The Art of Rearing Silk-worms. Translated from the Work of Count DandoloJohn Murray, 1825 - 365 Seiten |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
animal appear art of rearing atmosphere bottle boughs boxes cabbage caterpillars calcined cast caterpillars cause Chap chopped chrysalis cleaned climate cloths cold colour Count Dandolo cultivator damp degree of heat disease distributed embryo equal excremental exterior air fagots feed feet fifth age fire-places five ounces four fourth age given grafted mulberry hatched healthy hedge hygrometer inches injure insects laboratory less light litter meal ment mephitic moisture moths moulting mulberry leaf mulberry tree mulberry-tree necessary observed ounce of eggs particularly picked leaves placed portable trays pounds of cocoons pounds of leaves pounds of picked pounds weight proceeding from five produce proportion quantity of leaves rearing silk-worms removed season second age sheets of paper shew shoots silk skin space species square stove stove-room thermometer third age tion tivator torpid vapour ventilators wicker hurdles wicker trays worms proceeding