Abbildungen der Seite


Security to be given against the Production of a Claim upon

the Original.

If original afterwards pro

duced it may be detained by the Bank of England, &c.

Counterfeiting or altering, &c. Certificates, &c.


Taking Fees for receiving any

Certificates, &c.

Penalty 201.

thority to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England for the Purposes of this Act, and shall stand in the Place and Stead of the original Certificate, if such original Certificate shall not have been previously found and produced to and acted upon by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England: Provided always, that upon any Loss or Destruction, or alleged Loss or Destruction of any such original Certificate, and on the Production of any such Duplicate Certificate, the Governor and Company of the Bank of England shall, and they are hereby authorized and required to demand and take from the Party or Parties tendering any such Duplicate, full and sufficient Security to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to indemnify the said Governor and Company against the Production of, or any Claim which shall be made under or by virtue of any such original Certificate so lost or destroyed, or alleged to have been lost or destroyed; and if at any time after a Duplicate Certificate shall have been produced and acted upon under this Act, the Original of such Certificate shall be tendered to the said Governor and Company of the Bank of England, it shall and may be lawful for the said Governor and Company, and they are hereby authorized and required to detain such original Certificate, and to cancel the same, and to transmit the same so cancelled to the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, and to deliver up such Security as shall have been entered into touching the said original Certificate to the Party or Parties entering into such Security, or such of them as shall require the same.

XV. And be it further enacted, that if any Person or Persons shall forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or shall willingly act or assist in the forging or counterfeiting, any such Certificate or Duplicate Certificate, or shall alter any Number, Figure or Word therein, or shall alter or publish as true any such false, forged, counterfeited or altered Certificate, with Intent to defraud the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland, or the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or any Body Politic or Corporate, or any Person or Persons whomsoever; every such Person or Persons so forging or counterfeiting, or causing or procuring to be forged or counterfeited, or willingly acting or assisting in the forging or counterfeiting, or altering, uttering or publishing as aforesaid, being thereof convicted in due Form of Law, shall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and shall suffer Death as a Felon without Benefit of Clergy.


XVI. And be it further enacted, That no Fee, Reward or Gratuity whatsoever, shall be demanded or taken of any of His Majesty's Subjects for receiving any such Certificate or Duplicate Certificate, or for paying the said Annuities, or any of them, or for any Transfer of any Sum, great or small, to be made in suance of this Act, upon Pain that any Officer or Person offending, by taking or demanding any such Fee or Reward or Gratuity, shall, for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds to the Party aggrieved, with full Costs of Suit, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of His Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster or Dublin respectively, wherein no Essoign, Protection, Privilege, Wager of Law, In


junction or Order of Restraint, nor any more than One Impar

lance, shall be granted or allowed.

XVII. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall be in Continuance of force for the Term of Three Years, from the Fifth Day of July Act. One thousand eight hundred and twenty one, and no longer.

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An Act to repeal an Act, passed in the Fifty seventh Year
of His late Majesty King George the Third, for regulating
Payments to the Treasurer of the Navy under the Heads
of Old Stores and Imprests, and to make other Provisions
in lieu thereof.
[2d July 1821.]
HEREAS the Regulations contained and provided in and



by a certain Act, made and passed in the Fifty seventh 57 G. 3. e. 12ļ. Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, repealed. intituled An Act for regulating Payments to the Treasurer of the Navy under the Heads of Old Stores and Imprests, have been found by Experience to be productive of much Inconvenience to the Public Service, by reason that all Monies payable on • Account of Old Naval Stores must, in conformity with the said Regulations, be paid to the Cashier of the Bank of England, notwithstanding it may frequently happen at the Out Ports where • Sales of old Stores take place, and the Purchase Money for 'the same is paid, that Monies are then wanted for immediate • Public Services at those Ports, to answer which Services other • Monies must necessarily be remitted from the Navy Pay Office in London, whereby much unnecessary Expence and Risk are 'occasioned to the Public; and it is therefore expedient that • other Provisions should be made in lieu thereof:' Be it therefore enacted by The King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act, the said Act so passed in the Fifty seventh Year of His said late Majesty's Reign, and all and every the Clauses, Regulations and Provisions therein contained, shall be, and the same are hereby wholly repealed.

II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing Treasurer of of this Act, the Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy, and his Cashiers Navy authoror other Persons deputed by him, shall be, and they are hereby ized to receive respectively authorized to receive all Sums of Money that shall Money. or may be tendered to them on account of the Naval and Victualling Service, save and except such Sums as shall be issued from His Majesty's Exchequer, or paid by other Public Departments not being Naval Departments.

III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That all such Monies as shall be received at the Navy Pay Office in London under the Authority of this Act, shall be and the same are hereby required to be paid into the Bank of England on Two Days in each Week, to be appointed for the Payment of such Monies into the Bank, and that the same shall, when so paid in, be placed by the Cashiers of the Bank to the Account of the Treasurer of His S 2 Majesty's

Money re

ceived at the Navy Pay

Office to be paid into the


Commissioners of Navy and Victualling to empower Clerks

of Cheque, &c. to apply Money received for Old Stores, &c.

Commissioners of Navy resident at Dock Yards, yearly to take Account of Public Monies

in Hands of

Clerk to Treasurer, and to certify to Commissioners of Navy in London, who shall take an Ac. ·

count of Monies issued, &c.

Certificates of
Balances to be

sent to Audi

tors of Public


Majesty's Navy, under and subject to the like. Regulations and Restrictions as Monies issued from the Exchequer for the Service of the Navy are by Law now subject to.

IV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners of the Navy and Victualling respectively, to authorize and empower the Clerks of the Cheque and other Officers under their respective Controul, at the several Dock Yards and Victualling Yards and Stores, instead of remitting to the Bank of England as heretofore, pursuant to the said Act of the Fifty seventh Year of His late Majesty, the Sums of Money respectively received by them on account of old Stores, or on any other Public Service, to apply and dispose of, for the Public Use, all such Public Monies as are now in or may hereafter come to their Hands, in and towards the carrying on the Services of their respective Departments, under such Regulations, Orders and Directions as the said Commissioners of the Navy and Victualling shall respectively make and direct concerning the same; which Monies shall be charged against such Clerks of the Cheque and other Officers respectively by Imprest Bills assigned upon the Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy.

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V. And be it further enacted, That on the First Day of January, or (that Day being Sunday) on the following Day in every Year, the Commissioner of His Majesty's Navy resident at each of the Dock Yards or Out Ports at which there is a Clerk to the Treasurer of the Navy, shall and he is hereby required to inspect and take an Account of the Public Monies which shall remain in the Hands or Charge of such Clerk at the Close of the preceding Year, and shall certify the Amount thereof to the Commissioners of the Navy in London; and the Commissioner of the Navy in London, whose Duty it may be to controul the Payment of Seamen's Wages there, shall also and is hereby required, at the like Period, to inspect and take an Account of the Public Monies which have been issued to and shall actually remain chargeable to the several Cashiers for the Payment of Seamen's Wages, and of Allotments, and of Navy Bills, and of Victualling Bills respectively, and shall certify the Amount thereof to the Commissioners of the Navy, as far as respects the Balances due to them on account of the Navy Office, and to the Commissioners of Victualling, as far as respects the Balance due to them on account of the Victualling Office, in order to ascertain the Correctness of the said Balances by comparing them with the Certificates or Monthly Accounts for the current Month of January made up at the Navy Pay Office, and transmitted to the Navy and Victualling Offices respectively for Examination; and the said Commissioners respectively shall, within Three Months from the Commencement of each Year, make out and transmit Certificates of the Amount of the said Balances to the Auditors of Public Accounts, that it may be seen whether the same, together with the Balance in the Account of the Treasurer of the Navy at the Bank, shall correspond with the whole Balance charged to the said Treaasurer at the Close of the Account of the preceding Year.


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An Act to continue and amend certain Acts for preventing
Frauds and Depredations committed on Merchants, Ship
Owners and Underwriters, by Boatmen and others; and
also for remedying certain Defects relative to the Adjust-
ment of Salvage in England, under an Act made in the
Twelfth Year of Queen Anne.
[2d July 1821.]


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HEREAS by an Act passed in the Forty ninth Year of 49 G. 3. c. 122.
His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An

Act for preventing Frauds and Depredations on Merchants, Ship Owners and Underwriters, by Boatmen and others; and also for remedying certain Defects relative to the Adjustment of Salvage in England, under an Act made in the Twelfth Year of Queen Anne; which Act was to continue in force for Seven Years, and 'from thence to the End of the next Session of Parliament: And

Whereas by an Act passed in the Fifty third Year of His late 53 G. 3. c.87.

Pilots and

others taking up Anchors, Cables Materials, to reand other Ships? port to Deputy Vice Admiral, and deliver the

Majesty King George the Third, the said above recited Act (except so far as the same was altered and extended) was further 'continued in force for Seven Years from the passing of the said 'Act, and from thence to the End of the next Session of Parliament, and no longer: And Whereas it is fit and expedient that the said above recited Acts should be further continued, except so far as the same are altered by this Act:' Be it therefore enacted by The King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That all Pilots, Boatmen, Hovellers or other Persons, who shall take up any Anchors, Cables, Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Stores or Materials, or any Goods or Merchandize which may have been parted with, cut from or left by any Ship or Vessel within any Harbours, Rivers or Bays, or on any of the Coasts of this Kingdom, whether the same Ship or Vessel shall be or shall have been in Distress or otherwise, and which shall have been weighed, swept for or taken Possession of by any such Boat- same Articles man, Pilot, Hoveller or other Person, shall send a Report in Writing to be appointed of the Articles so found, and stating the Marks, if any, thereon, by this Act. and also an accurate and particular Description of the Bearings, Distances and Situations, and Time when and where the same were so found, to a Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent, at or near to the Port or Place where such Boatman, Pilot, Hoveller or other Person shall first arrive with such Articles, within Forty eight hours after his or their Arrival at such Port or Place, or before he or they shall leave the Port, if he or they shall quit it before that Time shall expire; and shall also, within such Period as aforesaid, deliver such Articles so found into a proper Warehouse or such other Place as the Vice Admiral of each County shall appoint for safe Custody, until the same shall be claimed by the Owner or Owners thereof, or his, her or their Agent òr Agents, and the Salvage, together with such other Charges and Salvage. Expences as are hereinafter directed to be paid in respect of such Articles, paid by him or them, or security given for the Pay

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S 3


in the Places

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such Articles
Forfeiture of
Salvage, and

Deputy Vice
Admiral to send
Report to
Trinity House.

ment thereof, to the Satisfaction of the Salvor or Salvors thereof; and every such Pilot, Boatman, Hoveller or other Person, who shall wilfully and fraudulently keep Possession of, or retain or conceal, or secrete any Anchors or Cables, Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Stores or Materials, or any Goods or Merchandize, or deface, take out or obliterate the Marks and Numbers thereon, or alter the same in any manner, with Intent thereby directly or indirectly to prevent the Discovery and Identification of such Articles so found, weighed, swept for or taken Possession of as aforesaid, and shall not report and deliver the same at some proper Warehouse or other Place in the manner aforesaid, and within the Time hereinbefore limited, shall forfeit all Claim to Salvage, and shall, on Conviction, be adjudged and deemed guilty of receiving Goods knowing them to have been stolen, and shall suffer the like Punishment as if the same had been stolen on Shore.

II. And be it further enacted, That every Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent, to whom any such Report shall be sent, shall within Two Days forward the same, or a true Copy thereof, to the Secretary of the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond in London, and the same shall be placed by the said Secretary in some conspicuous Situation, for the Inspection of all No Report sent Persons choosing to inspect and examine the same: Provided always, that no Report shall be forwarded by such Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent to the said Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond, until the Articles so to be deposited as aforesaid, for and in respect of which a Report is required to be made as hereinbefore is directed, shall amount in Value to the Sum of Twenty Pounds.

until Articles amount to 201.

Deputy Vice Admiral may seize Goods not reported and deposited, and make Report thereof to

Trinity House.


In what case

One Third of

Value of Goods
to Deputy
Vice Admiral.

III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent to seize and detain any such Articles as shall not have been reported in the manner hereinbefore directed; and upon such Seizure such Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent shall deposit the same in the Warehouse or other Place to be appointed as aforesaid, and shall within Two Days thereafter send a Report in Writing of the Articles as seized, and stating the Marks (if any) thereon, to the said Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond, as before directed, to be made public as aforesaid; and every such Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent, so seizing, who shall not make such Report as aforesaid within Two Days after Seizure as aforesaid, shall, on Conviction before any Justice of the Peace or Magistrate, upon the Oath of One credible Witness, or on the Confession of the Party offending, forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty Pounds for every such Neglect, together with Double the Value of the Goods so seized, One Half of which Penalty shall be paid to the Informer, and the other Half to the Poor of the Parish or Township where such Offence shall be committed; and every Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent, who shall make any such Seizure, without any previous Information being given to such Deputy Vice Admiral or his Agent, shall, on the same Articles being claimed by and delivered to the Owner thereof, or his or her Agent, be entitled to receive such Sum of Money as shall be equal to One Third Part of the Value thereof, after the Payment of the Duties, and any Charges incidental to the Recovery and Preservation of the same.

IV. Pro

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