Abbildungen der Seite

1854. Robert Walker Stewart: The Tent and the Khan: a journey to Sinai and Palestine, Edinburgh, Oliphant; London, Hamilton & Co., 1857, XVI, 528 pp., 8°. Mit 17 Abbildungen u. einer Karte.

1854. James Bayard Taylor: Land of the Saracens or pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily and Spain, London, Low, New York 1855, 451 pp., 8° || New York, Putnam, 1869 || 20th. Americ. edit. New York 1862 || new edit. 1869, 8°. Mit Ansicht von Damascus u. Karte von Syrien.



1824. William Elfe Taylor: Vestiges of Divine Vengeance or the Dead Sea and the cities of the Plain, London 1854, 8o. 2391 1854. A. Tomilin: Die heiligen Orte im Morgenlande. (Historische Arbeiten, St. Petersburg 1854, 1-9); russisch.

1854. W. K. Tweedie: 1. Balm of Gilead, 1854, 8°. 2. Rivers and Lakes of Scripture, New York, Nelson, 1856 || Lakes and Rivers of the Bible, London 1864, 8° || Cincinnati, Method. Bk. Conc., 1870, 8°. 3. Jerusalem and its Environs or the Holy City as it was and is, Boston, Americ. Tract. Soc., 1860, 8° || London 1871, 8° (mit Abbild.). 4. Pathways of Many pilgrims, 5 Edit. 1861, 8°. 5. Jerusalem pictorial and descriptive, London, Nelson, 1872, 140 pp., 8° || New York 1878, 8°.

1854. Commerce de la Syrie (aus dem in Smyrna erscheinenden griech. Journal Amalthea wiederholt in: Revue de l'Orient 1854, XVI, 60-1).

1854. Horse dealing in Syria 1854 (Blackwood Mag. 1859, LXXXVI, 255-73, 419-34).





1854. Land u. Volk d. alten Bundes. Geographisches Handbuch, Hannover 1858, 8°.

1854. Rapport lu à l'assemblée générale de l'oeuvre des pèlerinages en Terre Sainte présidé par S. Emin. le cardinal de Bonald le 5 mars 1854, Paris 1854, 8°. S.

1854. Shrines of the Holy Land. Contested by the Russian and the Turk, London, Longman, 1854, 8°.

1854. The Dead Sea and its Explorer including notices of the recently discovered sites of Sodom, Gomorrah, Zoar and Zeboïm, London, Freemann, 1854, 32 pp., 8° (Library of Biblical Literature No. 3).





1854. Three months in Palestine (Kitto, Journal of the sacred litt. 1854, XIV, 310 ff.; 1855, XV, 245 ff.; 1855, XVI, 15 ff., 326 ff.; 1856, XVII, 77 ff.; 1856, XVIII, 17 ff.; 1857, XX, 275 ff.). 2400

c. 1854. Reise nach den Ufern des todten Meeres (im russ. Journal für Kinder 1854, No. 13-5, dann in A. Rasinas Reisen 2401 nach verschiedenen Ländern der Welt, St. Petersburg 1860, 145-98). c. 1854. Henri de Vaulchier, abbé: Lettres sur la Terre Sainte, Besançon 1856, 8°; cf. Bullet. de l'oeuvre d. pèlerin. II, 2402 19-22.

c. 1854. Virgilio, Viaggio ai Santi Luoghi di Palestina, 2403 Benevento 1854 (Bonifacius Stephanus, 313).

1854-60. Amédée de Damas, Soc. Jesu: 1. De Sebastopol à Jérusalem et à Malte (Collection de précis histor. par Terwecoren), Bruxelles 1856, 1857, 1858, 8°. 2. Lettres sur la Syrie et les missions (Oeuvres des écoles d'Orient 1858, No. 4; 1859, No. 5; 1860, No. 8; 1861, No. 13; 1862, No. 14, 16, 17; 1863, No. 19, 20, 24; 1865, No. 36; 1866, No. 37, 42; 1868, No. 49, 50; Précis. histor. 1860, 81-90). 3. Histoire des petits missionaires et des pauvres filles de la mission du sacré Coeur de Zahleh au mont Liban, 1862, 8°. 4. Voyage biblique en Terre Sainte ou manuel des pieux pèlerins en Terre Sainte (Bullet. de l'oeuvre des pèlerinages 1863-4, IV, 192-235, 260-304, 344-99, 401–4, 431-74; 1865-6, V, 19-92, 186-200, 263-94, 307-28, 37991, 432-45; 1866-8, VI, 116-28, 165-7, 228-72, 295-320, 396-9, 455-72; 1870-1, VII, 64–96, 160-92, 245–75); als Buch: Paris, Challamel, 1873, 552 pp., 8o. 5. Une visite à Ghazir (ibid. 1864, Mai); deutsch in D. heil. Land 1864, VIII, 16-23, 33-41. 6. Le Liban et l'avenir religieux de l'Orient (Études religieuses, III Série, 1864, III, 114-38). 7. Origine de la mission de la Compagnie de Jésus du Mont Liban (ibid. 409-19). 8. En Orient. Voyage au Sinai, Paris, Putois-Cretté, 1864 (Bibl. St. Germain. Lectures mor. et litt.), XXXV, 283 pp., 8° || 2 édit. ibid. 1870, 319 pp., 8° 3 édit. ibid. 1882, 315 pp., 8°. 9. En Orient. Voyage en Judée, ibid. 1864, 377 pp., 8° || 2 édit., Arras 1866, 8° || Paris, Putois-Cretté, 1882, 2 voll., 345 pp., 8° || ibid. 1887. 10. En Orient. Voyage à Jérusalem, Paris 1865, 2 voll., 252 u. 260 pp., 8° || 2 édit., Corbeil 1869 || 3 édit., Paris 1883, 514 pp., 8o. 11. Voyage en Orient. Sinai et Judée, Arras-Paris 1866, XXIV, 486 pp., 8°. 12. Voyage en Orient. Voyage en Galilée, Arras - Paris 1866, 290 pp., 8° 2 édit. ibid. 1870, 381 pp., 8° || 3 édit. 1883, 2 voll., 514, 279 pp., 8°. 13. Voyage en Orient. Sinai, la Judée, Jérusalem, la Galilée, Paris 1866, 3 voll., 8° || nouv. édit., 5 voll., 1866-70 || Paris, Delhomme et Briguet, 1883 || ibid. 1887, 8°. 14. Souvenirs

du Mont Liban, Lyon, Girard, 1870, 2 voll., 8°. Cf. Augustin de Backer sub voce.

1854-66. Herzog, Realencyclopaedie für protest. Theologie u. Kirche, Hamburg; Stuttgart; Gotha 1854-66, 18 voll., 8°, mit 3 Supplementbänden || 2 Edit. von Herzog u. Plitt, Leipzig 1877-88, 18 voll., 8°. Darin werthvolle geographische Artikel.

1854-66, 1868. Ermete Pierotti: 1. Plan de Jérusalem. D. Ermete Pierotti Ing. relievò e disegnò nel 1855. Sine loco || Plan de Jérusalem ancienne et moderne par le Docteur E. P., Architecte Ingénieur. Sine anno et loco (1860?). Mit vielen Détailplänen von Kirchen am Rande. 2. Jerusalem explored being a description of the ancient and modern city. With numerous illustrations consisting of views, great plans and sections translated by Thomas G. Bonney, London, Bell and Deldey, 1864, 2 voll., fol. (I Text; II Bilder); darin: 1. Panorama of Jerusalem, seen from the mount of Olives. 2. Plan of modern Jerusalem. 3. Plan of ancient Jerusalem. 4. Four sections of ancient Jerusalem showing the underground Constructions in Comprison with the present level of the city. 5. Ancient citadel of the Jebusites. 6. The towers Phasaelus and Mariamne, the tower Hippicus inconcealed by Phasaelus. 7. Gate of Damascus. 8. Views of the royal caverns and the grotto of Jeremiah. 9. Plans and sections of the royal caverns and of the grotto of Jeremiah. 10. Details of ancient Masonry. 11. The Haram esh-sherif. 12. Plan of land belonging to the daughters of Sion and of the subterranean passage communicating with Moriah discovered by Pierotti. 13. View of the arch of the Ecce Homo. 14. View of the Barrack of the Haram esh-sherif. 15. Remains of ancient masonry called the ruins of the tower Antonia. 16. View of the pool of Bethesda. 17. Ancient jewish work in the north-east of the Haram wall. 18. Eastern view of the golden gate. 19. Western view of the golden gate. 20. View of the south gate of the Haram esh-sherif. 21. Western view of el-Aksa. 22. Wailing-place of the Jews. 23. Façade of the mosque el-Aksa. 24. Section of the mosque of el-Aksa. 25. Underground works of the mosque of elAksa. 26. North-eastern view of Kubbet es-Sakharah. 27. Section of Kubbet es-Sakharah, view of the interior of the golden gate. 28. Four mosaics in the interior of Kubbet ess-Sakharah. 29. Details of the capital of the monolith in the underground works of el-Aksa. 30. Plan and section of land surrounding the church of the resurrection and the hospital of the knights of S. John. 31.

Röhricht, Bibliotheca geogr. Palaest.




View of the pool Amygdalon and of the domes of the church of the resurrection. 32. Front of the church of the resurrection. 33. Gate of the entrance-door to the same church. 34. Plan of the church of the resurrection. 35. Interior views of the church resurrection. 36. Details of seven capitals in and near the church of resurrection. 37. Entrance to the hospital of S. John. 38. Ruins of the church of S. Mary the great. 39. Plans and sections of the armenian church of S. James and mosaics. 40. View of the church of S. Ann. 41. Plans and sections of the french church of S. Ann. 42. Interior of the church of S. Ann. 43. Two doors in the Tekhiyeh elKhasseki-Sultane, commonly called the hospital of S. Helena. 44. Ancient gate of Saracenic architecture in the descent of Siloa and a view of a fountain in the Tyropoeon valley. 45. View of the Cenaculum and of the so-called tomb of David. 46. Plan and section of Cenaculum, the so-called tomb of David, and of the underground works of Mount Sion. 47. Plan and section of the tombs of Aceldama. 48. South-eastern extremity of the valley of Silvam. 49. View of the valley of Jehoshaphat. 50. Front of the tomb of the virgin Mary. 51. Plans and sections of the tomb of the virgin Mary. 52. Mount of Olives and the garden of Gethsemane. Plan and section of Mosque situated on the Mount of Olives. 54. Plan and section of the tombs of the prophets and section of the tomb of Lazarus at Bethany. 55. View of the tomb of the kings. 56. Plan and sections of the tombs of the kings. 57. Ancient jewish synagogue in the valley of the Kidron. 58. View of the tombs of the judges and of other tombs to the north of Jerusalem. 59. Plans and sections of the tombs of the judges and of the other tombs. 60. Plan and of S. Pelagia's tomb on the mount of Olives, Details of sepulchres in the valley of Jehoshaphat and of some others in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem. 61. Details relating to the tombs. 62. Pool of Mamillah. 63. Plan and section of the church of the holy Cross to the west of Jerusalem and details of the mosaics. Französisch: Topographie ancienne et moderne de Jérusalem, Lausanne 1869 (cf. Annales de la phil. chrétienne 1871, II, 361–77, 437—50; 1872, IV, 19-37, 147-65) || Paris, Rothschild, 1876. 3. Customs and Traditions illustrating the Manners of the Ancient Hebrews. Translated by Th. G. Bonney, London 1864. 4. Otto anni in Gerusalemme, notizie intorno all' attuale ed antica città, Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice, 1865, 8°, gr. (mit 12 Zeichnungen und einem grossen Panorama von Jerusalem). 5. La Palestine actuelle dans

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ses rapports avec la Palestine ancienne, Produits ... Moeurs... Coutumes... Légendes... Traditions ... Paris, J. Rothschild, — Florence, Bocca, Turin - Milan - Naples - St. Pétersbourg - Madrid 1865, III, 380 pp., 8°. Italienisch u. d. Titel: Rivista generale della Palestina e moderna, Firenze 1866. 6. Ermette Pierotti et sa caravane partant de Triest le 22 août 1868 pour faire un voyage en Palestine et en Phénicie, Milano, Guglielmini, 1868, 20 pp., 8°. 7. Une caravane pour la Syrie, la Phénicie et la Palestine, Lausanne 1869, 8°. 8. Macpela ou tombeau des patriarches à Hébron. Avec un appendice concernant M. le comte de Vogüé et M. E. Renan, Lausanne 1869, 8°; mit Plan. 9. La Palestine depuis 1854 (La Terre Sainte 1876, No. 29). 10. Les Santos (ibid. No. 31). 11. Les animaux de Palestine (ibid. 1876, No. 32; cf. 1877, No. 37-8, 40, 44, 46, 58). 12. La fertilité de Palestine (ibid. 1876, No. 33). 13. Les clefs de Jérusalem entre les mains des Hébreux 1861 (ibid. No. 34). 14. Conferences sur la Terre Sainte par E. P. données à Arras les 26 et 27 déc. 1876 (éd. van Drival), Arras 1877, 16 Pp., 8o. 15. Conferenza su i viaggi e scoperte archeologi che nella Palestina (Bollet. della Soc. geogr. ital. 1878, Dec.). 16. Le acque ed i lavori idraulici della Palestina (Nuova Antolog. israel. 1880, Dec. III, 427 -9; IV, Jan. 22-5). 17. La Bible et la Palestine au XIX siècle, Paris, Fischbacher; Nîmes, Lataud, 1882, 387 pp., 8° (mit Bildern und Karten). Cf. Amat I, 590.

1854-67. John Leech Porter: 1. Excursion to the Summit of Hermon (Bibl. sacra 1854, XI, 4—66). 2. Excursion to the lakes east of Damascus (ibid. 329-42). 3. Excursion to Kesweh (ibid. 342-4). 4. Excursion from Damascus to Yabrûd (ibid. 433-55). 5. Notes of a tour from Damascus to Baalbek and Hums (ibid. 649 -93). 6. Lettre, Damascus 27 April 1854 (Journ. of the Americ. Orient. Soc. 1856, V, 183-9). 7. Five years in Damascus including an account of the history, topography and antiquities of that city with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon and the Hauran, London 1855, 2 voll., 395, 372 pp., 8° || ibid., John Murray, 1870 (Plan v. Damascus, Palmyra, Karte von Damascus u. Hauran, mit Ansicht von Damascus, der Omajjadenmoschee). 8. Greek Inscriptions from Syria and the Hauran, Communicated and edited with notes by John Hogg (Transactions of the Roy. Soc. of Litterat., London 1856, II Serie, V, 243-75). 9. Memoir on the Map of Damascus, Hauran and the Lebanon (Journ. of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. 1856, XXVI, 43-55). 10. A Handbook for Travellers in


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