,587, or 650 to the square mile, living in 148,166 BAR, a town of Russian Poland, in the government of houses and 2065 villages; Hindus, 748,061; MahomPodolia, 50 miles N.E. of Kaminetz. It is situated on the etans, 127,315; Christians, 76. Population in 1872, River Rov, an affluent of the Bug, and was formerly called 1,101,954 souls. Five towns in the district contain over by that name itself. Its present designation was bestowed 5000 inhabitants-Nawabganj, 10,496; Rudaulí, 12,517; in memory of Bari in Italy, by Bona Sforza, the consort Fathipur, 7494; Dariábád, 5999; and Rámnagar, 5714. 1[John Clark, a refugee from Massachusetts, was the founder in Newport in 1638 of the first Baptist Church. See Vol. XVII., p. 417.—AM. ED.]

Principai crops, and their acreage:-Rice, 132,459 acres wheat, 224,583; pulses and other food grains, 304,636; oil-seeds, 23,000; sugar-cane, 29,586; cotton, 509; opium, 3423; indigo, 4875; fibres, 675; tobacco, 6051; and vegetables, 6351 acres. The agricultural stock and beasts of burden in the district consisted in 1871-72 of 83,232 cows and bullocks, 1000 horses, 2590 ponies, 2840 donkeys, 75,928 sheep and goats, 51,060 pigs, 1181 carts, 26,121 ploughs, and 1533 boats. Of the population returned in 1869, 741,989 were agriculturists, and 133,598 non-agriculturists. The means of communication within the district consist of 337 miles of well-made roads, and 78 miles of railway were under construction in 1872. Total revenue in 1871-72, £165,662, of which £157,505, or 95 per cent., was derived from the land. The police consists of (1), a regular constabulary force, 490 strong, maintained at a cost of £6812 per annum; and (2), the village watch, numbering 9558 men; total, 10,048, or about 1 to each 100 of the population, according to the estimate of 1872.

BARAHAT, a town of northern Hindustán, situated in the Himalayas, and within the native state of Garhwal, in 30° 43′ N. lat. and 78° 29′ E. long. The town was almost destroyed in 1803 by an earthquake-a calamity greatly aggravated by the houses having been built of large stones, with slated roofs. From its central position, it maintains a free communication with all parts of the hills, and those who make the pilgrimage to Gangotri generally halt here and lay in a stock of provisions for the journey. In the neighborhood stands a curious trident in honor of Siva. The pedestal is of copper, the shaft of brass about 12 feet, and the forks about 6 feet in length. There is no tradition to show the origin of this curious relic; and although it bears a legible inscription, no one has as yet deciphered it. The temple in which it was formerly enclosed was destroyed by the earthquake of 1803.

BARANTE, AMABLE GUILLAUME PROSPER, Baron de Brugière, an eminent French statesman, and the learned historian of the dukes of Burgundy, was the son of an advocate, and was born at Riom, June 10, 1782. At the age of sixteen he entered the Ecole Polytechnique at Paris, and at twenty obtained his first appointment in the civil service. His abilities secured him rapid promotion, and in 1806 the post of auditor to the council of state was given to him. After being employed in several political missions in Germany, Poland, and Spain, during the next two years, he became prefect of Vienne. At the time of the return of Napoleon I. he held the prefecture of Nantes, and this post he immediately resigned. About this period he married. On the second restoration of the Bourbons he was named councillor of state and Secretary-general of the Ministry of the Interior. About the same time he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies for the two departments of Puy-de-Dôme and Loire Inférieure; but in the following year, in consequence of being under the legal age of a deputy, as required by a new law, he lost his seat. After filling for several years the post of Director-general of Indirect Taxes, he was created, in 1819, a peer of France, and took an active and prominent part as a member of the opposition in the debates of the Upper Chamber. During the same period the leisure hours which he could spare from his political engagements were devoted to literary studies. After the revolution of July, 1830, M. de Barante was appointed ambassador to Turin; whence, five years later, he was transferred in the same capacity to St. Petersburg. Throughout the reign of Louis Philippe he remained a supporter of the Government; and after the fall of the monarchy in February, 1848, he withdrew from political affairs and retired to his country seat in Auvergne. Shortly before his retirement he had been made Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. As a scholar his opus magnum is the Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne de la Maison de Valois, which appeared in a series of volumes between 1824 and 1828. It procured him immediate admission among the Forty of the French Academy; and its great qualities of scholarship, impartiality, accuracy, and purity of style, have given him a place among the greatest French historians. Amongst the other literary works of M. de Barante are a Tableau de la Littérature Française au dixhuitième Siècle, of which several editions were published; Des Communes et de l'Aristocratie (1821); a French translation of the dramatic works of Schiller; Questions Constitutionelles (1850); Histoire de la Convention Nationale, which appeared in six volumes between 1851 and

1853; Histoire du Directoire de la République Française (1855); Études Historiques et Biographiques (1857); La Vie Politique de M. Royer-Collard (1861). The version of Hamlet for M. Guizot's Shakespeare was the work of M. de Barante. He spent the last eighteen years of his life in retirement in Auvergne, and died there on November 22, 1866.

BARANYA, a province in the kingdom of Hungary, extending over 1960 square miles. It lies in the angle formed at the junction of the Danube and the Drave, is traversed by offshoots of the Styrian Alps, and contains one city, 13 market-towns, and 341 villages. The inhabitants number about 283,500, and consist of Magyars, Germans, Croatians, and Servians, a large proportion being Roman Catholics. The greater part of the land is fertile, but a portion of it is marshy and unhealthy. The chief products are corn, wine, flax, tobacco, asparagus, and potash. Warm springs are found at Tapolcza, Siklós, and Harkany. There are some valuable quarries of marble and millstones, and numerous coal-mines. The rearing of sheep and swine is largely engaged in. The province is subdivided into six circles. The capital is Fünfkirchen, with a population of 23,863.

BARANZANO, JEAN ANTOINE, surnamed Redemptus, an eminent natural philosopher and mathematician, was born in Piedmont in 1590, and died at Montargis in 1622. He was a Barnabite monk, and was for a time professor of philosophy and mathematics at Annecy. His principal works are Uranoscopia (1617), De Novis Opinionibus Physicis (1619), Campus Philosophicus (1620). He was greatly esteemed by Lord Bacon, with whom he corre sponded. Bacon's letter to him (Spedding, Letters and Life of Bacon, vii. 374-6) shows that he thoroughly appreciated the new philosophy, and could see its weak as well as its strong points.

BÁRÁSAT, a subdivisional town in the district of the 24 Parganás, under the jurisdiction of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, situated in 22° 43′ 24′′ N. lat. and 88° 31' 45' E. long. For a considerable time Bárásat town was the headquarters of a joint magistracy, known as the "Bárásat District," but in 1861, on a re-adjustment of boundaries, Bárásat district was abolished by order of Government, and was converted into a subdivision of the 24 Parganas. Population in 1872-Hindus, 6649; Mahometans, 5133; Christians, 30; and others, 10; total, 11,822. Municipal income, £363; expenditure, £289, 4s.; rate of municipal taxation, 74d. per head. It forms a striking illustration of the rural character of the so-called "towns in Bengal, and is merely an agglomeration of 41 separate villages, in which all the operations of husbandry go on precisely as in the adjacent hamlets.

BARATIÈRE, or BARETTIER, JOHN PHILIP, a very remarkable instance of precocious genius, was born at Schwabach near Nuremberg on the 10th January, 1721. His early education was most carefully conducted by his father, Francis Baratière, pastor of the French church at Schwabach, and so rapid was his progress that by the time he was five years of age he could speak French, Latin, and Dutch with ease, and read Greek fluently. He then engaged in the study of Hebrew, and in three years was able to translate the Hebrew Bible into Latin or French, or to retranslate these versions into the original Hebrew. From his reading he collected materials for a dictionary of rare and difficult Hebrew words, with critical and philological observations; and when he was about eleven years old translated from the Hebrew Tudela's Itinerarium. In his fourteenth year he was admitted Master of Arts at Halle, and received into the Royal Academy at Berlin. The last years of his short life he devoted to the study of history and antiquities, and had collected materials for histories of the Thirty Years' War and of Antitrinitarianism, and for an Inquiry concerning Egyptian Antiquities. His health, whicn had always been weak, gave way completely under these labors, and he died on the 5th October, 1740, aged 19 years and 8 months. He had published eleven separate works, and left a great quantity of manuscript materials.

BARATYNSKI, JEWGENIJ ABRAMOVITCH, a distin guished Russian poet, was born in 1792. He was educated at the royal school at St. Petersburg, and then entered the army. He served for eight years in Finland, and appears to have got into disgrace on account of some foolish pranks which he had played. During these years he composed his first poem, Eva, which bears very manifest traces of his

residence in Finland. Through the interest of friends he obtained leave from the Czar to retire from the army, and settled near Moscow. There, so far as his broken health would allow him, he devoted his time to poetry, and compieted his chief work, The Gipsy, which has been spoken of by critics as the best poem of its kind in the Russian language, and as fully equal, if not superior, to the finest productions of Pouschkin. This was his only work of any extent; his health gave way completely, and he died in 1844 at Naples, whither he had gone for the sake of the milder climate. A collected edition of his poems appeared at St. Petersburg, in 2 vols., in 1835.

BARBACENA, a town of Brazil, in the province of Minas-Geraes, situated, at the height of about 3500 feet above the sea, in the Sierra Mantiqueira, 150 miles N.W. of Rio de Janeiro. It has low houses and broad streets, and contains a town-hall, a prison, a hospital, founded in 1852 by Antonio Ferreira Armond, and a "school of intermediate instruction," in which French history and geometry are taught. The trade is principally in gold-dust, cotton, and coffee. Population of town and district, 14,000.

BARBADOS, or BARBADOES, the most windward of the Caribbean Islands, is situated in lat. 13° 4′ N. and long. 59° 37′ W., 78 miles E. of St. Vincent, the island nearest to it in the Caribbean chain. It lies in the track of vessels,

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rocks. The highest elevation, Mount Hillaby, is 1104 teet above the level of the sea. The island contains but few streams or streamlets. The gullies or ravines, the result, no doubt, of volcanic agency, are, however, very numerous, radiating from the high semicircular ridge of the coralline formation in a very regular manner to the west, north, and south, but not to the east, where the coral rocks end abruptly. The chalky soil of the district called Scotland (from its assumed resemblance to the scenery of the Highlands) contains infusoria, and is altogether different from the deposits of the coral animals which form the superficial area of six-sevenths of the island (91,000 acres). Besides the chalk or marl, sandstone is found in this district. The climate of Barbados is healthy; the temperature equable. For eight months in the year the sea breezes keep it delightfully cool for a tropical country. The extent of cultivation, the absence of swamps (the porous character of the rock immediately underlying the soil preventing accumulations of stagnant water) account for the freedom from miasma. The destruction of the forests may have made the rainfall-upon which successful cultivation depends-somewhat uncertain, but does not seem to have affected it to such an extent as might have been anticipated. The rainfall is caused, apart from elevation, by the exposure of the land to those winds laden with moisture which strike the island at different periods of the year. The average rainfall of the four years 1753-6 was 55.89 inches; of the twenty-five years 1847-71, 57-74 inches; of the single year 1873, 51-26 inches. The sugar production of the island is calculated at 800 hogsheads of 16 cwt. each for every inch of rain.

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and is well adapted to be an entrepôt of commerce. It has nearly the size and proportions of the Isle of Wight, being 21 miles in length, and about 14 miles in its broadest part. It has a superficial area of 106,470 acres, or about 166 square miles,-70,000 acres (besides grass land) are under cultivation, and nearly 30,000 acres of sugar-cane are annually cut. The island is almost encircled by coral reefs, which in some parts extend seaward nearly three miles. There are two lighthouses, one on the south point and another on the south-east coast. A harbor light has also been placed on Needham's Point. The harbor, Carlisle Bay, is a large open roadstead. The inner harbor, or careenage, for small vessels, is protected by a breakwater called the Molehead. Barbados presents every variety of scenery, hill and valley, smooth table-land and rugged rocks. From one point of view the land rises in a succession of limestone and coral terraces, which indicate different periods of upheaval from the sea. From another there is nothing to be seen but a mass of abruptly-rising

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The N.E. trade-wind blows for three-fourths of the year, and most of the rain comes from the same quarter. March is the driest of the months, and October the wettest; the average rainfall for the former being 14 inch, and for the latter 9 inches. Leprosy is not uncommon among the negroes, and elephantiasis is so frequent as to be known by the name of "Barbados leg."

Bridgetown is the capital and port of the island, and the centre of business ac- Bridgetivity. It contains about 23,000 inhabit



Over the creek which received the waters from the heights around the Indians had built a rude bridge. This was known for a long time after the British settlement as the Indian Bridge, but as the settlement grew, and after the old bridge had been greplaced by a more solid structure, the place_received the name of Bridgetown. The town was destroyed by fire in 1666, and rebuilt, principally of stone, upon a larger scale. It suffered again from fire in 1766 and 1845. It has a large town-hall. The Government buildings are a handsome pile close to the sea. The town follows the curve of the bay. Behind it the hills begin to rise, forming the first stepping-stone to the higher lands of the interior. At the southern

extremity are the extensive buildings for the garrison, Barbados being the headquarters of the troops in the West Indian command.

Opinions differ as to the derivation of the name of the island. It is probably the Spanish word for the hanging branches of a vine which strike root in the earth. In maps of the 16th century the island appears under various names, among which are St. Bernardo, Bernardos, Barbudoso, Baruodos, and Baruodo. The traces of Indians in this island are more numerous than in any other of the Caribbees. The first recorded visit of Englishmen was in the year 1605, when the History. crew of the "Olive Blossom" landed, and erected a cross as a memorial of the event, cutting at the same time upon the bark of a tree the words "James, king of England and of this island." This party of adventurers did not settle, but from the time of their visit the history of Barbados begins. That history has some special features. It shows the process of peaceful colonization, for the island, acquired without conquest or bloodshedding, has never since been out of the possession of the British. It was the first English colony where the sugar-cane was planted. Its colonists have almost from the beginning enjoyed representative institutions, and the full measure of English freedom. They have always defended their rights with spirit, and shown consistent loyalty to the Crown. The prominence and accessibility of the island have made it important as a

military station in the wars with the French and Dutch. famous Navigation Law was enacted, by which foreign And its varying fortunes show the effects of the commercial ships were prohibited from trading with British colonies, legislation of England, from the stringent Navigation Laws and imports into England and the dependencies were not of Cromwell down to the repeal of the sugar duties in 1874. allowed in foreign bottoms. This restriction had a great The first patent conveying a proprietary interest in effect upon Barbados, which depended upon foreign imBarbados was granted by James I. to Lord Leigh, after-portation for a great deal of its provisions. Sir G. Ayswards earl of Marlborough. In 1624 a ship, belonging to cue's expedition appeared off Barbados in October, 1651. Sir William Courteen, a rich merchant of London, called at After one unsuccessful attempt, a landing was effected, and Barbados. The country was found to be thickly wooded, Lord Willoughby's force was routed. The counsels of a and uninhabited, except by a great number of wild hogs. moderate party in the island, however, prevailed, and a Sir William Courteen, having received a description of compromise was effected. A treaty was made declaring the the place, sent out two large ships under the authority authority of the Parliament, but containing provisions not of Marlborough's patent. One of these, the "John and at all unfavorable to the inhabitants, and reserving even to William," commanded by John Powell, arrived in February, Lord Willoughby his rights in the island. During the 1625, which is therefore the date of the earliest English Commonwealth prisoners of war were sometimes sent to settlement in the island. The thirty settlers laid the Barbados. The expedition of 1655 against St. Dominge foundation of a town which they called Jamestown, and and Jamaica under Penn and Venables was reinforced by chose Captain William Deane their governor. But the a troop of horse and 3500 volunteers from Barbados. At earl of Carlisle, having obtained from King James in the Restoration Lord Willoughby went out once more to 1624 the warrant for a grant of all the Caribbean Islands, Barbados and resumed his office. Several of the faithful twenty-two in number, agreed, in 1627, to pay the earl of adherents of the royal cause in the island were made baroMarlborough £300 a year for his right to Barbados. The nets and knights, but the restrictions upon commercial interpatent in favor of Lord Carlisle passed the great seal on course which had been imposed by the Parliament were 2d July, 1627; but during his absence on a diplomatic made more stringent. Then doubts began to arise in the mission soon after, William, earl of Pembroke, the Lord minds of the planters as to the title by which they held Chamberlain, obtained in the interest of Sir William Cour- their estates. They had created by their exertions a very teen a grant of several islands, including Barbados. Upon valuable property, and the bare possibility of the earl of Lord Carlisle's return he obtained the revocation of Lord Carlisle stepping in and dispossessing them caused much Pembroke's grant, and the full confirmation of his own discontent. The death of Lord Carlisle brought matters to rights, upon which he acted in offering to sell parcels of a crisis. An arrangement was made in 1663 by which the land for an annual payment of 40 lb of cotton. The different claimants were satisfied, the proprietary or patent Society of London Merchants then obtained from Lord interest was dissolved, and the Crown exercised directly its Carlisle a grant of 10,000 acres, and they appointed Charles rights, and undertook the government, although it was not Wolferstone, a native of Bermuda, to proceed with sixty- till 1672 that the nomination of the council was taken into four persons, and to govern the settlement under a com- the hands of the king. A duty of 4 per cent. upon the mission from the earl. Wolferstone and his party arrived produce of the island was levied in 1663 to satisfy the in July, 1628, in the bay, known thenceforth as Carlisle claims and defray the government expenses. Lord WilBay. The antagonism between the earlier settlers under loughby received a new commission, and the only practical Courteen's auspices and Wolferstone's party broke out change effected in the constitution was that all laws were into actual fighting. Finding that the validity of his thenceforward made subject to confirmation by the king. patent was still being disputed, Lord Carlisle obtained a In 1665 the colony successfully resisted an attack by the further confirmation of it by the king in April, 1629, and Dutch; but in conducting an expedition against the French at once despatched Sir William Tufton as commander-in- in Guadaloupe in 1666, Lord Willoughby was lost in a hurchief with a sufficient force to subdue the rival settlers. ricane, and an eventful and occasionally brilliant career In 1645 Philip Bell became governor, and the real progress was thus prematurely ended. He was succeeded in the of the colony began. Good laws were passed, a judicial government by his brother, Lord William Willoughby, system was elaborated; the island was divided into eleven during whose governorship the division of the Caribbean parishes, and a general assembly formed by two represent- Islands into Windward and Leeward was made. The huratives of each parish, elected by a majority of freeholders. ricane of 1675 gave a serious check to the prosperity of the A council had been in existence since the time of Wolfer- colony. An unsuccessful application was made to the home Government, to remit, on account of the distress that prevailed, the 4 per cent. duty, which pressed very heavily upon the planters. The island had scarcely recovered from the effects of the hurricane when the supply of labor was restricted and its expense increased by the Royal African Company, at the head of which was the duke of York, receiving a charter for the exclusive supply of slaves to the West India Islands. This company had great influence in the appointment of governors; and in consequence of oppressive proceedings and depreciation of the value of property, many families left the island. A number of persons implicated in the duke of Monmouth's rebellion were sent to Barbados and treated harshly. Duties upon sugar were imposed by the mother country, which were increased at the accession of James II., to 2s. 4d. per cwt. on Muscovado, and to 7s. upon all sugar for common use. From the survey made by governor Sir Richard Dutton in 1683-4, it appears that the population consisted of 17,187 free, 2381 unfree and servants (prisoners of war and persons brought from England under engagements for terms of years), and 46,602 slaves. The number of acres in useful possession was 90,517, and of sugar-works 358. These figures show how rapidly, in spite of all difficulties, the colony had grown in sixty years.


The first settlers cultivated maize, sweet potatoes, plantains, and yams for their own consumption, and indigo, cotton, wool, tobacco, ginger, and aloes for export. Quantities of logwood, fustic, and lignum vitæ were also shipped. But the adaptability of the soil for cane becoming known, and the necessary knowledge for the manufacture of sugar being obtained, this article at once became the great staple of the colony. The value of property very largely increased. The half of an estate of 500 acres, 200 under cane, with buildings and appurtenances, was sold for £7000 about the year 1650, the laborers being slaves from Africa.

It was while the rapid progress of the colony was attracting especial attention, and many persons of family and means, adherents of the royal cause, were finding it a refuge from the troubles at home, that Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham went out as governor, with the consent of King Charles II., who had been proclaimed in Barbados as soon as the news of the execution of Charles I. had arrived. Lord Carlisle had died, and his heir had been entrusted with the duty of paying his debts out of the revenue from the island. Lord Willoughby agreed to take a lease from the new earl of the profits of the colony for twenty-one years, to pay Lord Carlisle one-half, and to accept the governorship, including that of the other islands in the Carlisle grant. Upon his arrival in 1650, notwith-scale, though with equal if not greater intensity, among standing the active opposition of a party headed by Colonel Walrond, he procured the passing of an Act acknowledging the king's sovereignty, the proprietary rights of the earl of Carlisle, and his own interest derived from the latter. But the Parliament despatched Sir George Ayscue with a squadron and considerable land forces, to reduce the island to submission to its authority. About the same time the

The wars in Europe were reproduced upon a smaller

the different nationalities in the West Indies. In such times the seas swarmed with privateers; and freights were so high as to induce the island Legislature to make a vain attempt to regulate them by law. The news of the peace of Ryswick was received with great joy, and matters remained quiet until the declaration of war against France and Spain in 1702 revived privateering in West

Indian waters. Events in the first half of the 18th century do not call for detailed description. It was the custom of the assembly to supplement the salary of the governor (which was paid by the Crown out of the 4 per cent. duty) by special grants, sometimes of large amount. But this did not prevent many constitutional conflicts between the assembly and the executive. During the war which commenced between England and France in 1756, the West Indies witnessed much fighting, with its attendant suffering. In 1761 a determined attempt was made to break the power of France in the archipelago. Barbados entered with enthusiasm into the project. Guadaloupe had been taken in 1759, and the principal effort now, under Admiral Rodney and General Monckton, was directed against Martinique. In 1762 that island surrendered. Barbados spent £24,000 in raising and equipping her proportion of men in the attacking forces; and in 1765 the House of Commons voted £10,000 as compensation for the expense incurred. By the Treaty of 1763, however, both these islands were restored to France. The constant wars had naturally an injurious effect upon Barbados. During the governorship of the Hon. Edward Hay, who was appointed in 1773, differences of opinion arose as to the state of the island. When the war between England and the American colonies began, the supply of provisions, upon which Barbados depended, necessarily stopped. The assembly addressed a petition to the king, praying for relief; through the interposition of the governor the relief was not immediately granted, but in 1778, when the island was in a very depressed state, the British ministry sent a quantity of provisions for sale at prime cost. With the advent of General Cunninghame as governor another series of contentious years began. In the midst of disputes as to the right of the governor to exact certain fees without the consent of the assembly, a hurricane visited the island and caused much destruction of property. Parliament in 1782 granted £80,000 for relief, but an attempt to obtain the repeal of the 4 per cent. duty was again unsuccessful. The French were regaining their ascendency in the archipelago, and had it not been for the great naval victory won by Sir George Rodney, Barbados and the remaining British colonies might have fallen to the enemy. As the 18th century closed, the prospect of the great final struggle with France overshadowed the colonies. The Barbadians energetically put themselves in a state of defence, and at the same time voted and privately subscribed money to assist his Majesty to carry on the war. The peace of Amiens, in 1802, relieved anxiety for a brief interval, but hostilities were soon renewed. When in 1805 Napoleon sent a squadron to the archipelago, with 4000 soldiers, the crisis put Barbados on her mettle. The French fleet was successful in exacting large sums of money from adjacent colonies. Admiral Villeneuve, too, was on his way with a still larger fleet and stronger force. But when Admiral Cochrane arrived off Barbados the safety of the island was secured. Even amid the intense excitement of these events constitutional questions were not forgotten. The governor could only establish martial law when the enemy's fleet was in sight. A premature declaration drew forth a protest from the assembly, and the controversy was only ended when the Home Government asserted the full prerogative of the Crown to impose martial law when necessary for the safety of the island. The most memorable event in 1805 was a flying visit from Lord Nelson in search of a French fleet. In October of the same year the battle of Trafalgar was won, and Bridgetown soon after had its Trafalgar Square and its Nelson statue. In 1809 an expedition sailed from Barbados, under Governor Beckwith, against the French in Martinique. After a bombardment of five days that place was taken. Twelve months later Beckwith similarly attacked Guadaloupe; and when that island was conquered, after some hard fighting, the power of the French in the archipelago was again reduced to its lowest ebb. When the war ended in 1810 in the West Indies, the British were supreme in that region. danger was threatened from another source. The rupture between Great Britain and the United States in 1812 caused privateering to be resumed to an extent that almost destroyed the commerce of the island, until the abdication of Napoleon and the peace with America in 1814 again brought relief to the colonies. The military history of Barbados ceased at the close of the Peninsular War.


In the meantime Barbadian affairs had attracted notice in Parliament. In 1812 a motion was made in the House of Commons that the 44 per cent. duty should be applied exclusively to local purposes. A considerable amount of this revenue had been devoted to pensions to persons entirely unconnected with the colony, and it was stated in the House of Commons that part of the money had been appropriated to the king's household in the reign of William III. Nor were the Barbadians themselves backward in stating their grievances. In 1813 they protested against the importation of East Indian sugars into Great Britain, and also against the system of patent offices, by which non-resident officials were able to draw large sums from the island for services which they never performed. By Act of the Parliament 6 Geo. IV. c. 114, 1825, foreign commodities were admitted into the British possessions at moderate rates of duty if the countries sending those articles would give similar privileges to British ships. As the United States refused reciprocity, the West Indian ports were closed against their vessels, and the United States retaliated by prohibiting all intercourse with British colonies. From the operation of the above-mentioned Act an important constitutional question arose. These duties, levied in the name of the king, were to be paid into the local treasury for the uses of the colony, but the customs officers, of course appointed from home, received instructions to retain their own salaries from the revenue. This was denounced by the assembly as illegal, and after a long controversy it was agreed, in 1832, that 10 per cent. should be deducted to defray the expense of collecting the tax. Another question arose which illustrates the relations between England and the colony. By an island Act of 1773, a 2s. 6d. tonnage duty was imposed, but small vessels belonging to residents were only to pay on three voyages a year. By an Act of Parliament in 1832 this exemption was abolished. The assembly protested and denied the right of Parliament to tax colonies which had representative institutions; but Lord Stanley, in 1833, declared that this right existed, although its exercise was a matter of expediency. After the hurricane of 1831, which was perhaps the severest the island had ever experienced, causing 1591 deaths and a destruction of property estimated at more than a million and a half sterling, another urgent appeal was made for the remission of the 4 per cent. duty, but without effect, although £100,000 was granted by parliament in 1832 for the relief, of the islands which had suffered from the visitation; of this sum Barbados took half. By an Act of Parliament passed in 1838, the 44 per cent. duty was at length removed, after having been in existence for 175 years.

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But a social revolution had begun which was Slave destined to change not so much the prosperity of the colony, as the conditions under which that prosperity arose. From the first settlement, of course, the one great want was labor. As the labor supply increased and became more certain the cultivation expanded, wealth was created, and the importance of the colony grew. In the early days white labor was employed, assisted by Indians obtained from other islands and the mainland of South America, but when the sugar-cane began to be culti vated, negro slaves were imported from Africa. This slave trade, mostly conducted by companies or persons in England, continued until the year 1806, when it was stopped by Act of Parliament. In that year there were 60,000 negroes in the island. This measure was, of course, the first step to the abolition of slavery itself. On the 1st August, 1834, the great Act of Emancipation came into force, and four years of apprenticeship began. Out of the 20 millions granted for compensation, Barbados received £1,720,345, being an average payment of £20, 14s. on 83,176 slaves.. In consequence of the large population and small extent of uncultivated land, emancipation had not in Barbados such a relaxing effect upon the industry of the negroes as it had in the more thinly-populated colonies. An efficient system of town and rural police was, however, essential. From the time of emancipation the negroes multiplied rapidly. In 1844, out of a total population of 122,198, at least 90,000 were negroes, among whom females were largely in excess. The population, notwithstanding an occasional epidemic and almost continuous emigration, has continued to increase, as the following census returns will show:

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