Abbildungen der Seite

year) to shoot all Tyrolefe who fhould be found with arms in their hands; and to burn every place which fhould contain a fingle inhabitant who had enrolled his name as a defender of his country? That they have forgotten the death of Hoche, by poiion; or the nore recent propofition of the Director LEPAUX to atlatinate Bailleul? Whoever has a wifh to gain a further infight into the conduct of these virtuous Governors, may confult the very brief ab ftract of their crimes, during a fhort period, contained in the three ponderous but imperfect volumes of Citizen Prudhomme. But the object of the Directory in their denunciations of vengeance for a crime of which the authors, we apprehend, are much better known to themfelves than to the Cabinet of Vienna, is manifeft. They conftitute their only means of impofition on their miferable fubjects; their only refource to complete their requifitionary litts; and to extort money for the fubfiftence of themfelves and their troops. Thus we find in he proceedings of the Councils, on the 5th of May, amidst their lamentations for the death of their regicidal. emillaries, it was refolved, "that a War-Tax Should be established to defray the extraordinary expences rendered neceffary by circumflances"-that effectual means thould be taken to compel the conferipts to join the armies; and that every Citizen fhould take anew the OATH of batred to Royalty. It is remarkable that the member who moved these refolutions was the very man whom LEPAUX had propofed to murder Citizen Bailleul! The effect which this appeal, at once ridiculous and fanguinary, is likely to produce on the people of France, there has not yet been time to afcertain; but we are told, in a private letter from the Continent, that the murder of the Envoys "fait plus de bruit que de fenfation."

The fears which we lately expreffed, respecting the fuccefsful diffemination of French principles in America, have been confirmed with more expedition, and to a greater extent, than we had reafon to expect. We have received a variety of important intelligence from that country, of a confidential nature, which tends to fanction the belief that, unless the power of the French Republic be fpeedily and effectually cruthed in Europe, America will become the ally of France, and the enemy of Great Britain. The man whom the found part of the American community had been accustomed to confider as the guardian and protector of the national rights, and the national dignity, has deceived their hopes, and, by a ftep alike unexpected and difgraceful, at once forfeited his own character for confiftency, and paved the way for the degradation, if not the ruin, of the country. The Prefident, Mr. ADAMS, of whom we have frequently spoken in terms of commendation, had repeatedly declared that nothing was to be boped for from the juftice of France; and one of his Metlages contained a folemn_affeveration, that he never would fend another Minifter to treat with France, till HE Should have received ample affurances of his being received as the Minifter of a great, powerful, and independent nation! The principle of thefe declarations was enforced in fubfequent communications to the House of Reprefentatives, and on the 16th of February laft the


Prefident fent that Houfe a copy of a letter from Lord GRENVILLE to Mr. KING, proving the existence of a French decree for putting to death all Americans who thould be found on board fhips belonging to the enemies of France; and he particularly requefted the Houfe to "remember that the arret of the Executive Directory, of the 2d of March, 1797, remains in force, the third article of which fubjects, explicitly and exclufively, American feamen to be treated as pirates, if found on board bips of the enemies of France:" And yet, on the 18th of February, after the interval of a single day, without the intervention of any one public circumitance to induce a change of fentiment or of measures, without the reception of any one of thofe aifurances which had been stated as the fine qua non of farther negociation, this fame Prefident propofed to fend another Minifter to treat with France, with that power who had paffed, and who had not even deigned to repeal, the fanguinary decree, of which he had to loudly, and fo juftly complained. The only pretext urged, as a motive to the adoption of this extraordinary meafure, was that Mr. TALLEYRAND had written a private unofficial letter to Citizen Picbou, Secretary to the French legation at the Hague, which had been privately and unofficially thown to Mr. Murray the American refident at the Hague, containing the fame vague atlertions, and loofe profeflions, which had been repeated over and over again during the negociations at Paris, and which Mr. Talleyrand will, no doubt, difavow whenever he may find it expedient fo to do. This communication, which the Prefident could not, with any regard to propriety, notice, in the opinion of Mr. Adams, afforded "a plaufible appearance of probability of preferving or refloring tranquillity."-This refembles the new invented crime of the French Republic, Soupconn' d'étre suspect! And, on fuch a fandy bafis, has he founded a proceeding which may involve nothing lefs than the fate of his country.

The first perfon nominated by the Prefident to lick the feet of the regicide Directory was Mr. Murray, before mentioned. The Senate, who are veiled with the right of confirming or rejecting the nomination of the Prefident, betrayed a marked difguft at his conduct, and au evident difpofition to exercife their power of negation. But a fecond meffage, ather more qualified, reconciled them to this difgraceful and ruinous meafare. OLIVER ELSWORTH, Efq. Chief Juftice of the United States, and PATRICK HENRY, Efq. late Governor of Virginia, were appointed, jointly with Mr. MURRAY, "Envoys Extraordinary and Minifters Plenipotentiary to the French Republic, with full powers to difcufs and fettle, by a treaty, all controverfies between the United States and France." But it was propofed that the two former fhould not embark for Europe, until they thould have "received from the Executive Directory direct and unequivocal affurances, fignified by their Secretary of Foreign Relations, that they thall enjoy all the prerogatives attached to that character by the law of nations," which the Directory have difavowed)" and that a Minifter or Minifters of equal power thall be appointed and commiflioned to treat with them."


By a conduct fo unworthy of his ftation, the Prefident has forfeited the friendship and efteem of all his former adherents. Thofe who have courage openly condenan hair, while the pufillanimous reprobate his weaknefs in private. The conflict of parties is over, and the French faction is every where triumphant. Of course the fafety of perfons, and the fecurity of property, will speedily ceafe; and anarchy erect her bloody banners on the mangled carcafe of juftice. On the authenticity of our statements the public may repofe implicit reliance; and we are particularly anxious to imprefs thefe truths on the minds of the mercantile world, that they may be led to adopt thofe timely precautions which circumftances feem to require. SuWARROW and PRINCE CHARLES Can alone be the faviours of America. If the French Republic be not annihilated, the United States must fall-the victim of Gallic fraud and Gallic alliance!

As the public are generally interested in the fate of illuftrious perfonages, we fubjoin, for their gratification, the following communication from an American correfpondent, at Philadelphia:

ANTHONY PASQUIN is at New York, in a state of ftarvation. MERRY is dead. He was preparing a work in defence of the Agrarian fyftem.

HAMILTON ROWAN is at Wilmington Delaware, brewing and retailing fpruce beer.

EATON (alias Hog's Wath) is here in rags.

Doctor STOCK is here, in the capacity of lawyer's clerk to the noted caitiff Dallas.

Doctor REYNOLDS lately ftood trial for a riot. A Jacobin jury, packed on purpose, acquitted him.

. Citizen LEE, who formerly lived at the Tree of Liberty, in London, now lives in New York gaol.

PRIESTLEY is kept to his own rocks, by bad roads and empty, pockets.

HIS SON JOE is gone to England.

THE OTHER SOox lives in a log hut at Northumberland, a poor drunken despised wretch.

COOPER, the Preacher of Emigration, lives at the fame place.

His wife has demanded and obtained a divorce from him, his goods were feized by the Sheriff laft autunın; and he is in mife y.

P. S. Since the fummary was written, we have received a feries of American papers, down to the 20th of April; but they contain no public news of importance, nothing that tends to invalidate the accuracy of the preceding ftatement. Unfortunately, our private letters have not yet reached us.

MAY 29, 1799.


We have appropriated more than an ufual portion of our number, this month, to the favours of our correfpondents. But thefe accumulate so fast upon us, that we ftill continue much in arrears. It fhall be our care, however, to give the earliest poffible infertion to all their communications; and we request them to accept this general acknowledgement.

A letter has been tranfmitted to us from a gentleman of Dundee, fuggefting the propriety of a measure which, he will find, we had already adopted. The intelligonce communicated in that letter is highly flattering to us; and we fhall endea vour to deserve the honourable diftinction which we have obtained. Gentlemen refident in Scotland may henceforth be fupplied with the Anti-Jacobin Review, by application to Meffrs. BELL and BRADFUTE, Edinbnrgh; or to Meirs REID and BREST, Glasgow.

We are thankful for the caution of "Anonymous," and fhall carefully attend to his admonitions.

The obfervations of our worthy correfpondent, W. L. B. we shall be glad to receive.

We have received various complaints, from different parts of the kingdom, but more particularly from the Weft of England, respecting the difficulty experienced in obtaining the Anti-Jacobin Review. By fome we are affured that, though the Monthly, the Critical, and the Analytical Reviews are regularly received in due time, the ANTI-JACOBIN cannot be procured until a month after the day of publication; and one friend, on his application for the last number, was told "it was not to be had." On this fubject we have only to obferve, that the difficulties are created folely by interested or difaffected tradefmen, fome of whole names are in our poffeffion, and fhall, if they perfift in their fhameful and dishonest conduct, be published to the world; that the Anti- Jacobin Review is regularly fupplied to the Bookfellers, in London, on the laft day of every month; and that means have been taken to have it published at an earlier period than any other Monthly pro duction. If the public fhould hereafter experience any difficulty in obtaining it, they are earnestly requested to give immediate notice, with an explanation of the circumstances, to the Editor, by a letter addreffed to him, at the Anti-Jacobin Office, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street, London.


The Rev. S. Henfhall has nearly completed his "first part" of the History of South Britain, from Domesday.

Mr. GWILLIM, the author of Bacon's Abridgement, and of an excellent Charge to the Grand Jury at Ely, is far advanced in a work on the very important question of the Law of Tithes.

Two volumes of Moral Reflections, from the pen of Mr. Redhead Yorke, written in confinement, are printing at Dorchester.

A new edition of the Works of Dryden, with his Life, by Mr. MALONE, is in a flate of forwardnefs.



Review and Magazine;

&c. &c. &c.

FOR JUNE, 1799.



ART. I. Pinkerton's Hiftory of Scotland.
(Continued from P. 267, VOL. 11.)

DURING the life of Bishop Kennedy, Scottish affairs

were conducted with prudence and wifdom; but the King was deprived, at fourteen years of age, of the counfels of that eminent Prelate. Young James's own character now began to appear. Very inferior to his father and grandfather in ability and vigour, he was equally defirous of reducing the power of the great Lords. But his habits and pursuits concurred with the deficiency of his genius, in rendering his attempts against the Ariftocracy totally ineffectual. He was governed, during the reft of his reign, by interested and profligate favourites. First, the Boyds engroffed the affection, and directed the measures, of the King, and behaved with great infolence and violence to the other Lords; but he paffed from an indifcreet fondness to hoftility against Lord Boyd, and his adherents. At eighteen years of age, he took the reins of government into his own hands. Of his character, the author, at this period of his narration, gives the following fhort sketch :

"His perfon was elegant, his mind weak. In attachment to favourites, in fuperftition, in love of retirement, and literature, he not a little resembled James VI. The other chief features of his I character


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