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Her domestic comforts are more within her own reach, than she is aware of; for, supposing the Husband's conduct not such as to secure them, her own impatient resistance can only serve to irritate him, and swell the sum of domestic misery; and supposing him, on the contrary, to be a man of good temper, and correct morals, the gentle and Christian conduct of the Wife must greatly add to their happiness, and rivet his affections.-Women have, in general, less merit in bearing the petty evils of life than men, and are apt to seek relief and redress in complaints. This habit is a never-failing poisoner of the sweets of domestic life.-Trifling vexations, unless there are obvious and easy means of removing them, must be carefully concealed: the Husband expects a cheerful countenance, an obliging manner; and

an apparent happiness and contentment in the state in which he has placed his companion; and if, from any unfortunate cause, she sours the comfort of his domestic life, her own will most assuredly be the sacrifice.

What then is the summary of the duties of a Christian Wife?

Constant subjection to her Husband, in every thing which is not inconsistent with her duty to her MAKER; the highest respect for his character and conduct, to the utmost extent she can preserve it; forbearance with his faults, follies, and failings; mildness and cheerfulness in her manners and conversation; and a minute attention to every article connected with his happiness, comfort, and interests; regular precepts and example, to train his children and servants in the paths of holiness, and daily prayers to

Heaven for his welfare, and grace to perform the duties of a good and Christian Wife.

Such a woman's prayers, united with her earnest endeavours, will undoubtedly find favour with THE ALMIGHTY, and He will dispense to her the best blessings of life, peace of mind, and an approving conscience; and any discouragements or trials which must arise occasionally from things human, will serve but to increase her virtue, and animate the only hope, on which the mortal eye can rest with any permanent satisfaction.




To the Husband though I address myself last, I would speak with still greater freedom and earnestness; for, from the habits of life into which men generally fall, and their deficiency in the religious duties of patience and forbearance, I believe domestic happiness is more frequently interrupted, than by any defect on the part of the Wife: and, though the duties incumbent on the Husband are of a different nature, they are not the less essential to domestic comfort and to future salvation.

And here I must again refer my read

ers to the exhortation at the end of the Marriage-Service, stating the duties of Husbands - these are extracted from the Scripture; and they enforce, first, the most tender love of the Wife, exemplified in the love of CHRIST for His 'Church, for which He sacrificed his life*, with the same degree of interest, anxiety, and affection, there specified; Men are commanded to love their Wives, even as their own bodies; for, the love of the Wife is considered as loving themselves, which every human being sufficiently does, taking care to nourish and cherish himself.-In the same degree, he is commanded to love and cherish his Wife: and, that she may be the principal object of his affection, he is.

Ephesians v. 25.


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