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the product of an ordinary acre of hay, six hundred bushels of carrots, as a crop ordinarily made, and again without reference to the cost of cultivation.

It is not that we mean to controvert the conclusions which this writer comes to.They may be perfectly correct for ought we know, but we deprecate this flippant way of settling vexed questions, and the readiness with which mere assertion is received on the authority of even "an old correspondent."— Weekly Sun.

The Turf in England.

A London correspondent of the Field, Turf, and Farm, in describing the late closing scenes of last year's racing campaign in England, says the "sport was second rate; but as if to make amends for this, betting raged fast and furious, as though backers were resolved to make the most of the last opportunity to recoup themselves for the disasters of a most unpropitious season. He concludes as fol lows:

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The Marquis of Hastings must have won at least £60,000 in stakes and bets by Lady Elizabeth alone, during the present year, and yet I should say that his balance is decidedly on the wrong side. Altogether, indeed, the past two Newmarket meetings have been most favorable to the bookmakers, and corresponding disastrous to backers, the latter of whom, with one or two exceptions, have been frightfully "hard hit." The result was an extremely bad "settlement" at Tattersalls on Monday last, when several large "accounts were conspicuous by their absence, and the state of things prevailed to such an extent that some of the leading bookmakers did not hesitate to stigmatize the "settling" as one of the worst on record. I know for a fact that one of the "biggest" members of the ring, who had to receive the modest little balance of £12,000 on the week, after meeting all demands on himself took £10,000 with him to Tattersalls, and returned home with only £8,000 in his pocket. One well-known owner and one of the most inveterate “plungers" of the day, who has hitherto been most punctual in his engagements did not put in an appearance at all, either personally or by deputy, but doubtless everything will be "made pleasant" before next Monday.

Imported Poultry.

We have just inspected a valuable lot of poultry, imported into Philadelphia by D. W. Herstine, one of the prominent exhibitors at our recent poultry exhibition at Eleventh and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. They arrived from England by steamer on the 21st ult., having been selected without regard to cost, among the prize birds, and they constitute probably the most valuable importation of the kind which has been made into Philadelphia for many years. They comprise the following: A white Dorking cockerel, own brother to the first prize Birmingham bird.

Two pullets, white Dorking, second prize of Bellevue show.

One silver gray Dorking cockerel, third prize at Birmingham.

Two pullets, gray Dorking, first prize at Ulverstone.

One buff Cochin cockerel, the winner of five first prizes.

Two buff Cochin pullets.

One Brahma Pootra cockerel, second prize at Leeds.

Two Brahma Pootra pullets, first at Manchester.

We have never seen so splendid a lot of poultry, and where all are so superior, it is difficult to particularize; but the buff Cochin cockerel, who had obtained five first prizes, was of extraordinary proportions, and in fine plumage, lofty carriage, and general appearance, seemed to overtop his comrades, if that were possible.

The Brahmas were of the gray variety, more known abroad, perhaps, than here, and had some peculiar excellencies and points, which will be novel to many of our poultry fanciers. They were very large, and beautifully marked with great regularity.

Such an importation as this, of four distinct and well determined breeds, will be invaluable as standards for comparison-showing what has been attained abroad, where the breeding of all kinds of domestic animals has been reduced to more of a scientific system than here. That class of persons, so apt to remark at our exhibitions "that they have better stock at home," would probably conclude differently after seeing these magnificent imported specimens of our friend Herstine. They arrived in excellent condition.-Practical Farmer.

Sunday Reading.

If a man is not rising up to be an angel, depend upon it he is sinking downward to be a devil; he cannot stop at the beast. The most savage men are not beasts; they are worse, a great deal worse. I have observed

that when a man who once seemed a Chris

tian, has put off that character, and resumed his old one, he loses together with the grace which he seemed to possess, the most amiable part of character he resumes. The best features of his natural face seems to be struck out; that, after having worn religion only as a handsome mask, he may make a more disgusting appearance than he did before he assumed it.

What Christ said of the evil spirit in a wicked man, may be said of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a penitent and faithful Christian. When he finds the house of the soul clean, and swept, and garnished, then He comes and brings with Him seven other spirits of grace, and dwells in it.

The Holy Ghost abhors uncleanness; will not come near to a defiled soul. Repentance sweeping the house, and scouring it clean and casting out all that defiles, presents it in a clean state, that so the Holy Ghost may enter into it, and fill it bounteously with all His good gifts.

The miraculous food which the apostles dispensed, neither gained nor lost any portion of the virtue, which Christ hath infused into it, through their personal merits or demerits; but increased, and grew, and nourished and sustained those who received it from the hands of the traitor Judas, as effectually as that which was distributed by St. Peter, or the beleved Apostle himself. And if we would receive the gifts of grace aright, evident it is, that we must seek them in the way of Christ's appointment; looking not in the smallest degree to the personal worthiness of the minister, but wholly and solely to Him, from whom the sacraments derive all their efficiency and virtue, and who alone is able to bless them to the strengthening and refreshing of our souls.

There is, and ever will be, a mixture in the church, till the great day of separation comes. There are good only in heaven; bad only in hell; this state admits a mixture of citizens of both cities.

Adam's family was the one, and only visible church for a time; therein there was a

Cain, as well as an Abel; both sacrificed, though both where not sanctified. In Abraham's family (a visible church) there was an Ishmael, as well as an Isaac. In Isaac's house an Esau, as well as a Jacob. Among the Patriarchs (Jacob's issue) Simeon and Levi,

with Joseph and Benjamin. In Noah's ark, Judas among the Apostles, a Nicholas among a type of the church, there was a Ham; a

the deacons

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Concerning that faith, hope and charity, without which there can be no salvation, was there ever any mention made, save in that law, which God Himself hath revealed from heaven? There is not in the world a syllable muttered with certain truth, concerning any of these three; more than hath been supernaturally received from the mouth of the Eternal God.

There is no necessary part of our faith, couched in figurative language which Holy Scripture does not somewhere else plainly. open in its literal meaning.

The life of every wicked person is prolonged, either for the purpose of his own amendment or, for the trial, through his instrumentality, of the good.

Hell is a barren place. Nothing grows in that land of darkness to solace and recreate the owner's mind. You shall have your lusts, but want the food you long for.

WOOL-We quote: Unwashed, 28a30 cts.; Tub-washed, 38a42 cts.; Pulled 30a36 cts.; Fleece -a- cts. per lb. CATTLE MARKET.-Common, $6.75a7 50, Good to fair,

$7 50a8.50; Prime Beeves, $10 00a11.00 per 100 lbs. Sheep-Fair to good sheared, 5%a7%; extra unsheared, Hogs-$12.50a14.25 per 100 lbs., net.

HOW TO KEEP BUTTER SWEET.-It is the easiest thing in the world. Simply put it in clean jars, and cover with a strong brine.This will keep pure butter a year, fresh and sweet, as we know by experience. It is al-7%a8% cts per lb., gross. most equally good to put in oak casks, headed tight. This is equivalent to canning fruit. The brine, in the case of the jars, acts as a heading, keeping the air out. But butter should be made well; we have never experimented on poor butter. Work out the buttermilk till you have only pure "beads," clear as rain water; but do not work so much as to break the grain, in which case you have a tough, heavy article in winter, and grease in summer. Such butter we advise no one to try to preserve.-Rural World.

Baltimore Markets, May 23, 1868.
COFFEE. Rio, 13a17% ets. gold, according to quality;
Laguayra 16a17 cts., and Java 23a24 cts., gold.
COTTON. We quote prices as follows, viz:


Good do...

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Low Middling........................29a30

FERTILIZERS.-Peruvian Guano, $80; California $70? Rodunda Island $30; Patapsco Co's $60 Reese & Co's Soluble Pacific Guano, $56; Flour of Bone, $c0; G. Ober's (Kettlewells) AA Manipulated, $70; A do. $60; Ammoniated Alkaline Phosphate, $55; Alkaline Phos. $45; Baltimore City Company's Fertilizer, $40; do., Flour of Bone, $60; do., Ground Bone, $45; do., Poudrette, $25; Baugh's Raw-bone Phosphate, $56; Baugh's Chicago Bone Fertilizer, $46; Baugh's Chicago Blood Manure, $50; Maryland Powder of Bone, $46; Rhodes' SuperPhosphate, $55; Lister's Bone Super-Phosphate $55; Ber ger & Butz's Super-Phosphate of Lime, $56; Andrew Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime, $60;-all per ton of 2,000 lbs.; Pure Ground Plaster, $13.50a$14.00 per ton, or $2 50 per bbl. Shell Lime slaked, 6c., unslaked, 10c.

per bushel, at kilns.

FLOUR.-Howard Street Super, $10 25a11.00; High Grades, $12 25a13.00; Family, $13.25a14.00; City Mills Super, $10.00a11.25; Baltimore Family, $15.75a16.25.

Rye Flour and Corn Meal.-Rye Flour, $9.75a10.00; Corn Meal, $5.75a6.00.

GRAIN.Wheat.-Good to prime Red, $2.85a3.00; White, $2.80a2.90.

Rye.-$2.00a2.10 per bushel.

Oats.-Heavy to light-ranging as to character from 86 a97c. per bushel.

Corn.-White, $1.13a1.17; Yellow, $1 22a1.25 per


HAY AND STRAW.-Timothy $22a24, and Rye Straw $per ton.

PROVISIONS.-Bacon.-Shoulders, 14a00 cts.; Sides, 16a17 cts.; Hams, Baltimore, 20a22% cts. per lb.

SALT.-Liverpool Ground Alum, $1.95a2 05; Fine, $2.90 a$3.00 per sack; Turk's Island, 50a55 cts. per bushel. SEEDS.-Timothy $0.00a0.00; Clover $0.00a0.00; Flax $2 80a2.85.

TOBACCO. We give the range of prices as follows:

Frosted to common............................................................ $3 75a 4.50
Sound common.......................................................... 4.50a 5.00
Good to fine brown.....................................................


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7.50a 9.50 10 00a15.00 17.00a25 00 3.00a30.00

Upper country.............
Ground leaves, new ...................................................... 4.00a13.00


Inferior to good common............................................. 4.00a 6.00
Brown and greenish........................................................
Medium to fine red and spangled

Fine spangled

7.00a 8.00


Fine yellow and fancy ............................................. 20.00a30.00

Wholesale Produce Market. Prepared for the American Farmer by Hewes & WARNER, Produce

and Commission Merchants, 18 Commerce street.

BALTIMORE, May 23, 1868.
BUTTER-Western solid packed 25a35 and Roll 2325;
Glades, 33a35; Goshen, 33a36.
BEESWAX--38a40 cts.

CHEESE.-Eastern, 16a18; Western, -a—
DRIED FRUIT.-Apples, 6 to 8; Peaches, Sa10%.
EGGs-21 cents per dozen.

FEATHERS.-Live Geese, 60 to 80 cents.

LARD.-Western, 19a20; City rendered, 20a21 cts.
TALLOW.-12a12 cents.

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Lead Encased Block Tin Pipe-Colwell's, Shaw and Willard Mfg Co.

Zero Refrigerator-Alex. M. Lesley.

Farm For Sale-American Farmer Business Agency.
Poultry Powder-G. W. Rittenhouse & Co.
Tobacco Worms-C C. Henry.

Cure for Heaves in Horses-Francis K. Harley, V. S.
American Fruit Preserving Powders-L. P. Worrall
Gray's Double-Cased Bee Hive-A. Gray.
Seed Wheat-George A. Deitz.
Wanted-Agents-J. Ahearn & Co.
Hampshire-Down Sheep-Robert Morrell.
Sewing Machines-Fred. W. Wild,

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July, 1867, to June, 1868.

See Monthly Farm Work, Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Garden, of each number, for
subjects not alphabetically indexed.

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