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can attempt to say what the condition of the United States would have been to-day without his bequest? Well did John Quincy Adams say :

"Of all the foundations of establishments for pious or charitable uses which ever signalised the spirit of the age or the combrehensive beneficence of the founder, none can be named more deserving the approbation of mankind."

In 1835, six years after Smithson's death, the United States legation in London was notified that his estate, amounting in value to about £100,000, was held in possession of the accountant-general of the British Court of Chancery.

As soon as the facts became public, great opposition to the acceptance of the gift arose in Congress. Eminent statesmen, led by Calhoun and Preston, argued that it was beneath the dignity of the United States to receive presents, and that the donor was seeking immortality for too moderate an equivalent. The wise counsels and enthusiastic labours of John Quincy Adams, who seems to have had from the first a thorough appreciation of the importance of the occasion, finally prevailed, and the Honourable Richard Rush was sent to England to prosecute the claim. He entered a friendly suit in the Courts of Chancery in the name of the President of the United States, and obtained, in less than two years, an event unparalleled in the history of Chancery, a favourable decision. The legacy was brought over in the clipper ship Mediator, in the form of 104,960 gold sovereigns. These were delivered September 1, 1838, to the Philadelphia Mint, and immediately recoined into American money, yielding 508, 318.46 dols. as the first instalment of the legacy. This was soon after increased to 515,169 dols., and in 1867, by a residuary legacy of 26,210.63 dols., the total sum derived from the founder's beneficence, which by careful management had been in 1867 increased to 650,000 dols., a sum which, as has already been shown, derives its significance, not from its own magnitude, but from the manner in which it has been utilised to stimulate the interest of the Government, and to draw to itself larger amounts through special appropriations from Congress. At one time in the early history of the Institution a large portion of its fund was in certain State bonds which became worthless. Congress appropriated money to make good the loss, and the permanent fund, which, swelled by recent bequests, now amounts to 911,000 dols., is held as a deposit at 6 per cent. in the United States Treasury.

For eight years the original legacy lay in the Treasury, while the wise men of the nation tried to decide what to do with it. At the time, the adage that in a multitude of counsellors there is wisdom, did not appear to be applicable; yet the delay, though irksome to those who desired to see immediate results, proved to be the best thing for the interests of the trust. Every imaginable disposition of the legacy was proposed and discussed in Congress; the debates fill nearly three hundred and fifty pages of Rhees' compilation of Smithsonian documents. Hundreds of letters advisory, expostulatory, and dissuasive were received from representative thinkers and from societies at home and abroad. Every man had a scheme peculiar to himself, and opposed all other schemes with a vigour proportionate to their dissimilarity to his own. Schools of every grade, from a national university to an agricultural school, a normal school and a school for the blind, were proposed. A library, a botanical garden, an observatory, a chemical laboratory, a popular publishing house, a lecture lyceum, an art museum, any and all of these and many more were proposed and advocated by this voluntary congress of many men of many minds.


The successful organisation of the Institution has been the result of long-continued effort on the part of men of unusual ability, energy, and personal influence. No board of trustees or regents, no succession of officers serving out their terms in rotation could have developed from a chaos of conflicting opinions, a strongly individualised establishment like the Smithsonian Institution. Especially effective in this respect has been the influence of the three men who have in succession held the office of "Secretary." The name of "Secretary," it should be stated, is that which in Washington designates the highest grade of executive responsibility. The Secretary of the Institution makes all appointments on the staff, is responsible for the expenditure and disbursement of all funds, is the legal cusodian of all its property, and, cx officio, its librarian and the eeper of its museum.

The names of Henry and Baird are so thoroughly identified with the history of the Institution during its first four decades, that their biographies would together form an almost complete history of its operations. A thirty-two years' term of uninterrupted administrative service was rendered by one, thirty-seven years by the other. Perhaps no other organisation has had the benefit of so uninterrupted an administration of forty years, beginning with its birth and continuing in an unbroken line of consistent policy a career of growing usefulness and enterprise.

The first meeting of the Board of Regents took place on September 7, 1846, and before the end of the year the policy of the Regents was practically determined upon, for, after deciding upon the plan of the building now occupied, they elected to the secretaryship Prof. Joseph Henry, and thus approved his plan for the organisation of the Institution which had previously been submitted to them.

Henry was a man greatly distinguished in science through his epoch-making discoveries, which had already given to the world the electro-magnetic telegraph, and which form the foundatio

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of all systems of electric lighting and power. From the age of forty-seven to that of seventy-nine, he merged his life in that of the Institution. Prof. Asa Gray has shown so clearly the deep impression which he made upon the organisation while it was yet plastic, that I quote his words as the best explanation of the character of this element in its history:

"Some time before his appointment," writes Prof. Gray, "he had been requested by the members of the Board of Regents to examine the will of Smithson, and to suggest a plan of organisation by which the object of the bequest might, in his opinion, best be realised. He did so, and the plan he drew was in their hands when he was chosen Secretary. The plan was based on the conviction that the intention of the donor was to advance science by original research and publication; that the establishment was for the benefit of mankind generally, and that all unnecessary expenditure on local objects would be violations of the

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1 Self-induction, and the intensity magnet, with which Henry and Faraday subsequently discovered magneto-electricity


His Programme of Organisation' was submitted to the Board of Regents in the following year, was adopted as its governing policy, and has been reprinted in full or in part in almost every annual report. If the Institution is now known and praised throughout the world of science and letters, it is fulfilling the will of its founder and the reasonable expectations of the nation which accepted and established the trust, the credit is mainly due to the practical wisdom, and the catholic spirit, and the indomitable perseverance of its first Secretary, to whom the establishing act gave much power of shaping ends, which as rough-hewn by Congress were susceptible of various diversion. Henry took his stand on the broad and ample terms of the bequest, for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men,' and he never narrowed his mind, and to locality gave what was meant for mankind. He proposed only one restriction, of wisdom and necessity, that in view of the limited means of the Institution, it ought not to undertake anything which could be done,

the publications, the system of international exchanges, and the development of that great system of meteorological observation and weather prediction which has since become the Weather Bureau.

Secretary Baird continued the development of the museum, which had been under his special charge during his twentyseven years of service as assistant secretary, secured the erection of the new museum building, gave much attention to zoological and ethnological explorations and, in connection with his special work as Commissioner of Fisheries, secured the construction of the exploring ship Albatross, and carried on extensive investigations in American waters.

To Secretary Langley is due the establishment of the Nationa Zoological Park and the Astro-physical Observatory, renewed activity in the library and exchange work, and a new system of encouragement of original research in the physical as well as the biological sciences. Under his administration, also, important donations and bequests have been added to the permanent fund of the Institution. The limit of 1,000,000 dols. which may by law be permanently deposited in the United States Treasury at 6 per cent., having nearly been reached, Congress has recognised the authority of the Institution to receive and administer other funds beyond this limit, thus making it possible for it to undertake the administration of financial trusts for any purpose within the scope of its general plan.


(To be continued.)

FIG. 5.-Samuel Pierpont Langley, Third Secretary of the Smithsonian

and well done, by other existing instrumentalities. So as occasion arose he lightened its load and saved its energies by giving over to other agencies some of its cherished work.'

His statue, erected by order of Congress, stands in the Smithsonian Park.

Henry was succeeded in the office of Secretary by Prof. Spencer Fullerton Baird, then the leading authority on the mammals, birds, fishes, and reptiles of America, the founder of the U.S. Fish Commission, and of " public fish culture,' elected in 1878; and he in his turn, by Samuel Pierpont | Langley, pre-eminent as physicist and astronomer, the inventor of the bolometer, the discoverer of a great portion of the infrared spectrum, and a high authority upon the physics of the atmosphere, elected in 1887.

Each of the three Secretaries, in addition to his general administrative work, has made some feature of the general plan peculiarly his own. Secretary Henry gave especial attention to


CAMBRIDGE. A memorial is being circulated for the signature of members of the Senate, asking the Council of the Senate to sanction the formation of a Syndicate to consider on what conditions and with what restrictions, if any, women should be admitted to degrees in the University. It states that "for nearly fifteen years, since February 1881, the University has formally admitted the students of Girton and Newnham to its Honour examinations, and has practically co-operated in their instruction by permitting them to attend the lectures of its teaching staff, and to share the advantages of the University Library and other institutions. At the present time, eight out of the ten universities of Great Britain-viz., the University of London, the Victoria University, the new University of Wales, the four Scottish Universities, and the University of Durhamadmit women to degrees. The result is that the women to whom Cambridge now awards only certificates, feel the inferiority of their position in this respect as compared with that of women who pass the examinations of these other Universities. Further, a committee of the Council of the University of Oxford was appointed some months ago to consider the desirability of granting degrees to the women students at Oxford, whose position is now somewhat similar to that of the students of Girton and Newnham. There seems, in short, to be a danger lest Cambridge-which twenty years ago was acting as pioneer in the movement for extending the advantages of academic education to womenshould be actually the last to grant them the traditional and customary recognition of their work. The conditions under which degrees should be granted require very careful consideration. It is hoped that the syndicate of which we desire the appointment may be able to frame proposals which will command the assent of all who are interested in the academic education of I women."

WE are informed that Mr. N. Busch has not been appointed Director of the Botanic Garden of the University of Dorpat, but assistant to Mr. N. Kuznetzov, formerly Assistant Secretary of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, who has been also appointed Extraordinary Professor of Botany at the same University, instead of Dr. Russow retired.

DR. G. P. GRIMSBY has been appointed to the chair or Geology and Natural History in Washburn University; Dr. W. B. Rankin and C. F. W. McClure have been appointe l to Professorships of Biology in the College of New Jersey; Dr. W. S. Strong has been called to the chair of Geology in Bates College, Lewiston, Maine; and Dr. R. de Girard, privatdocent in Geology at the Zürich Polytechnikum, has been promoted to an Extraordinary Professorship.

AT the annual meeting of the Incorporated Association of Headmasters of Secondary Schools, held on January 8, two resolutions were passed with regard to science teaching, which it is to be hoped may bear fruit in the form of an improved method in many of our schools. At the previous annual meeting a discussion had taken place on the subject; and as a result of this a memorial was sent, in July of last year, to the authorities controlling the Local examinations of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, setting forth the desire that "examining bodies should encourage a more rational method of teaching science" by framing the syllabuses on different lines. A committee was also appointed to consider the subject, and this committee, consisting of men possessed of considerable experience in science teaching in secondary schools, has now presented its report. They agree with all scientific educationists in saying that a large proportion of the time given to science in schools should be occupied by the pupils in performing actual measurements themselves, and that the object should be to impart not only information but chiefly the knowledge of method, and with this object in view, that the instruction should be given in strictly logical order. To serve as a basis of discussion with the University authorities, the committee has put forth an admirable syllabus, which includes the more fundamental portions of physics and chemistry, and (an important point) which indicates what experiments can easily be performed by beginners. The syllabus represents a practical scheme of elementary science which will be appreciated by teachers, and which cannot be too widely adopted. It indicates the manner in which the study of science in schools may be made of true educational value, and in the interests of science it is to be hoped that examining bodies will give it full consideration. Examinations at present dominate our educational system, and it is almost hopeless to attempt to introduce into schools a scheme of instruction that does follow the lines laid down by examiners. But if a syllabus is rational, the teaching which follows it will possess good features. If, therefore, the logical syllabus drawn up by the Committee of the Headmasters Association be adopted by the Delegacy for Local examinations of Oxford and Cambridge, an important step will have been taken in the advance of scientific education in this country.


American Journal of Science, December 1895.-How to find the key-note of auditoriums, by E. Cutter. If a speaker uses the key-note of his auditorium, the audience shows by attitude and attention that it hears what is said. The speaker speaks with ease, and feels his voice impinge upon the farthest walls. The key-note may be found by means of a siren, or by singing, and observing which note resounds most powerfully. The paper contains practical hints of some value to public speakers, but is unscientific in tone and substance.-Stratigraphy of the Kansas coal-measures, by Erasmus Haworth. The different formations lie one above the other in regular order, similar to the order found in other parts of the world. The general character of the shales throughout the whole of the coalmeasures is such that they must have been deposited, in the main, in shallow water, probably ocean-water, as evidenced by the frequency of ripple-marks and other physical properties. The coastal area must have progressed westward as geological

time advanced. The thickness of the Kansas coal-measures cannot be much less than 2500 feet.-Igneous rocks of Yogo Peak, Montana, by W. H. Weed and L. V. Pirsson. Yogo Peak is composed of a core or stock of massive, granular, igneous rock, composed chiefly of augite and orthoclase. The mass shows a progressive differentiation along its east and west axis, with a continual increase in the ferromagnesian elements over the felspathic ones.-A new alkali mineral, by Warren M. Foote. This mineral, named Northupite, after its discoverer, crystallises in regular octahedra, whose diameters rarely reach I centimetre. It is brittle, shows uneven fracture, and a hard

ness of 3'5 to 4. In powdering the mineral a foetid odour is distinctly perceptible. It is easily fusible before the blowpipe, and its analysis indicates it to be a double chloride and carbonate of sodium and magnesium, with traces of phosphoric acid, silica, iron, calcium, and organic matter. It was found in the neighbourhood of the Borax Lake, California.—On the affinities and classification of the Dinosaurian reptiles, by O. C. Marsh. Twelve restorations of Dinosaurs are given, and a relation is traced between them and the Crocodilians.

Wiedemann's Annalen der Physik und Chemie, No. 12.On the origin of frictional electricity, by C. Christiansen. Differences of potential created by contact between two metals were investigated by means of “drop electrodes,” one terminal of the electrometer being connected with the upper reservoir of mercury, and the other with the lower, in which plates of a different metal were immersed. The gas through which the drops fall is of considerable influence. Platinum becomes more positive in hydrogen, and more negative in oxygen. Other metals become more negative in hydrogen.-Dielectric constants of mixtures and solutions, by Ludwig Silberstein. Given two perfect insulators, like benzol and phenylethylacetate, which mix in all proportions and do not contract in the process, the specific inductive capacity of the mixture may be found by taking the sum of the products of the two separate volumes into their specific inductive capacities and dividing by the total volume. This proposition was experimentally proved by Nernst's method, with induction coil and telephone.-On the passage of electricity through gases, by A. Paalzon and F. Neesen. This is the continuation of a highly-interesting paper on various obscure phenomena connected with discharge tubes. The medium in which the discharge tubes were immersed had a decided influence upon them. Immersion in water or alcohol extinguished the glow. This was not due to condensation, since the total current was diminished, and extinction took some time to set in. Electrification of the outer surface of the tube, or discharge of it by a flame or other means, or the approach of a charged piece of sealing-wax-in short, any motion of electricity in the neighbourhood, favoured the internal discharge. -Movable light phenomena in rarefied gases, caused by electric oscillations, by J. Ebster and H. Geitel. In a discharge tube surrounded by a conducting ring put to earth, and touching another conductor connected with a strong induction coil, à pencil of bluish light is formed at a vacuum of o'01 to 0.001 mm. of mercury, ending in an intense green phosphorescent patch next the conductor. tapering as it passes through the ring, and ending somewhere in the gas space. The approach of a conductor or a magnet makes the pencil assume various shapes and positions.


Royal Society, November 21, 1895.-"On the Variable Stars of the Cephei Class." By J. Norman Lockyer, C. B.,

F.R.S. Prof. E. C. Pickering, in his classification of the variable stars, which is based on a study of the light curves (Amer. Acad. Proc., vol. xvi. p. 17), recognises two classes of variables having short periods. His Class IV. includes those variables, exemplified by & Cephei and B Lyræ, in which the light changes are not of very great range, and continue throughout the period. Class V. comprises those like Algol in which there is a temporary reduction of light at minimum, produced by the eclipse of the bright star by a relatively dark companion; this explanation has since been established by spectroscopic investigations, which have shown that there is no change in the spectrum at minimum, and that there is an orbital movement of corresponding period.

Excluding 8 Lyre, which, as shown in the paper, is spectroscopically different from the others so far examined, it will be convenient to refer to the remaining variables of Pickering's Class IV. as those of the ♪ Cephei class, and it is with some of these that the present paper is concerned.

The available spectroscopic data with regard to the & Cephei class were very meagre, and I therefore determined to investigate the spectra photographically, so far as the means at my disposal would permit. Five stars were studied, namely, Aquile, Geminorum, & Cephei, T Vulpeculæ, and S Sagitte. Five very definite results have been arrived at :

(1) The spectra of the five variables of this class which have been photographed are practically identical.

(2) The five variables in question are stars of increasing temperature.

(3) There is a general weakening of the continuous spectrum as the light of the star decreases.

(4) There are no indications of bright-line radiation at the positions occupied by the lines of hydrogen or helium at any part of the period in the case of these variables.

(5) There is no visible doubling of the lines in any of the photographs.

A portion of the spectrum of 8 Cephei, at the time of maximum, is compared with the spectra of y Cygni and Arcturus in the accompanying diagram. These have been enlarged about ten times from the original negatives taken at Kensington.

Taking Arcturus as a representative star of the solar type (Phil. Trans., 1893, vol. 184, A, p. 699), it will be seen that although the spectra of y Cygni and & Cephei resemble it in showing a large number of dark lines, they differ considerably from it in point of detail.

Since the greater part of the foregoing was written, the results of a photographic study of the spectrum of 8 Cephei, with special reference to its movement in the line of sight, have been published by Belopolsky (Imp. Acad. Sc., St. Petersburg Bull., November 1894). Belopolsky differs from me in classing the

report upon the species. It contained 162 specimens, almost all of which were collected in the Indian Seas, from the Persian Gulf to the coast of Australia, during the cruise of H.M.S. Investigator. Fifteen genera were represented, and several new species were described belonging to the genera Chairotenthis, Histiopsis, Abralia, Loliolus and Faonius. The paper was illustrated by original drawings.


Academy of Sciences, January 6.-M. A. Cornu in the chair. M Chatin was elected Vice-President for 1896.The retiring President (M. Marey) announced to the Academy how the vacancies arising in 1895 amongst the members and corresponding members had been filled up.-Note on the

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star as a solar one, although he draws attention to numerous differences between the spectrum of the star and that of the sun. He also finds, as I have found, that there is probably no change of spectrum corresponding to the light changes, except a general change of intensity.

Linnean Society, December 19, 1895.-Mr. W. P. Sladen, Vice-President, in the chair.-Mr. William Scott was elected, and the Rev. T. R. Stebbing, Rev. H. P. Fitzgerald, and Mr. A. W. Geffcken were admitted Fellows of the Society. Mr. W. B. Hemsley exhibited specimens and photographs of Cactea from the Galapagos Islands, and gave an account of some of the more remarkable species.-Mr. George Brebner exhibited and described, with the aid of microscope and lantern slides, several new and rare Algae.-Mr. J. E. Harting exhibited a living specimen of the Snow Bunting (Emberizu nivalis), which had been captured, with several others, off Cape Race on board the s.s. Ottoman in October last, during the voyage from Boston to Liverpool, as mentioned at a former meeting (November 7). -Mr. R. A. Rolfe gave an abstract of a paper entitled "A Revision of the Genus Vanilla," in which some fifty species were enumerated, seventeen of which were new, though five of them had been previously confused with older forms. The plants in this genus were described as tall forest climbers, some of them leafless, found almost throughout the tropics, though generally somewhat local in their distribution. Of the species described, 29 were American, II Asiatic, and 10 African Mr. E. S. Goodrich communicated a report on the collection of Cephalopoda in the Calcutta Museum. He explained that this collection had been forwarded from Calcutta to Prof. Ray Lankester, at whose request he had undertaken to examine and


works of Mr. John Russell Hind, late correspondent of the Astronomical Section, by M. F. Tisserand.-An aneurism of the neck, face, and mouth treated by the sclerogenous method, by M. Lannelongue. An account of the successful treatment of a widespread aneurism by injections of zinc chloride solution (10 per cent.). On the Calendar, by M. Flamant. A criticism of an alteration of the Gregorian rule for finding leap-year, suggested by M. Auric. The alternative proposed by the author, not to consider as leap-years the dates (32) x 100, that is, 3200, 6400, &c., has the advantage of postponing any departure from the Gregorian rule for 1200 years. The length of the mean solar year deduced from this is only two-millionths of a mean solar day in excess of the truth.-On integral invariants, by M. G. Koenigs.-On a method of splitting up some definite integrals into simple elements, by M. M. Petrovitch.On the absolute values of the magnetic elements on January 1, 1896, by M. T. Moureaux. The absolute values and secular variation during 1895 of declination, inclination, horizonal and vertical intensity, and total force are given for the two observatories of Parc Saint-Maur and Perpignan. The action o. nitrogen peroxide on the halogen salts of tin, by M. V. Thomas. The reaction was studied in chloroform solution. Tin tetrachloride gave a crystalline substance of the empirical composition SnCl4. NO. This is hygroscopic, and is decomposed on heating. Tin tetrabromide gave Sn. Br. NO10 as a white powder. The product obtained from the tetraiodide contained no iodine, and had the composition Sn5O1(NO3)2 + 5H2O.-On a mode of decomposition of some amides and amido-compounds, by M. Echsner de Coninck. An account of the results obtained on treating some aromatic amides and amido.

derivatives with an alkaline solution of sodium hypochlorite. -The role of the fever in the evolution of an infectious disease, by M. Cheinisse.—On serotherapy of tuberculosis, by MM. V. Babes and G. Proca. In the case of the animals used, chiefly dogs, immunity to virulent tuberculous injections was effected by treatment with tuberculin in increasing doses for several months, followed by subcutaneous injection in increasing doses of the dead bacilli that had already served for the preparation of the tuberculin.—On the embryonic membranes of the Molgul, by M. A. Pizon.—On the gills of the Tetraclita porosa, by M. A. Gruvel. The oxygenising surface of the gills is enlarged in a peculiar manner; instead of only one lamella, there are from eight to ten, of different sizes, according as they are at the ends or the middle of the gill, each of which is folded on itself in the most irregular fashion.-Note on Mucor and Trichoderma, by M. J. Ray. A description of a new species of mucor, to which the name of Mucor crustaceus is given, and of a parasite much resembling Trichoderma viride. This case of parasitism is accompanied by important modifications, both of the host and of the parasite: in the former, the mineral coating being largely increased, and its spores reduced in number; in the latter, appearance of a continuous structure, and reduction of the fructiferous apparatus.-On the yield of flour from wheat, and on whole-meal bread, by M. Balland.-On some French lakes, by M. A. Delebecque.-On the abyss of Gaping Ghyll, by M. E. A. Martel.



ROYAL SOCIETY, at 4.30.- The Rotation of an Elastic Spheroid: S. S. Hough.-On a Type of Spherical Harmonics of Unrestricted Degree, Order, and Argument: Dr. Hobson, F.R.S.--Memoir on the Theory of the Partitions of Numbers. Part I.: Major MacMahon, F.R.S.-Some Physical Properties of Argon and Helium: Lord Rayleigh, Sec. R.S. LONDON INSTITUTION, at 6.-Experiments with Incandescent Lamps : Prof. Fleming, F.R.S.

LINNEAN SOCIETY, at 8.-On the Fistulose Polymorphine and the Ramuline: Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., and F. Chapman.

SOCIETY OF ARTS, at 4.30.-The Shan Hills: their Peoples and Products : Colonel R. G. Woodthorpe, C.B., R. E.

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BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, and SERIALS RECEIVED Books.-Object Lessons for Infants: V. T. Murché, Vol. : (Myoma?k= -Ethnology: A. H. Keane (Cambridge University Pressi Popular scopic Astronomy: A. Fowler (Philip).-Journal of Microscops and Ne Science, third series, Vol. 5 (Baillière).-The Steam Engine Prt. 1 Cotterill, 3rd edition (Spon).-Folk og Natur i Finmarken: H. RE (Kristiania, Brogger).-A New View of the Origin of Dalton Theory H. E. Roscoe and A. Harden (Macmillan).- Types of Amer Character: G. Bradford (Macmillan),-Wissenschaftliche Abhandi gra der Physikalisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt, Band . (Berlin, Springer Beobachtungen der Russischen Polar Station an der I enamündung, r P1882-84.-Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société Helvétique des Sons Naturelles, Band xxxiv. (Williams).-The Rob--Nur Dian d. F ม Streeter (Bell).-Ostwald's Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, Nto 71 (Leipzig, Engelmann).-The Life and Letters of Gerge Romanes (Longmans).-Discoveries and Inventions of the Net Century R. Routledge, 11th edition (Routledge).

PAMPHLETS.-Some Factors in the Evolution of Adaptations: 4 T Haviland (Porter).-La Théorie Atomique et la Théorie Dual: tryne IN E. Lenoble (Paris, Gauthier-Villars).--Government and Religión để t Virginia Indians: Dr. S. R. Hendren (Baltimore).

SERIALS.-Engineering Magazine, January (Tucker)-Amer, at 1 .. of Science, January (New Haven).-Journal of Anatomy and Pavi January (Griffin).-Verhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Verees urna sischen Rheinlande, &c., 52 Jahrg. 1 Hälfte (Bonn) Per ha Arbeiten, Erster Band. 2 and 3 Heft (Leipzig, Engelmami-Sunt ). zine, January (Newnes),-Strand Musical Magazine, January (NG. American Naturalist, January (Philadelphia).-Journal of the Chee Society, January (Gurney).-Himmel und Erde, January (Berlină – Ben • der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. H., June, September, I Band September 1895 (Williams).-Morphologisches Jahrbuch, 2 Heft (Williams).-Zeitschrift für Wissenschafte Zoologie, li Bay'. . HDitto, Ixi. Band, 1 Heft (Williams).

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