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what Burgundy (at least of two livres a bottle, which was fuch as I had been drinking) could have produced.

Juft God! faid I, kicking my portmanteau afide, what is there in this world's goods which should fharpen our spirits, and make fo many kind-hearted brethren of us, fall out fo cruelly as we do by the way?

When man is at peace with man, how much lighter than a feather is the heaviest of metals in his hand! he pulls out his purfe, and, holding it airily and uncompreffed, looks round him, as if he fought for an object to fhare it with. In doing this, I felt

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every veffel in my frame dilate— the arteries beat all cheerily together, and every power which fuftained life, performed it with fo little friction, that 'twould have confounded the most physical precieuse in France with all her materialifm, she could fcarce have called me a machine

I'm confident, faid I to myself, I fhould have overfet her creed.

The acceffion of that idea, carried nature, at that time, as high as the could go I was at peace with the world before, and this finished the treaty with myfelf


-Now, was I a King of France, cried I-what a moment for an orphan to have begged his father's portmanteau of me!




HAD scarce uttered the words, when a poor monk of the order of St. Francis came into the room to beg fomething for his convent. Not man cares to have his virtues the fport of contingencies-or one man may be generous, as another man is puiffant-fed non quo ad hanc-or be it as it may-for there is no regular reafoning upon the ebbs and flows of our humours; they may depend upon the fame caufes, for aught I know, which influence the tides themselves-'twould oft be no dif

credit to us, to fuppofe it was fo I'm fure at leaft for myself, that in many a case I should be more highly satisfied, to have it faid by the world, "I had had an affair with the moon in which there was neither fin nor fhame," than have it pafs altogether as my own act and deed, wherein there was fo much of both.


-But be this as it may. moment I caft my eyes upon him, I was predetermined not to give him a fingle fous; and accordingly I put my purse into my pocket-button'd it up-set myself a little more upon my center, and advanced up gravely to him: there was fomething, I fear, forbidding in my look: I have his

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