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this Article our opponents have subscribed. But Machias is the nighest the centre, the Inhabitants are numerous and very compact. A Court could be better accommodated there, than at any other settlement in the propos'd district; and Hundreds of strangers could be there entertained. Our Meeting-house could be converted into a Court-house and the Block-house to a Goal. Let it be taken in any view, Machias is the most suitable place, best situated, most inhabited, and nighest the centre.

4th As the Delegates in their Representation, have not given any reason or objected against having a Court of Probate and Register of Deeds, we must infer they acquiesce therein.

5th The exertion of Machias (with the assistance rec'd from the honble Legislature) was the means of preserving to this State, all the Country east of Penobscot; for had we not held out against the enemy, or had we come into Mr Shaw's propos'd plan of Neutrality, all the other settlements as far west as Penobscot, (at least,) would have fell to Britain; and the British Ministry would have had foundation for a demand to the right of Territory aforesaid and the American Ministers at Paris, could have made no Plea against it.

The Inhabitants of Machias, mean not to boast of their firm and unanimous affection for their Country, their numerous exertions in its cause or the success which has crowned their faithful efforts: Nor do they plead these as meritorious of some signal favor - They have only done their duty. And as they were firm and determined in War, so they mean and wish to support the Character of good Citizens in Peace, and desire nothing more, than that the honest & industrious should be protected, and the vicious punished.

Stephen Smith, Joseph Libbee
Morris O'Brien, J Noble Shannon
Benj Foster

Machias May 12th 1784


of Correspondence

Stephen Jones Jus" Peces

Petition of Pelatiah Warren and Others.

To the Honourable Senate, & the Honourable, House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,

in General Court Assembled At their May Session, 1784. The Petition of the Subscribers Humbly Sheweth that Your petitioners were cheifly brought up, & Accustomed to Husbandry business, and having but small fortunes to set out in the world with, cannot purchase farms Already Subdued & under Cultivation, & being willing to labour, & do all we can in Clearing, & Cultivating the wilderness.

Therefore pray the Honourable Court would Grant us a Gore, or tract of Land in the County of Cumberland, between the plantations of Bakerstown & Silvester Northwesterly & Southeasterly, & Shepherdsfield, & Androscoggin River Northeasterly & Southwesterly, for what the Same is worth in the present wilderness State it lays in, & such other Restrictions as shall be thought proper. And your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray

May 26, 1784

Pelatiah Warren, Benjamin Parker Jun, Lemuel Megray, Elias Davis, Micah Dyer, James Wagg Jun' Tristram Warren, Daniel Cooper, Tobias Ricker, Benjamin King, John Cutting, Joshua Strout, Nat Gavist, John Winslow William Gerish, Nathaniel Garish, George Garish Jun' Ichabod Warren, Ebenezer Warren, Jacob Lord Jun', Amos Goodwin, John Warren, Andrew Ellet, Edmund Warren, Edmund Neall, Nathaniel Walker, Silas Goodwin, Dominicus Goodwin, Thomas Bragdon 3a, Elisha Hill 34, John Plaisted


James Lunt to John Avery Jr. Esq.

Falmouth Marh 12th 1784

I this day reed yours of ye 1st Inst. informing me of my being Elected Coll' of Excise for ye County of Cumberland,

for the ensuing year; Tis with pleasure Sir,-I Accept the Office; And shall endeavour impartially to Execute the Trust reposed in me.—

I am, sir, your most Obliged, Humb' Servant,

[blocks in formation]

Proceedings of Delegates from Mt. Desert and Other Places.

Att a Meeting of the Delegates legally appointed by the Inhabitants of the Several Townships laying between the river Penobscot and Machias in the County of Lincoln and Commonwealth of Massachusetts at Goulds bourough 20 April 1784 to Consider of a petition from a Number of Inhabitants of Machias and others as is more fully sett forth in an order of the Honble Legislature of Said Commonwealth bearing date the 17th October 1783 Present

James Avery Esq' from Machias, John Bean from frenchman bay, Capt Jos Willson from pleasent River, Cap' Will" Nickells from Narraguagus, James Richardson from Mount Desert Jonathan Stevens from N° 4 Francis Shaw Esq' Col° Nathan Jones Doctor Benj" Allen Mr Thomas Hill from Gouldsbourough

Made Choice of Cap William Nickles Chairman and James Avery Clerk

Moved, by Mr Avery that the present Justices of the Inferiour Court and Justices of the Sessions hold one Term

in the year at N° 4 in Eastern Six Townships, pass'd in Negative Moved, by Mr Avery that a register or Deputy register of Deeds be appointed for this County, pass'd in Negative Moved, that the present Judge of Probate hold two Courts in the Year in this part of the County, pass'd in Negative Voted that Francis Shaw Esq' Doctor Allin and Mr Richardson be a Committee to draw up the Sentiments of this meeting and report the Same.

The Committee Reported a letter to His Excellency the Governor & Hon'ble Lageslative of this Commonwealth— which was read & accepted, and Signed

W Nickles Ch J Avery Clerk (Copy)

Voted that Francis Shaw Esq' & Doctor Allen present said Letter to the Gov & Gen' Court, both or either of which be empowered to attend that Service

Attest Ja Avery, Clerk

Gouldsborough 29 May 1784

By Virtue of the Authority in Us Vessted by the Deligates of the several Towns, laying between the said Rivers Penobscot & Machias, We do hereby Constitute & appoint Henry Alline Esq' of Boston & W" Shaw Esq' of Gouldsborough, or either of them, to Present the Proceedings of this Convention, To His Excell' and their Honors, and to Act in our Behalf

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Fra: Shaw Benj" Alline

Report of Committee.

Common Wealth of Massachusetts

The Committee of both Houses on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Machias & others, a Resolve of the General Court thereon, and the Papers accompanying the same, finding that some further Light is necessary in order to deter

mine the minds of the Committee, beg leave to report that the whole be referred to the next Sessions of the General Court, that the Parties concerned may have an opportunity of furnishing such further evidence as may be necessary

In Senate June 12, 1784

Cotton Tufts p' order

Read & accepted & orderd that the said Petition and papers be referrd accordingly

Sent down for Concurrence

S Adams Presid

In the House of Representatives June 15, 1784

Read and concurred

Sam A Otis Spk

Bill to Establish a Court at Machias.

In the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty four

Whereas the Inhabitants of that part of the County of Lincoln Eastward of Union River labour under peculiar difficulties, (when obliged to attend the Courts of Common pleas and General Sessions of the peace for said County which are now holden at Pownalborough only; And Whereas) for the security of their purchases of Real Estate, and the distribution and settlement of the Estates of any deceased among themand for the doing and transacting of many matters and things relative thereto they are obliged with great expence and trouble-frequently to repair to Pownalborough in which place alone the Court of the Judge of Probate and for granting Letters of Administration &ca for said County, and the Office of Register of Deeds is now held and kept; And Whereas every subject of a good Government ought to obtain Right and Justice with the least possible trouble and

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