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knowledge of them the circulation of the atmosphere can- | in the space covered for the time by it being, on account not be understood.

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of its dryness and clearness, more fully under the influence of both solar and terrestrial radiation; and consequently in winter it is accompanied with great cold, and in summer with great heat. As shown by Buchan, in reviewing the weather of north-western Europe for 1868, the intense heat which prevailed in Great Britain during 2-4th August of that year was due to the high barometric pressure accompanying this anticyclone, the comparative calmness of the atmosphere, the clearness of the sky, the dryness of the air, and the strong insolation which took place under these circumstances.

Thus, then, the tendency of the winds on the surface of the earth is to blow round and in upon the space where pressures are low and out of the space where pressures are high. Now, since vast volumes of air are in this way poured into the space where pressure is low, without increasing that pressure, and, on the other hand, vast volumes flow out of the space where pressure is high, without diminishing that pressure, it necessarily follows that the air poured in is not allowed to accumulate over this space, but must escape into other regions; and also that the air which flows out from the anticyclonic region must have its place supplied by fresh accessions from above. In other words, the central space of the cyclone is occupied by a vast ascending current, which after rising to a considerable height flows away as upper currents into surrounding regions; and the central space of the anticyclone is filled by a slowly descending current, which is fed from upper currents, blowing towards it from neighboring regions. When the area of observation is made sufficiently wide, cyclones are seen to have one, or sometimes more, anticyclones in proximity to them, the better marked anticyclones having two, and sometimes more, cyclones in their vicinity. In fig. 2, a part of a cyclone in Iceland is seen, and another cyclone in the Crimea accompanied the anticyclone there figured. Hence the cyclone and the anticyclone are properly to be regarded as counterparts, belonging to one and the same great atmospheric disturbance.


FIG. 1.-Weather chart, showing cyclone. The arrows show the direction and force of the wind, the force rising with the number of feathers on the arrows. The two chief points to be noted are the following:-(1.) The direction of the arrows shows a vorticose motion of the air inwards upon the space of lowest pressure, the motion being contrary to that of the hands of a watch. It will be observed that the winds blow in conformity with what is known as Buys-Ballot's "Law of the Winds," already referred to, but which may be otherwise thus put:-Stand with your back to the wind, and the lowest barometer, or centre of depression, will be to your left in the northern hemisphere (in the southern hemisphere to the right); this rule holds universally. (2.) The force of the wind is proportional to the barometric gradient, or the quotient of the distance between two places stated in miles by the difference of pressure stated in inches of mercury as observed at the two places. Hence in the Channel, where the isobarics are close together, winds are high, but in the north of Scotland, where the isobarics are far apart, winds are light. This rule also 299 holds universally, though the exact relation requires still to be worked out by observation. As regards the important climatic elements of temperature and moisture, the air in the S.S.E. half of the cyclone is mild and humid, and much rain falls; but in the other half it is cold and dry, and little rain falls. A succession of low pressures passing eastward, in a course lying to northwards of Great Britain, is the characteristic of an open winter in Great Britain; on the other hand, if the cyclones follow a course lying to the southward, the winters are severe. This is a chief point of climatic importance connected with the propagation eastward of these cyclonic areas.

2 Areas of High Pressures, or Anticyclones.-The accompanying weather chart, fig. 2, for 2-4th August, 1868, represents an anticyclone or region of high pressure, which overspread the greater part of Europe at that time. Here the highest pressure is in the centre of the system, and, as usually happens, the isobarics are less symmetrical than those near the centre of a cyclone. The winds, as usual in anticyclones, are light; this, however, is the essential point of difference the winds do not flow inwards upon the centre, but outwards from the region of high pressure; and it will be observed that in many cases they cut the isobarics at nearly right angles. Another important point of difference is in the air over the region covered by the anticyclone being, particularly in its centrai portion, very dry, and either clear or nearly free from clouds.

Climatically, the significance of the anticyclone consists


FIG. 2.-Weather chart, showing anticyclone.

From this it follows that observations of the winds cannot be conducted, and the results discussed, on the supposition that the general movement of the winds felt on the earth's surface is horizontal, it being evident that the circulation of the atmosphere is effected largely through 1 Atlas Metéorologique de l'Observatoire Impérial, Année 1868. D. 39.

systems of ascending and descending currents. The only satisfactory way of discussing the winds, viewed especially in their climatic relations, is that recently proposed by Köppen of St. Petersburg, and applied by him with very fruitful results in investigating the weather of that place during 1872 and 1873. In attempting an explanation of these phenomena, we are met with several as yet insuperable obstacles:-(1.) An imperfect knowledge of the mode of formation and propagation of low-pressure systems; (2.) Imperfect knowledge of the relations of the formation of cloud and aqueous precipitation to barometric fluctuations; (3.) A want of information with reference to the merely mechanical effects of ascending, descending, and horizontal currents of air on the barometric pressure; in other words, we do not know how far the barometric pressure is an indication of the mass of air in the column vertically over it, when that column is traversed by air-currents; (4.) An almost total absence of really good wind observations; and (5.) Deficient information in nearly everything that respects aqueous vapor-its relation to radiant heat, both solar and terrestrial; its mode of diffusion vertically and horizontally in the free atmosphere, especially from an evaporating surface; the influence which its condensation into cloud and rain exerts on aërial currents,-in regard to all which more satisfactory methods of observing this vital element, and discussing the results of observation, are greatly to be desired. There are here large important fields of inquiry awaiting experimental and observational physicists.

The law of the dilatation of gases, known as the "Law of Boyle" or "Law of Mariotte," is this: The volume occupied by a gas is in inverse ratio to the pressure under which it exists, if the temperature remains the same; or the density of a gas is proportioned to its pressure. Consequently, air under a pressure equal to that of two atmospheres will occupy only half the volume it occupied under the pressure of one atmosphere; under the pressure of three atmospheres, one-third of that volume, &c. By doubling the pressure we double the elasticity. If, however, the temperature be increased, and the air occupy the same space, the pressure will be increased; but if the pressure is to remain the same, the air must occupy a larger space. From Regnault's experiments, it is concluded that the co-efficient which denotes increase of elasticity for 1° Fahr. of air whose volume is constant equals 002036; and that the co-efficient which denotes increase of volume for 1° Fahr. of air whose elasticity is constant equals ⚫002039.

Those portions of the atmosphere in contact with the earth are pressed upon by all the air above them. The air at the top of a mountain is pressed upon by all the air above it, while all the portion below it, or lying between the top of the mountain and the surface of the sea, exerts no pressure whatever upon it. Thus the pressure of the atmosphere constantly diminishes with the height. If, then, the pressure of the atmosphere at two heights be observed, and if at the same time the mean temperature and humidity of the whole stratum of air lying between the two levels were known, the difference in height between the two places could be calculated. For the development of this principle, see BAROMETRIC MEASUREMENTS OF HEIGHTS, p. 332.

The air thus diminishing in density as we ascend, if it consists of ultimate atoms, as is no doubt the case, it follows that the limit of the atmosphere will be reached at the height where the force of gravity downwards upon a single particle is equal to the resisting force arising from the repulsive force of the particles. It was long supposed, from the results of observations on the refraction of light, that the height of the atmosphere did not exceed 45 miles; but from the observations of luminous meteors, whose true character as cosmical bodies was established a few years ago, it is inferred that the height of the atmosphere is at least 120 miles, and that, in an extremely attenuated form, it may even reach 200 miles.

Though there are considerable differences in the specific gravities of the four constituent gases of the atmosphere, viz., oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic acid gas, and aqueous vapor, there is yet no tendency to separation among them, owing to the law of diffusion obtaining among elastic fluids mixed together. While the proportion of these gases is in a general sense constant, there are, however, consistent differences in the amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air

of unwholesome places, as first shown by Regnault. The following figures, showing the volume per cent. of oxygen, rest on the authority of Dr. Angus Smith, who has given much attention to this subject:-Sea-shore of Scotland and Atlantic (lat. 43° 5′ N., long. 17° 12′ W.), 20-99; tops of Scottish hills, 20-98; in sitting-room feeling close but not excessively so, 20-89; backs of houses and closets, 20-70; under shafts in metalliferous mines, 20-424; when candles go out, 18.50; when it is very difficult to remain in the air many minutes, 17-20. The variations in the amounts of carbonic acid in different situations are great; thus-in the London parks it is 0301; on the Thames, 0343; where fields begin, 0369; in London streets in summer, 0380, during fogs in Manchester, 0679; in workshops it rises to 3000, and in the worst parts of theatres to 3200; and the largest amount, found in Cornwall mines, is 2.5000. Great differences have been observed by Dr. A. Smith between country rain and town rain: country rain is neutral; town rain, on the other hand, is acid, and corrodes metals and even stones and bricks, destroying mortar rapidly, and readily spoiling many colors. Much information has been obtained regarding impurities in the air of towns and other places by examining the rain collected in different places. The air freest from impurities is that collected at the sea-coast and at considerable heights. Again, ammonia is found to diminish, while nitric acid increases, in ascending to, at least, habitable heights. As regards organic matter in the air, it corresponds to a considerable extent with the density of the population. As might have been supposed from the higher temperature, more nitric acid is contained in rain collected on the Continent than in the British Islands. This inquiry, which is only yet in its infancy, will doubtless continue to be vigorously prosecuted, particularly since we may hope thereby to arrive at the means of authoritatively defining the safe limits of the density of population, and the extent to which manufac tures may be carried on within a given area. The influence of atmospheric impurities on the public health has received a good deal of attention.

The relation of weather to mortality is a very important inquiry, and though a good deal has been known regarding the question for some time, yet it has only recently been systematically inquired into by Dr. Arthur Mitchell and Mr. Buchan, the results of the investigation which deals with the mortality of London being published in the Jour nal of the Scottish Meteorological Society (New Series, Nos. 43 to 46). Considering the weather of the year as made up of several distinct climates differing from each other according to temperature and moisture and their relations to each other, it may be divided into six distinct climates, characterized respectively by cold, cold with dryness, dryness with heat, heat, heat with moisture, and cold with moisture. Each of these six periods has a peculiar influence in increasing or diminishing the mortality, and each has its own group of diseases which rise to the maximum, or fall to the minimum mortality, or are subject to a rapid increase or a rapid decrease. The mortality from all causes and at all ages shows a large excess above the average from the middle of November to the middle of April, from which it falls to the minimum in the end of May; it then slowly rises, and on the third week of July suddenly shoots up almost as high as the winter maximum of the year, at which it remains till the second week of August, falling thence as rapidly as it rose to a secondary minimum in October. Regarding the summer excess, which is so abrupt in its rise and fall, it is almost altogether due to the enormous increase of the mortality among mere infants under one year of age; and this increase is due not only to deaths at one age, but to deaths from one class of diseases, viz., bowel complaints. If the deaths from bowel complaints be deducted from the deaths from all causes, there remains an excess of deaths in the cold months, and a deficiency in the warm months. In other words, the curve of mortality is regulated by the large number of deaths from diseases of the respiratory organs. The curve of mortality for London, if mere infants be excepted, has thus an inverse relation to the temperature, rising as the temperature falls, and falling as the temperature rises. On the other hand, in Victoria, Australia, where the summers are hotter and the winters milder, the curves of mortality and temperature are directly related to each other-mortality and temperature rising and falling together; the reason being that in Victoria deaths from

bowel complaints are much greater, and those from diseases of the respiratory organs much less than in London.

The curves show that the maximum annual mortality from the different diseases groups around certain specific conditions of temperature and moisture combined. Thus, cold and moist weather is accompanied with a high deathrate from rheumatism, heart diseases, diphtheria, and measles; cold weather, with a high death-rate from bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.; cold and dry weather, with a high death-rate from brain diseases, whooping-cough, convulsions; warm and dry weather, with a high death-rate from suicide and small-pox; hot weather, with a high death-rate from bowel complaints; and warm moist weather, with a high death-rate from scarlet and typhoid fevers. (See CLIMATE.) (A. B.) ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY, a railway in which the pressure of air is used directly or indirectly to propel carriages, as a substitute for steam. It was devised at a time when the principles of propulsion were not so well understood as they are now, and when the dangers and inconveniences attendant on the use of locomotives were very much exaggerated. It had been long known that small objects could be propelled for great distances through tubes by air pressure, but a Mr. Vallance, of Brighton, seems to have been the first to propose the application of this system to passenger traffic. He projected (about 1825) an atmospheric railway, consisting of a wooden tube about 6 feet 6 inches in diameter, with a carriage running inside it. A diaphragm fitting the tube, approximately air-tight, was attached to the carriage, and the air exhausted from the front of it by a stationary engine, so that the atmospheric pressure behind drove the carriage forward. Later inventors, commencing with Henry Pinkus (1835), for the most part kept the carriages altogether outside the tube, and connected them by a bar with a piston working inside it, this piston being moved by atmospheric pressure in the way just mentioned. The tube was generally provided with a slot upon its upper side, closed by a continuous valve or its equivalent, and arrangements were made by which this valve should be opened to allow the passage of the driving bar without permitting great leakage of air. About 1840, Messrs. Clegg & Samuda made various experiments with an atmospheric tube constructed on this principle upon a portion of the West London Railway, near Wormwood Scrubs. The apparent success of these induced the Dublin and Kingstown Railway to adopt Clegg & Samuda's scheme upon an extension of their line from Kingstown to Dalkey, where it was in operation in 1844. Later on, the same system was adopted on a part of the South Devon line and in several other places, and during the years 1844-1846 the English and French patent records show a very large number of more or less practicable and ingenious schemes for the tubes, valves, and driving gear of atmospheric railways. The atmospheric system was nowhere permanently successful, but in all cases was eventually superseded by locomotives, the last atmospheric line being probably that at St. Germains, which was worked until 1862. Apart from difficulties in connection with the working of the valve, the maintenance of the vacuum, &c., other great practical difficulties, which had not been indicated by the experiments, soon made themselves known in the working of the lines. Above all, it was found that stationary engines, whether hauling a rope or exhausting a tube, could never work a railway with anything like the economy or the convenience of locomotives, a point which is now regarded as settled by engineers, but which was not so thoroughly understood thirty years ago. Lately, the principle of the atmospheric railway has been applied on a very large scale in London and elsewhere, under the name of "PNEUMATIC DISPATCH" (q.v.), to the transmission of small parcels in connection with postal and telegraph work, for which purpose it has proved admirably adapted. (See paper by Prof. Sternberg of Carlsruhe in Hensinger von Waldegg's Handbuch für specielle Eisenbahntechnik, vol. i. pt. 2, cap. xvii.)

ATOM (ároμos) is a body which cannot be cut in two. The atomic theory is a theory of the constitution of bodies, which asserts that they are made up of atoms. The opposite theory is that of the homogeneity and continuity of bodies, and asserts, at least in the case of bodies having no apparent organization, such, for instance, as water, that as we can divide a drop of water into two parts which are each of them drops of water, so we have reason to believe VOL. III.-99

that these smaller drops can be divided again, and the theory goes on to assert that there is nothing in the nature of things to hinder this process of division from being repeated over and over again, times without end. This is the doctrine of the infinite divisibility of bodies, and it is in direct contradiction with the theory of atoms. The atomists assert that after a certain number of such divisions the parts would be no longer divisible, because each of them would be an atom. The advocates of the continuity of matter assert that the smallest conceivable body has parts, and that whatever has parts may be divided.

In ancient times Democritus was the founder of the atomic theory, while Anaxagoras propounded that of continuity, under the name of the doctrine of homœomeria (Ouolouépia), or of the similarity of the parts of a body to the whole. The arguments of the atomists, and their replies to the objections of Anaxagoras, are to be found in Lucretius.

In modern times the study of nature has brought to light many properties of bodies which appear to depend on the magnitude and motions of their ultimate constituents, and the question of the existence of atoms has once more become conspicuous among scientific inquiries.

We shall begin by stating the opposing doctrines of atoms and of continuity before giving an outline of the state of molecular science as it now exists. In the earliest times the most ancient philosophers whose speculations are known to us seem to have discussed the ideas of number and of continuous magnitude, of space and time, of matter and motion, with a native power of thought which has probably never been surpassed. Their actual knowledge, however, and their scientific experience were necessarily limited, because in their days the records of human thought were only beginning to accumulate. It is probable that the first exact notions of quantity were founded on the consideration of number. It is by the help of numbers that concrete quantities are practically measured and calculated. Now, number is discontinuous. We pass from one number to the next per saltum. The magnitudes, on the other hand, which we meet with in geometry, are essentially continuous. The attempt to apply numerical methods to the comparison of geometrical quantities led to the doctrine of incommensurables, and to that of the infinite divisibility of space. Meanwhile, the same considerations had not been applied to time, so that in the days of Zeno of Elea time was still regarded as made up of a finite number of "moments," while space was confessed to be divisible without limit. This was the state of opinion when the celebrated arguments against the possibility of motion, of which that of Achilles and the tortoise is a specimen, were propounded by Zeno, and such, apparently, continued to be the state of opinion till Aristotle pointed out that time is divisible without limit, in precisely the same sense that space is. And the slowness of the development of scientific ideas may be estimated from the fact that Bayle does not see any force in this statement of Aristotle, but continues to admire the paradox of Zeno. (Bayle's Dictionary, art. "Zeno.") Thus the direction of true scientific progress was for many ages towards the recognition of the infinite divisibility of space and time.

It was easy to attempt to apply similar arguments to matter. If matter is extended and fills space, the same mental operation by which we recognize the divisibility of space may be applied, in imagination at least, to the matter which occupies space. From this point of view the atomic doctrine might be regarded as a relic of the old numerical way of conceiving magnitude, and the opposite doctrine of the infinite divisibility of matter might appear for a time the most scientific. The atomists, on the other hand, asserted very strongly the distinction between matter and space. The atoms, they said, do not fill up the universe; there are void spaces between them. If it were not so, Lucretius tells us, there could be no motion, for the atom which gives way first must have some empty place to move into.

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In modern times Descartes held that, as it is of the essence of matter to be extended in length, breadth, and thickness, so it is of the essence of extension to be occupied by matter, for extension cannot be an extension of nothing.

"Ac proinde si quæratur quid fiet, si Deus auferat omne corpus quod in aliquo vase continetur, et nullum aliud in ablati locum venire permittat? respondendum est, vasis latera sibi invicem hoc ipso fore contigua. Cum enim inter duo corpora nihil interjacet, necesse est ut se mutuo tangant, ac manifeste repugnat ut distent, sive ut inter ipsa sit distantia, et tamen ut ista distantia sit nihil; quia omnis distantia est modus extensionis, et ideo sine substantia extensa esse non potest." Principia, ii. 18.

This identification of extension with substance runs through the whole of Descartes's works, and it forms one of the ultimate foundations of the system of Spinoza. Descartes, consistently with this doctrine, denied the existence of atoms as parts of matter, which by their own nature are indivisible. He seems to admit, however, that the Deity might make certain particles of matter indivisible in this sense, that no creature should be able to divide them. These particles, however, would be still divisible by their own nature, because the Deity cannot diminish his own power, and therefore must retain his power of dividing them. Leibnitz, on the other hand, regarded his monad as the ultimate element of everything.

There are thus two modes of thinking about the constitution of bodies, which have had their adherents both in ancient and in modern times. They correspond to the two methods of regarding quantity-the arithmetical and the geometrical. To the atomist the true method of estimating the quantity of matter in a body is to count the atoms in it. The void spaces between the atoms count for nothing. To those who identify matter with extension, the volume of space occupied by a body is the only measure of the quantity of matter in it.

Of the different forms of the atomic theory, that of Boscovich may be taken as an example of the purest monadism. According to Boscovich matter is made up of atoms. Each atom is an indivisible point, having position in space, capable of motion in a continuous path, and possessing a certain mass, whereby a certain amount of force is required to produce a given change of motion. Besides this the atom is endowed with potential force, that is to say, that any two atoms attract or repel each other with a force depending on their distance apart. The law of this force, for all distances greater than say the thousandth of an inch, is an attraction varying as the inverse square of the distance. For smaller distances the force is an attraction for one distance and a repulsion for another, according to some law not yet discovered. Boscovich himself, in order to obviate the possibility of two atoms ever being in the same place, asserts that the ultimate force is a repulsion which increases without limit as the distance diminishes without limit, so that two atoms can never coincide. But this seems an unwarrantable | concession to the vulgar opinion that two bodies cannot co-exist in the same place. This opinion is deduced from our experience of the behavior of bodies of sensible size, but we have no experimental evidence that two atoms may not sometimes coincide. For instance, if oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water, we have no experimental evidence that the molecule of oxygen is not in the very same place with the two molecules of hydrogen. Many persons cannot get rid of the opinion that all matter is extended in length, breadth, and depth. This is a prejudice of the same kind with the last, arising from our experience of bodies consisting of immense multitudes of atoms. The system of atoms, according to Boscovich, occupies a certain region of space in virtue of the forces acting between the component atoms of the system and any other atoms when brought near them. No other

system of atoms can occupy the same region of space at the same time, because, before it could do so, the mutual action of the atoms would have caused a repulsion between the two systems insuperable by any force which we can command. Thus, a number of soldiers with firearms may occupy an extensive region to the exclusion of the enemy's armies, though the space filled by their bodies is but small. In this way Boscovich explained the apparent extension of bodies consisting of atoms, each of which is devoid of extension. According to Boscovich's theory, all action between bodies is action at a distance. There is no such thing in nature as actual contact between two bodies. When two bodies are said in ordinary language to be in contact, all that is meant is that they are so near together that the repulsion between the nearest pairs of atoms belonging to the two bodies is very great.

Thus, in Boscovich's theory, the atom has continuity of existence in time and space. At any instant of time it is at some point of space, and it is never in more than one place at a time. It passes from one place to another along a continuous path. It has a definite mass which cannot be increased or diminished. Atoms are endowed with the power of acting on one another by attraction or repulsion, the amount of the force depending on the distance between them. On the other hand, the atom itself has no parts or dimensions. In its geometrical aspect it is a mere geometrical point. It has no extension in space. It has not the so-called property of Impenetrability, for two atoms may exist in the same place. This we may regard as one extreme of the various opinions about the constitution of bodies.

The opposite extreme, that of Anaxagoras-the theory that bodies apparently homogeneous and continuous are so in reality is, in its extreme form, a theory incapable of development. To explain the properties of any substance by this theory is impossible. We can only admit the observed properties of such substance as ultimate facts. There is a certain stage, however, of scientific progress in which a method corresponding to this theory is of service. In hydrostatics, for instance, we define a fluid by means of one of its known properties, and from this definition we make the system of deductions which constitutes the science of hydrostatics. In this way the science of hydrostatics may be built upon an experimental basis, without any consideration of the constitution of a fluid as to whether it is molecular or continuous. In like manner, after the French mathematicians had attempted, with more or less ingenuity, to construct a theory of elastic solids from the hypothesis that they consist of atoms in equilibrium under the action of their mutual forces, Stokes and others showed that all the results of this hypothesis, so far at least as they agreed with facts, might be deduced from the postulate that elastic bodies exist, and from the hypothesis that the smallest portions into which we can divide them are sensibly homogeneous. In this way the principle of continuity, which is the basis of the method of Fluxions and the whole of modern mathematics, may be applied to the analysis of problems connected with material bodies by assuming them, for the purpose of this analysis, to be homogeneous. All that is required to make the results applicable to the real case is that the smallest portions of the substance of which we take any notice shall be sensibly of the same kind. Thus, if a railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill of gravel, and if one cubic yard of the gravel is so like another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract they may be taken as equivalent, then in estimating the work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he may, without fear of error, make his calculations as if the gravel were a continuous substance. But if a worm has to make his way through the gravel, it makes the greatest possible difference to him whether he tries to push right against a piece of gravel, or directs his course through one of the intervals between the pieces; to him, therefore, the gravel is by no means a homogeneous and continuous substance.

In the same way, a theory that some particular substance, say water, is homogeneous and continuous may be a good working theory up to a certain point, but may fail when we come to deal with quantities so minute or so attenuated that their heterogeneity of structure comes into prominence. Whether this heterogeneity of structure is or is not consistent with homogeneity and continuity of substance is another question.

The extreme form of the doctrine of continuity is that stated by Descartes, who maintains that the whole universe is equally full of matter, and that this matter is all of one kind, having no essential property besides that of extension. All the properties which we perceive in matter he reduces to its parts being movable among one another, and so capable of all the varieties which we can perceive to follow from the motion of its parts (Principia, ii. 23). Descartes's own attempts to deduce the different qualities and actions of bodies in this way are not of much value. More than a century was required to invent methods of investigating the conditions of the motion of systems of bodies such as Descartes imagined. But the hydrodynamical discovery of Helmholtz that a vortex in a perfect liquid possesses certain permanent characteristics, has been applied by Sir W. Thomson to form a theory of vortex atoms in a home geneous, incompressible, and frictionless liquid, to which we shall return at the proper time.

OUTLINE OF MODERN MOLECULAR SCIENCE, AND IN PARTICULAR OF THE MOLECULAR THEORY OF GASES. We begin by assuming that bodies are made up of parts, each of which is capable of motion, and that these parts act on each other in a manner consistent with the principle of the conservation of energy. In making these assumptions, we are justified by the facts that bodies may be divided into smaller parts, and that all bodies with which we are acquainted are conservative systems, which would not be the case unless their parts were also conservative systems.

We may also assume that these small parts are in motion. This is the most general assumption we can make, for it includes, as a particular case, the theory that the small parts are at rest. The phenomena of the diffusion of gases and liquids through each other show that there may be a motion of the small parts of a body which is not perceptible

to us.

We make no assumption with respect to the nature of the small parts-whether they are all of one magnitude. We do not even assume them to have extension and figure. Each of them must be measured by its mass, and any two of them must, like visible bodies, have the power of acting on one another when they come near enough to do so. The properties of the body, or medium, are determined by the configuration and motion of its small parts.

The first step in the investigation is to determine the amount of motion which exists among the small parts, independent of the visible motion of the medium as a whole. For this purpose it is convenient to make use of a general theorem in dynamics due to Clausius.

When the motion of a material system is such that the time average of the quantity (m2) remains constant, the state of the system is said to be that of stationary motion. When the motion of a material system is such that the sum of the moments of inertia of the system, about three axes at right angles through its centre of mass, never varies by more than small quantities from a constant value, the system is said to be in a state of stationary motion.

The kinetic energy of a particle is half the product of its mass into the square of its velocity, and the kinetic energy of a system is the sum of the kinetic energy of all its parts

When an attraction or repulsion exists between two points, half the product of this stress into the distance between the two points is called the virial of the stress, and is reckoned positive when the stress is an attraction, and negative when it is a repulsion. The virial of a system is the sum of the virials of the stresses which exist in it. If the system is subjected to the external stress of the pressure of the sides of a vessel in which it is contained, this stress will introduce an amount of virial pV, where ? 18 the pressure on unit of area and V is the volume of the vessel.

The theorem of Clausius may now be stated as follows:In a material system in a state of stationary motion the time-average of the kinetic energy is equal to the timeaverage of the virial. In the case of a fluid enclosed in a vessel

(mv) = {pV+}ΣΣ(Rr),

where the first term denotes the kinetic energy, and is half the sum of the product of each mass into the mean square of its velocity. In the second term, p is the pressure on

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unit of surface of the vessel, whose volume is V, and the third term expresses the virial due to the internal actions between the parts of the system. A double symbol of summation is used, because every pair of parts between which any action exists must be taken into account. We have next to show that in gases the principal part of the pressure arises from the motion of the small parts of the medium, and not from a repulsion between them. In the first place, if the pressure of a gas arises from the repulsion of its parts, the law of repulsion must be inversely as the distance. For, consider a cube filled with the gas at pressure p, and let the cube expand till each side is n times its former length. The pressure on unit of surface according to Boyle's law is now, and since the area of a face of the cube is n2 times what it was, the whole pressure on the face of the cube is of its original value. But since everything has been expanded symmetrically, the distance between corresponding parts of the air is now times what it was, and the force is n times less than it was. Hence the force must vary inversely as the distance. But Newton has shown (Principia, bk. i. prop. 93) that this law is inadmissible, as it makes the effect of the distant parts of the medium on a particle greater than that of the neighboring parts. Indeed, we should arrive at the conclusion that the pressure depends not only on the density of the air but on the form and dimensions of the vessel which contains it, which we know not to be the case.



If, on the other hand, we suppose the pressure to arise entirely from the motion of the molecules of the gas, the interpretation of Boyle's law becomes very simple. For, in this case


The first term is the product of the pressure and the volume, which according to Boyle's law is constant for the same quantity of gas at the same temperature. The second term is two-thirds of the kinetic energy of the system, and we have every reason to believe that in gases when the temperature is constant the kinetic energy of unit of mass is also constant. If we admit that the kinetic energy of unit of mass is in a given gas proportional to the absolute temperature, this equation is the expression of the law of Charles as well as of that of Boyle, and may be written


where is the temperature reckoned from absolute zero, and R is a constant. The fact that this equation expresses with considerable accuracy the relation between the volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas when in an extremely rarefied state, and that as the gas is more and more compressed the deviation from this equation becomes more apparent, shows that the pressure of a gas is due almost entirely to the motion of its molecules when the gas is rare, and that it is only when the density of the gas is considerably increased that the effect of direct action between the molecules becomes apparent.


The effect of the direct action of the molecules on exch other depends on the number of pairs of molecules which at a given instant are near enough to act on one another. The number of such pairs is proportional to the square the number of molecules in unit of volume, that is, to the square of the density of the gas. Hence, as long as the medium is so rare that the encounter between two molecules is not affected by the presence of others, the deviation from Boyle's law will be proportional to the square of the density. If the action between the molecules is on the whole repulsive, the pressure will be greater than that given by Boyle's law. If it is, on the whole, attractive, the pressure will be less than that given by Boyle's law. It appears, by the experiments of Regnault and others, that the pressure does deviate from Boyle's law when the density of the gas is increased. In the case of carbonic acid and other gases which are easily liquefied, this deviation is very great. In all cases, however, except that of hydrogen, the pressure is less than that given by Boyle's law, showing that the virial is on the whole due to attrac tive forces between the molecules.

Another kind of evidence as to the nature of the action between the molecules is furnished by an experiment made by Dr. Joule. Of two vessels, one was exhausted and the other filled with a gas at a pressure of 20 atmospheres;

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