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T is the first duty of the Editors to draw attention to the slight alterations that have been made in classification. The former Section VIII (Metre and Style) has disappeared, items concerned with style being disposed of under Literary Criticism, and items concerned with metre forming a new sub-section of Literature General, entitled Study of Metre. Two large subsections (Dialect and Vulgar English) have been classed together as Subsidiary Forms of English and take the place of the old Section VIII. In Section VII the first sub-section has been re-christened Grammars, with two sub-divisions, Historical Grammars and Grammars of Present Day English. It is hoped that these alterations will meet some of the criticisms of the classification.

For the first time a list of Corrigenda appears. For many of the items in it, as well as for helpful criticism, the Editors have to thank Mr R. W. Zandvoort.

In spite of determined efforts to eliminate unimportant items, the Bibliography is somewhat larger this year than last. To increase its size is certainly not one of the aims of the Editors; but they would remind both users and contributors that it is impossible to gauge the importance of a doubtful book or article without reference to it; and that such reference is often out of their power. The Editors are therefore greatly at the mercy of contributors in the matter of both quality and bulk.

The following contributors have most generously given their help: Professor L. N. Broughton, Cornell University (America); Miss Buckhurst, M.A., Miss Robertson, M.A., Miss Sergeantson, D.Phil., Miss Walker, Ph.D., and Miss Whitelock (Britain and Ireland); Dr L. Grootaers, Leuven (Belgium); Professor V. Mathesius, Prague (Czecho-Slovakia); Professor A. Koszul, Strasbourg (France); Mr R. W. Zandvoort, Nijmegen (Holland); Professor P. Rébora, Manchester (Italy); Dr I. Massey, London, Mrs R. Somerset, Oxford, and Dr Egon Mühlbach, Leipzig

(Germany); Professor Eilert Ekwall, Lund (Sweden); Dr G. Hjört and Candmag. Torsten Dahl, Copenhagen (Denmark); Professor U. Lindelöf, Helsingfors (Finland); Mr Gernian Arteta, Madrid (Spain). To all these the Association owes most grateful thanks, but a special expression of gratitude is due to Professor Broughton who alone was responsible for the whole American contribution, almost a third of the entire Bibliography.

The Editors also wish to thank Professor A. C. Baugh for kindly sending a copy of the P.M.L.A. Bibliography of English Language and Literature and the staff of the University Press for the care and skill shown in the printing.

August, 1927.

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