1770 Nor guardian law were his; nor various skill 1765 1775 Embellish life. While thus laborious crowds The ruling helm; or like the liberal breath 1780 Swells out, and bears th' inferior world along. Nor to this evanescent speck of earth Poorly confin'd, the radiant tracts on high. Are her exalted range; intent to gaze Creation thro'; and, from that full complex 1785 Of never-ending wonders, to conceive Of the SOLE BEING right, who spoke the Word, Her eye; and inftant, at her powerful glance, 1790 Compound, divide, and into order shift, Each Each to his rank, from plain perception up 1795 1800 The final iffue of the works of God, By boundless LovE and perfect WISDOM form'd, And ever rifing with the rifing mind. 1805 AUTUMN. The ARGUMENT. The Jubject propofed. Addrefs to Mr. ONSLOW. A profpect of the fields ready for harveft. Reflexions in praise of industry rais'd by that view. Reaping. A tale relative to it. A barveft form. Shooting and hunting, their barbarity. A view of an orchard. Wall-fruit. A vineyard. A description of fogs, frequent in the latter part of Autumn: whence a digreffion, enquiring into the rife of fountains and rivers. Birds of feafon confidered, that now shift their habitation. The prodigious number of them that cover the northern and western ifles of SCOTLAND. Hence a view of the country. A prospect of the difcoloured, fading woods. After a gentle dusky day, moon-light. Autumnal meteors. Morning: to which fucceeds a calm, pure, fun-fhiny day, fuch as vfually fhuts up the feafon. The harvest being gathered in, the country diffolv'd in joy. The whole concludes with a panegyric on a philofophical country life. |