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Aggregate Statement

Of the amounts which have accrued, during the year 1815, from the several internal duties, as well as those received, with the sums paid to the officers employed in the collection thereof.

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792 54 622 34 894 43.


Of the amount of duties which have accrued on various goods, wares and merchandise manufactured in the United States, from the 18th day of April, 1815, to the 22d of February, 1816, being the period during which those duties were in force.

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[Here follows an abstract of the official emoluments and expenditures of the collectors of internal duties and direct tax of the United States, from the 1st of January to the 31st of December, 1815, inclusive, conformably to the 11th section of the act of congress passed August 2d, 1813, which we think unnecessary to publish. In one case a clear balance in favor of the collector of $5,892 is shewn-in two cases, a balance of between 4 and 5,000; in four cases, of between 3 and 4,000; in five cases, of between 2 and 3,000; in twenty-seven cases, of between 1 and 2,000-all the rest under 1000, averaging less than $500 for each.]


Champlain and the Hudson.

The mountains in the vicinity of lakes George and Champlain, produce a variety of minerals, among We have already published many reports of the which are found, in inexhaustible quantities, the commissioners, &c. respecting the noble work of richest of iron ores. Several forges are in operaniting the great lakes of Erie, Huron, Michigan tion in the counties of Washington, Warren, Essex and Superior, &c. &c. with the Atlantic, by means and Clinton, the number of which may be indeof a canal from the first named to the Hudson, to finitely increased; and the iron which they produce the city of New York, and the ocean, but we do is very little, if at all, inferior in quality to the best not recollect to have seen and published any thing iron manufactured in the United States: nor can it respecting the "northern canal," so called, design-be doubted that, after the completion of the coned to unite lake Champlain and lake George with templated canals, the middle and western parts of the said river-an object of less ultimate import this state would be furnished with this necessary ance than the other, but easier accomplished and article on more advantageous terms than it can at of more immediate interest. The following, being present be procured.

a late report to the legislature, is very interesting. The inhabitants of a large tract of country on There seems to be no doubt of its practicability; both sides of lake Champlain, embracing a consid and as it is entirely within the present means of erable portion of the state of Vermont would find, the state and people of New-York, we hope to see by the northern canal, a permanent market in the it commenced at the earliest day possible. Suc-city of New York, or at intermediate places, for cess in it, would secure the speedy accomplish- their pot and pearl-ashes, and also for all their surment of the greater and more important work.

plus agricultural productions, from whence they would also be cheaply supplied with all the neces

Report of the board of commissioners on the northern, sary articles of foreign growth.

or Champlain canal

The iron of the northern part of this state, which The advantages which will result from the con- at present is unwrought in the mine, and the fine nexion of lake Erie with the navigable waters of marble of Vermont, which now lies useless in the the Hudson, by means of a canal, have been so fre- quarry, would be converted to useful and ornamental quently elucidated, and are indeed so obvious to purposes, in the west, in exchange for salt and every one who possesses a correct geographical gypsum; and thus the large sums which are annually knowledge of the west, that it has been deemed sent abroad for the purchase of iron, of salt, and of unnecessary to enumerate them. But presuming gypsum, would be retained among our citizens, and that the benefits to be derived from a similar com-added to the permanent wealth of the state. munication with lake Champlain, are not fully un- In short, the connexion of lake Champlain with the derstood or duly appreciated, the commissioners Hudson, by means of a canal, would greatly enhance ask the indulgence of briefly pointing out a few of the value of the northern lands; it would save vast the most prominent of these benefits. sums in the price of transportation; it would open

That part of this state which is contiguous to new and increasing sources of wealth; it would dilakes George and Champlain, abounds in wood, tim-vert from the province of Lower Canada, and turn ber, masts, spars, and lumber of all kinds, which, to the south, the profits of the trade of lake Chamtransported by the northern canal, would find a plain; and, by imparting activity and enterprise to profitable sale along the Hudson, and in the city agricultural, commercial, and mechanical pursuits, of New York, instead of being driven, as much of it would add to our industry and resources, and those articles have heretofore been, to a precarious thereby augment the substantial wealth and prosmarket, by a long and hazardous navigation to Que-perity of the state. bec. The examination and levels for this canal, have Some idea may be formed of the immense quanti been made, under the direction of the commissionty of lumber which would be conveyed on the con- ers, by col. Lewis Garin, and the line for the same templated canal, from the following statement, has been marked out upon the maps herewith premade on the best authority, and which embraces sented. There are two places of departure from only that small section of the northern part of this the Hudson, in order to connect that river with state, from whence the transportation is carried on lake Champlain, each of which affords a very favorto the city of New York, or to intermediate markets. able route, in point of soil, to be excavated, and of Within that tract of country, embracing the bor- materials for the artificial works. One of these ders of lake George, and the timber land north and routes, by commencing at the mouth of fort Edward west of the great falls in Luzerne, there are annually creek, and pursuing the valley of that creek to the made, and transported to the south, two millions summit level, and then following the ravine of of boards and plank; one million feet of square tim-Woodcreek, will reach Whitehall, in the distance of ber, consisting of oak, white and yellow pine, besides twenty-two miles. This route was formerly deemed dock logs, scantling, and other timber to a great most eligible by a board of commissioners, composed of general Schuyler, and others. It is, howA considerable portion of the northern part of ever, supposed, by the engineer, that the other this state is rough and mountainous, and, in a great route may be preferable, which commences about measure, unfit for agricultural improvements.-six miles further down the river, near the mouth These broken tracts are covered with native forests of Moses' kill, and of Dead-creek joined to a short which, by the contemplated canal, would furnish length of artificial canal, forms the summit level rast supplies of wood and lumber for many years; from whence it proceeds-partly by the natural and thus the great and increasing population which channel of Wood-creek, and partly by artificial cuts, occupies the margin of the Hudson, would be sup- which greatly shorten the distance to Whitehall. plied with boards, plank, timber, fencing materials, The length of this route is twenty-eight miles, and and even fuel, with less expence, than from any it passes over a soil which is, in general, remarkably other quarter; while, at the same time, the lands favorable, consisting principally of vegetable mould, to the north, considerable tracts of which belong to loam and clay. At the northern termination of the the people of this state, would be greatly increased canal, a few yards of limestone excavation will be in value. necessary; this however, is not deemed an unfavor


able circumstance, as the stone are of such a quality the dam last mentioned, it is proposed to cut awar as will be useful in the construction of locks, and tificial canal, to the village of Waterford, where it it may be remarked that the materials for the con- is to be connected with the Hudson. This canal struction of the locks, between lake Champlain and will be supplied with water from the river, at its the Hudson, can be procured with little difficulty. upper end. Its length will be nearly twelve miles, Between the Hudson and lake Champlain, nine and the whole descent is 76.464 feet; which will locks will be necessary, viz. three at the Hudson, require eight locks. The excavation of this canal, of 7,779 feet lift each, by which the summit level for some distance near the upper end, will be conwill be attained, and by a deep cutting, the greatest siderably expensive as it passes through a slate depth of which will be 12,465 feet, and the length rock, the middle and lower parts, however, are ve of which is about two miles; the summit level will ry favorable.


be extended fifteen miles, and will terminate about The expences from Stillwater to Waterford, may one mile south of fort Ann. At this place, two locks be estimated as follows:will be necessary, of 6,217 feet lift each. Between 76 feet lockage, at 1000 dolls. per foot, this point and Whitehall, two locks, the first of 12 miles of excavation and towing path, with 8.223 feet lift, and the next of 9,243 feet lift, are to bridges, culverts, and other necessary be made. At Whitehall, the canal is to be con- works, at an average of 30,000 dolls. per nected with lake Champlain, by two locks of 8,550 mile, feet lift each. About fifteen miles of this route will need no excavation, as the canal, for that dis- From Whitehall to the Hudson, tance, will occupy the natural channels of Moses' Dam, side cut, and other works, at fort Milkill, Dead-creek, and Wood-creek. In order to ler falls,

Recapitulation of Expences.

turn off, as much as possible, the superfluous waters Do. at Saratoga falls,





Add for contingencies, engineers, and su-

of freshets, and to ensure, at all times, a sufficiency To Stillwater, including dam, &c.
of water on the summit-level, it is proposed to erect From Stillwater to Waterford including
a dam across Half-way brook, of eighteen feet in
height, half a mile above the mouth of said brook,
and by a natural ravine leading to the south, to
direct so much of the water of said brook to the
summit-level, and from thence, by several waste,
wiers, into the Hudson, as may be necessary for the
convenience of the canal.






Whether the canal from lake Champlain, enters the Hudson at fort Edward creek, or at Moses' kill, The water, in the canal, is not to be less than is not very material in the estimate of expence; and thirty feet wide at the surface, twenty feet at the the commissioners wish to be explicitly understood, bottom and three feet deep; and the locks to be that they consider this question as still open, and as seventy-five feet long, and ten feet wide in the clear. one which will require mature deliberation. It is By the mode of calculation heretofore adopted ascertained that both routes are equally practica by the commissioners, the whole expence, between ble. Lake Champlain and the Hudson, at the mouth of The termination of the northern canal in the HudMoses' kill, will not exceed two hundred and fifty son, at Waterford, will afford the cities of Albany thousand dollars. and Troy, and the villages of Lansingburgh and From the mouth of Moses' kill it is proposed to Waterford, a full participation of its benefits; and improve the channel of the Hudson, for the purpose its approximation to the great western canal, will of navigation, as far south as the village of Stillwater, open the most beneficial channels of communication at the head of Stillwater falls. This may be effected between every great section of the country, and furin the following manner: By erecting a dam of three nish every facility for promoting the activity, and feet in height across the Hudson, at the head of enlarging the sphere of inland trade, which constifort Miller falls, the river above, as far as fort Ed- tutes one of the principal elements of national opu. ward, would at all times afford a sufficiency of wa-lence, prosperity and greatness. And before the ter for boats drawing three feet. To overcome the lapse of half a century, those who succeed us, will descent of fort Miller falls, a side cut or artificial witness, in the consolidation of those cities and vilcanal, of about one mile in length, and with two lages into one great city, a union of interests and locks of 10,321 feet lift each, will be necessary.- sympathies which will totally dissipate the appreThese works, including the dam, locks, excavation, hensions and jealousies that may now exist. towing path, and all other expenses, may be esti- All which is respectfully submitted. mated at fifty thousand dollars.


Two and a half miles below the south end of this canal, at the head of Saratoga falls, a dam three feet in height is to be made across the river, and a side cut round the falls, similar to the above, of Albany, 18th March, 1817. about one mile in length, with two locks of 8,198 feet lift each. It is believed, that all the artificial works, at this place, may be constructed for thirty five thousand dollars.

Battle of Tippecanoe.


Thirteen miles below this place, at the head of Messrs. Gales and Seaton, Stillwater falls, another dam of three feet in height, In Dr. Ramsay's history of the American revolu, will, in like manner, insure a good boat navigation tion continued by Dr. Smith, to the treaty of Ghent, up to the Saratoga falls. I find in pages 142, 3, and 4, of the 3d volume, an

The cost of this dam, the construction of a tow-account of the transactions which preceded the ing path, with several bridges, the purchase of battle of Tippecanoe, so essentially different from Schuyler's mill which it is supposed will be neces- the facts, particularly that part which states that sary, together with all the other expences of this general Harrison encamped his troops on ground section, are estimated at fifty thousand dollars. selected or pointed out by the Indians, that I am From the village of Stillwater, at a point above linduced, from regard to historic truth, and the

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