Abbildungen der Seite

mehrere Akra genannte Burgen? (ibid. 182-8). 28. Legende zum Plan v. Gaza (ibid. 1888, XI, 149-60). 29. Zur Akra-Frage 3284 (Tübing. Theol. Quartalschr. 1889, LXXI, 77—125).

1873-4, 1886. J. A. Olesnitschki: 1. Das heil. Land. Bericht über eine Mission nach Palästina u. in d. anliegenden Länder, Kiew, Eremejew u. Davidenko, 1875-9, 2 voll., 555 u. 655 pp., 8°. 2. Das Grab Aarons am Berge Hor (Journal d. geistl. Academie in Kiew 1875). 3. Die Epiphaniaszeit am Jordanufer (Russ. Wochenschrift 1879, No. 2). 4. Das heil. Feuer in Jerusalem (ibid. No. 14). 5. Die Rose von Jericho (ibid. 1880, No. 16). 6. Die Osternacht in Jerusalem (ibid. 1881, No. 15; Journal d. Diöcese von Twer 1881, No. 9). 7. D. Tempel d. alten Testaments in Jerusalem (XIII. Liefer. d. Samml. d. Russ. Pal. Vereins), St. Peters3285 burg, Kirschbaum, XXVI, 939 pp., 8°. Russisch.

1873-4. S. J. Ponomarew: 1. Hegumenos Josaphat, d. Laura vom heil. Sabbas (Geistesnützl. Lectüre 1874, No. 5) || Moskau, Universit., 1874, 16 pp., 8°. 2. Jerusalem u. Palästina in d. Russ. Litteratur, Wissenschaft, Malerei u. in Uebersetzungen (Materialien zu einer Bibliographie), als Beilage zu d. XXX. Bande d. Werke d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch., St. Petersburg 1877, XX, 128 pp., 8. 3. Auf d. heil. Boden, St. Petersburg, Kirschbaum, 1879, 2, 3286 152 PP, 8° | 2 Edit. ibid. 1884, 2, 196 pp., 8°. Russisch.

1874. Antonio da Tivoli: La Custodie de Terre Sainte 8287 (Oeuvre des écoles d'Orient 1874, VII, No. 83 u. 84).

1874. H. Day: A lawyer abroad: what to see and how to 3288 see it, New-York, Carter, 1874, 8°.

1874. O. Delitsch: 1. Das todte Meer (Aus allen Welttheil. 1874, V, 43—6). 2. Die Wasserversorgung im jüdischen Lande, besonders in Jerusalem (ibid. 1874, V, 156). 3. Die Gräber in der 3289 Umgegend von Jerusalem (ibid. 1874, V, 342).

1874. Oswald Dykes: From Jerusalem to Antioch, sketches of the primitive church, London 1874, 8° | ibid. 1880, 8° (ist 3290 kirchenhistorisch).


1874. Arje (Loeb) Frumkin: Eben Schemuel, Biographieen von jüd. Gelehrten in Jerusalem . u. Grabschriften vom Oelberg, nach gedruckten und handschriftlichen Quellen, Wilna 1874, 8°; cf. 3291 Hebr. Bibliogr. XV, 25.

1874. L. F. Garnier: 1. Mon pèlerinage aux lieux saints, Langres, Firmin Dangien, 1874, 3 voll., X, 512, 467, 496 pp., 8°.

2. Extrait de mon pèlerinage aux lieux Saints, Paris, Palmé, 1881, 8°.

1874. Gregoriades: 'Η ἱερὰ Μονὴ τοῦ Σινᾶ, κατὰ τὴν τοπογραφικὴν, ἱστορικὴν καὶ διοικητικὴν αὐτῆς ἔποψιν, Jerusalem, Buchdruckerei d. heil. Grabes, 1875, 226 pp., 8°.



1874. D. H. Die Wasserzufuhr für Jerusalem (Neueste Nachrichten aus d. Morgenl. 1874, No. 1774).

1874. Elia Hassan (Cantor) aus Jerusalem: Sichron Jeruschalajim, Gespräch über die Bedeutung des heiligen Landes, Livorno 1874, 4o; cf. Hebr. Bibliogr. XV, 73.



1874. Edw. Hodder: On Holy Ground or scenes and incidents in the Land of Promise, London, Nimo, 1874, 358 pp., 8° || auch New-York, Meth. B. Conc., 1874 || ibid., Whittacker, 1878, 8°. 3296 1874. Samuel Jessup: Husn Sulayman (Palestine Exploration Society No. 2. Second Statement, Sept., 1874, 26-38), New-Jersey 1874, 8o.

1874. S. H. Kenth: Gath to the Cedars. Travels in the Holy Land and Palmyra, London, Warne, 1874, 8° || 1878, 8° || auch New-York, Scribner, s. a.

1874. L-w: Bruchstücke aus einem Briefe (Kirchl. gemeinschaftl. Bote 1874, No. 127); russisch.

1874. Samuel Manning: 1. Those holy fields. Palestine illustrated by pen and pencil, London, Rel. Tract. Soc., 1874, 222 pp., 8° 1878, 8°. a. Schwedisch: Det helige Landet eller Palestina skildrat i ord och bild, Stockholm, Fosterlands-Stiftelse, 1878, 4°. 2. Manning and S. G. Green: The lands of scripture comprising those Holy Fields, the Land of the Pharaons, pictures from Bible Lands, London, Rel. Tract. Soc., 1879, 8°.





1874. Elias Dîb Matar: Geschichte Syriens (arabisch), Beirût 1874, 192 pp., 8o, 2 Edit., wegen der geographischen Abschnitte brauchbar. Die Geschichte meist nach abendländischen Büchern. 3301 1874. Wm. Charles Maughan: The Alps of Arabia: Travels in Egypt, Sinai, Arabia and the Holy Land, London, Henry S. King, 1874, XVI, 374pp., 8° || ibid. 1875, 390 pp., 8° || Leipzig, in Commission bei A. Twietmeyer, s. a.


1874. Emmanuel Müller: Eine Reise um d. Todte Meer (N. Nachr. 1875, No. 78–80); mit O. Kersten; cf. oben No. 3254, 3. 3303 1874. H. Rothe: Eine Reise um das Todte Meer (Pommersche Blätter für d. Schule 1881, VI, No. 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 22; 1882, VII, No. 12, 20, 21; 1883, VIII, No. 2); mit O. Kersten.


1874. P. Satwornitzki: Erinnerungen an d. Besuch d. heil.

3305 Stätten (D. Kirchl. Bote 1875, No. 38); russisch.

1874. D. Schustek: Reise über die Türkei u. Aegypten in d. heil. Land, Thur, St. Marton, 1874, 48 pp., 8°; Petermann, Mitth. 3306 1875, 78 (slavon.).

1874. Smaragda: 1. Aufklärung d. heil. Ansichten v. Jerusalem u. Palästina, Kaluga, Gouvern. Druckerei, 1878, 57 pp., 8°. 2. Gedanke bei d. Verehrung d. heil. Stätten Jerusalems, ibid. 1878, 3307 48 pp., 8°. Russisch.

1874. Viscountess Strangford: Egyptian Sepulchres and 3308 Syrian Shrines, including a Visit to Palmyra, 1874, 8o.

1874. A. Thomson: 1. In the Holy Land, London-NewYork, Nelson, 1874, 376 pp., 8° || 1882, 8°. 2. Handbook of Scripture geography, New-York, Putnam, 1875, 8°. 8. Home life in an3. 3309 cient Palestine, New-York, Nelson, 1878, 8°.

1874. O. Türk: Pilgerfahrt nach Jerusalem, Rom, Loretto u. 3310 Assisi, Biberach 1874, 232 pp., 8°.

1874. Aleppos Handel u. Schifffahrtsbewegung in Alexan3311 drette 1874 (Preuss. Handelsarchiv 1875, No. 40).

1874. Besuch in Bethlehem 1874 (D. heil. Land 1876, XX, 3312 5-12).

1874. Biblische Naturgeschichte für Schulen u. Familien, 3313 Calw 1874 || Stuttgart, Steinkopf, 1875, IV, 308 pp., 8 Edit., 8°. 1874. Die Capelle d. Geisselung zu Jerusalem (D. heil. Land 3314 1874, XVIII, 177-81).

1874. Die neuen Forschungen im Moabiterlande (Aus3315 land 1874, No. 47-9).

1874. En Nebî Daûd mit d. Abendmahlssaal (D. heil. Lana 3316 1874, XVIII, 111—3).

1874-5. B.: Reisenotizen einer Pilgerin zum heil. Grabe 3317 (D. Russ. Bote 1884, No. 3-5); russisch.

1874 ff. Selah Merrill: 1. Galilee in the time of Christ (Biblioth. sacra 1874, XXXI, 29-74) || als eigenes Werk (with an introduction by A. P. Peabody), Boston 1881, XIII, 159 pp., 8° (cf. Athenaeum 1882, 14 Jan.; Theol. Lit. Zeit. 25 Febr. 1882; Biblioth. sacra 1882, April) || London, Tract. Soc., 1885, 8° (Vol. VI of Bypaths of Bible Knowledge). 2. Lettres (PF. 1876, 47-55, 177-81; 1877, 150-4). 3. Palestine explorations (Athenaeum 1876, 15 July). 4. Identification of Succoth and Penuel (Bibl. sacra 1877, XXXIV, 742-55); cf. Athenaeum 1878, 12 Jan.; PF. 1878, 81-8. 5. Mo

dern researches in Palestine (Bull. Amer. Geogr. Soc. 1877, IX, 109 -25); verkürzt in PF. 1879, 138-54. 6. Archaeologist's Reports (Am. Palest. Eplor. Soc. 1877, Stat. IV, 29-100). 7. East of Jordan, the Jordan valley, the cities of the slain, New-York 1877, 8o. 8. The American explorers in Palestine (Athenaeum 1877, 2 Jun.). 9. Syria in May (ibid. 1877, 7 Jul.). 10. Pilgrim Caravans in the East (Internat. Review 1878, 639-47). 11. Biblical Geography illustrating Bible history (Pilgrim Quarterly, Boston 1880-1, 7 Artikel). 12. East of the Jordan; a record of travel and observation in the country of Moab, Gilead and Bashan during the years 1875 -7, New-York, Ch. Scribners Son; London, Bentley and Sons, 1881, XV, 549 pp., 8° (cf. Athenaeum 1882, 14 Jan.; Bibl. sacra 1882, April; Petermann, Mitth. 1882, 63-4; Theol. Lit. Zeit. 1882, 12 Aug.) auch New-York 1883, 8°; darin: Amman, the Lava bed in the Lejah, Tell Shaihan, temple at Musmieh, interior of temple at M., peripteral temple at Kanawât, plan of the church at Edhra, temple at Suleim, ancient castle at Kunawat, temple at K., castle at Salchad, cathedral at Bozrah, mosque and reservoir at Bozrah, anteroom connected with the theatre at Bozrah, remains of two large public buildings perhaps temples at Bozrah, church and houses at Umm el-Jemal, es-Salt, Hyrcanus's palace at Arak el-Emir, roman road at Gadara, castle of Kaukab el-Hawa, natural bridge and hot spring north of Pella, Ayûn Mûsa, ruins on Jebel Mûsa, plan of the Mshita ruin, gate, interior view of Mshita, tower at M., plan of a temple at Amman, theatre of Gerash, triumphal arch at Gerash, temple of the sun at Gerash, plan of Mahneh, plan of Deir Alla and Tulûl edh-Dhahab, large theatre at Amman, ruin at Amman, ruined bridge of the Jordan near the mouth of the Jabbok, plan of the country explored by the American Palestine Exploration Society (Ostjordanland). 13. Climate and Rainfall in Palestine (Monthly Weath. Rev. War Dep., Washington 1881, XI). 14. Antiquities at Nablus (Athenaeum 1882, 4 Nov.). 15. The disappearance of ancient walls in Palestine (ibid. 1882, 11 Nov.). 16. Condition of Palestine (U. S. Consul. Reports, 1882, 408-11). 17. Tahtim Hodshi and Dan Jaan, 2 Sam., XXIV, 6 (Presbyter. Rev. 1883, 414 -7). 18. Five parts of picturesque Palestine, New-York 1883, 8°. 19. Sunday in Jerusalem (S. S. World 1883, XXIII, No. 9). 20. Large millstone on the Shittim plain (PF. 1883, 236-8). 21. The newly discovered church: St. Stephan in Jerusalem (ibid. 238-42; cf. La Terre Sainte 1883, 488, 608-12; D. heil. Land

1883, 161-8). 22. Discoveries at Jerusalem (Americ. and Orient. Antiquarian 1884, VI, 46-52). 23. Temperance in Palestine (S. S. World 1884, XXIV). 24. Condition of Labor and the laboring classes in Palestine (U. S. Special Labor Reports 1884). 25. A puzzle in Josephus: two Gadaras or one? (PF. 1884, 237-40). 26. Fruit culture in Palestine (U. S. Consul, Rep., Washington 1884, No. 45; cf. Petermann, Mitth. 1885, XXXI, 148). 27. Jerusalem. Population, Religion, Poverty (Old Test. Student 1885, V, 97-103). 28. The site of Calvary (Andov. Rev. 1885, V, 483—8) || auch besonders unter demselben Titel, Jerusalem 1886, 8o. 29. Notes: a. A relic of the tenth legion called Fretensis (PF. 1885, 132—3) || b. The inscription at Arak el-emir (ibid. 133—4) || c. The stations of David's census officers (ibid. 134-37). 30. New discoveries in Jerusalem (ibid. 222-8). 31. Recent discoveries at Jerusalem (PF. 1886, 21-4). 32. On some newly found inscriptions (ibid. 72-3). 33. The natural history of Palestine (Athenaeum 1886, 10. Jul.). 34. Salt mountain of Palestine (Scientif. American 1886, Sept.; cf. Oesterr. Monatsschr. für d. Orient 1886, No. 12). 35. The discovery of the second wall and its bearing on the site of Calvary (Proc. of the Americ. Orient. Soc. 1887, May). 36. Birds of Palestine (Luncz, Jahrbuch, Jerusalem 1887). 37. Syro-Phoenicia and the land of Israel (The Sunday School Times, Philadelphia 1888, 7 Jan.). 38. The wine question in Palestine (ibid. 1888, 9 Juny). 39. Plan of new building near Jaffa gate (PF. 1888, 64-5). 40. The sea of Galilea (Sunday School Times, Philadelphia 1889, 9 Febr.). 41. The Tell es-Salahiyeh monument (PF. 1889, 152). 42. Birds and animals 3318 new to Palestine (PF. 1890, 40-4).

1875. G. M. Adams: A Ride through the Holy Land, New 3819 York 1875, 8o.

1875. P. Baarts: 1. Briefe aus Beirut (Neueste Nachr. aus d. Morgenlande 1875, No. 83; 1876, No. 85-7; 1877, No. 91). 2. Das östliche Ufer des Sees von Tiberias u. des Jordans (ibid. 1876, No. 96). 3. Ueber die Lage in Syrien (ibid. 1878, No. 96). 4. Die Tropfsteinhöhlen d. Hundsflusses bei Beirut (ibid. 1879, No. 2). 5. Beirut (Aus allen Welttheilen 1881, XII, No. 12). 6. Abstecher in's gelobte Land (ibid. 1882, XIII, No. 8-12; 1883, XIV, No. 5-9). 7. Ein Ausflug zu den Cedern d. Libanon (Wochenblatt d. JohanniterOrdensballey Brandenburg 1883, No. 1-3). 8. Ein Besuch in Baalbek (ibid., No. 13-4). 9. Syrien zur Zeit d. Kreuzzüge (ibid. 3320 1884, No. 44-5).

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