Abbildungen der Seite

makes 330 lbs. of potatoes and 58 lbs. of oats equivalent to 100 lbs. of hay. If we compare the equivalent values of different species of food; deduced from actual feeding of animals, we find the confusion even worse confounded. Block makes 216 lbs. of potatoes equivalent to 100 lbs. of hay; Petri, 200 lbs.; Meyer, 150 lbs. Block found 39 lbs. of oats equivalent to 100 lbs.; Petri, 71 lbs.; Thaer, 86 lbs.; Pbaes, 60 lbs.; Scheveitzer, 37 lbs. I have searched industriously for chemical or experimental researches in this country, with which to compare the discordant results of Europe, but I am compelled to confess that if such exist, I have been unable to find them.

Chemical analysis indicate that timothy has twice as much muscle making nutriment, and twice and a half as much fat making nutriment, as sweet-scented vernal grass. It has 25 per cent. more muscle making power than Kentucky blue grass, or than Fescue grass; but I cannot find

Hints on Manures.

We reproduce some useful hints, for which we are indebted to a practical man, whose experience has authorized him to give his opinions. It will be observed that he economizes and preserves, in the best manner, the manure from horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, all under a uniform system of management. While exception may be taken to some points of his practice, it cannot be denied that on the whole it deserves high commendation: First, the horse stable is kept well littered with dry leaves, applied, sometimes, as often as once a week; at others, only once a fortnight. When the stalls get about twelve inches deep in manure,

they are emptied by first throwing the manure into the stable passage with the dung forks, and then carrying it in wheelbarrows into an adjoining shed, to remain until wanted for the land. This removal and spreading checks the fermentation and the consumption by fire fang, to which that this has ever been verified experimentally management, and saves it from being sobbed with stable manure is liable, except under careful either in Europe or America.


rain water.

The cattle are penned on the same spot every

We learn from analysis of Mr. Salisbury, that night in the year, in a square yard, with an open

100 lbs. of the Ohio Deut corn contains 8.58 lbs. of flesh forming principles, and 60.34 lbs. of fat and heat forming principles-while 10 lbs. of the small eight-rowed corn contains 13.80 lbs. of flesh forming, and 44 lbs. of fat and heat forming principles. Now, if such difference really exist in these varieties, farmers may make a great deal of money by knowing it. But they do not know it, or even suspect it; with them, a bushel of corn is worth a bushel of any other corn, just as much as one gold eagle is worth another; and yet we see, if Mr. Salisbury's analysis is reliable, 100 lbs. of the eight-rowed corn will lay 25 per cent. more muscle upon a hog or a bullock than

the Ohio Deut.

There is not a single experiment upon record which has, for its object, the verification of this chemical indication by actual feeding. If the fact were once reliably proved, the knowledge would be worth half a million dollars annually to the farmers of the State.


If a load of horse manure, a load of cow manure, and a load of hog manure, should be offered to a farmer, each at a specified price, he could not tell which would be the cheapest.There is not a farmer in the State that knows exactly what profit he can make upon a load of any kind of manure.-From Address of J. Stanton Gould.

shed on its north side, fifteen feet wide. This shed and lot are regularly littered, and the manure never disturbed but three times in the year.

The sheep lot adjoins both horse and cow lots, and is regularly littered, and the sheep are penned in it every night in the year. This lot has also a house on the north side, and in this house the sheep are salted three times a week, the year round, and fed every night during the winter.

To the objectiou made to penning on the same spot throughout the year it is answerable that sheep are not safe from dogs in the fields or in the hurdles, but are safe in a lot immediately adjoining the other stock. It is also objected that the labor of moving the pens and hurdles during the busy season makes it liable to be neglected.

Into the horse lot, which is also littered, the hogs are called and fed every night, if it is only a nubbin to each. Here they sleep, and are turned out every morning. In the winter, the hogs fattened to kill are penned upon leaves, and then a load of manure is made to every hog, and the loads are always a four horse wagon body full.

The chicken coop is littered with a little fine straw, occasionally sprinkled with lime, (plaster would be better,) charcoal dust or ashes. This is considered equal to guano, pound for pound, but rarely finds its way to the farm, being thought the best manure for onions, tomatoes, Irish potatoes, &c.

Behind the stable is a pen built of logs, into which is thrown occasionally a load of leaves, and upon these leaves are thrown all the leached ashes of the farm, all the dead chickens, pigs, rotten eggs, sweepings of the house-yard, soapsuds, now and then a peck of salt, the slops from the chambers daily, and all kinds of bloody water or slops that the hogs will not eat.

The manure is never touched till it is dry, and only hauled out when the land is dry. In this way the loads seldom contain less than eighty bushels.

The manure is never put down in heaps, or little conical piles, to be scattered hereafter. It is scattered from the wagon broadcast, and ten or twelve wagon loads cover an acre; of horse lot manure, only trampled leaves, twenty wagon loads are put on; of good dry and pulverized stable manure, about eight hundred bushels, or eight to ten wagon loads per acre.

We have given these items of manure management as an example for large or small farmers, who have heretofore been careless in the matter. Some extra work of course will be required to supply the large amount of litter. One hand on a large farm would be sufficient for the purpose and do a good many other useful jobs. On a grain farm, a proper use of the straw and stalks will amply supply the place of leaves. Not only will a great quantity of good manure be manufactured, but the stock of every description will be greatly benefitted by the abundant littering.

cay of corn stalks and coarse straw. But it should be protected from rain. Some farmers pitch long manure in the wagon with horse forks. But I never could perceive that the practice would pay, because a horse fork will not hold as much as a horse is capable of elevating. It is easy for any one to try the experiment, which will soon satisfy all anticipations or doubts on this subject.-North British Agriculturist.


A correspondent of the Germantown Telegraph gives the following sensible advice:

"A majority of farmers do not attach importance enough to the subject of saving and making manure and compost. To them manure and labor are what capital and credit are to the merchant. They think they cannot afford to pay five and six dollars per cord for manure, and it does seem a high price; but one thing they can do, they can take better care of what they have, and prevent the waste of what is the most valuable part. Many hog pens are built on sloping ground, the manure sinking away to some drain and lost. Now with proper care the manure of every hog raised and fattened is worth twenty dollars to put in corn hills. It is better not to let hogs wallow in the manure, as most of farmers do, with the view that the hogs will work fine the coarse trash generally thrown into the pen. Make a tight board floor to the pen to prevent the leakage of the urine and manure, then throw in the absorbents, such as weeds, straw, shavings, sawdust, leaves, chip dirt, briers, and in fact almost fine hickory brush, clean the sty out once a week, and throw the manure into a square pile, exposed to all the rain that falls, and in a dry time keep the manure moist by the addition of water, or cover with damp earth to prevent the "blue blazes." By this arrangement, with ten hogs and plenty of material, a farmer will make near two hundred dollars' worth of manure ready for the land in good condition, and have better hogs than if he allowed them to wallow at pleasure in the mass.

Forking Barnyard Manure Over. This is essential to rotting well. When corn stalks, straw and ordure of animals are all trod down firmly during the winter and spring, the air is effectually excluded, and the material will not rot until it has been forked over, were it to remain there for a year or more. If it is loosened up so that the air can circulate among it, the entire mass will decay in a few weeks, so that it will be easy to pitch and spread it. Now, the most expeditious manner of pitching manure up clean from the bottom is to do the greater portion of it with a horse fork. Set up three long poles as for pitching hay on a round stack, and make a hole down to the bottom of the manure first; then thrust the tines of the horse fork under the manure, and turn it up in large rolls, and tear it to pieces with hand forks. Horse forks are of great service where the manure is very long. After it has rotted, a man, or two men, can pitch much faster by hand. If barnyard manure remains in the yard all summer, it should always be forked over to facilitate the de- ' flavor.

CHARCOAL FOR TURKEYS.-A California paper says a recent experiment has been tried in feeding charcoal for fattening turkeys. Two lots of four each, were treated alike, except for one lot finely pulverized charcoal was mixed with mashed potatoes and meal, on which they were fed, and broken pieces of coal also plentifully supplied. The difference in weight was one and a half pounds each, in favor of the fowls supplied with coal, and the flesh was superior in tenderness and

Sunday Reading.

The militant and the triumphant are not two churches; but this the porch, and that chancel of the same church, which are under one head, Jesus Christ so the joy and the sense of salvation, which the "pure in heart" have here, is not a joy severed from the joy of heaven, but a joy that begins in us here, and continues, and accompanies us thither, and then flows on, and dilates itself to an infinite expansion; the plenary consumation thereof being respited till we "see God."

It is no brag to say that the ministry of the gospel is more glorious than that of the law. God would have everything in the last temple more glorious than in the first, which was figured by the outward frame; more glorious in Christ's time than that of Solomon, as that was beyond the tabernacle. This is a "better testament." That had the shadow-this is the substance.

No bound or measure can be assigned in the reception of divine grace, as is the case of earthly benefits. The holy spirit is poured forth copiously, is confined by no limits, is restrained by no barriers: He flows perpetually; He bestows in rich abundance. Let our hearts only thirst, and be open to receive Him, as in proportion to the capacious faith we bring, will be the abounding grace we receive.

Nothing can be our happiness in this life, but what is to be the foundation of it in the next. If I cannot serve God and my Saviour with delight, and make a kind of heaven of it here, He has no other heaven for me hereafter.

Make not the hungry soul sorrowful; defer not the gift to the needy; for if he curse thee in the bitterness of his soul, his prayer shall be heard of Him that made him.

Praise for pensiveness, thanks for tears, and blessing God over the floods of affliction, makes the most melodious music in the ear of heaven.

How did the martyrs glory in their sufferings for Christ? calling their chains of iron chains of gold, and their manacles bracelets.

The tree of life, said the holy Hyperichus, grows in heaven; and humility is the grace that climbs and touches the top of it.

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FERTILIZERS.-Peruvian Guano $80; Patapsco Co's $60 Reese & Co's. Soluble Pacific Guano, $65; Flour of Bone $60, G. Ober's(Kettlewells) AA Manipulated,$70; A do. $60; Ammoniated Alkaline Phosphate, $55; Alkaline Phos. $45; Baltimore City Company's Fertilizer, $40; do., Flour of Bone, $60; do., Ground Bone, $45; do., Poudrette, $20; Baugh's Raw-bone Phosphate, $56; Maryland Powder of Bone, $50; Andrew Coe's Super-Phosphate of Lime, $60; -all per ton of 2,000 lbs.; Pure Ground Plaster, $13.50a $14.00 per ton, or $250 per bbl. Shell Lime, slacked, 6c., unslacked, 10c. per bushel, at kilns.

FISH.-Mackerel.-No. 1, $8aa8.50; No. 2, No. 3,-. Herrings -Labrador,

-; Potomac and Susqueh'na, ————————~; Codfish, 5a5 cts. per lb. FLOUR.-Howard Street Super and Cut Extra, $10.25a

; Family, $14.50a15.50; City Mills Super, $9.00a 11.00; Baltimore Family, $17.00.

Rye Flour and Corn Meal.-Rye Flour, new, $7.75a 8.25; Corn Meal, $5.75a6.00.

GRAIN.Wheat.-Good to prime Red, $2 20a2.50; White, $2.35a$2.50.

Rye.-$1.30a$1.40 per bushel.

Oats.-Heavy to light-ranging as to character from 84 a86c. per bushel-bulk.

Corn.-White, $1.06a$1.07; Yellow, $1 06a


HAY AND STRAW.-Timothy $26a28, and Rye Straw per ton.


DRIED FRUIT.-Apples, 6 to 7; Peaches, 10 to 12.
EGGS-23a25 cents per dozen.

FEATHERS.-Live Geese, 70 to 80 cents.

LARD.-Western, 12a13; City rendered, 12a14 cts. TALLOW.-10all cents.

POTATOES.-New, $4.25a$4.75 cents per bushel.

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Hints on Manures......

Forking Barnyard Manure Over.... Compost.

Sunday Reading.....

6.00a 8.00 10 00a15.00 17.00a25 00 3.00a30.00 3.00a5.00

3.00a 6.00

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Book Table.......

The "Moral Bearings" of Tobacco Culture.... Catalogue......

A Maryland Milk Dairy Farm...............

The Power of a Growing Tree..........................................

Too Rich for Wheat........





[ocr errors]




Why Scalded Meal is More Nutritious than Raw Necessity for More Reliable Experiments..








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Brown and spangled....

[blocks in formation]

$1.50a 3.00

Ville's Chemical Manures..

3.50a 4.00

[blocks in formation]


"The seed must die, before the corn appears
Out of the ground, in blade and fruitful ears.
Low have those ears before the sickle lain
Ere thou canst treasure up the golden grain.
The grain is crushed, before the bread is made;
And the bread broke, ere life to man conveyed.
Oh! be content to die, to be laid low,
And to be crushed, and to be broken so."

Editorial Gossip from the Farm. GOOD FARMER: This monthly "Gossip" professes to be a free talk with your readers, and not mere "tattle" let us hope. The dictionaries define gossip "trifling talk," and a gossip, "a trifling talker;" but do you know that its early meaning was a "Sponsor in Baptism?" Mr. Trench should put it on his list of word-histories, and tell us how it came to pass that what in the beginning expressed a solemn promise and vow to God, has become in these latter days trifling talk. Have the vows of god-fathers and godmothers come indeed to this complexion?

But this is not agricultural; neither are the beautiful lines at the top of the page agricultural. But I make free, at least on this page, to deviate from the ruder way of the merely practical to gather a flower here and a fruit there, for the reader's refreshment. The gem which each month gilds our opening, and the aphorisms for "Sunday Reading," that close each number, are very treasures for those who will use them well. Read again the lines above, and read often our closing page.

It may be necessary, oftener than we suppose, to explain for the benefit of some readers what such and such articles mean, or are designed to teach; as the boy writes under his picture,

Vol. II.-No. 2.

this is a horse; or poor Artemus Ward, when he says "this is rote sarkastikul." I find myself somewhat taken down occasionally by a matter of fact reader, who can't for the life of him see a joke; or, by another, who, supposing it to be the only duty of an agricultural editor to tell him what to do, and what not to do, in all the phases of his agricultural life, takes me to task for prescribing, for instance, so preposterous a practice as digging up every year all the fruit trees in the orchard and moving them to fresh places."

I got a letter from such a friend some time back, which, being mislaid, I could not publish. With a very kind expression of general appreciation, it found fault with several articles as tending to damage the character of the Farmer's teachings. He objected to that headed "Cats and Clover," as being, in his opinion, a "farfetched" conjunction of ideas; failing to see that it was 'rote sarkastikul," and that the very fun of the thing was the "far-fetchedness" of the


Then that matter of moving the fruit trees. The article in question related the experience of an English fruit grower, and his remarkable success in the removal of even full-grown fruit trees, with a material improvement in their bearing. It claimed indeed that the experimenter had found a profit in his practice. The article received credit from the intelligent and experienced editor of the Gardener's Monthly, where we found it. In transferring it to our columns it was not supposed that a single reader would go to work to dig and remove his fruit trees. Had every one of them given it full credit, not one still but would have found that he had something else to do. But was there nothing to be

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