Abbildungen der Seite

interpofition of friendly offices and united efforts, fuch treaties, conventions, or regulations whatsoever, as may appear to be neceffary for completing the work of peace; all which he fhall fubfcribe and fign, and fhall alfo deliver fuch inftrument or inftruments, on his part, as may be proper and required of him for perfecting the bufinefs: promifing, on our Imperial, Royal, and Archducal word, that we will ratify, accept, and faithfully fulfil all fuch things as our faid Ambaffador fhall have concluded, promifed, and figned, by virtue of these prefents, and that we will order letters of ratification to be expedited at the time agreed upon. In witnefs, and for the greater validity whereof, we have figned this inftrument of full power with our hand, and have ordered it to be confirmed with our Imperial, Royal, and Archducal feal affixed thereto. Given in our city of Vienna, the fixteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand feven hundred and eighty-three, in the twentieth of our Roman-Germanic reign, and the third of our hereditary reign.


W. Kaunitz Rietberg,

By his Sacred Imperial and Royal Apoftolic Majefty's fpecial command.

Ant. Spielmann.

The Empress of Ruffia's Full Power.

BY the grace of God, we Catherine the Second, Emprefs and fole Monarch of all the Ruffias, of Mufcovy, Kiovia, Vlodomiria, Novogorod, Czarina of Cafan, Czarina of Aftracan, Czarina of Siberia, Lady of Plefcau, and Great Dutchefs of Smolensko; Dutchefs of Estonia, of Livonia, Carelia, Twer, Ingoria, Germia, ́ Viatkia, Bulgaria, and other countries; Lady and Great Dutchefs of Lower Novogorod, of Czernigovia, Refan, Roftow, Jaroflow, Belo-Oforia, Udoria, Obdoria, Condinia; Ruler of all the fide of the North; Lady

of Iveria; and Hereditary Princefs and Sovereign of the Czars of Cartalinia and Georgia, as also of Cabardinia, of the Princes of Circaffia, of Gorski, &c. Being intent, during all the course of the late war, which had extended over every part of the earth, to testify how much we had it at heart to fee the calamities thereof terminated, we were inclined, in conjunction with his Majesty the Emperor of the Romans, King of Hungary and Bohemia, to employ our good offices, in order to find means of conciliation proper for reestablishing peace and good understanding between the belligerent Powers. We have had the fatisfaction to obferve that our common endeavours were not fruitlefs; and the pacific fentiments with which the faid Powers were happily animated, having ripened and ftrengthened fo far that they proceeded to conclude preliminary articles, ferving as a bafis to the definitive treaties, they invited us, conjointly with his Majefty the Emperor of the Romans, King of Hungary and Bohemia, to carry our united mediation into full execution, and to interpofe our good offices in this falutary work, by concurring to confolidate and fully establish the peace, the foundations of which were laid by the aforefaid preliminary articles, and thus to accomplish the business of pacification fo happily begun. We, equally induced by the fentiments above expreffed, as by a juft acknowledgment of those which were manifested to us on the part of the faid Powers, did not hesitate, in concert with his Majefty the Emperor of the Romans, to confirm their expectation, and to charge ourself with the important employment which was tendered to us. For this end, we have made choice of, named, and deputed, and by these prefents do make choice of, name, and depute, our Minifters Plenipotentiary to his most Christian Majefty, our beloved and trusty Prince, Iwan Bariatinfkoy, Lieutenant General of our forces, Knight of the Order of St. Anne, and the Sieur Arcadius de Marcoff, our Counsellor of Chancery, giving them full power, in cur name, and on our behalf,


behalf, in quality of mediators, jointly with him or them who fhall be named for this purpofe, and likewife furnished with full powers, on the part of his Majesty the Emperor of the Romans, King of Hungary and Bohemia, co-mediator, as well as on the part of the other Powers interested therein, to act or interpose, and affift with our mediation and good offices in the arrangement and completion of all fuch treaties, con ventions, or other inftruments, as fhall be judged neceffary for the confolidation and entire confirmation of the work begun; and alfo to fign and deliver, on their part, fuch act or acts as may be required and deemed conducive to the attainment of that end: promifing, on our faith and Imperial word, to approve and faithfully perform every thing which fhall have been done, concluded, promifed, and figned, in virtue of the prefent full power, by the faid Prince Bariatinskoy and Sieur Marcoff, as alfo to cause our ratifications thereof to be expedited in the time agreed upon. In witness whereof, we have figned these prefents with our own hand, and have caufed the great feal of the empire to be fixed thereto. Given at our refidence of St. Petersburgh, the twelfth of March, in the year of grace one thousand feven hundred and eighty-three, and in the twenty-firft year of our reign. CATHERINE.

Count John d'Oftermann.

[The COMMERCIAL TREATY, 1786, is printed from the copy, which was published by authority, in 1786,] The Treaty of Navigation and Commerce between his Britannic Majefty and the most Chriftian King; Signed at Verfailles, the 26th of September, 1786. HIS Britannic Majefty, and his moft Chriftian Majefty, being equally animated with the defire L13


not only of confolidating the good harmony which actually fubfifts between them, but alfo of extending the happy effects thereof to their refpective fubjects, have thought that the most efficacious means for attaining thofe objects, conformably to the eighteenth article of the treaty of peace figned the 6th of September, 1783, would be to adopt a fyftem of commerce on the bafis of reciprocity and mutual convenience, which, by difcontinuing the prohibitions and prohibitory duties which have exifted for almost a century between the two nations, might procure the moft folid advantages on both fides to the national productions and industry, and put an end to contraband trade, no lefs injurious to the public revenue than to that lawful commerce which is alone entitled to protection. For this end, their faid Majefties have named for their Commiffaries and Plenipotentiaries, to wit, the King of Great Britain, William Eden, Efq; Privy Counsellor in Great Britain and Ireland, Member of the British Parliament, and his Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary to his most Christian Majefty; and the most Christian King, the Sieur Jofeph Mathias Gerard de Rayneval, Knight, Counsellor of State, Knight of the Royal Order of Charles III; who, after having exchanged their refpective full powers, have agreed upon the following articles.

I. It is agreed and concluded between the most Serene and most Potent King of Great Britain, and the moft Serene and moft Potent the moft Chriftian King, that there fhall be a reciprocal and entirely perfect liberty of navigation and commerce between the fubjects of each party, in all and every the kingdoms, ftates, provinces, and territories, fubject to their Majeities, in Europe, for all and fingular kinds of goods, in thofe places, upon the conditions, and in fuch man, ner and form as is settled and adjusted in the following articles,

II. For

II. For the future fecurity of commerce and friendship between the fubjects of their faid Majefties, and to the end that this good correfpondence may be preferved from all interruption and difturbance, it is concluded and agreed, that if at any time there fhould arife any misunderstanding, breach of friendship, or rupture, between the crowns of their Majefties, which God forbid! (which rupture fhall not be deemed to exift until the recalling or fending home of the refpective Ambaffadors and Minifters) the fubjects of each of the two parties, refiding in the dominions of the other, fhall have the privilege of remaining and continuing their trade therein, without any manner of difturbance, fo long as they behave peaceably, and commit no offence against the laws and ordinances: and in cafe their conduct fhould render them fufpected, and the refpec- tive governments fhould be obliged to order them to remove, the term of twelve months fhall be allowed them for that purpofe, in order that they may remove, with their effects and property, whether entrusted to individuals or to the State. At the fame time it is to be understood, that this favour is not to be extended to those who shall act contrary to the established laws.

III. It is likewife agreed and concluded, that the fubjects and inhabitants of the kingdoms, provinces, and dominions of their Majefties, fhall exercife no acts of hoftility or violence against each other, either by fea or by land, or in rivers, ftreams, ports, or havens, under any colour or pretence whatfoever; fo that the fubjects of either party fhall receive no patcnt, commiffion, or inftruction for arming and acting at sea as privateers, nor letters of reprifal, as they are called, from any Princes or States, enemies to the other party; nor by viriue or under colour of fuch patents, commiffions, or reprifals, fhall they difturb, infeft, or any way prejudice or damage the aforefaid fubjects and inhabitants of the King of Great Britain, or of the most Christian King; neither fhall they arm fhips in



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