| Sir Charles Hanbury Williams - 1822 - 238 Seiten
...Bath is over all, and blessed be the name of the Lord of Bath. Here endeth the Second Lesson. r 39 OLD ENGLAND'S TE DEUM. WE complain of Thee, O King,...The goodly fellowship of Ministers praise Thee. The Holy Bench of Bishops throughout the land doth acknowledge Thee. Thine honourable, true and steady... | |
 | 1854 - 698 Seiten
...To Thee all Placemen cry aloud, the House of Lords and all the Courtiers therein. To Thee, Carterct and Bath continually do cry. Warlike, warlike, warlike Captain General of the Armies 1 Brunswick and Lunenburgh art full of the brightness of our coin. The venal company of Peers praise... | |
 | 1854 - 598 Seiten
...for so clever a specimen of his comic powers which will as well bear quotation as the following: — We complain of Thee, O King, we acknowledge Thee to...Bath continually do cry. Warlike, warlike, warlike Captain-General of the Armies ! Brunswick and Lunenburgh are full of the brightness of our coin. The... | |
 | John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1854 - 608 Seiten
...Hanoverian. All Hungary doth worship Thee, the Captain Everlasting. To Thee all Placemen cry aloud, the Home of Lords and all the Courtiers therein. To Thee, Carteret...Bath continually do cry. Warlike, warlike, warlike Captain-General of the Armies ! Brunswick and Lunenburgh are full of the brightness of our coin. The... | |
 | Richard Grant White - 1862 - 194 Seiten
...the Captain Everlasting 1 . " We complain of Thee, O King, we acknowledge Thee to be an Hanoverian. " To Thee all Placemen cry aloud, the House of Lords...are full of the brightness of our coin. " The venal companies of Peers praise Thee. "The goodly fellowship of Ministers praise Thee. " The Holy Bench of... | |
 | Philobiblon Society (Great Britain) - 1869 - 386 Seiten
...of Thee, O King ; we acknowledge Thee to be an Hanoverian. To Thee all placemen cry aloud, the Houfe of Lords, and all the Courtiers therein. To Thee Carteret...Bath continually do cry: Warlike, warlike, warlike Captain-general of the armies ! Brunfwick and Lunenburg are full of the brightnefs of our coin. The... | |
 | Octave Delepierre - 1870 - 198 Seiten
...AIl Hungary doth worfl1ip Thee, the captain everlafting. To Thee all placemen cry aloud, the Houfe of Lords, and all the Courtiers therein. To Thee Carteret...Bath continually do cry: Warlike, warlike, warlike Captain-general of the armies ! Brunfwick and Lunenburg are full of thé brightnefs of our coin. The... | |
 | H. N. Fairchild - 2010 - 428 Seiten
...in Old England's Te D eu m : We complain of Thee, O King, we acknowledge Thee to be an Hanoverian. To Thee all Placemen cry aloud, the House of Lords,...The goodly fellowship of Ministers praise Thee. The Holy Bench of Bishops throughout the land doth ackknowledge Thee. Thine honourable, true and steady... | |
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