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every tittle of what she had faid-fo looking back, and feeing her ftill standing in the door of the shop, as if to look whether I went right or not return'd back, to afk her whether the first turn was to my right or left for that I had abfolutely forgot. Is it poffible! faid fhe, half laughing.-'Tis very poffible, replied I, when a man is thinking more of a woman, than of her good advice.

As this was the real truth-she took it, as every woman takes a matter of right, with a flight curtsy.

-Attendez, faid fhe, laying her hand upon my arm to detain me, whilft fhe called a lad out of the

[blocks in formation]

back-fhop to get ready a parcel of gloves. I am juft going to fend him, faid fhe, with a packet into that quarter, and if you will have the complaifance to ftep in, it will be ready in a moment, and he fhall attend you to the place.-So I walk'd in with her to the far fide of the shop, and taking up the ruffle in my hand which the laid upon the chair, as if I had a mind to fit, she fat down herself in her low chair, and I inftantly fat myself down befide her.

-He will be ready, Monfieur, faid fhe, in a moment-And in that moment, replied I, moft willingly would I say something very civil to you for



all these courtefies. Any one may a cafual act of good-nature, but a continuation of them fhews it is a part of the temperature; and certainly, added I, if it is in the fame blood which comes from the heart, which defcends to the extremes (touching her wrift) I am furé you must have one of the best pulses of any woman in the world-Feel it, faid fhe, holding out her arm. So laying down my hat, I took hold of her fingers in one hand, and applied the two fore-fingers of other to the arterymy

-Would to heaven! my dear Eugenius, thou hadft paffed by, and beheld me fitting in my black coat, and in my lack-a-day-fical manner,

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counting the throbs of it, one by one, with as much true devotion as if I had been watching the critical ebb or flow of her fever How wouldst thou have laugh'd and moralized upon my new profeffion I and thou fhouldft have laugh'd and moralized on-Truft me, my dear Eugenius, I fhould have faid, "there "are worfe occupations in this world. "than feeling a woman's pulse."-But a Griffet's! thou wouldst have faidand in an open shop! Yorick

-So much the better: for when my views are direct, Eugenius, I care not if all the world faw me feel it.




HAD counted twenty pulfations, and was going on faft towards the fortieth, when her husband coming unexpected from a back parlour into. the fhop, put me a little out in my reckoning.'Twas no-body but her husband, fhe faid-fo I began a fresh fcore-Monfieur is fo good, quoth fhe, as he pafs'd by us, as to give himself the trouble of feeling my pulfe-The husband took off his hat, and making me a bow, faid I did him too much honour-and hav


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